Emission Factors

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Synthese of Emission Factors from 2018 National Inventory Report,

Annexes 3 and 6
The following sector specific emission factors were extracted from 2018 National Inventory Report (NIR 2018)
Annex 3 (identified A3) and Annex 6 (identified A6). Some additional tables are also provided for the agriculature

Emission factors should be used in equations provided in 2018, NIR Annex 3 in conjunction with other factors and
coefficients as directed in the description of these equations.

Adapted from IPCC Guidelines 2006.

A6.1 Fuel Combustion .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Table A6-1: CO2 Emission Factors for Natural Gas ................................................................................................. 5
Table A6-2: CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Natural Gas .................................................................................. 5
Table A6-3: Emission Factors for Natural Gas Liquids ........................................................................................... 5
Table A6-4: Emission Factors for Refined Petroleum Products ............................................................................... 7
Table A6-5: CO2 Emission Factors for Petroleum Coke and Still Gas .................................................................... 7
Table A6-6: N2O Emission Factors for Petroleum Coke .......................................................................................... 8
Table A6-7: CH4 Emission Factors for Still Gas ...................................................................................................... 8
Table A6-8: CO2 Emission Factors for Coal ............................................................................................................ 8
Table A6-9: CO2 Emission Factors for Coal Products ............................................................................................. 9
Table A6-10: CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Coals1 ......................................................................................... 9
Table A6-11: Emission Factors for Alternative Fuels .............................................................................................. 9
Table A6-12: Emission Factors for Energy Mobile Combustion Sources.............................................................. 10
A3.2. Fugitive Emissions from Fossil Fuel Production, Processing, Transmission and Distribution ........................ 12
Table A3.9: Fugitive Emission Factors for Coal Mining ....................................................................................... 12
Fugitive emission factors for refineries .................................................................................................................. 12
A6.2 Industrial Processes ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Table A6-13: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission Factors for Mineral Products ....................................................... 13
Table A6-14: Emission Factors for Ammonia Production ..................................................................................... 13
Table A6-15: N2O Emission Factors for Nitric Acid and Adipic Acid Production ................................................ 13
Table A6-16: Emission Factors for Petrochemical Products .................................................................................. 14
Table A6-17: Emission Factor for By-Product Emissions from Fluorochemical Production ................................ 14
Table A6-18: CO2 Emission Factors for the Iron and Steel Industry ..................................................................... 14
Table A6-19: Tier 1 Emission Factors for Aluminium Production ........................................................................ 15
Table A6-20: CO2 Emission Factors for Non-Energy Use of Natural Gas Liquids and Petroleum Products ........ 15
Table A6-21: Emission Factors for the use of PFCs, SF6 and NF3 in the Electronics Industry .................................... 15
Table A6-22: HFC as ODS Substitute – Assembly, In-Service and End-of-Life Emission Factors (%) .............. 16
Table A6-23: PFC as ODS Substitute – Assembly, In-Service and End-of-Life Emission Factors (%) ................ 17
Table A6-24: Emission Factors for N2O Usage (Medical & Propellant)................................................................ 17
Table A6-25: Emission Factors for PFC Emissions from Other Contained Product Uses ..................................... 17
Table A6-26: Emission Factors for Use of Urea in SCR Vehicles ......................................................................... 17

A3.4. and A6.4 Agriculture Sector ............................................................................................................................. 18
Table A3-30: CH4 Emission Factors for Enteric Fermentation for Cattle from 1990 to 2016......................................... 18
Table A6-27: Methane Emission Factors for Enteric Fermentation for Non-Cattle Animals ......................................... 18
Table A3-37: Emission Factors to Estimate CH4 Emissions from Manure Management for Cattle Subcategories
from 1990 to 2016 .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Tables A3-38 and A6-28: 2016 CH4 Emission Factors for Manure Management for Non-Cattle ......................... 19
Additional Table 1: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as N2O During Storage of Cattle
Manure .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Additional Table 2: 2016 Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as N2O During Storage of Non-
Cattle Manure ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Additional Table 3: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as N2O From Deposition of Cattle
Manure on Pasture, Range and Paddock................................................................................................................. 21
Additional Table 4: Emission Factors (EFs) for Cattle Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as N2O Due to
Volatilization and Leaching During Storage .......................................................................................................... 21
Additional Table 5: 2016 Emission Factors (EFs) for Non-Cattle Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as N2O
Due to Volatilization and Leaching During Storage............................................................................................... 22
Additional Table 6: Emission Factors (EFs) for Cattle Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as NH3 Due to Volatilization
During Storage ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Additional Table 7: 2016 Emission Factors (EFs) for Non-Cattle Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as NH3 Due to
Volatilization During Storage ................................................................................................................................. 23
Additional Table 8: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as N2O Due to Volatilization and
Leaching of Manure Deposited on Pasture, Range and Paddock.................................................................................. 23
Additional Table 9: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as NH3 Due to
Volatilization of Manure Deposited on Pasture, Range and Paddock .................................................................... 24
Additional Table 10: Emission Factors (EFs) for Crop Residue, Manure, and Inorganic Fertilizer Nitrogen (N)
Lost as N2O Following Application to Agricultural Soils ...................................................................................... 24
Additional Table 11: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as NH3 From Agricultural Soils .... 24
Additional Table 12: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as N2O Due to
Volatilization and Leaching of Manure Applied to Agricultural Soils ................................................................... 25
Additional Table 13: N2O Emission factor for mid-latitude cultivation of organic soils ....................................... 25
Table A3-47: Fractions of N Volatilized (FRACGASF) as Ammonia Resulting from the Application of Inorganic N
Fertilizer, from Select Years, 1990-2016, at a Provincial Scale.................................................................................. 25
Additional Table 14: Indirect N2O Emissions from Agricultural Soils .................................................................. 26
Additional Table 15: CH4 & N2O Emissions from Field Burning of Agricultural Residues .................................. 26
Additional Table 16: CO2 Emissions from Liming and Urea Fertilization ............................................................ 26
A3.5. and A6.5 Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry Sector ............................................................................. 27

