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Rationale and Review of Related Literature and Studies

Once a lesson is taught in a way students enjoy it through the techniques

and strategies that students want it the most, learning takes place. Teaching

lessons using the traditional method is one of the things that hinder students’

interest and participation. As an educator, the target of the education is to make

sure that students acquire the necessary competencies through active

participation during the teaching learning process, which is reflected in their

academic performance.

The number of competencies in the Grade 8 English Curriculum is vast.

Considering the number of activities and amount of time to teach the target

competencies in the curriculum guide, teacher must have a way in order to

maximize time in the teaching-learning process and assessment of learning in a

way that will be familiar to the students or in a way that will attract students’


The integration of technology and other modern gadgets in the education

is rampant and now common in the field of research. To name a few, it may be

understood as teachers’ computer use in classrooms, or how teachers use

technology to carry out familiar activities more effectively, or how teachers use

technology to develop students’ thinking skills (Hew and Brush, 2007). The use

of computer-mediated communication tools, for example, can help students from

various geographical locations ‘‘talk’’ to one another and experts conveniently. In

the study of Bransford, Brown, & Cocking (2000), they encapsulated that the

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

increased ability to communicate with experts enhances students’ learning

process. Selwyn (2007) validates those computers and other aspects of

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) allow children, students,

and young people a wide variety of activities and experiences that can support

learning, yet many of these transactions do not take place in traditional

educational settings.

Using the data of the school and the gap analysis, the researcher

therefore found out a number of recurring problems that needed to be addressed

to make sure that quality education is being provided to the students of Masantol

High School. Based from the data, total average MPS of the English Department

sis 58.49 and is far from the target of the Division of Pampanga, and the entire

Department of Education. It shows that the target competencies in the

curriculum grade are not being fully attained by the students.

In terms of the teachers, there is only teacher is not enrolled in post

graduate schooling. It shows that teachers are eager to improve their knowledge

in teaching and in education. As reflected in the submitted lesson plans, 25 % of

the teachers do not cover the entire course outline. In terms of the integration of

ICT, teachers use computer aided instruction, however, it is limited to powerpoint

presentation, an video presentation during the teaching-learning process.

In terms of teaching strategies, the traditional way of teaching still exists.

Lack of learners’ materials for Grade 8 students still exists as the books are not

(yet) delivered to the school. Even though teachers, improvised and construct

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

teaching materials for delivery of lessons, still it is not enough to ensure that

academic performance of students will definitely increase and achieve the target

of the Division of Pampanga.

Based on the problem specified, the lack of learners’ materials and

students’ engagement during the teaching learning process are the priority

problems that needed to be solved in order to increase the academic

performance of Grade 8 students in English. In line with this, the researcher

aims to address the lack of learners’ materials to maximize time for teaching,

and to improve the engagement of students in teaching-learning process in a

way which is very familiar with them, which is the use of Facebook and Quipper

School. To address the difficulty faced by the teachers and students, Educators

thought of using innovative way with the aid of technology in teaching through

the use of Quipper School Philippines to make every student learn and meet the

skills and competencies before going to the next quarter or next grade level.

Instructional resources which are educational inputs are of vital

importance to the teaching of any subject in the school curriculum (Likoko,

Mutsotso, and Nasongo, 2013). And the existence of inadequacy is a must to be

addressed by the school and by teachers. Improvisation of instructional

materials which is available in the local of the school is one important

consideration in the construction of improvised instructional materials. The

needs of alternative tool in teaching and learning come in to enhance the ability

of students in academics (Saadiyah Darus, 2009.)

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic


In terms of the existence of technology, the most common social media

website nowadays is the Facebook. Anyone can sign up for an account.

Nowadays, students are connected with their friends, relatives, and teachers

through Facebook. Sometimes, Facebook is being used for posting of

announcements and submission of projects and outputs of students. However,

the use of Facebook is not only limited to announcement and submission. As

mentioned by Miron and Ravid (2015),t he familiarity of the Facebook platform

and its very frequent use by students makes it an appealing candidate for

various learning enhancing applications It is linked to other websites and

educational portal including Quipper School.

