The Role of Fungus in The Pathogenesis of Chronic Rhinosinusitis

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OPINION The role of fungus in the pathogenesis
of chronic rhinosinusitis
Sai D. Challapalli a, Sean McKee a, and Amber U. Luong a,b

Purpose of review
The etiologic role of fungi in chronic rhinosinusitis remains controversial. The purpose of this review is to
further our understanding of molecular immunologic pathways activated by fungi and clinical trials of
antifungals in severe subtypes of asthma and allergic fungal rhinosinusitis.
Recent findings
Various fungal components such as protease and chitin are capable of eliciting a type 2 innate and
adaptive immune response. However, definitive studies on the etiologic role of fungi in chronic
rhinosinusitis (CRS) is dependent on the development of a fungi-induced murine model of CRS. Short of this
model, extrapolations of observations and results from clinical trials in fungi-induced asthma subtypes
support a key role of fungi in the pathophysiology of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis and possibly other CRS
Fungi plays a key role in the pathophysiology of several subtypes of chronic inflammatory respiratory
diseases. However, a fungi-induced murine model of CRS is needed to explicitly investigate the molecular
pathways and potential therapeutic targets.
allergic fungal rhinosinusitis, antifungals, chronic rhinosinusitis, fungi

INTRODUCTION system. Fungi are ubiquitous organisms in nature

Several initiating agents have been proposed in the and are an essential component of the sinonasal
pathophysiology of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) microbiome. Fungal wall components like chitin,
including bacteria, viruses and fungi [1]. Recent beta glucans, galactomannans, and mannoproteins
appreciation of molecular pathways associated with are well recognized allergens that disrupt the delicate

the characteristic type 2 immune profile, typically balance in the sinonasal microbiome [3 ]. Pathogen
chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis recognition receptors like toll-like receptors (TLRs)
(CRSwNP), have facilitated further investigation of and C-type lectin-like receptors (CLRs) recognize
potential triggers in the pathophysiology of CRS. fungal elements and activate the epithelium to
Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS) is a distinct release innate inflammatory cytokines like interleu-
subtype of CRSwNP that affects atopic, immuno- kin (IL)-1b, IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lympho-

competent patients [2]. In this disease process, fun- poietin (TSLP) [4,5 ,6]. IL-33 induces progenitor
gus is linked to an exaggerated type 2 immune
response. The exact molecular mechanisms by a
Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, McGov-
which fungi contribute to AFRS and other CRS ern Medical School of the University of Texas Health Science Center at
endotypes remain unclear. Houston and bCenter for Immunology and Autoimmune Diseases, Insti-
tute of Molecular Medicine, McGovern Medical School, The University of
Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas, USA
FUNGI AND THE TYPE 2 IMMUNE Correspondence to Amber U. Luong, MD, PhD, McGovern Medical
School of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston,
RESPONSE Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 6431 Fannin
The sinonasal and airway mucosa serve as a physical Street, MSB 5.036, Houston, TX 77030, USA. Tel: +1 713 500 5410;
barrier to the entry of pathogens into the airway. fax: +1 713 383 3727; e-mail:
Sinonasal epithelial dysfunction leads to chronic and Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2022, 30:58–62
overactive stimulation of the adaptive immune DOI:10.1097/MOO.0000000000000775 Volume 30  Number 1  February 2022

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

The role of fungus in the pathogenesis Challapalli et al.


 Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis highlights the pathogenic RHINOSINUSITIS
role fungi play in the type 2 immune response Animal models have made it easier to study the
associated with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with impact of various pathogens on the respiratory
nasal polyps. mucosa. Mice are commonly used for research as
 Several fungal components can trigger a type 2 they are inexpensive, easy to handle, and have a
immune response including chitin, proteases and beta- modifiable genetic makeup [12–14,15 ,16–20].
glucans. Murine models for allergic rhinitis and allergic
asthma are widely available, but no such model
 Fungi-induced murine model for CRS is critically
needed to clearly investigate the role of fungi in the has been widely adopted for CRS, CRS with eosino-

pathophysiology of type 2 mediated CRS. philia, or nasal polyposis [12–14,15 ,16–20].

