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Eiko Mitsuko Nakamura

Male; Age: 25; Height: 5' 8"; Weight: 175 lb.

Power Level 10, 163 PP; Abilities 62 + Powers 37 + Advantages 22 +
Skills 25 (50 ranks) + Defenses 17
Strength 1 Agility 9 Fighting 9 Awareness 3 Defenses
Stamina 2 Dexterity 3 Intellect 2 Presence 2 Dodge 13
Offense Initiative: +9 Parry 13
Attack Name Attack Bonus & Resistance DC Notes

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Counterstrike: Strength-based
. +14,
. . . . . DC
. . . . 19
. . . . . . . . . Crit . . . . .18-20
Fortitude ...............
Damage 3
Katana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +14,
. . . . . .DC. . . 19
. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .Slashing,
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Crit
.. .. .. .. .18-20 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . 5/3
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Toughness .................
Throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +3,
. . . . DC
. . . . 16
. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Bludgeon,
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .Crit
. .. .. .. ..20
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Will
.. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unarmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+14,
. . . . .DC
. . . .16
. . . ...........Bludgeon,
................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hero Points: 1
ü Ancestral helmet (6 PP) Damage
ü Possesion: Variable 1 (6 PP) Bruises
Custom: The ancester could control you (Standard - Personal - Sustained)
ü Protection: Protection 1 (1 PP)
+1 Toughness (Personal - Permanent) Staggered
ü Talk with the ancester: Senses 2 (1 PP) Incapacitated
Postcognition (Limited): Ancesters in the helmet; Limited: Must be in trance (Personal -
Contagious intensity: Affliction 2 (2 PP)
3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 12; Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Fatigued
Limited: compulsion to compete and accept any stupid chanllenge, Limited Degree (third only),
Sense-dependent: Oido, Uncontrolled (Standard - Perception - Instant) Exhausted
ü Enhanced by Ki (10 PP)
Channel Chi (alternate)
Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Incurable, Penetrating 4, Variable Descriptor: close group - Mee
attacks up to the attack damage; Quirk: Deduction by bug
Chi Reading: Senses 8 (alternate)
Accurate: Choose Sense, Acute: Detect Chi, Analytical: Detect Chi, Detect: Chi 2: ranged,
Extended: Detect Chi 1: x10, Radius: Detect Chi (Personal - Permanent)
ü Feather Step: Movement 1 (1 PP)
Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone; Limited: solid surfaces (Free - Personal - Sustained)
Leaping: Leaping 2 (2 PP)
Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour (Free - Personal - Instant)
ü Running over wall: Movement 3 (2 PP)
Wall-crawling 2: full speed, Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone; Limited: wall crawling:
Only one move action [2 ranks only], Limited: you sink if you are prone (Free - Personal -
ü Speed: Speed 4 (3 PP)
Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round; Unreliable (5 uses) [2 ranks only] (Free - Personal -
ü Legendary swordmanship (17 PP)
Counterstrike: Strength-based Damage 3 (11 PP)
DC 19, Advantages: Improved Critical 2; Reaction 3: reaction; Custom: Attack Check Required.
(Reaction - Close - Instant)
ü One thousand cuts / strikes (6 PP)
Multiattack, Variable Descriptor: close group - Melee weapons, up to the weapon damage plus
Defensive stance: Enhanced Trait 5 (alternate)
Traits: Dodge +2 ( +15), Parry +2 ( +15), Advantages: Improved Defense (Free - Personal -
ü Sense Chi: Senses 2 (2 PP)
Awareness: Chi, Radius: Chi (Personal - Permanent)
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Advantages Skills
Total Ranks Ability Other
Attractive Circumstance bonus to interaction based on your looks.
Benefit, Athletics Based on Agility Gain a significant perquisite or Acrobatics +11 2 9
fringe benefit.
Athletics +11 2 1 +8
Benefit, Wealth (well-off) Gain a significant perquisite or fringe benefit.
Benefit: Burglar: Use Stealth to open lock and security system Deception +7 5 2
Gain a significant perquisite or fringe benefit.
Expertise (FGT): War +10 1 9
Close Attack 5 +1 bonus to close attack checks per rank.
Defensive Roll 2 +1 active defense bonus to Toughness per rank. Expertise: Business +4 2 2
Equipment 1 5 points of equipment per rank. Expertise: Cheerleader +6 4 2
Hide in Plain Sight Hide while observed without need for a diversion.
Expertise: Criminal +4 2 2
Improved Critical 2: Counterstrike: Strength-based Damage 3 +1 to
Expertise: Japanese
critical threat range with an attack per rank.
+4 2 2
Improved Critical: Katana +1 to critical threat range with an attack per
rank. Expertise: Martial arts +4 2 2
Languages 1 Speak and understand additional languages.
Expertise: Pop music +4 2 2
Move-by Action Move both before and after your standard action.
Expertise: Reptlian slayers +3 1 2
Power Attack Trade attack bonus for effect bonus.
Skill Mastery: Stealth Make routine checks with one skill under any Expertise: Spirits +3 1 2
Takedown 2 Free extra attack when you incapacitate a minion. Insight +5 2 3
Trance Go into a deathlike trance that slows bodily functions. Intimidation +4 2 2
Uncanny Dodge Not vulnerable when surprised or caught off-guard.
Investigation +3 1 2
Power Settings Perception +9 6 3
Courtier - Possesion: Variable 1 Persuasion +5 3 2
Traits: Insight +4 ( +9 ), Persuasion +3 ( +8 ), Deception +3 ( +10)
Defensive monk - Possesion: Variable 1 Sleight of Hand +7 4 3
Powers: Deflect shots: Deflect 10
Stealth +13 4 9
Exorcist - Possesion: Variable 1
Powers: Unsummon ghost: Nullify 9, Expertise +2 ( +5 ), Advantages: Ritualist Technology +3 1 2
Ninja - Possesion: Variable 1
Traits: Stealth +5 ( +18), Acrobatics +5 ( +16)
Treatment - - 2
Samurai general - Possesion: Variable 1 Vehicles +4 1 3
Traits: Expertise (FGT) +6 ( +16), Advantages: Inspire, Quick Draw