Forest growth model ............................................................................................................................................... 27
Harvested Wood Products ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Maximal soil organic C loss from forestland conversion to cropland in Eastern Canada ......................................... 27
Carbon emission factor from cultivation of organic soils ....................................................................................... 28
Emission factors for biomass combustion of grassland .......................................................................................... 28
Table A3-62: Parameters and Emission factors for Estimating Emissions from Peat Extraction .......................... 28
A6.6 Biomass Combustion ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Table A6-34: Emission Factors for Biomass .......................................................................................................... 29
Table A6-35: Emission Factors for Landfill Gas Combustion ............................................................................... 29
A3.6. and A6.7 Waste Sector ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Additional Table 17: Emissions from Wastewater Treatment ................................................................................ 30
Additional Table 18: Municipal Solid Waste Incineration ..................................................................................... 30
Additional Table 19: Waste incineration of the biosolids from municipal wastewater treatement ........................ 30
Additional Table 20: Hazardous Waste Incineration: ............................................................................................. 30
Additional Table 21: Clinical Waste Incineration .................................................................................................. 30
Additional Table 22: Sewage Sludge Incineration: ................................................................................................ 31
Additional Table 23: Biological Treatment of Solid Waste (Composting) ............................................................ 31
References................................................................................................................................................................... 32

A6.1 Fuel Combustion

Table A6-1: CO2 Emission Factors for Natural Gas

Province Emission Factor1 (g/m3)
Marketable2 Non-marketable3
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 901 2 494
Nova Scotia 1 901 2 494
New Brunswick 1 901 NO
Quebec 1 887 NO
Ontario 1 888 NO
Manitoba 1 886 NO
Saskatchewan 1 829 2 441
Alberta 1 928 2 392
British Columbia 1 926 2 162
Yukon 1 901 2 401
Northwest Territories (prior to 2012)4 2 466 2 466
Northwest Territories (since 2012)4 1 901 2 466
NO = Not occurring
1. McCann (2000)
2. The term “marketable” applies to fuel consumed by the Electric Utilities, Manufacturing
Industries, Residential/Commercial and Transport subsectors.
3. The term “non-marketable” applies to raw gas consumption, mainly by natural gas producers.
4. Prior to 2012, natural gas consumption was locally-produced non-marketable natural gas. Since 2012,
marketable natural gas has been imported from outside the territory.

Table A6-2: CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Natural Gas
Source Emission Factor (g/m3)1
Electric Utilities 0.490 0.049
Industrial 0.037 0.033
Producer Consumption (Non-marketable) 6.4 2 0.060
Pipelines 1.900 0.050
Cement 0.037 0.034
Manufacturing Industries 0.037 0.033
Residential, Construction, Commercial/Institutional, Agriculture 0.037 0.035
1. SGA Energy (2000)
2. Adapted from U.S. EPA (1996) and CAPP (1999)

Table A6-3: Emission Factors for Natural Gas Liquids

Source Emission Factor (g/L)
Residential 1 5151 0.0272 0.1082
All Other Uses 1 5151 0.0242 0.1082
Ethane 9861 0.0242 0.1082
Butane 1 7471 0.0242 0.1082
1. McCann (2000)
2. SGA Energy (2000)

