G5U2 世界如何运作(科技的发展影响人们的生活)Technology Development Has an Impact on People's Lives.

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G5U2 HAO (TE(E CRUE Re ReO TE people's lives. ) Technology development has an impact on of tear EE nk voleeniz Hee 836i, October aa © Units of Inquiry Ze 447E & &F}£aTransdisciplinary Theme te yBORMETE ASSO LAUSD ERATE A BERL A STIR « © Central idea P28 Aine A Sete « Technology development has an impact on people's lives. ines of Inquiry #EAL% ~ 1. PUERE3REE The evolution of technology. - 2. S01 4780 Effective use of various scientific innovations. + 8.R}4E01 A 126179822 The impact of technology on people's lives. Learning Goals #045 fi Q Scope & Sequence UH SMF 1 HUE IIR SAF ALO ee SEU ROR 2+ SUPE» NOEL + CONTI ACRE 9+ MRT HEM + A GS» POS ELAR SRR/MREG HPL FR ~ SPAZ ADL ~ ERE» STROH ERR + 1. TRRBIDURIRSE TL» Sh + EAR + FE ELEE RL RHR SEAR zen MESES GSTAEA « Understand that letters can be used to represent numbers, relationships, and laws, and that the numbers represented by letters in specifc situations must conform to the actual situation. 2. SUES SCHOTT ARIE FOL » GRASS EET ZTE + #4ERA NDERICYTTFE « Know the connection and difference between equations and equations, will ist equations according to the meaning of the topic, and try to salve simple ‘equations. 5. BESSA EERT » 3PORFTISESCHO EIKO #2 » RUSE/TI(CELt KEARIAEDAFoL » Feel the nature of the equation, and use the nature of the equation to solve the equation, feel the idea of using algebra to solve the problem. BE: 1 EEA Ie SOE LIEaP LATS. Ability to observe and record the information about the length of the burning incense. FOE SSS PATEL SLATE Can identify and contol the variable factors in the experiment. S.A FOR Pete oPUS EM B-WBLEAR Can predict and test how to change a variable factor to affect the results of the experiment. PELE RIE SoTL EAN OTACHE + SeSSReE SLAY Can explain the resuits and summarize how the variable factors change and affect the results of the experiment. S.A S ICT: + H+ Will use charts, ete, to record, organize, and exchange information. G.AiLit + HMileRiciilb-k - FEBASEATESF=1s Wil design, produce and improve simple timers such as water clocks and pendulum clocks. 7. 28a FUT TCA-EMORACEIE S 9 (& 6 Able to obtain more information by reading and researching scientific materials. tee Basically knowing relationship among science and technology, production, life and social development; understanding its ‘superiority benefiting human beings; advocating science and resisting superstition (late stage) BET REREHOR'S MIDE » ASAE URAISE > DARED SSS ERIS» BENE « RR 1. TAPEETHRME S952: » Understand the cultural background related to each lesson. 2 sila GRAS ERAILITTIOR IES » (ESAS GNIAR JLT GB APRTPRR « To draw or produce art works related to the subject of the course, the works need reasonable color matching and aesthetic point, line and surface ‘composition. 8.4 SBM + SGEGIOR AHA SLAIN + When making works, choose a variety of art materials and use them reasonably. Ri: Conceptual understandings : 1.Listeners identify key ideas in spoken language and synthesize them to create their own understanding. 2. Individuals respond differently to visual texts, according to their previous experiences, preferences and perspectives. 8.Synthesizing information from visual texts is dependent upon personal interpretation and leads to new understanding. Learning Outcom 1. Students can understand simple questions and instructions. 2. Students can identity factors that influence personal reactions to visual texts; design visual texts with intention of influencing the way people think and feel. 3, Students can identify elements and techniques that make advertisements, logos and symbols effective and draw on this knowledge to create their own visual effects © Key and Related Concepts Hh RM RRS & Key Concepts Key Concepts -pnaRERIIE Aa BRERA? BURGE PLS ATTN ROTC + PRATER TI AST « Dome, oe EER? PEL HM HAR Se) — RADAR + iL wi TET EL OTE « itt & ame? SEN ee ML TAY + OAL SBT SRE + ROMPRES: WLR + me TIC Mik «ERE EH + & Developing IB Learners IB *#3) S985 ti fy Leamer Profile #2] 244E oO airers RBA