Base Movement Speed - 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round (run 60
miles/hour, 900 feet/round; swim 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round)
Feather Step: Movement 1 - Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone
Leaping: Leaping 2 - Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour
Routine Jump Distance - Running jump: 21 ft.; standing: 10.5 ft.;
vertical: 4.2 ft.; standing vert.: 2.1 ft.
Running over wall: Movement 3 - Wall-crawling 2: full speed, Water
Walking 1: you sink if you are prone
Speed: Speed 4 - Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round
Throwing Distance - Throw 400 lbs. 6 feet; throw 100 lbs. 30 feet; throw
25 lbs. 120 feet

Katana (Sword), Night Vision Goggles

Validation Report
Validation Report (0 issues): Nothing identified
Settings: Sourcebooks -> Cosmic Handbook: Cosmic Handbook; Sourcebooks -> Hero High: Hero High; Sourcebooks -> Power Profiles:
Power Profiles; Sourcebooks -> Supernatural Handbook: Supernatural Handbook Equipment & Complications; Sourcebooks ->
Gamemaster's Guide: Gamemaster's Guide Equipment
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Honor Jamás quebranta su palabra, las deudas siempre han
de pagarse
y las afrentas resolverse
Motivación: Hacer amigos Luego de compartir con otros
quiere tener amigos verdaderos.
Motivation: Recognition Desea el reconocimiento de su padre
a toda costa a pesar
de sus diferencias.
Obsession; Competitiva Debe ser siempre la mejor y se
resiente cada
vez que pierde

Background Information
Languages: English, Native Language

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

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