Table A6-4: Emission Factors for Refined Petroleum Products
Source Emission Factor (g/L)
CO2 CH42 N2O2
Light Fuel Oil
Electric Utilities 2 753 0.18 0.031
Industrial 2 753 0.006 0.031
Producer Consumption 2 670 0.006 0.031
Residential 2 753 0.026 0.006
Forestry, Construction, Public 2 753 0.026 0.031
Administration and Commercial/Institutional
Heavy Fuel Oil
Electric Utilities 3 156 0.034 0.064
Industrial 3 156 0.12 0.064
Producer Consumption 3 190 0.12 0.064
Residential, Forestry, Construction, Public 3 156 0.057 0.064
Administration and Commercial/Institutional
Electric Utilities 2 5603 0.006 0.031
Industrial 2 5603 0.006 0.031
Producer Consumption 2 5603 0.006 0.031
Residential 2 5603 0.026 0.006
Forestry, Construction, Public 2 5603 0.026 0.031
Administration and Commercial/Institutional
Diesel - Refineries and Others 2 6814 0.133 0.4
Diesel - Upgraders5 2 681 0.151 1.10
Petroleum Coke (see Table A6-5) 0.12 (see Table A6-6)
Still Gas - Refineries and Others (see Table A6-5) (see Table A6-8) 0.00002
Still Gas - Upgraders (see Table A6-5) 0.0389 0.00002
Motor Gasoline5 2 307 0.100 0.02
1. McCann (2000); except Kerosene, Diesel and Motor Gasoline
2. SGA Energy (2000); except Diesel - Upgraders and Motor Gasoline
3. Assumed McCann (2000) aviation turbo-fuel emission factor
4. ECCC (2017b)
5. CO2 from ECCC (2017b); CH4 and N2O adapted from IPCC (2006)

Table A6-5: CO2 Emission Factors for Petroleum Coke and Still Gas
Emission Factor
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015-2016
Petroleum Coke
Upgrading 3 556 3 551 3 481 3 494 3 494 3 494 3 494 3 494 3 494 3 494 3 494 3 494 3 494 3 494
Refineries & 3 766 3 787 3 711 3 814 3 817 3 820 3 817 3 816 3 826 3 814 3 814 3 826 3 814 3 826
Still Gas
Upgrading 2 310 2 090 2 120 2 140 2 140 2 140 2 140 2 140 2 140 2 140 2 140 2 140 2 140 2 140
Refineries & 1 740 1 800 1 683 1 719 1 753 1 760 1 705 1 723 1 840 1 830 2 075 2 099 2 099 2 123

Table A6-6: N2O Emission Factors for Petroleum Coke
Emission Factor
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001-
Petroleum Cake g/m3
Upgrading 21.9 22.1 22.3 22.5 22.7 22.7 22.7 23.0 23.5 23.7 24.2 24.0
Refineries & 24.6 24.8 25.0 25.2 25.5 25.5 25.4 25.8 27.0 27.1 27.6 27.5
1. Adapted from IPCC (2006)
2. Energy content from Statistics Canada (2014)

Table A6-7: CH4 Emission Factors for Still Gas

Emission Factor1
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013-
Still Gas g/m3
Refineries &
32.6 33.5 33.8 32.0 32.0 32.2 31.6 32.0 32.1 32.6 30.5 31.0
1. Adapted from IPCC (2006)
2. Energy content from Statistics Canada (2014)

Table A6-8: CO2 Emission Factors for Coal

Emission Factor (kg
CO2/tonne)1,2,3,4,5 Moisture
Province Coal Type Source
Uncertainty (wt %)
(95% CI)
Low High
Newfoundland & Labrador, P.E.I., Quebec, Nova Scotia (Prior to 2000) Canadian Bituminous2 Nova Scotia 2329 -33% 22% 3.2

Newfoundland & Labrador, P.E.I., Quebec, Nova Scotia (2000 onward) Canadian Bituminous 3
Alberta 2176 -26% 26% 7.7

New Brunswick (Prior to 2010) Canadian Bituminous 2

New Brunswick 2319 -14% 14% 3.2

New Brunswick (2010 on) Canadian Bituminous 2

Alberta 2176 -26% 26% 7.7

Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, B.C. Canadian Bituminous2 Alberta 2176 -26% 26% 7.7

Atlantic5 Foreign Bituminous2 Non-U.S. 2540 -7% 7% 8.3

Ontario, Quebec Foreign Bituminous 3

U.S. (Pennsylvania) 2651 -7% 7% N/A

All Provinces & Territories, except Saskatchewan Lignite3 Saskatchewan 1452 -2% 2% 24

Saskatchewan Lignite 3
Saskatchewan 1448 -13% 13% 36

Ontario, Manitoba, Atlantic Sub-bituminous 2

Foreign 1865 -8% 8% 24

Alberta, Saskatchewan, B.C. Sub-bituminous3 Alberta 1758 -7% 8% 21

All Provinces & Territories Anthracite -- 2382 -6% 6% N/A

1. Factors presented on a "wet basis." Moisture content shown is that for the "weighted average" emission factor.
2. Carbon content, Radovan et al. (2012), oxidation factor, ECCC 2017a
3. Carbon content and oxidation factor, ECCC 2017a.
4. 95 % Confidence Intervals, which were determined through statistical analysis of Canadian coal data.
5. Atlantic refers to the Maritime provinces and Newfoundland & Labrador.

