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Exercise 1

Refer to the textbook page 101. Circle the correct answer.

1. Where is the boy?

A. At the field. B. At the hill. C. In the jungle.

2. Why is he in the tree?

A. He saw goats. B. He saw a lion. C. He saw a tiger.

3. How does he feel?

A. He feels scared. B. He feels happy. C. He is angry.

4. What is the lesson learned from this story?

A. Don’t tell lies. B. Don’t tell the truth. C. Don’t trust others.

5. In your opinion, what is the title of this story?

A. The Shepherd and the Goats
B. The Shepherd and the Lion

Exercise 2
Refer to the textbook page 103.

Write the correct words to complete the story.

laid sold didn’t wanted discovered
opened was weren’t became wait

Once, there (1) ________ a poor farmer. He (2) ___________ have any money and he was
hungry all the time. One day, he (3) __________ a special goose on his farm. The goose was fat
with a lot of white feathers. Every day it (4) _______ a golden egg. The egg was beautiful and
shiny, and the farmer was happy. He (5) _______ the eggs and (6) __________ rich. But he was
very greedy. He didn’t want to (7) ________ for just one egg each day. He (8) _________all the
golden eggs at once. The farmer (9) _______ the goose mouth and reached deep inside the goose to
find more eggs, but there (10) __________ any. After that, the goose never laid another golden egg.

Exercise 3
Read the definition. Write the correct letters to form a word.

1. It is a four-legged piece of furniture that has a flat top. It is used for d___
reading or writing.
2. It is a four-legged piece of furniture that is used for seating. c____

3. It is a small book that is used for taking down notes. n___ b___
4. It is used for keeping pencils, rulers, sharpeners, erasers and other p_____ c___
stationery items.
5. It has several pages, sewn or glued together. It contains information. b___
6. It is a model of Earth which has a circular shape and fixed on a g____
7. It can stick different objects together. g___

8. It is a long and thin stick. We use it for writing and drawing. p_____

9. It is used for sharpening pencils. s________

10. It is used for removing marks on papers r_____

11. It is used for measuring time. c____

12. It is used for storing and processing data and information. c_______

13. It has two blades and is used for cutting. s_______

14. It is a straight strip of wood or plastics. It is used for drawing r____
straight lines or measuring distance.
15. It is used for reading and writing. b___
Exercise 4
Rearrange the letters to form a word. Use the definition to help you.

1. You put food in this. hutom _____________

2. You listen with these. rase _____________
3. You chew with these. tehet _____________
4. You smell with this. eson _____________
5. When you have no hair on your head dabl _____________

Exercise 5
Read about Jack. Then, answer the questions below.

Jack Jones is really famous because he's a film star. The name of his seventh film is The Next
Zone. Jack is making it now. In this film, his body and face look very different. Jack is an alien!

Before filming, Jack puts on his green alien suit and then sits down in front of a big mirror.
Then Emily starts changing his face. First, she paints it green. Then someone paints black lines on
his face and changes the colour of his eyes. A third person, called Chris adds a moustache and beard
to Jack's face and a fourth person changes his short, straight brown hair to long, curly purple hair!

Then Jack can start filming. 'Your face looks really ugly and scary now!' everyone says. Jack
looks in the mirror again and laughs. 'Well, I think I look really cool!' he says, 'Thank you!'

Read the statements. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’.

One example has been given for you.

1. In Jack's new film, his face and body look very different. ___________ true

2. Jack sits down in front of a mirror in his green clothes. ___________

3. A woman makes Jack's face green. Her name is Chris. ___________
4. Another person paints beard and moustache on his face. ___________
5. Jack has to have short, curly and purple hair in this film. ___________
6. Everyone thinks Jack's face looks very fierce but funny. ___________

Exercise 6
Refer to the textbook page 105. Write the genre of the books below.
The Three Musketeers The Woman in Black I, Robot
In 1625, a poor but brave A young lawyer attends the In the future, most of the work
young man travels to Paris to funeral of Mrs Alice Drablow, is done by robots. Robots must
join the King’s guard. who lived alone in an old not hurt humans and they must
Together with his new friends house in the countryside. There obey orders from them. But
Arthos, Porthos and Aramis, he sees a young woman what happens when one robot
he has many exciting dressed all in black and begins doesn’t agree with these laws?
adventures along the way. to feel afraid.