A social networking service is an online platform or medium used to

establish social networks or social relations among individuals who share

interests and activities, and most social networking services allow users to share

their opinions, interests, activities and events within their individual networks

(Ping, and Maniam, 2015). Facebook is a social networking platform. It is not

initially designed for educational purposes. However, it has great potential for

teaching and learning because of its unique features and affordances (Wang,

Woo, Quek, and Yang, 2010).

The access to technology is everywhere. It can be on a desktop, laptop,

or even cellphone can now access Quipper School through Facebook.

Considering also the factor that free data service is being offered by some data

service providers. Browers-Campbell (2008) argues that the use of Facebook

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

may be helpful in improving low self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. Senges

(2008) discovers that by using Facebook students have more chances to find

experts or fellow students to discuss and investigate a subject.

The use of Quipper School aims to revolutionise the way people learn and

share knowledge, by leveraging the mobile internet (Morron, 2015). Additionally,

Francisco (2014) suggested that teachers should use Quipper School to vary

their instructional strategies. Students learn in different ways and Quipper

School offers a fun way of online learning. All the paper work is lessened

through electronic grading and you can create a class and assignments in a

flash! This will definitely save time and effort on the part of the teacher and the

students. Furthermore, the use of Quipper School is free. It is one interactive

way of e-learning.

Considering the possibility of the access to Quipper School through

Facebook is a priority. According to the NSBC (2007) survey, 96% of the

students with online access reported using social networking technologies, and

on average they spent 9 hours per week chatting, blogging, and visiting online

communities. The study proves that the access to Facebook of the students is


The researcher aims to find out the effectiveness of Quipper School in the

Academic Performance of Grade 8 Students in English, and Measuring Its


Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

Conceptual Framework

The study will be anchored on cognitive learning theory. In which an

individual learns through thinking. It can be explained through analyzing the

mental processes of an individual.

The use of Quipper School through Facebook will be the independent

variable of the study. While the academic performance of students in Grade 8

English is the dependent variable.

The study aims to find out the effectiveness of the Quipper School in the

academic performance of Grade 8 students in English.

Figure shows the Paradigm of the study.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Quipper School Students’ Academic

Performance in English 8

Statement of the Problem

This School Year 2016-2017, the lack of learner’s materials for Grade 8

students still exists in Masantol High School. The teacher and the students will

still need to face this inadequacy of learner’s materials, which will definitely

hinders students’ academic performance. In line with this, the researchers aims

to use Quipper School through Facebook as an innovation in order to address

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic


the time constraint in teaching and lack of learner’s materials. The effectiveness

of the use of Quipper school will be measured at the end of the second quarter

for School Year 2016-2017.

This study aims to find out the effectiveness of Quipper in the academic

performance of Grade 8 students in English.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of academic performance of the control and

experimental group is as reflected in their pretest?

2. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of

the control and experimental group in their pretest?

3. What is the level of academic performance of control group and

experimental group as reflected in their posttest?

4. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of

the control and experimental group in their posttest?

5. How may the students’ assess the feasibility of using Quipper School

in terms of:

5.1. access,

5.2. cost, and

5.3. time to use?

6. Based on the findings, what may be suggested?

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic


Null Hypothesis:

There is no significant difference between the academic performance of

the control and experimental group in their posttest after using Quipper School.

Significance of the Study

This action research seeks to determine the effectiveness of Quipper School

in the academic performance of Grade 8 students in English.The following will

benefit from this study:

English Teachers: They will be made of various ways on how to integrate

technology and Facebook in teaching-learning process. Furthermore, the

application of Quipper School will save them time in checking the outputs or


Students: They will be the primary beneficiaries of the study as they will enjoy

the lessons through a way in which very familiar with them-Facebook.

Additionally, the integration of ICT will pave way in improving their academic


School Heads and Administrators. They may adapt the findings to come up

with interventions in integrating Quipper School. The school may also have its

own quipper school portal for the other subjects.

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

Researchers: The findings will serve as basis for future studies, and the

output will be added in the body of literature for ICT integration, use of

Facebook, and use of Quipper School.

Type of Research

In order to come up with a comprehensive study, the researcher will adopt

descriptive and quasi-experimental design. The researcher will use two groups

of students for the study: the control and the experimental group.