N/A = not available

Table A6-9: CO2 Emission Factors for Coal Products
Coal Product – Fuel Type Emission Factor
Coke Oven Gas 687 g/m3
Coke2 3173 g/kg

1. McCann (2000)
2. CRA (2014)

Table A6-10: CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Coals1

Source Emission Factor
Electric Utilities 0.022 0.032
Industry and Heat & Steam 0.03 0.02
Residential, Public 4.00 0.02
Coke 0.03 0.02
Coke Oven Gas 0.037 0.035
1. SGA Energy (2000)

Table A6-11: Emission Factors for Alternative Fuels

Source/Fuel GHG Emission Factor (kg/GJ)

1990 - 1995 - 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010-
1994 2000 2016
Cement Industry CO21 78.8 77.6 78.6 80.6 82.6 81.5 81.2 83.8 87.7 86.3 79.2 80.1
Waste Fuel 2
CH4 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
N2O2 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004

1. Adapted from WBSCD (2005)
2. Adapted from IPCC (2006)

Table A6-12: Emission Factors for Energy Mobile Combustion Sources
Emission Factors (g/L fuel)
Mode† CO2 CH4 N2 O
Road Transport
Gasoline Vehicles
Light-duty Gasoline Vehicles (LDGVs)
Tier 2 2 307 1 0.14 3 0.022 4

Tier 1 2 307 1 0.23 5 0.47 5

Tier 0 2 307 1 0.32 6 0.66 7

Oxidation Catalyst 2 307 1 0.52 8 0.20 6

Non-catalytic Controlled 2 307 1 0.46 8 0.028 6

Light-duty Gasoline Trucks (LDGTs)

Tier 2 2 307 1 0.14 3 0.022 4

Tier 1 2 307 1 0.24 5 0.58 5

Tier 0 2 307 1 0.21 8 0.66 7

Oxidation Catalyst 2 307 1 0.43 8 0.20 6

Non-catalytic Controlled 2 307 1 0.56 6 0.028 6

Heavy-duty Gasoline Vehicles (HDGVs)

Three-way Catalyst 2 307 1 0.068 8 0.20 8

Non-catalytic Controlled 2 307 1 0.29 6 0.047 6

Uncontrolled 2 307 1 0.49 6 0.084 6

Non-catalytic Controlled 2 307 1 0.77 3 0.041 3

Uncontrolled 2 307 1 2.3 6 0.048 6

Diesel Vehicles
Light-duty Diesel Vehicles (LDDVs)
Advanced Control* 2 681 1 0.051 6 0.22 6

Moderate Control 2 681 1 0.068 6 0.21 6

Uncontrolled 2 681 1 0.10 6 0.16 6

Light-duty Diesel Trucks (LDDTs)

Advanced Control* 2 681 1 0.068 6 0.22 6

Moderate Control 2 681 1 0.068 6 0.21 6

Uncontrolled 2 681 1 0.085 6 0.16 6

Heavy-duty Diesel Vehicles (HDDVs)

