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Rigne Tadina Santos March 11, 2019

ICT 11-1 Ma’am Karissa Paula Ramos

Reading and Writing

Sword versus Gun

A “Sword” is a sharp and pointy object with many unique designs. Its main purpose is to carry out a battle in
short range. The killing blow can be directly connected to the full thrust, slash or chop of a person’s pairing movement.
The Sword is a symbol of nobleness and honor. Wielders who use swords are kept in the perception that those who are
in a sword fight are at close range, making all the knowledge and skill much necessary in the easy life-or-death battle.
The “Gun” is a mechanical device that works in a complex way. It also comes in with different unique designs.
Most of it is dedicated for rapid-firing and unprejudiced killing. However, some of it is strictly made for a one-shot,
long-distance, and anonymous kills. The main function of the gun is not from the direct kinetic energy from the wielder,
but from the mechanics warranted by the user.
In these modern days, guns are widely used as the main weapon for our defense. It is used for patrol,
operations, war, or even for crimes. Back before our time, whoever possesses a gun is feared for its power. Most
empires used firearms to take over a domain they wanted, enemies with lower grade weapons stands no chance
against this deadly weapon. However, ever since the gun was invented, a deadly weapon was also known for its
lethality when used in combat. Swords, often used by the crusaders or any army dating back 1600 B.C, swords are
meant for eliminating an enemy. Wars before the World Wars were fought by swords, exchanging massive bloodshed
and deaths everywhere.

In terms of usage, it is clear that guns are more complex and difficult to use. Firing a gun takes a lot of strength
in one’s user to do so. Not to mention the stability and precision of the gunman, and also, the courage and confidence
to operate such weapon. Unlike swords, it doesn’t require any complicated setups to use it. Yet it is also required that
one must have the strength to wield a sword. Guns are special weapons because they can fire bullets from point-blank
range to a long-ranged target, while swords cannot. However, several pros and cons are laid in these two weapons.
For guns, it is obvious that it is efficient for long-ranged attacks and has higher kill-rate than swords. This
weapon can also be equipped with gears to make the overall performance of the weapon much higher than the
expected result. One example of those gears is called “Silencer” or “Suppressor”. It diminishes the sound produced
when firing and completely hinders the flash from the gun’s muzzle. It is very essential when performing tactical
assaults, silent assassinations and stealth missions.
Swords can be a bit simple, although it requires special skills to maneuver this weaponry. Swords have the ability
to execute a mission with a hundred-percent rate of succession when the user has full control over the course. Unlike
guns, swords are only meant from point-blank range to close-range combat. It does have advantages as well as if it’s
against a gun, a sword can never run out of ammunition, though it can be dulled, decreasing the efficiency of the
weapon in the battle.
Depending on the situations, swords are at a disadvantage when against with a gun. The difference between
drawing a sword is too far when drawing a gun. A duel between sword and gun in a mid-range to long range can easily
be stated that the swordsman is going to lose. A gunman has more time to take aim and shoot while the swordsman
charges. However, in point-blank range to close-range combat, the swordsman can have total control over the battle,
because pointing the muzzle to an enemy in close-range is difficult, while the swordsman can easily hack the gunman
Guns have several of types, each depending on the mission requirements. The first one is called “Assault Rifles”.
Considered as the main weapon, Assault Rifles are used on all types of mission. It gives the full advantage from mid-
range to long range. Second on the list is called “SMG’s” or “Submachine Guns”. Used as a backup weapon after a
gunman depleted all ammunitions for the Assault Rifle. “Handguns” are last in line, considered as the last card after all
resources has been used. Some additional guns are “Sniper Rifles” for extreme one-shot and long distance execution,
“Shotguns” for a deadly point-blank gun combat and “Heavy-Machine Guns” for an all-out firing rage.
Swords in the other hand, has various types as well. Unlike guns, swords have class system that enables the
wielder to choose his or her combat style. “Katana” is a sword with a very high kill-rate. Originally from japan,
commonly used by Feudal Lords. The next one is called “Glaive”. A sword used by empires such as the Romans,
Crusaders, and older empires like the Spartans, Athenians, and many more. “Daggers” are commonly used before by
assassins. With the efficiency in weight and in appearance, assassins can easily take out targets. One of the famous one
is called “Rapier”. Used by nobles and challengers, Rapiers are used in both missions and in duels.
One thing in common that can be stated upon these two is that, they are made purposely to hurt or destroy.
This is why they are called, “Tools of Mass Destruction”.

The processes in which these two are used are very different from one another. One can easily say that battling
with a gun shows cowardly and ruthless attitudes, yet using it also states that it all take accuracy and precise skills to
make it function well. The Gun usually causes deaths from close distance to long distance in a single instance. The
sword in the other hand performs a noble symbol when battling. One does not turn and run, thus, diminishing the
cowardice and sneakiness in the battle. It shows extreme courage and determination to win fair and square using
swords. Swords and Guns have classifications, also there are instances between the two and lastly, the efficiency of
swords and guns are mostly at the same level.

All in all, through the observation and comparison between the two, we can state that guns and swords really
have no way of being at the same level. Because, even if the weapon itself is made for killing, one can’t be certain that
the weapon will surely drop the body. In other words, the weapon may lack something that is necessary to make it
more potent lethal and enough to kill someone. Although it is specified as a killing tool, a gun itself does not require any
necessary or incredible training to defeat an opponent. A simple trigger-pull while locked down on an enemy is sure to
hurt badly and may cause death to the victim. At the same time, the sword needs a wielder with exceptional skills to
control and maneuver the course of the battle. Only it requires the skill and abilities of the wielder to execute such
performance. Meaning, all the stats and efficiency of the weaponry would all go to waste if the wielder is untrained and
has no thought of the purpose of these weapons.
In the major conclusion, the main difference is on the process. It only takes for a gunman to fire the gun one
time to kill a man, taking a bit of time to execute the wanted result. And through the sword, it takes a long and
exhausting fight, yet leading into a potential wounding and coup de grace.

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