Numerous limitations exist with the currently
proposed murine models for CRS. First, murine
sinonasal anatomy is not well pneumatized into
the bony facial skeleton [21]. Additionally, the
innate lymphoid cells to develop into group 2 innate majority of a mouse’s nasal epithelium is olfactory
lymphoid cells (ILC2s) that secrete type 2 inflamma- mucosa as opposed to respiratory mucosa [21].
tory cytokines like IL-5 and IL-13 [4,5 ,6]. Lastly, the genetic makeup of mice also impacts
Proteases, another important component of how they react to various airway pathogens.
fungi, degrade polymers and capture nutrients from BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice are widely utilized strains
plant and mammalian hosts. Proteases degrade air- due to their well characterized immunological
way epithelial tight junctions during fungal inva- responses, and mimics atopic human response to
sion thereby increasing and activating serum airway pathogens in CRS models [14,20]. However,
proteins like fibrinogen to activate macrophages the response to these pathogens is not identical
through TLR4 [5 ,6]. This further enhances IL-13 between the two species. Furthermore, numerous
production, especially in the lungs, and activates murine models utilized ovalbumin intraperitoneally
dendritic cells, which induce differentiation of to sensitize the mice, which may limit translational
naive T cells into T helper 2 (Th2) and Th17 effector utility to humans because it fails to recapitulate the
cells [5 ,6]. The type 2 adaptive immune response is contribution of the innate immune responses in
defined by the action of the Th2 cells. These cells &
CRS [12,13,15 ,16]. Genetically modified mice like
drive eosinophil recruitment, goblet cell hyperpla- C57BL/6 have been tested with intranasal inhalants
sia, mucus production, and antigen-specific IgE pro- and are more suited to demonstrate the relationship
duction via secretions of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 in between the innate and adaptive immune responses
response to fungal antigens [4,5 ,6–8]. Products of in CRS [14,20].
the type 2 response further disrupt the barrier func- Many of the concerns around these murine mod-
tion of the sinonasal mucosa, creating a positive els center around the choice, duration and route of
feedback loop. Den Beste et al. [9] found decreased exposure of the trigger. The inducing agent, often
expression of intercellular proteins like occludin Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) and Aspergillosis
and junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A) fumigatus, is delivered via an intraperitoneal injection
responsible for the epithelial barrier in AFRS patients or in the presence of an injected adjuvant that does
compared to controls. Wise et al. [10] found inter- not reflect physiologic exposure. In some cases, a
cellular protein disruption in the sinonasal mucosa form of fungi that is not typically inhaled such as
of AFRS patients when exposed to IL-4 and IL-13 in the protease component has been applied intrana-
vitro. On a genomic level, AFRS tissue demonstrates sally. Another significant barrier to validation of any
higher gene expression variations compared to that given model for CRS is the currently limited ability to
of CRSwNP. When using pathway analysis software, assess the immunologic profile of the sinonasal
gene expressions in AFRS are strongly linked to type mucosa. Finally, the inability of mice to create nasal
2 immune responses [11]. polyps is another limitation. When SEB, a superanti-
Although various fungal components have all gen capable of stimulating a type 2 immune response
been shown to initiate and contribute to the type 2 and is strongly associated with CRSwNP and AFRS, is
immune response characteristic of AFRS, we cur- co-administered intranasally with house dust mite,
rently lack an animal model that implicates fungi authors claimed that the resulting mouse modeled
and fungal elements as a causative factor in the type &&
CRSwNP [3 ]. However, a close evaluation of the
2 immune response in AFRS. sinonasal immunohistochemistry demonstrated