Advanced Control 2 681 1 0.11 9 0.151 9

Moderate Control 2 681 1 0.14 6 0.082 6

Uncontrolled 2 681 1 0.15 6 0.075 6

Natural Gas Vehicles 1.9 2 9E-03 6 6E-05 6

Propane Vehicles 1 515 2 0.64 6 0.028 6

Off-road Gasoline 2-stroke 2 307 1 10.61 12 0.013 13

Off-road Gasoine 4-stroke 2 307 1 5.08 12 0.064 13

Off-road Diesel <19kW 2 681 1 0.073 12 0.022 12

Off-road Diesel >=19kW, Tier 1 - 3 2 681 1 0.073 12 0.022 12

Off-road Diesel >= 19kW, Tier 4 2 681 1 0.073 12 0.227 12

Off-road Natural Gas 1.9 2 0.0088 6 0.00006 6

Off-road Propane 1 515 2 0.64 6 0.087 12

Diesel Train 2 681 0.15 13 1.0 13

Gasoline 2 307 1 0.22 13 0.063 13

Diesel 2 681 1 0.25 13 0.072 13

Light Fuel Oil 2 753 2 0.26 13 0.073 13

Heavy Fuel Oil 3 156 2 0.29 13 0.082 13

Kerosene 2 560 16 0.25 13 0.071 13

Aviation Gasoline 2 365 10 2.2 10 0.23 10

Aviation Turbo Fuel 2 560 2 0.029 11 0.071 13

Renewable Fuels
Ethanol 1 508 1,14 ** **
Biodiesel 2 472 1,14,15 *** ***
† In the context of Transportation Modes, Tiers refer to increasingly stringent emission standards, enabled through advancements in emission
control technologies. It should not be confused with IPCC GHG estimation methodologies.
1.ECCC (2017b)
2. McCann (2000)
3. Adapted from Environment Canada (2006)
4.Adapted from Environment Canada (2006) and Graham et al. (2009)
5. Adapted from Environment Canada (2009)
6. SGA Energy (2000)
7. Adapted from Barton & Simpson (1994)
8. ICF Consulting (2004)
9. Graham et al. (2008)
10. Jaques (1992)
11. National overall average emission factor based on 2006 IPCC Guidelines (IPCC 2006). Refer to NIR (2018) Section A3.4.2.3 of Annex 3.1 for further information.
12. Oak Leaf Environmental Inc. (2017)
13. IPCC (2006)
14. Refer to Section 3.5.1 Chapter 3 for further information of the NIR (2018).
15. BioMer (2005)
16. Assumed McCann (2000) aviation turbo-fuel emission factor
* Advanced control diesel emission factors are used for Tier 2 diesel vehicle populations.
** Gasoline CH4 and N2O emission factors (by mode and technology) are used for ethanol.

*** Diesel CH4 and N2O emission factors (by mode and technology) are used for biodiesel.

A3.2. Fugitive Emissions from Fossil Fuel Production, Processing, Transmission and
The table below provides provincial fugitive emission factors for coal mining.

Table A3.9: Fugitive Emission Factors for Coal Mining

Area Coal Type Mine Type Units
Nova Scotia Bituminous Surface 0.07 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
Nova Scotia Bituminous Underground 14.49 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
New Brunswick Bituminous Surface 0.07 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
Saskatchewan Lignite Surface 0.07 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
Alberta Bituminous Surface 0.55 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
Alberta Bituminous Underground 1.69 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
Alberta Sub-bituminous Surface 0.20 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
British Columbia Bituminous Surface 0.86 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
British Columbia Bituminous Underground 2.78 t CH4/kt coal mined 1,2
Source: Adapted from King (1994) and Cheminfo et al. (2014).
1. The emission factors are based on ‘gross’, not ‘net’, quantities of coal mined. The gross amount includes small quantities of minerals,
stone and other inert materials mined with the coal, but later removed.
2. The factors in the above table are for fugitive emissions from coal mining only. Although derived from measurements at individual mines
or coal seams, these emission factors are aggregated, province-wide averages for a given mine type. They are to be applied to total gross (not
net) quantities of coal mined throughout a province or region to estimate fugitive emissions, and are not applicable to individual mines. See
NIR (2018) Annex 3, section A- for more information.

Fugitive emission factors for refineries

The fugitive emissions from refineries reported in the NIR (2018) are estimated using emission factors. The factors
were derived historically, on the basis of average emissions at petroleum refineries which have been actively
operating throughout Canada for many years. In the Inventory, these emission factors are applied to fuel
consumption at the refineries. The factors are not generally applicable to individual refineries, and even less so to
more recent installations. For a more complete discussion, please see NIR (2018), Annex 3, section A-

A6.2 Industrial Processes
Table A6-13: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission Factors for Mineral Products
Category Mineral Product Emission Factor
(g CO2/kg of mineral product)
Cement Production
Clinker 5321
TOC 11.52
Lime Production
High-Calcium Lime 7513
Dolomitic lime 8893
Limestone and Dolomite Use
Limestone 4184
Dolomite 4684
Soda Ash Use
Soda Ash 4154
Magnesite Use
Magnesite 5224
1. Cement Association of Canada (CAC) (2016). This is an annual emission factor and ranges between
522.0 and 532.7 g CO2/ kg clinker. This EF is multiplied by the CKD correction factor, 1.012 to account
for clinker that is lost or removed from the process. Excluding the correction factor, the 2016 EF is 526 g
CO2/kg clinker.
2. Cement Association of Canada (2016).
3. Developed based on information provided by Kenefick (2008). Personal communication (email
to Shen A, Environment Canada, dated October 7, 2008). Canadian Lime Institute (CLI).
4. AMEC (2006).

Table A6-14: Emission Factors for Ammonia Production

Average Ammonia-to- Emission Factor Emission Recovery
Feed Fuel Factor1 g CO2/ m3 of natural gas Factor
m3natural gas/tonne of g CO2 / kg of urea
Ammonia Production 671 Marketable natural gas emission factors 728
found in Table A6-1 are used.
1. Facility-specific fuel factors are used and these are confidential.

