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Name: _________________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

Subject: HEALTH 9 Teacher: ____________________________ Score: _______________

Lesson : Quarter 3, Week 1, LAS 1

Activity Title : Conducting Primary and Secondary Survey of the Victim
Learning Target : Demonstrate the procedures in conducting primary and secondary survey of
the victim.
Reference(s) : Learner’s Material 9, p. 12-19, MELCs (H9IS-IIIb-37)
LAS Writer : Mary Ann S. Rivera

Two ways to conduct physical examination when giving first aid:

1. Primary Survey- It is used when a victim is unconscious and to find out and treat immediately life-
threatening conditions. It is usually done by checking the consciousness (ask the victim),check the
circulation of the victim, open the airway and check for breathing .
2. Secondary Survey- It is used when a victim is conscious or has revived. It aims to detect patient’s
condition. It includes history of the victim and checking of vital signs.

Things to remember in doing secondary survey:

1. Check the following in 2. Carefully check the 3. In conducting interview to

conducting Head-to-Toe following vital signs: the victim apply mnemonic
Examination: code SAMPLE PAIN to
perform the steps more
 D-eformity
 Eyes: dilated- easily.
 C-ontusions shock,constricted-stroke,
 S-ymptoms
or drug abuse;pupils are
 A-brasions
unequal-stroke or head  A-llergy
 P-unctures injuries
 M-edication
 B-urns  Nose-watery-fracture or
 P-ast medical history
skulls injury
 T-enderness
 L-ast oral intake
 Bluish skin color-lacking
 L-acerations of oxygen (cyanosis)  E-vents prior to the
 S-welling  Body temperature
 P-eriod of pain
 Blood pressure
 A-rea
 I-ntensity
 N-ullify

Direction: In a one sheet of paper, draw a picture portraying an emergency situation that may
happen in the road or at home and in doing primary and secondary survey in the victim.
Then, a short explanation about your drawing.


Correctness of the procedure (5 pts)

Creativity (3 pts)
Explanation (2pts) This space is
for the QR

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