________________ _______________ _______________

Exercise 7
Refer to the textbook page 108 – 109.

Who wrote these? Write the correct names.

1. There’s sugar in bread and soup. ____________

2. Consumers like things that taste sweet. ____________
3. You shouldn’t have more than six teaspoons of sugar a day. ____________
4. Media always try to scare us about food. ____________
5. Advertisers put so many pictures of delicious looking food. ____________
6. Burgers and chips are bad for us too. ____________
7. We don’t really know how much sugar are there in the food. ____________
8. I recommend you ‘Sugar smart’ app. ____________
9. I will tell my mom about the app too. ____________
10. The app helps us make the right choices. ____________

Exercise 8
Choose the best answer to complete the dialogues below.

1. Lisa: Have you completed your Science project?

Maria: ____________________. But I’ve got a problem.
A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I have.

2. Lisa: What’s wrong?

Maria: ___________________. I saved my project in it.
A. I’ve lost my book. B. I’ve lost my mobile phone C. I’ve lost my tablet.

3. Lisa: Oh, no! It must be somewhere.

Maria: I’ve looked all over the school. There’s _________ I haven’t checked!
A. everywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere

4. Lisa: ___________________________________
Maria: No one knows about it yet. Wait my phone’s ringing.
A. Have you told anyone else?
B. Have you told someone else?
C. Have you told everyone else?
5. Maria: Mary has found it.
Lisa: _______________________________.
A. I’m excited. B. I’ve already told you. C. That’s fantastic.

Exercise 9
Read the story below.

Yesterday morning when Sally woke up, she was happy. It was Sunday and she liked
Sundays. She went downstairs and her mother made some pancakes with honey for breakfast. The
weather wasn't very cold, but it was cloudy. Sally put on her jacket before she went outside. She
climbed on a rock and sat there looking at the countryside. 'Well, Sally, what would you like to do
today?' her mother asked. 'I want to go and see my friend Jane.' Sally said. 'Does she live near the
river?' her mother asked. 'That's right. You know her father. He works at the hospital,' Sally said.  
Sally phoned her friend, and her mother drove her to Jane's house.
When Sally arrived at the house, both girls decided to go fishing. The girls sat near the river
and started fishing. Then Jane shouted, 'I think I've got a fish!' She caught the fish and took it out of
the water. The fish jumped and then it was in Jane's curly brown hair! Sally laughed. 'Oh dear, now
you need to wash your hair,' The fish jumped out of her hair and landed back in the river. The girls
never caught any more fish. When they got back to the house. Jane's mother was making fish and
chips for lunch.

Write one word to complete the sentences about the story.

1. Sally was happy because she liked ______________
2. Sally ate some _________________________ for breakfast.
3. Sally wore her ____________ when she went outside.
4. Jane lives near the _______________.
5. Sally's mother knows Jane's father because he works at the _______________.
6. Sally’s mother _____________ her to Jane’s house.
7. Sally and her friend, Jane love ________________.
8. The fish jumped out of Jane's _________________ and back into the river.
9. Sally and Jane couldn’t ____________ any fish.
10. Jane's mother was making ______________when they arrived back.
Exercise 10
Match the main idea to its supporting statement.

I need exercise. It’s going to rain.

The singing competition will be on Friday. It will start at nine o’clock.

Look at the cloud. I’m going to walk to school today.

I’m going to practise singing after school
You should go to the competition early.