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Nose and paranasal sinuses

thickening of areas of sinonasal mucosa rather than asthma. Furthermore, fungi-specific memory T cells
actual polyps as found in human sinus cavities [14]. were found in 88% of asthmatic patients compared
Despite these limitations, murine models may to 20% of controls [23]. These similarities in AA and
be useful for investigating fungi-induced CRS. CRSwNP are supportive of a common pathologic
Pathogens like Aspergillus and Alternata have been process that involves fungi.
used to model CRS and have solidified our under- A strong correlation between fungal exposure
standing of the role of fungi in the type 2 inflam- and asthma severity also exists [24,25]. Allergic
matory response. By intranasally challenging bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) and severe
sensitized mice with Aspergillus, Lindsay et al. [12] asthma with fungal sensitization (SAFS) are two
found increased eosinophilic submucosal infiltrate phenotypes of severe asthma where fungal coloni-
in nasal contents. Interestingly, fungus is the only zation has been implicated as a causative factor [26].
known trigger that incites type 2 inflammation from SAFS is a newly recognized entity that presents with
intranasal exposure alone without presensitization. early-onset asthma, lower asthma control test
Shin et al. [15 ] found increased IL-4 levels and total scores, fungal sensitization, increased rates of inten-
serum IgE levels in nasal lavage fluid of mice when sive care unit admissions, and a greater need for
treated intranasally with Alternata extracts. The mechanical ventilation [25,27]. It is a diagnosis of
pathogenicity of fungal proteases has also been exclusion based on the following criteria: severe
studied in mice. Kim et al. [17] showed that mice asthma, fungal sensitization, and exclusion of
intranasally instilled with Aspergillus protease and ABPA. The proposed pathogenesis of SAFS involves
OVA albumin extracts develop significant eosino- inhalation of ubiquitous fungal spores, such as
philic inflammation and higher levels of IL-4 and IL- Aspergillus. These fungi enter the respiratory tract
6 compared to OVA albumin alone. Even pathogens resulting in fungal sensitization and an exaggerated
functionally similar to proteases, like papain, have type 2 immune response in genetically susceptible
been shown to induce the type 2 inflammatory individuals.
response in mice. Thakaran et al. [20] demonstrated Upon entry into the respiratory tract, a complex
influx of eosinophils into the sinonasal mucosa and interaction between fungal proteases and mucosal
nasal lavage fluid with increased type 2 cytokine epithelium triggers a robust type 2 inflammatory
production, especially alarmin IL-33 and IL-13, after response. In the pathogenesis of AFRS, defective
only 11 days of intranasal administration of papain. antimicrobial expression, including surfactant pro-
These proposed models further our understanding of teins, lactoferrin, and antifungal histatin peptides
the pathogenicity of fungi. However, there is a pau- [11,28,29], may permit fungal colonization. Of note,
city of murine model that encompasses the chronic- fungal spores do not contain proteases, but are
ity and exposures that reflect the CRS process in instead derived from fungi growing in the filamen-
humans. As such, a model of fungi-induced CRS is tous form, thereby suggesting the importance of
needed to identify molecular pathways, which can fungal colonization in allergic airway inflammation.
then be used to develop novel therapeutic options. Kheradmand et al. [30] found that protease activity
was essential in driving the type 2 immune response,
and that catalytically inactivated proteases did not
ROLE OF FUNGI IN ASTHMA induce a response. Moreover, Porter et al. [31] found
Similar to CRSwNP and AFRS, allergic asthma (AA) is that the majority of active proteases found within
characterized by a type 2 immune response involv- dust sampled from the homes of asthmatic patients
ing Th2 helper cells, eosinophils, mast cells, and were extracted from fungi, particularly Aspergillus
Th2-associated cytokine expression. Allergic inflam- species. Although culture-independent techniques
mation affecting the upper airway, such as allergic identified a relatively higher prevalence of Aspergil-
rhinitis (AR), CRSwNP, and AFRS, share many epi- lus within inflammatory tissues from the sinus cavi-
demiologic and pathophysiologic features with AA. ties and lungs of patients with CRSwNP, AFRS,
In fact, over 50% of CRSwNP patients have asthma, ABPA, and SAFS, the mycobiome in these individu-
and more than 90% of asthmatic patients have als notably lack diversity. Together these findings
correlative radiographic abnormalities consistent support a combination of permissive fungal growth
with nasal and/or paranasal sinus inflammation to and protease activity leading to a type 2 immune
the severity of their asthma [21,22]. Although the response in allergic airway disease.
role of fungi in asthma remains controversial, as In a murine model of reactive airway disease,
with CRSwNP, it is clear that fungi play a role. Porter Alternaria extract provoked the development of a
et al. [23] found that CRS or AFRS patients with robust type 2 inflammatory response, precipitated
asthma were significantly more likely to have posi- by a rapid release of IL-33 [32]. In other mouse
tive fungal cultures compared to those without models, intranasally introduced Alternaria extract

60 Volume 30  Number 1  February 2022

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The role of fungus in the pathogenesis Challapalli et al.