Table A6-15: N2O Emission Factors for Nitric Acid and Adipic Acid Production
Category Process Description N2O Emission Factor (kg/t)

Nitric Acid Production Dual-pressure plants with extended absorption “Type 1” 9.41

Dual-pressure plants with extended absorption “Type 2” 121

High-pressure plants with non-selective catalytic reduction 0.661

High-pressure plants with selective catalytic reduction 8.52

Adipic Acid Production Oxidation reaction of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol

mixture without N2O abatement
1. Collis G. 1992. Personal communication (letter from Collis G to Jaques A, Greenhouse Gas Division, dated March 23, 1992).
Canadian Fertilizer Institute.
2. IPCC (2000)

Table A6-16: Emission Factors for Petrochemical Products
Petrochemical Product Emission Factor Type

Silicon Carbide 11.6 kg CH4 / t (tonne) product IPCC default1

Calcium Carbide 4.8 kg CH4 / t product Derived from CH4 emission factor for
silicon carbide and the ratio of IPCC
default Calcium Carbide CO2 emission
factor to IPCC default Silicon Carbide CO2
emission factor (i.e. 11.6 (kg CH4/t SiC) *
(1.09 tCO2/tCaC2 / 2.62 tCO2/tSiC))
Carbon Black 1.29 kg CH4 / t product Sector-wide weighted average2
0.032 kg N2O / t product Sector-wide weighted average2
Ethylene 0.039 kg CH4 / t product Sector-wide weighted average2
0.0055 kg N2O / t product Sector-wide weighted average2
0.411 t CO2 / t product Sector-wide weighted average3
Ethylene Dichloride 0.4 kg CH4 / t product IPCC default1
Styrene 4 kg CH4 / t product IPCC default1
Methanol 0.031 kg CH4 / t product Sector-wide weighted average2
0.010 kg N2O / t product Sector-wide weighted average2
0.790 t CO2 / t product Sector-wide weighted average3
1. Default value from Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines (IPCC/OECD/IEA 1997)
2. Cheminfo Services (2010)
3. Cheminfo Services (2015); emission factors may vary if changes are made to the composition of feed.

Table A6-17: Emission Factor for By-Product Emissions from Fluorochemical Production
Process Emission Factor
HCFC-22 production 0.04 t HFC-23 emitted / t HCFC-22 produced1
1. IPCC (2006)

Table A6-18: CO2 Emission Factors for the Iron and Steel Industry
Parameter Emission Factor Unit
Iron ore reduction with coke 3.2–3.31 t CO2 / t (tonne) coke used
Electrode consumption in electric arc furnaces 4.532 kg CO2 / t steel
Electrode consumption in basic oxide furnaces 0.232 kg CO2 / t steel
Limestone use 4183 CO2/kg CaCaO3
Dolomite use 4683 CO2/kg MgCO3
1. Year-specific emission factors provided in Cheminfo Services (2010).
2. Provided by the Canadian Steel Producers Association. Chan K. 2009. Personal communication (email from Chan K to Pagé M,
Environment Canada, dated July 21, 2009). Canadian Steel Producers Association.
3. AMEC (2006)

Table A6-19: Tier 1 Emission Factors for Aluminium Production
Emission Factors1
(kg / t product)
Cell Technology Type
CO2 Carbon Tetrafluoride Carbon Hexafluoride
(CF4) (C2F6)
Side-worked pre-baked 1 600 1.6 0.4
Centre-worked pre-baked 1 600 0.4 0.04
Horizontal stud Söderberg 1 700 0.4 0.03
Vertical stud Söderberg 1 700 0.8 0.04
1. IAI (2006)

Table A6-20: CO2 Emission Factors for Non-Energy Use of Natural Gas Liquids and Petroleum
Product Fraction of Carbon CO2 Emission Factor
Stored in Product (g CO2/L)
Natural Gas Liquids
Propane 0.81 3032
Butane 0.81 3492
Ethane 0.81 1972
Petroleum Products
Petrochemical Feedstocks3 0.81 5007
Naphthas4 0.751 6257
Lubricating Oils and Greases5 0.51 1 4107
Petroleum Used for Other
0.51 1 4507
1. IPCC/OECD/IEA (1997)
2. McCann (2000)
3. Carbon factor for Petrochemical Feedstocks is 680 g of carbon per litre (C/L) (Jaques 1992).
4. Carbon factor for Napthas is 680 g C/L (Jaques 1992).
5. Carbon factor for Lubricating Oils and Greases is 770 g C/L (Jaques 1992).
6. Carbon factor for Petroleum Used in Other Products is 790 g C/L (Jaques 1992).
7. The resulting CO2 emission factor is calculated by multiplying the carbon factor for each product by the molecular
weight ratio between CO2 and carbon (44/12) and by (1-fraction of carbon stored in product).

