Position Paper-Assignments Should Be Banned By: SAA

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Giving of Homework should be banned in the regular classroom setting

Homework is defined as a task provided to students by their teachers that is to be

completed during non-school hours. It is one of the peculiar afflictions to which we can all
relate, whether on nights or weekends. Students are frequently assigned homework at schools
and colleges. They are occasionally given new and unknown tasks to complete. Although
homework is an inescapable part of life for everyone, many individuals are beginning to
believe that it may create more bother than it is worth. Giving of Homework should be
banned in the regular classroom setting, overburdening students' workloads may have
detrimental consequences in both their academic and personal lives. While the objective of
the assignment is to improve students' knowledge, it appears that pupils believe that this
homework will aid them in their academic careers.

Homework is a vital and time-consuming component of education. Each school day is

about a few hours long, which is insufficient time to cover all of the subjects that students are
required to learn. It is insignificant because it accounts for just 15% of the total grade,
whereas projects account for 40% and tests account for 25%.
Students receive assignments and homework at home; it is quickly completed by
students searching for solutions in textbooks or on the internet; it gives little educational
advantage if it is easily answered in textbooks and on the internet. According to
overinsider.com, one of the reasons assignments don't have educational value is that students
don't see the goal of the work; in reality, students mainly perform assignments for
compliance, and most assignments are never checked, thus students dismiss their assignments
as unimportant.
In the Philippines, students attend classes for 10 hours, which is sufficient time for
pupils to learn and study as compared to other countries with shorter class time. The school
should not offer students more schoolwork when they get home because they don't have time
for personal life, which adds to the students' stress. According to an article on
empoweringparents.com, homework always causes midnight conflicts between parents and
children. Thus, weekends must serve as a break and an exception in this scenario. According
to Mr. Toni Umali, Assistant Secretary of Education, students should not only learn at school,
but they should also understand the value of family bonding. According to teachtaught.com,
homework may be an intrusion into family life and may increase dropout rates in schools.

Homework can cause too much stress for students, resulting in lower grades and less
time for students to spend on their personal lives. The bottom line is that we do not train
robots, but rather humans. We should be able to fill our students' hearts as well as their
brains. Let us make learning simple and joyful, and let us not waste opportunities for students
to do wonderful things with their families. To summarize, homework does not work.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that it has no educational benefits and is the underlying
cause of conflicts between children.  Homework is more closely associated with punishment
than pleasure.  As a result, homework should be banned.

Name Elijah Maningo 12-Mendeleev

Android phones are better than Iphone

Phones are essential these days, students use it in their school, gamers use it for their
sport, and it even makes a life of a teacher easier, so is it really worth it buying a phone twice
the price of its own quality? When we're buying a phone we always have to think about the
rom, ram, processor, camera quality and most of all the price. Some phone are better than the
other will it be because of its gaming capability, its camera quality, or its ability to connect to
other devices without any hassle and those things can be found in an Android and with a
reasonable price. The aesthetic of a phone is also important cause its comfortable working
with a beautiful device that’s what the iphone has. Most Iphone user buy Iphones cause of its
aesthetics and of its quality, sure the camera quality is great but is it really worth the price?.

Iphones have recently gained popularity since its release, according to

smallbusiness.chron.com the iphone has gained a lot of attention in 2011 and more than 100
million units have been sold during those times. Most iphone user buy the latest Iphone
because of "Status" to flex that they can afford a phone with a high price tag and apple has
exploited that weakness that’s why apple became priceyer and it became more of a status
phone than a good phone. Android on the other hand has a lot of variety of phones gaming,
office works, school you name it and android has it. Androids are also have an open
ecosystem which means that it'll connect with other devices anytime, and not only that there
are also android phones that nearly or even better specs as an Iphone with a better camera,
take the latest Iphone 14 as an example, the latest iphone has a price range between
77,000php-109,000php(128gb-1TB) and its charger and headphones are not included in its
price tag, While its Android counterpart has a price range of 20,000php-90,000php its charger
and headphones are included , with nearly or even better specs as an Iphone 14 you can get
its android counterpart for a lower price tag.

Status and Aesthetic are cool but it’s also nice to remember to keep it practical.
Quality, Phone Ecosystems and Price are the things that you have to look out for and with the
Android you can have a variety of choices. So instead of going on a spending spree try to be
more practical and choose Android.

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