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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 8

(Using the 7 E’s Approach)

I. Objectives

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the one-way flow

of energy and the cycling of materials in an ecosystem.

Performance Standard: The learners should be able to make a poster comparing

food choices based on the trophic levels.

Learning Competency: Suggest ways to minimize human impact on the environment


II. Subject Matter

Topic: Minimizing Human Impact on the Environment

References: Science Curriculum Guide p. 153, EASE Biology Module 19
Materials: video clips, pictures, activity cards, activity sheets, PowerPoint
Values Integration: Taking good care of the environment

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Let us stand for a short prayer.

2. Energizer

Good morning, students. Good morning, sir.

3. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absence in the class? None, sir.

4. Recalling the Classroom Rules

Before we begin, let us recall what to

do in our classroom.

Classroom Rules: The 5 P’s

1. Be prepared
2. Be positive
3. Be productive
4. Be respectful
5. Be participative

B. Elicit

(Show a list of pictures.)

Let’s have a short game. I will present some

Give the secret word for every picture presented.






(Show a picture of the Earth.)

Everything that surrounds us is part of the

environment. This includes living things like plants
and animals, beaches, and mountains, the
the air we breathe, the sunlight that provides warmth,
and the water that we use in our homes, schools,
and businesses.
However, the world we live in today is very
different. We are experiencing an increase in
temperature and the landscapes and seas change

What do you think is the main reason for this?

This is because of climate

Are there other answers? It’s because of global warming.

It’s because of human activities.
That’s right.

D. Explore

To understand our lesson, let’s have an

activity. I will group you into 4.

The classroom has four learning

areas. Each of them offers a different topic
that you will observe and examine. Write
your notes as you go on.

I will assign each group to a

designated learning area. After 3 minutes,
You will proceed to the next learning area
until you finish visiting all learning areas.

Before we do that, let us recall

the guidelines in doing an activity. What
Is the first step? Be cooperative.

That’s right. What else? Show respect to your

Don’t disturb other groups.
Follow directions correctly.

Let us start the activity.

(Designated learning areas for the groups:)

Group 1 – Area 1
Group 2 – Area 2
Group 3 – Area 3 (The students will do the
Group 4 – Area 4
Learning Area 1: The Earth Is Warming Up

1. Examine the picture.
2. What is the picture about?
3. Is Global warming real or not? Explain your
answer briefly.
4. Give 3 things that can contribute to
global warming.

Learning Area 2: What Happened to the Trees?

1. Examine the pictures. What do you think happened?
2. Cutting down trees to use the land for something else rather than a forest is called
deforestation. Give 3 reasons why people do this.
3. What will happen if we continue cutting down our trees?
4. What can we do to save the trees?

Learning Area 3: Where are the Animals?

1. Examine the pictures.
2. Global warming heavily affects the lives
of animals. Some species have a great decline in
population. Some are already endangered.
Cite one reason why animals are important.
3. Give 3 things that animals can provide.

Learning Area 4: What Can We Do?

1. Examine the pictures.
2. List down 5 ways to lessen our use of energy at home.

E. Explain

Let us examine and hear your

observations in the activity.

Each group shall have a designated

speaker to present what they’ve observed
in a learning area.
Each group will only present their
observations in the first learning area that (The students will present their work.)
they visited.
F. Elaborate

Based on the activity, is global

warming real or not? Global warming is real.

Global warming and climate

change refer to an increase in
average global temperatures. Natural
events and human activities are
believed to be contributing to an
increase in average global
temperatures. This is caused
primarily by increases in
“greenhouse” gases such as Carbon
Dioxide (CO2).

Human activities contribute a

great amount in the increase of greenhouse

In order to lessen our impact on the

environment, we can do several things.

We can save our trees through

reforestation and recycling paper.

Through this, we can also help our animals

to thrive and survive in their environments.

To understand our lesson further, let us have a

group activity.

Read the directions from the activity card. (The students will do the

Group 1:

Write a slogan about saving energy in our homes.

Group 2:

Draw 3 activities that show people taking good

care of the environment.

Group 3:
Make a short skit about a family saving energy and
taking good care of the environment.

5 points 3 points 2 points
The output followed The output followed
The output did not
THEME the directions the directions but
follow the directions
excellently. with minimal errors.
All members Most members Few members
COOPERATION cooperated to finish cooperated to finish cooperated to finish
the activity the activity the activity

G. Evaluation

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which action can have the greatest impact on reducing the threat of global warming?

a. composting c. reducing
b. recycling d. planting a tree

2. Why should we care about the rainforests?

a. They provide or nurture biodiversity.

b. They are sources of food and other resources.
c. They are a source for medicines and other chemicals.
d. All of the above.

3. How might products be designed so that they are more "environment-friendly"?

a. Less energy should be required for their use.

b. Less energy should be used in their manufacture.
c. Products should be designed to be recycled or reused.
d. All of the above make products more "environment-friendly".

4. Which of the following is not an effect of global warming?

a. extinction of animals
b. proliferation of trees
c. rise of sea level
d. melting of ice caps
5. Which of the following leaves less human impact in the environment?

a. deforestation
b. heavy smoke emissions from factories
c. using energy-saving appliances
d. burning garbages

H. Extend

Recreate the habitat of an endangered or extinct species in a medium of your

choice. Use one of the media listed below. Show the elements of the ecosystem that
human activities have affected and that are contributing to the decrease of species.

You can create one of the following (pictures from images) or a
drawing or a writing that uses vivid imagery.

Prepared by:

Teacher - II

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