Table A6-21: Emission Factors for the use of PFCs, SF6 and NF3 in the Electronics Industry1
Application GHG IPCC Tier Emission Rate (%) By-Product Emission
Source Rate
Integrated Circuit or CF4 T2B - CVD 90 N/A
Semiconductor CF4 T2B - Etching N/A
C2F6 T2B - CVD 60 0.1 kg CF4 / kg C2F6
C2F6 T2B - Etching 40 0.4 kg CF4 / kg C2F6
c-C4F8 T2B - Etching 20 0.2 kg CF4 / kg c-C4F8
SF6 T2A 20 N/A
NF3 T2A 20 0.09 kg CF4 / kg NF3
NF3 T2B - Etching 20 N/A
Other Emissive PFCs T2 50% first year / 50% N/A
Applications second year1
1.IPCC (2006)
Table A6-22: HFC as ODS Substitute – Assembly, In-Service and End-of-Life Emission Factors
Life Time
Application Assembly 1 In-Service 2 End-of-Life 3 (years)
Aerosols * 0 50% of orginal charge - 2
Blowing agent in foams *
Open-cell foam 100 - - -
Closed-cell foam 10 4.5 100 23
Air conditioning (Original Equipment Manufacture) **
Air-conditioner units in motor vehicles 0.5 10 75 13
Chillers (specify centrifugal or reciprocating) 1 4.7 5 17
Residential (air conditioners, dehumidifiers, etc.) 1 4 20 17
Air conditioning (Service/Maintenance)
Air-conditioner units in motor vehicles - 10 75 13
Chillers (specify centrifugal or reciprocating) - 4.7 5 17
Residential (air conditioners, dehumidifiers, etc.) - 4 20 17
Refrigeration (Original Equipment Manufacture)
Commercial transport 1 15 30 13
Commercial and institutional (retail foods, vending
machines, etc.) 1 10 30 17
Industrial (warehouses, process equipment, etc.) 1 10 30 17
Residential (freezers, refrigerators) 0.6 0.5 30 15
Other equipment (specify) 1.0 10.8 30 15
Refrigeration (Service/Maintenance)
Commercial transport - 15 30 13
Commercial and institutional (retail foods, vending
machines, etc.) - 10 30 17
Industrial (warehouses, processes, etc.) - 10 30 17
Residential (refrigerators, freezers, etc.) - 0.5 30 15
Other equipment (specify) - 10.1 30 15
Solvent 0 50% of orginal charge - 2
Fire suppression/extinguishing systems (Original Equipment Manufacture)
Portable (mobile) systems - 4 5 18
Total flooding (fixed) systems - 2 5 18
Fire suppression/extinguishing systems (Service/Maintenance)
Portable (mobile) systems - 4 5 18
Total flooding (fixed) systems - 2 5 18
Miscellaneous - 50% of orginal charge - 2
Other (specify) - 50% of orginal charge - 2
1. Percentage of losses of the HFC charged into new equipement
2. Release percentage of HFC bank (by application) during operation
3. Release percentage of HFC bank (by application) during disposal
* IPCC (2006)
** Environment Canada (2015)

Table A6-23: PFC as ODS Substitute – Assembly, In-Service and End-of-Life Emission Factors (%)
Application PFC Emission Rate (%)1
Residential Refrigeration Equipment 3.5% (of charge)2
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
Stationary AC Equipment 3.5% (of charge)2
Mobile AC Equipment 4.5% (of charge)3
Residential Refrigeration Equipment 17% (of stock in existing systems)
Commercial Refrigeration Equipment 17% (of stock in existing systems)
Stationary AC Equipment 17% (of stock in existing systems)
Mobile AC Equipment 30% (of stock in existing systems)
Other Applications
Foam Blowing – open cell 100% (of use)
Foam Blowing – closed cell 10% of charge released during manufacturing and 4.5% of the original
quantity charge released per year over the product’s lifetime
Solvents 50% (of use) in the first year and the other 50% (of use) in the second year

2. The Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories provide two ranges for values: 2–3% and 4–5%.
The mid-point of the two ranges was used (IPCC/OECD/IEA 1997).
3. The Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories provide a range of 4–5% as values.
The average value was used (IPCC/OECD/IEA 1997).

