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2021-22 Semester B

GE2410 T15
Yeeun Min

Overall, How I learned my public speaking skills showed a comprehensive narration on my first
experience as a public speaker. The story was relatively easy to follow and showed awareness of the
prompt and audience. However, there are several points that could be worked on for further improvement.
Firstly, instead of focusing on the step-by-step procedure of what happened, I can expound on the internal
struggles that I have experienced to make the experience more vivid. For instance, when describing the
moment of presentation, I wrote, “I was able to deliver all the points that I have prepared from my
research, although I have made a few minor mistakes…” I can improve this statement by further
explaining the internal conflicts I have experienced during the delivery of the speech. Moving on to the
second point of consideration for improvement, after explaining the internal conflicts, I can explain how
these issues were solved in later speeches and how they helped me grow as a speaker. Moreover, these
internal struggles can be delivered in a more engaging way with the use of appropriate figurative

One general comment given by the professors that caught my attention is the advice given to the target
audience. To further improve my writing, I can try to give more concrete or solid advice to the audience.

Word count: 220

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