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Infrastructure in apparel industry

For all business stakeholders,infrastructure (transports and utilities supply) is the single largest
issue hampering Bangladesh’s RMG industry.The transport issues need to be solved quickly in
order to avoid a collapse in the transport network as volumes continue to grow.The following
examples of current issues are already limiting the efficiency of Bangladesh’s apparel industry:
1. The highway is often congested as capacity planning falls behind demand
2. Lead time for sea freight is increased by about ten days due to the lack of a deep-sea
3. Productivity at Chittagang port suffers from inefficient processes,limited crane
capacity,and strikes that sometimes span several days at a time
4. The Dhaka Chittagamg train connection offers limited capacity all though logistics
experts estimated a ten fold capacity need
1. The government expand the Dhaka-Chittagang highway to four lanes but there are also
many roads which are very narrow and risky to pass need to in underconstruction
2. Bangladesh government shoul complete Payra Deep Sea Port Construction Project fully
as soon as possible
3. Improve efficiency at Dhaka airport and Chittagang airport
4. Double the train container transport capacity

Power supply and Gas

The power supply issue seems more likely solveable within a very short time.Bangladesh
government shoul complete the Rampal Coal Based Power Plant Construction Project, Ruppur
Neuclear Power Plant Establishment Project, Matarbari 2 x 600 MW Ultra Super Critical Coal
Fired Power Project quickly to icrease the efficiency of infrastructure.
However the issuing of gas licenses has been limited which needs, to increase in number with
condition,leading to delays in manufactures’expansion plans.

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