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Local Studies

Effects of Social Media to Students:

Using proportional random sampling, 86 researchers working at the University of the
Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) were chosen as respondents of a survey study that aimed to
determine scientists’ perceptions and use of social media for research. The study also
investigated the influence of several factors — age, awareness, Internet connectivity, research
style, and technology adoption behavior — on the scientists’ use of social media in research and
research–related activities. Results showed that age, connectivity, research style, and
technology adoption behavior did not influence the use of social media by UPLB scientists in
research. The study also found age to be correlated to factors such as connectivity, research
style and awareness of social media. On the other hand, the researcher’s connectivity and
broad discipline were found to be correlated to his or her awareness of social media tools. In
conclusion, awareness of social media tools roughly translated into actual use of social media in
research. In spite of this, a considerable gap exists between awareness and actual use of social
media in research by UPLB researchers. In terms of policy, it is suggested that the university
administration take a hard look at the benefits and tradeoffs of integrating the use
of social media in various aspects of instruction, research, and extension. A social media use
policy should be carefully crafted and appended to the University’s existing acceptable use
policy for Internet resources.
This study aimed to determine the effects of social media to the academic performance of the
criminology students. Specifically, it aims to determine the profile of the respondents according
to year level, age, sex, most visited social media, frequency of using social media, means of
accessing social media, and general weighted average; to determine the effects of social media
to academic performance of respondents; to determine the significant relationship between
the profile of respondents and the effects of social media to the academic performance; and to
propose intervention measures based on the results of the study.
This study used the descriptive type of research. Descriptive research also known as the
statistical research, describe data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon
being studied. Descriptive research answers the question who, what, when, where and how
(Shields et al., 2013). The data description in this kind of research is factual, accurate and
systematic. The description will use frequently averages and other statistical calculations.
The participants of the study were the Criminology students of LPU who are currently enrolled
for the school year 2014-2015. With a total population of 170 (excluding fourth year students),
a sample of 85 was included in the study. The participants were selected at random using
stratified proportional allocation.
The researchers used a self-made questionnaire as their primary instrument to gather
information and data. They also conduct some interview with the criminology students to
inquire about the topic information needed by the researchers to satisfy their objective
consisted of first hand sources in order for them to get accurate results. Part I of the
questionnaire contains the profile of the respondents according to year level, age, sex, most
visited social media, medium used, frequency of using social media, means of accessing the
social media and the general weighted average. Part II contains the items about the effects of
social media use to academic performance. The questionnaire was also validated by experts.
This study was conceptualized by the researchers through the help of their adviser. They went
to the library where books, internet, journals, published and unpublished thesis were used.
Then, the researchers make questionnaire supported by their literature and the respondents
were briefly oriented about the purposes of the study and distributed it to them. After
answering the questionnaire, it was retrieved for tallying and interpreting purposes.
Social media continues to be an integral part in the lives of Filipinos who have increased access
to the internet via mobile devices. And of course, we can say that we remain as the social
media capital of the world. Social media penetration up from 32% to 40%. (Social Media Stats
of the Philippines 2015 from With regards to medium utilized for social media
usage. Most of the students use cellular phones or CP in accessing social media with percentage
of 62% followed by PC/laptop with percentage of 26%. Lastly was the tablet with percentage of
12%. Most of the students use cellphone because it can be brought anywhere. They can acess
social media even without wifi because of network promo subscription on cellular phone. The
next shows the percentage distribution of the profile of the respondents according to frequency
of using social media. Most of the respondents use social media every break time in school with
percentage of 41% followed by 38% which they use social media whenever they have load. 10%
of the respondents stay always online and lastly, they use social media 24/7 with percentage of
8%. This table shows that most of the respondents use social media every break time in school
and they use their vacant time in using social media. According to Section 2 Article 14 of the
LPU Student Manual, use of electronic gadgets including but not limited to cellular phone,
walkman, digital camera, MP3, MP4 and PSP that disturb/disrupt on-going classes or the
operation and services of the INMC and other offices of this University.
Respondents also agreed that they find it easier to develop academic projects and assignments
due to the collaboration with others using social networking sites (3.04). The popularity of
social networking in the Philippines can be traced in the Filipinos' culture of "friends helping
friends. (Social Networking in the Philippines 2010). Schools and universities may promote the
academic usage of SNS by giving or submitting assignments through them instead of using
syllabus management systems such as Moodle (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010).
The respondents are mostly first year students, age of 17-18, male, commonly using Facebook
on their cellphone through WiFi connection and with a general weighted average of 2.26-2.00.
Saving a lot of time because of easy access and transfer of data due to collaboration with others
using social networking sites was the observed effects of social media to academic
performance. Effects of social media to academic performance is not affected by the
respondents‟ profile.

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