Quasi-experimental design involves the creation of a comparison group

are most often used when it is not possible to randomize individuals or groups to

treatment and control groups. It is used to test effectiveness or impact

evaluation. Salaria (2012) defined descriptive method as a purposive process of

gathering, analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions,

practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and then making an adequate and precise

interpretation about gathered data.

Respondents and Sampling Method

The researcher and the school administrators collected the School Form

5 and checked the general average of each student. Students were grouped

heterogeneously to make sure that students who are high performing, average

performing, and low performing are equally distributed in each section. This will

ensure that no section is better than the other one.

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

As part of the study, the researcher will use control and experimental

group. Distribution of the students is presented on Table 1.

Table 1. Participants of the study

19 21 40 20 21 41


The researcher will read various literature and studies related to Quipper

School, Facebook, and students’ academic performance. After reading the

literature, the researcher will open a Quipper School Account for the

experimental group in order to conduct the experiment. This will become the

main strategy of the researcher in order to improve the academic performance of

experimental group.

At the start of the second grading period, the control and experimental

group will take a standardized test which will serve as their pretest. As

scheduled in DepEd Calendar, the control and experimental group will have their

periodic test on October which will be their posttest.

Data collection Procedure and Ethical Consideration

The scores in the pretest of the control and experimental group will be

collected and will be treated using mean in order to answer the problem

statement number one.

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

In order to check the comparability of the two groups, independent t-test

will be used on their scores to answer the problem statement number two.

The experimental group will undergo lessons using the Quipper School,

while the control group will be exposed to normal way of teaching-learning

process as prescribed in the learner’s materials.

After nine nine weeks of exposure to normal way of teaching for the

control group and Quipper School for the experimental group, the students will

be required to take the second periodic exam which will serve as their post-test

to answer problem statement number three.

Result of the posttest will be treated using independent t-test in order to

check the difference between the performance of the control and experimental

group. This will also show the effectiveness of the Quipper School in the

academic performance of Grade 8 students in English.

After the exposure to Quipper School, the researcher will gather students’

perception on the feasibility of using Quipper School in terms of access, cost,

and time to use. The researcher will apply the weighted mean to answer problem

number five.


Bowers-Campbell, J. (2008). Cyber "Pokes": motivational antidote for

developmental college readers. Journal of College Reading and Learning,

Francisco, R. (2014). Quipper School’s Adaptive Teaching Raises NAT Scores

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

by 13% by Roderick Francisco. Retrieved from

Hew, K. F. & Brush, T. (2007). “Integrating technology into K-12 teaching

and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future
research.” Education Technology Research Development, 55, 223-252.

Likoko, S., Mutsotso, S. and Nasongo, J. (2013). The Adequacy of Instructional

Materials and Physical Facilities and their Effects on Quality of Teacher
Preparation in Emerging Private PrimaryTeacher Training Colleges in
Bungoma County, Kenya

Miron,E., and Ravid, G. (2015). Facebook Groups as an Academic Teaching Aid:

Case Study and Recommendations for Educators

Morron, A. (2015). The Effect of Quipper School on the Performance of Grade 7

Students of Bacoor National High School – Gawaran in Teaching

NSBC (2007). Creating & connecting research and guidelines on online social-
and educational-networking.

Ping, N. Maniam, N. (2015). The Effectiveness of Facebook Group Discussions

on Writing Performance: A Study in Matriculation College. International
Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol.4, No.1

Saadiyah Darus (2009). The Current Situation and Issues of the Teaching of
English in Malaysia. Presented at International Symposium of the
Graduate School of Language Education and Information Sciences.

Salaria, N. (2012). Meaning of the Term- Descriptive Survey Research

Method.International Journal of Transformations in Business

Senges, M. (2008). Facebook for teaching and learning.

Selwyn, N. (2007). Web 2.0 Applications as Alternative Environments For

Informal Learning - A Critical Review. OCEDKERIS International
expert meeting on ICT and educational performance. Cheju Island,
South Korea: Organization for Economic Co-Operation and

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic


Wang, Q., Woo, H., Quek, C., and Yang, Y. (2010). Use of Facebook for
Teaching and Learning: A Review of the Research.

Quipper School: Measuring Its Effectiveness in Students’ Academic

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