Exercise 11
Write one word to complete the sentences about the story.
Charlie likes to go for long walks. He often goes to the mountains or the
countryside near his home to take pictures of the plants and the animals that
he sees. He loves his camera because it was a birthday present from his
favourite uncle.

Last weekend, Charlie wanted to go to the forest to take some pictures of

birds and insects. In the afternoon, Charlie put his camera in his bag. He
took some cheese sandwiches for his lunch. Charlie walked in the forest
and looked at the trees. He saw a beautiful yellow bird. Carefully, Charlie
took his camera out of his bag and took a great picture.

Then Charlie came to a place in the forest that he didn't know. He was
afraid. 'Are there big bears, fierce leopards, or cunning wolves in the
forest?' he thought. Charlie listened. There was a waterfall near him. He
climbed a tree and looked around. He saw the waterfall and he smiled as he
knew where he was. He walked back to his house.
Write one word in the missing gaps.

1. When Charlie sees plants or , he takes pictures of them.

2. Charlie's uncle gave him a for his birthday.

3. Charlie wanted to take pictures of in the forest.

4. Charlie his lunch and his camera in his bag.

5. The beautiful bird which Charlie saw was

6. Charlie that there were bears in the forest.

7. From the tree, Charlie could see the .

8. Name three animals that Charlie is afraid of.

Exercise 12
Read the story. Write a word to complete the story.
Last year my family and I went to a hot and sunny country. Orange juice is my favourite drink and I
had to ask for it all the time because I was always (1) _______________ (thirsty/ hungry). I know
it's funny, but I like being hot because in my country it's (2) _________ (cold/hot) and it rains a
lot. One day, we went to visit the beach. It was very exciting because we went there on horses. My
father had a brown horse and I had a black one. We went along the road to the beach very (3)
____________ (fast/ slowly). When we got to the beach, there was nobody there. So, we rode the
horses (4) ______________ (slowly/ quickly) along the beach. The we stopped off at a restaurant to
eat. After that, we played volleyball with some friends on the beach. After the meal, we headed back
to the stable. It was the (5) ___________ (short/ long) ride, but my father and I enjoyed the whole
Exercise 13
Read about Josh’s school trip. Then, answer all the questions.

Last week, Josh went on a school trip to Gua Niah. It was famous because a long time ago people
lived in caves there. When Josh and his classmates arrived at their hotel, they found some pamphlets
about the caves. The next morning, they got up early to go and visit them.
When they went inside the first cave, Josh was unhappy because it was very dark inside. But after a
few minutes, he could see the old rock walls, but he was disappointed as there was not much to see.
Suddenly, Josh heard something above his head. He looked up and saw hundreds of bats. Josh's
teacher took a torch out of her backpack and pointed it at one of the walls. There were some
beautiful paintings of the people and animals that lived in the caves thousands of years ago. After
three hours in the cave, Josh, his teacher, and his friends headed back to the hotel to eat their lunch
and draw some pictures of the cave paintings.

1. Where did Josh go last week?

2. How did Josh feel when he first went into the cave?
3. What lived in the cave?
4. What did they see on the cave walls?
5. What did Josh and his friends do when they arrived at the hotel?
Exercise 14
Read the email and write the missing words. Write one word only.


had goes took ate skiing

Dear Kim,

How are you? I hope you’re having a great time.

I’m (1) ____________ holiday with my family in Switzerland. There’s a small lake near my
hotel. Near the lake, there is a mountain where a waterfall (1) ___________ onto it. It is really
beautiful. Yesterday, we went to the waterfall and I (2) _____________ some great photos of my
sister and me in front of it. In the evening, we (3) _____________ dinner at a lovely restaurant by
the lake. Tomorrow, we’re going to visit a famous castle on the top of a mountain and then we’re
going to go (4) _______________. I (5) ________ never done that before so I’m very excited!

I’ll show you the photos when we meet. Bye for now.

Much love

Exercise 15
Read the diary and write the missing words. Write one word in the missing space.