Dy row ecseane sists iL sated viene # ATL Skills « Approaches to Learning “#51534 ® Communication Skills ZiehHe ~ Exchanging information - Listening, interpreting and speaking 48/88. + $5» BER ~ itis Listening ly Listen to, and follow the information and directions of others. (fist » 3:HE=S Avfene.fadtim « Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas. FuNRATOT BL AHI TRAIN: « Listen actively and respectfully while others speak. $i iidnt BUM AReRE ADI « ‘Speaking itis ‘Speak and express ideas clearly and logically in small and large groups. sib eSBMRt | waHO Ace AO SKE Give and receive meaningful feedback and feedforward. 2(i: A241 Leu(s SLU AUHOI © State opinions cleariy, logically and respectfully. ah Aen Ay RSUAR LOL « Discuss and negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers. "Isl: 17 iii 8:2: 40%! « ‘Communicate with peers, experts and members of the learning community using a variety of digital environments and media. f/f RSI A SERIES - AIFS] FELEHR ALATA + ~ Literacy - Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information if 7-—(aUe + SAI (UF ‘ase SET « Reading jit Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure. FRU =LAUMNE > (IRS AIRENH © Read critically and for comprehension. ft thal eR": « Make inferences and draw conclusions. frUiifeiS3e(Wileiid = Writing Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences. fii F/=lty viv (rast Wet Paraphrase accurately and concisely. £3i)f HE RALCaE « Use a variety of scaffolding for writing tasks. sent Want FIVE ge MBN « Organize information logically. #2201560 551(6 8. = Make summary notes. "724 Eid « ~ ICT - Communicating using technology to gather, investigate and share information (21 @.5iN ik FURIE Se ERS HRT Understand the impact of media representations and modes of presentation. “TAFé Fisk 58 FrxticRowRD ef BORA + (Canes oer ete ea RG Re Ur WO Fone i SNR, OE SOIR RNGRATENERY SIPS ALTAIR « @ sociat skins 132F08 + Interpersonal relationships, social and emotional intelligence - developing positive interpersonal relationships and collaboration Ajit: - tk TRIE ET ARERR. Instat Interpersonal relationships AInS%s Make fair and equitable decisions. ftt\SIE U2 PRAIRIE Practise empathy and care for others. 5:21 DANS OIA © Listen closely to others’ perspectives and to instructions. {FI} AALS Halter: = Be respectul to others. uit \ Learn cooperatively in a group: being courteous, sharing, taking turns. Ze) )spaR HME « Social and Emotional inteligence #2 288 Manage anger and resolve conflict Hh st8AI(LAB7% « Thinking Skills heh ~ Critical thinking - Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas, and forming decisions. y4rRuiF Ure BYTAIGADIELA «9 FONERIE Analysing £3 Observe carefully in order to recognize problems. 7) 7 #3 FAME « ‘Take knowledge or ideas apart by separating them into component parts. it‘ jl vaRiEseOML AREAS 3 ETT + Evaluating iF ‘Organize relevant information to formulate an argument. st fs DLR ME. + Evaluate evidence and arguments, and associated decisions. iF{frilsiiR0ie t+ DURARSRURRE + Consider ideas from muitiple perspectives. \\ MHF WIBIENE - Forming Decisions inti Draw conclusions and generalizations (iH sAiG RII « ~ Creative Thinking - Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives és)": FSA ARALA + Generating novel ideas i: F852 Use discussions and diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries. f/f i AILS: ite RHEE « Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or ideas. Z=PysbAU/sRiiA 7 Wise MEU RSID RRS AE « Design improvements to existing products, processes, media and technologies. FT/S » TE + HRT BORGIR + Considering new perspectives #8 ‘Ask “what i questions and generate testable hypotheses. (i)"s02. B JERI » sera OTHER Apply existing knowledge to design new products processes, media and technologies. S/H RAT HIIRLI HET 8h LA + BRIER + ~ Reflection and Metacognition - Using thinking skills to reflect on the process of learning JZ84°57Ci), 1 MAME HERESY B+ Identify strengths and areas for improvement. i HUES FORE MEIGH fk « Record thinking and reflection processes. ii !