The Secret of Asmaul Husna

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Arranged as an Assignment
on an English for Academic Purposes

Tyas Ayu Aryani


A. Preliminary
As a Muslim, believing in the pillars of faith is an obligation. The pillars of faith are 6
pillars of faith that must be possessed by a Muslim, one of them is believe in Allah SWT.
By believing in Allah, it means that we believe with a firm heart that there is a God and
believe in God with all His perfection. One of the practices we can do in relation to faith
in God is to know and believe the 20 attributes of God and His 99 Names.
Actually believe in His perfection we can find in daily life, like the wind that blows,
sturdy mountains stand, the sun, and many more. Even this world is evidence of His
perfection. Humans really need God. People should always beg and ask to God. Humans
are obliged to mention Asmaul Husna in their prayers.

B. Definition of Asmaul Husna

Asmaul husna are the best names based on the attributes of God. However, those
qualities are not the same as humans because God is different and not similar to humans.
Asmaul husna comes from two syllables that is Al-asma and Al-husna. Al-asma is the
plural of ismun meaning names, becomes from assumu which meaning highness or
assimah which mean sign. While Al-husna is a form of mashdar from the word Al-ahsan
which means good and al-husna is a form of muannas from the word ahsan which means
best. Asmaul Husna is a recitation of dhikr and du’a which is very special because it
contains many benefits. Many differences of opinion about the number of Asmaul
Husna. Since the past, the scholars have discussed and interpreted asmaul husna, some
people say that Asmaul Husna amount to 100, 200 even 1000 names. But according to
them, the most important thing is the essence of Allah which must be understood by
faithful people. Information about the amount of Asmaul Husna does not exist in the
Qur’an, but there are some Hadith that discuss about number of Asmaul Husna. For
example the Hadits are talled by Bukhari:

َ‫الجنَّة‬ َ ْ‫ َم ْن َأح‬،‫احدًا‬
َ ‫صاهَا َدخَ َل‬ ِ ‫ ِماَئةً ِإاَّل َو‬،‫ِإ َّن هَّلِل ِ تِ ْس َعةً َوتِس ِْعينَ ا ْس ًما‬

”Actually God has 99 names, a hundred and one short. Whoever memorized it, he will go
to heaven” (HR. Bukhari)
At first glance, we can conclude from the hadith is that Asmaul Husna numbered 99.
However, this does not mean limiting that Allah does not have any other names besides
those 99, the most important thing is how we understand the names of Allah and
confirms that whoever can memorize Asmaul Husna and practice Asmaul Husna dhikr
every day then Allah promises heaven to them.

In another hadith, Rasulullah SAW said in his prayer:

‫ َأ ِو ا ْستَْأثَرْ تَ بِ ِه‬،َ‫ َأوْ عَلَّ ْمتَهُ َأ َحدًا ِم ْن َخ ْلقِك‬،َ‫ َأوْ َأ ْنزَ ْلتَهُ فِي ِكتَابِك‬،َ‫ َس َّميْتَ بِ ِه نَ ْف َسك‬،َ‫ك بِ ُكلِّ اس ٍْم ه َُو لَك‬ َ ُ‫َأ ْسَأل‬
َ‫ب ِع ْندَك‬ ْ ْ
ِ ‫فِي ِعل ِم ال َغ ْي‬
” I ask you with all your names (that is) that you call yourself by that name, or that you
send down in your book, or that you teach one of your servants” (HR Ahmad)
This Hadith explains that there are names that are only known by Allah, some are
mentioned in the Qur'an and other books. This hadith reinforces the understanding that
the mention of the number 99 in a hadith is not a limitation on the number of names of

C. Virtue and Miracle of Asmaul Husna

In daily life, there are many things we get if we consistently practice the dhikr of
Asmaul Husna. There are two ways that we can do prayer using Asmaul Husna. First,
pray according to our conditions and needs. For example, we have a desire, then mention
the names of Allah in our dhikr and prayers, then God willing our wishes will come true.
Second, the consequences with the names of Allah are to apply the names of Allah in
daily life. All our behavior must reflect God's good names. As an example we mention
Ar-rahim, then we must love God's creatures so that we get His love.
In practice Asmaul Husna there are many benefits that we can get. By reading and
memorizing Asmaul Husna will provide calm and inner strength, we can also be aware
of the nature of the life we are living. With Asmaul Husna can also bring happiness in
life, the potential of the brain and intelligence IQ and EQ are increasingly honed when
reading Asmaul Husna continuously. Meanwhile, some of the benefits of practicing
Asmaul Husna are:
a. The fortune door is wide open,
b. More passion in living life,
c. The heart becomes calm,
d. Morals get better and faith gets stronger,
e. Anxiety, stress and despair disappear.
And there are many more benefits that we can get by practicing dhikr Asmaul Husna
in life.
D. Practicing Asmaul Husna
In this practice, the author does not include 99 Asmaul Husna due to various
1. Al-Karim (The Noblest, The Bountiful, The Generous)
Al-Karim means the Most Noble or Most Gracious. Allah Almighty is the most
perfect Essence with His glory. Allah is free from all negative things done by His
servants, because it will not affect or reduce His glory.
Practicing Al-Karim can be done with reading “Ya-Kariim” with a clean heart
301 times after praying continuously, then God will bestow His glory by avoiding all
that can endanger himself and meet all his needs both physically and spiritually.
Wirid Al-Karim can also help those who are in debt, so that God provides help in the
form of a way out for him to pay off his debts.
2. Al-Mu’min (The Guarantor, The Provider of Safety)
Al-Mu'min has the meaning of the Most Giving Security. Allah SWT is the only
Essence that gives a sense of security and with wirid Al-Mu'min we can ask to be
given protection and be avoided from all slander. As true Muslims we are required
to ask for security and protection only from Allah SWT.
If someone who believes reads "Yes Believers" 168 times after the Fardhu and
Sunnah prayers, then Allah will bestow self-confidence and the power of
maintaining the trust. This wirid can also be practiced for people who are facing
danger and asking for protection from God.
3. Al-Matin (The Strongest, The Firm, The Stadfast)
Al-Matin is an adjective taken from the word Matn which means sturdy and
strong. Al-Matin has the meaning of the Most Sturdy, Allah SWT is the One who
has perfect strength, no one can match it and there is nothing that can shake it, His
strength stands alone and does not depend on anything.
Al-Matin's recitation can be practiced after fard prayer or sunnah. Someone who
has faith and has a clean heart read wirid Al-matin 531 times by absorbing its
meaning and carried out continuously, then God will strengthen himself with various
advantages and maintain it from all the tyrannical. This wirid is also useful for
asking for God's help for the needy so that God is sufficient both materially,
mentally and spiritually.
E. Conclusion
Asmaul Husna are the best names based on the attributes of Allah which are not the
same as humans. As Muslims we are required to know and believe in the names of Allah.
Asmaul Husna also has many benefits in life if practiced as wirid everyday. There is no
one in vain from God, all of them have their respective benefits and have their respective

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