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SSE 4306

Individual Assignment

Topic: Software Quality Fundamentals

A. Task 1
The Students Information System (e-SMP) is an essential online application system at UPM
and has been used by more than 20,000 UPM students. This application system is the major
university system that stores all UPM students’ information from registration to graduation.
From a user perspective, you need to perform an initial quality assessment task:
a. Choose six (6) sub-characteristics that this product should focus on (refer to Figure
1 and Figure 2).
b. Prioritize the chosen characteristics.
c. Give a detailed justification on why these sub-characteristics are chosen.
d. Evidence to support your justification (eg. Screenshot of error messages, usability
issues, or best practices). Please hide or do not show your private information (i.e.
IC number, address, etc.)

Provide your answers using the following table:

1 (sub)-Characteristics
Quality Capacity, Availability, Learnability, User Interface
Characteristics: Aesthetics, Operability, Modifiability.
Priority/Rank:  Capacity
 Availability
 Modifiability
 Operability
 Learnability
 User Interface Aesthetics
Justification:  Capacity: During Registration Period it is quite tough to
login due to the capacity.
 Availability: During Registration Period it is quite tough to
login due to the availability.
 Modifiability: Maybe it should be open to the user to
modify their details.
 Operability: Sometimes it is confusing to navigate
through the options.
 Learnability: Maybe there should be instruction or FAQ
where one can learn how to properly use it
 User Interface Aesthetics: It looks kind of dull and
generic maybe tweaking it up a bit would do the trick

Figure 1: ISO/IEC 25010 – Software Product Quality

Figure 2: A brief explanation of ISO/IEC 25010 – Software Product Quality

B. Task 2
Choose one (1) Malaysian government agency website/webpage/portal (you may refer to ). There are more than 60 government
agencies' websites in the country, hence, there should be no duplication on the website that
you can choose (both Group 2 and Group 3). Please indicate the government agency and the
website here:
From a user perspective, you need to perform an initial quality assessment task:
a. Choose four (4) sub-characteristics that this website/webpage/portal should focus
on (refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2).
b. Prioritize the chosen characteristics.
c. Give a detailed justification on why these sub-characteristics are chosen.
d. Evidence to support your justification (eg. Screenshot of error messages, usability
issues, or best practices). Please hide or do not show your private information (i.e.
IC number, address, etc.)

Provide your answers using the following table:

a. Government agency name: CHILDREN'S DENTAL CENTRE & DENTAL

b. URL: Sejarah Penubuhan (
c. Short description of the agency: “CHILDREN'S DENTAL CENTRE &
DENTAL TRAINING COLLEGE MALAYSIA” as per the name this is about a
dental training college and children’s dental center as well.
1 (sub)-Characteristics
Quality Availability, Functional Correctness, Functional
Characteristics: Completeness, User Interface Aesthetics
Priority/Rank:  Functional Appropriateness
 Functional Correctness
 Functional Completeness
 User Interface Aesthetics
Justification:  Functional Appropriateness: Sometimes the function
doesn’t do what it is supposed to do.
 Functional Correctness: The functions of this website
doesn’t show correct results sometimes
 Functional Completeness: Sometimes it doesn’t cover all
the specified tasks and objectives.
 User Interface Aesthetics: The site looks kind of dull and
generic maybe tweaking it up its component design and
colour would make it look more eye-catchy.
Evidence (Optional):

C. General Instruction
1. Font: Arial; Size: 11; Spacing: 1.15
2. The report should be between 3 – 10 pages. Tasks 1 and 2 should be combined
in one (1) report.
3. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
4. A penalty will be given for a late submission.
5. Send your report via Putrablast.
6. Due date: 6th November 2020 (before or at 11 p.m.)
7. Marks: 10%

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