*PRIN EAR? « Reflect on their learning by asking questions. if KIMCRAI CHA: SRRERIT AA? REIN 12,2 SOLE LIAG? REBAAUEL 2 F—WAEREEZ, 2 BATE 2, IAEA ETS SI 2m REA REMOREDSE? RE— MEIN «SRR See 7 (Blin Se (ORE SLATER mH) + & Action (Fa) \- Student-initiated Action 83#422tBnI¢Tzh PIT TT —HeappRA REESE NOT LRT RARE CR RSL» CHAR IE MIE M1 RRR » HSE T RGRAY RIRISTYRAIEELEK + After learning about some apps and websites related to technology news, students can go online to understand and search for topics they are interested in, ‘especially children who are interested in computer games. Not only are they discussing games, they will learn about related accessories. And the advanced science and technology behind the game. 2. RPSL ERR + ESERIES » ATTIRE T ROSIN» etek A> HLS eE RRR C22 RT Hola « Children learn to observe some technology products in their lives and pay attention to the shortcomings of these products. For example, i a child goes home to observe the robot cleaner at home {nd finds some shortcomings, he will look for whether the current technology has solved the problem. 3. PATRAS SAPARD + BEET IRS MUM MORSEEER « Students plan to visit various science and technology ‘museums and want to learn about science and technology in various fields = Assessment & Resources i# (45 10H [@{ Ongoing Assessment IEEE AIFS U2_AUIIEE /F9E514% (Hit) .doe Nov 28, 2021 (3) GSU IRB] CARRE) pdt Nov 28, 2021 (2) Group_work $8821) (aH ) .pdf Nov 28, 2021 (2) GSU2_AA4rsAT_Chart (NH) .pdf Nov 28, 2021 PEP MEVS AAMAS, (EMIT ) SSSSULIPEG : PADUA ATT SHE» SPREE + ELTA RAO SE + TAT ZaETIUGIEE + LAT CAREER + BUGARI ADL AKU StARUSRMEI ESE + RECEOAIKSESLSTI «The students promote products in groups, and show the models of technological products made and dasigned by their own groups and give a brief introduction. The teachers will ask questions on the spot as company representatives. The questions will be developed around the seven concepts. Finally, we will select the best work, best team and other awards in the form of a group. (@) VOl_U2_Summative_assessment_1_pptx Nov 28, 2021 doc Nov 28, 202 Grade_5_UOI_U2_-_Summative_Assessment_and_Lesson_Plan_1_.docx Nov 28, 2021 {a} $2%%-02 jpg Nov 30, 2021 'G Learning Experiences 5) 3% El Designing engaging Learning Experiences iit¥2] fk TEAS A Turning in 1 FIBRIN The evolution of technology CAMBY 5 MSDE WATT MP SPECK EHEAV 2 Knowledgeable: Learn about major technological developments at home and abroad through bilingual videos ) MCHA » MCR, MEMS LTA TARR (OO ‘Through the video of technological development, visually stimulate students to think, generate curiosity, and let students: understand the development of technology (foreign teachers) Worksheet: ififivtsEl isi weet)— A004 » Say « Draw the most important invention in your mind and explain the reason. SIPS + HELLA < CIEE) 2. AMELATENOIA » sare Based on the existing knowledge, analyze and understand the central idea and 3 clues, and ask your own questions. 3. SSO «ACE + EAT + AEE 7 «LASS + MEEHAN SMU (SRD RI + EERIE) + CURT + SEMEN AMY MEAG IASI» FLL Inquirers: be able to think from different angles and collect relevant information, then think again ) List scientific and technological achievements from the dimensions of education, aviation, medical care, energy, transportation, daily life, etc.; collect various results through tables (keywords, photos, hand-painted pictures, etc.) U2_HiMMIER EST CHIE) doe Oct 22, 2021 4848 G2} Finding out ATU» SRE + EECA « Watch the movie and complete the worksheet. Six inventions that changed the world. (2) GSU2ILEEAH CWNTE) .pdf oct 26, 2021 2 NESE TRELLIS | ESAPAEIE » PRE SSI RASS GT (QFE + SCIRIRAE » HEREEEE Thinking skills, communication skills + social skills) Group communication, to form their own group's views; Introduce the functions of various kinds of technologies, and then ‘select major technologies from various fields for “diamond arrangement* (2) Group_work 3H (48%) pdf Oct 24, 2021 | REEL) pptx Nov 1, 2021 SARITA Library courses: Book collection of other types of scientific and technological achievements, SF BERL Sorting out 1. RETA, ROA » REE EMER AM» BCP ATR » MRA FA EMR SMTA + FLEE + SORLLEE + HLSEEEAE Thinking