and chitin induced an expansion of ILCs, eosino- Due to the overlapping features of CRSwNP and
phils, Th2 helper cells, as well as production of Th2- AFRS, the treatment options are similar. However,
associated cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IL-25, IL-33, treatment of AFRS typically starts with surgery to
and TSLP [33,34]. Taken together, mucosal barrier remove fungi-laden eosinophilic mucin followed by
dysfunction, fungal species, and fungal allergens extended courses of oral and topical corticosteroids
promote a type 2 inflammatory response in the postoperatively to reduce inflammation. In
airway by stimulating epithelial-derived cytokines CRSwNP, surgery is advocated only after failure of
(i.e. IL-25, IL-33, TSLP) activating the innate and appropriate medical therapy. The role of immuno-
adaptive arms of the immune response and expres- therapy, immunomodulators, and biologics in the
sion of additional type 2 inflammatory cytokines. treatment of CRSwNP and AFRS is a growing field of
While these specific molecular pathways remain an interest. The use of antifungal therapy in the treat-
ongoing area of investigation, it is clear that fungi ment of CRSwNP and AFRS is also under study, but
and their proteases play an important role in type 2 current clinical trials do not support their routine
immune response in reactive airway disease. use. In a systematic review investigating topical and
systemic antifungal therapy in CRSwNP, Head et al.
[40] were unable to conclude whether antifungal
ANTIFUNGALS IN ALLERGIC AIRWAY therapy conferred a benefit to patients when com-
INFLAMMATION pared to placebo or no treatment at all, but these
The cornerstone of medical therapy for SAFS studies were limited by low-quality evidence and
involves a stepwise treatment protocol that includes few investigated subtypes of CRSwNP, like AFRS.
inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and bronchodilators. Gan et al. [41] performed a systematic review com-
In nonresponders with persistent exacerbations, paring medical therapies in the management of
omalizumab and itraconazole may be included. AFRS and found that antifungals could be consid-
Approved for the treatment of moderate to severe ered in the management of refractory AFRS cases,
asthma and nasal polyps by the US Food and Drug but further recommendations regarding antifungals
Administration (FDA), omalizumab is a recombi- could not be made due to insufficient evidence.
nant, humanized, monoclonal antibody that targets Rains and Mineck examined their case series of AFRS
free immunoglobulin E (IgE) molecules thereby patients treated with oral intraconazole therapy in
inhibiting interactions with IgE receptors on inflam- addition to standard postoperative corticosteroid
matory cells, such as basophils and mast calls, that regimen and found a reoperation rate of 20.5%, a
propagate the type 2 immune response found in figure much lower than the 48% to 56% reported in
allergic airway disease. In a meta-analysis of 25 the literature [42–44]. Lastly, Verma et al. [45] com-
randomized controlled trials (RCT), omalizumab pared preoperative to postoperative administration
was found to significantly reduce asthma exacerba- of oral intraconazole in addition to a standard post-
tions and hospitalizations, and eliminate ICS use operative corticosteroid regimen in AFRS patients
compared to placebo [35]. Omalizumab is also effec- and found improvements in SNOT, Lund Mackay,
tive in the treatment of ABPA, and is beneficial as a and nasal endoscopy scores, although preoperative
biologic therapeutic for SAFS [36,37 ]. itraconazole was associated with a statistically sig-
Oral antifungal therapy is also proven to nificant improvement compared to the postopera-
improve symptoms in SAFS. Ward et al. [38] found tive itraconazole group. Furthermore, the two
that patients with Trichophyton-sensitive severe groups combined were associated with a lower recur-
asthma who were treated with fluconazole for a rence rate compared to the control group, although
period of five months demonstrated decreased bron- statistical significance was not achieved [45]. While
chial sensitivity to inhaled Trichophyton and oral the success of antifungal therapy in the manage-
steroid use, as well as improved asthma symptom ment of AFRS is highly variable and remains unclear
scores and peak expiratory flow rates when com- at this time, our understanding of the pathophysi-
pared to placebo. In another RCT, patients with ology and success, albeit limited, in the treatment of
SAFS treated with oral itraconazole were found to AFRS warrants further attention and prospective,
have improved asthma quality-of-life and rhinitis multiinstitutional, blinded RCT.
scores, increased expiratory peak flow rates, and
decreased total serum IgE relative to placebo-treated
controls [39]. Although more robust studies are CONCLUSION
needed to fully elucidate the role of oral antifungals Fungi plays a clear role in certain subtypes of chronic
in the treatment of SAFS, these findings suggest that upper and lower airway disease including AFRS, ABPA,
fungal exposure plays an important part in this and SAFS. Identification of fungi activated molecular
cohort of AA patients. pathways in these specific subtypes are improving our

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Nose and paranasal sinuses

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