1 December 2022
We are having a great time on this holiday. Today we’ve been (1) ____________ visit the pyramids.
My teacher told me about them in our Geography (2) __________ and she showed us some pictures
of them, but in the pictures, they looked much smaller (3) ____________ they are. We went inside
one and I (4) ___________ lots of photos with my camera. We are going to go and see some camels
tomorrow. I am very excited (5) ___________ I have always wanted to ride one. Mum doesn’t want
to go near them. She says camels are usually not very friendly.

Exercise 16
Read the diary and write the missing words. Write only one word in the missing space.

My dad and I went fishing today.
It was great!
When my Dad was young, he often went fishing with his brother, my (1)   Bob. They both
loved fishing, so now I am going (2)   learn to fish too.
When we arrived at the lake, my dad hired a boat for the day. It was a small boat, but (3)   
wasn't much wind on the lake, so it wasn't dangerous. My dad told me all about how to fish and he
said 'Don't (4)   noisy on the lake.' I didn't catch any fish, but my dad caught two. We will
(5)   back again next week.

Exercise 17
Fill the gaps with one word.

It was the (1) _____________ day of the summer holidays, so Harry and Will decided to go
camping for the first (2) ________________. . They set off early in the (3) ___________
 to get to the campsite. (4) ______________, , it took a long time to get there. (5) _______________
they arrived at the campsite, Harry put up the tent, and Will cooked dinner. They
(6) _________________ to stay up until late, but they were so tired. They decided to go to
(7) _____________ so they could spend the whole day (8) ____________  the area.

Short Communicative Message


> other person’s email address
> my email address
Subject My birthday party!
> Summary of the email.
Opening 1. Write a greeting
Example: Hi John,
2. Ask a question or make a statement.
Example 1: How are you doing? (question)
Example 2: I hope you’re doing well. (statement)
3. Tell the person why you’re writing
Example: I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
Body 4. Tell the person what you want to say in one paragraph
Example: The party will be held at my house at 4.30 p.m.
If you’re free on that day, please join me and our friends.
Mike and Linda have confirmed coming to my party.
Closing 5. Finish up your email by wishing the person what you expect him/ her to do.
Example: I really hope you can come.
6. Close and sign your email.
Much love,

Sample of email (short)

Subject Invitation to my birthday party

Hi John,

How are you doing? I hope you’re doing well. I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
The party will be held at my house. It will start at 4.30 p.m. If you’re free on that day, please
join me and our friends. Mike and Linda have confirmed coming to my party too.
I really hope you can come.

Much love,
Sample email (longer)
Subject Book Fair at KT Mall!

Hi John,

I’m sorry it’s been so long since we last talked. I’ve been really busy recently. How are you
doing? I hope all is well with you. Are you free next Sunday? There will be a book fair at KT
Mall, so I’d like to go there with you.

I heard that 121 exhibitors will take part in the book fair. So, it’s an awesome opportunity
for us to buy books, magazines, and stationeries at affordable prices. Also, there will be many
activities every day until Friday. There will be a drawing competition and a meet-and-greet
session with incredibly popular book authors and novelists. I’m getting excited because some
local celebrities will come to the book fair too.

Let me know if you want me to pick you. I’m looking forward to hear from you.

Much love,

Exercise 18
Below is a message to Jane from her friend Becky. Write the short response.

From: Jane
Thanks for the invite to your party. Can you tell me how to get there? What time should I get there?
Do you want me to bring anything?

Hi Jane.
Great that you (1) _____________ coming to my party. It is easy to get there. It is at KFC
Restaurant (2) _____________ to the Amazing Cinema in town. You can't miss it. The party starts
(3) ______________ 4 o'clock, but if you get there a little earlier you can help me to
(4) _____________ up the decorations. You don't (5) ___________ to bring anything,

Exercise 19


“Be humble, be teachable and always keep learning.”

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