skills, communication skills » social skills ) Watching movies » understand the development of science and technology, understand the sources of the four inventions, think about their applications in current society, and think about the development process among them. Finally, imagine how they will develop in the futur. '2) UOLOpen_Class_worksheet.docx Nov 1, 2021 (@) 1-UOL_U2_L2.pptx Nov 2. Spl EV (ET) SAIL » Watch other episodes of *Renovation* in groups APL + EASA (EINE) doc Nov 3, 2021 SVP ELATMA TTS RATER ? RATEPTI THEM » IPCKEIRBABLA - After watching the videos, do students have new ideas for various technological products? Rearrange the diamond arrangement and talk about the reason for the adjustment, 4G THUR Choose a modern scientific and technological achievement you lke to draw an “evolution chart* SGPC AIR ASAT RR « ‘Choose your own technology partners to communicate GUMBETE : ACROSS (AKON «PPT «IAD « RES) Group cooperation: present the “evolution map" in a way you like (stories, PPT, Lego models, color mud, etc.) CORTE : FBR CM eae EATS TA ‘good at or they like to learn and show) Balanced: Students can choose the way they are EAS Going further 1. EPRI so TBAT SENS + Asa He YEE ELAR 2 FEASTS ORLA « (foreign teachers) Think about how technology affects people's lives. What would happen to people's lives without these inventions? Thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of technology. PRAR : EBMAC SME ATES » FABRE AIR (Able to start thinking from examples around themselves, and think dialectically ) Able to start thinking from examples around oneself, and think dialecticallyUnit_2.3. Worksheet.docx Nov 9, 2021 (@| unit_2.3_-_impact_of technology_on_our_lives.pptx Nov 9, 2021 2. ASE RAL ATR ARGEP hs» LE NAAT RMS SE - RATER «ASCE EN net « JET RAR + RBI Find out the product you are interested in from the diamond arrangement, focus on analyzing the function, importance, and itrepiaceabilty of the product, especially paying attention to what technologies it uses and what aspects are involved. SRT RAE PME REALE? (2) GSU2_T_Chart CHEE) pat Nov 22, 2021 Ja24..24 Making conclu: 1. THRSL CRUMBLE » DUBNA « REAR RUM ATSC SRE > Jy tT ZEA ART HE Understand the status quo of modern technology and compare the advantages and disadvantages. Comparing magiev trains with other modes of transportation, why magiev is the latest technology but not widely used? SSA TRU 2 (254008 » SEIRERAE > Thinking skills, communication skills) (@) API EAL .pptx Nov 22, 2021 BARR UEVS eR TSANLLAL Else doo Nov 22, 2021 2. SPLICE HE OB + TOU RLSSRETR AY BDR > TREC SMEAR» DPF SPS» PARLE MH + Introduce the high-tech products around you, as a preview of the summative evaluation, understand how to introduce the product, why to introduce it, and design a business card. () SSUES BATHE pa Nov 22, 2021 9. PANTET SE » RUB CINEREA! PAO» CLADE LALAER « SI MAO eS SB © © 1 sBHLILiF (GER) .pptx Nov 28, 2021 LTA Taking action 1. ROR RESHEPRG MINE TTR NE» ROR» TOP RR TA + ORR PPE R: Explain the content of the summary assessment. Children need to complete a model, state the name of their model, why the ‘model is made, what is its function, ete, (@) UOl_U2_Summative_assessment_1_pptx Nov 22, 2021 2. WiMl2SWIGRASPSEE% » DL soutsitgrubries » eit RsEm ASAE « ‘The teacher gives the GRASPS task and the corresponding rubrics, and the students complete the summative assessment according to the requirements. Grade_S_UOI_U2_-_ Summative Assessment_and_Lesson_Plan.docx Nov 22, 2021 3, ERIE ERIGRASPSANE zi PATA ATICIRAREE » ENP» TPR ALDARA SER « Inthe theater, students will report and show in the form of GRASPS. Teachers will ask questions and select outstanding groups to give awards. 1a] 2238-02 jpg Nov 30, 2021 {2 Supporting Student Agency skF 4: HERItE 1. FSA ERLE CRITE SLIT TFRICIOT- SI FHRESEATILAL - Students can independently choose their favorite ‘technology products to explore and learn and finally report. 2.54: PROT ARG | Ay » SEETCHAERRLIRE//vl » Students independently choose which group's product is the most attractive, and vote for the best group by themselves.

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