Table A6-24: Emission Factors for N2O Usage (Medical & Propellant)
Product Application N2O Emission Rate (%)
Anaesthetic Usage 100
N2O Use
Propellant Usage 100
Source: IPCC (2006)

Table A6-25: Emission Factors for PFC Emissions from Other Contained Product Uses
Process PFC Emissions from Other Contained Sources
Assembly 1% (of charge)
Annual Leakage Rate 2% (of stock)
Disposal 98% (of remaining stock)
Source: IPCC (2000)

Table A6-26: Emission Factors for Use of Urea in SCR Vehicles

Product DEF Purity Dosing Rate
Urea use in SCR Vehicles 32.50% 2% of diesel consumption
Source: IPCC (2006)

A3.4. and A6.4 Agriculture Sector
Table A3-30: CH4 Emission Factors for Enteric Fermentation for Cattle from 1990 to 2016
EF(EF)T - (kg CH4/head/year)1
Year Dairy Dairy Beef Beef Heifers for
Bulls Steers2 Calves
Cows Heifers Cows Heifers Slaughter2
1990 115.4 79.4 108.0 105.9 82.5 44.7 41.4 43.8
1995 119.1 78.6 117.2 112.1 85.9 48.8 43.6 43.8
2000 125.4 78.0 121.0 117.5 89.4 53.0 47.8 43.8
2005 125.0 77.2 119.9 114.4 87.0 52.8 46.0 43.6
2006 125.8 76.9 119.8 115.2 87.6 53.0 46.7 43.6
2007 126.2 76.8 119.9 115.2 87.6 53.0 47.0 43.6
2008 126.7 76.7 119.9 116.2 88.4 53.1 46.7 43.6
2009 127.1 76.7 123.5 115.4 87.9 52.9 47.0 43.7
2010 128.6 76.8 128.5 115.2 87.8 52.8 47.0 43.7
2011 129.2 76.8 127.6 115.0 87.5 52.7 47.4 43.7
2012 129.6 76.8 129.8 115.5 87.6 53.5 47.9 43.7
2013 134.0 76.9 117.0 115.3 87.3 53.5 48.1 43.7
2014 134.0 76.8 121.0 116.2 88.0 53.1 47.9 43.7
2015 135.0 76.8 127.3 120.0 90.4 53.5 48.5 43.7
2016 137.4 76.8 127.8 121.1 91.4 53.8 48.6 43.8

1. Enteric emission factors are derived from information in Boadi et al. (2004) and default factors from the IPCC guidelines and modified to take into
account trends in milk production and feed quality in dairy cattle and carcass weights for several beef cattle categories. Derivation of the Tier 2 emission
factors is explained in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.
2. Reported as kg/hd/yr; however, emissions are calculated based on time to slaughter.

Table A6-27: Methane Emission Factors for Enteric Fermentation for Non-Cattle Animals
Non-cattle Animal Category Enteric Fermentation Emission Factor1
(kg CH4/head/year)
Boars 1.5
Sows 1.5
Pigs < 20 kg 1.5
Pigs 20–60 kg 1.5
Pigs > 60 kg 1.5
Other Livestock
Sheep 8
Lambs 8
Goats 5
Horses 18
Bison 55
Llamas & Alpacas 8
Elk & Deer 20
Wild Boars 1.5
Fox N/A
Mink N/A
Rabbits N/A
Mules and Asses 10
Chickens N/A
Hens N/A
Turkeys N/A
1 Data source: IPCC (2006), Volume 4: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses, Table 10.10

N/A = Not available

Table A3-37: Emission Factors to Estimate CH4 Emissions from Manure Management for Cattle
Subcategories from 1990 to 2016
EF(MM)T (kg CH4/head/year)
Dairy Dairy Heifers for
Cows Heifers1 Bulls Beef Cows Beef Heifers Slaughter2 Steers2 Calves
1990 13 8 4.5 4.1 3.2 1.9 1.8 2.2
1995 15 9 4.7 4.3 3.2 2.0 1.9 2.1
2000 20 11 4.7 4.5 3.3 2.1 1.9 2.3
2005 26 12 4.6 4.3 3.1 2.1 1.9 2.4
2006 28 13 4.6 4.3 3.1 2.1 1.9 2.5
2007 29 13 4.6 4.3 3.1 2.1 1.9 2.5
2008 30 14 4.6 4.4 3.2 2.1 1.9 2.6
2009 32 15 4.8 4.4 3.2 2.1 2.0 2.7
2010 33 15 5.0 4.4 3.1 2.1 2.0 2.8
2011 35 16 5.0 4.4 3.1 2.1 2.0 2.9
2012 35 16 5.0 4.4 3.1 2.1 2.0 2.9
2013 36 16 4.5 4.4 3.1 2.1 2.0 2.8
2014 36 17 4.7 4.4 3.1 2.1 2.0 2.8
2015 37 17 4.9 4.5 3.2 2.2 2.0 2.8
2016 37 17 4.9 4.6 3.2 2.2 2.0 2.9

1. For dairy heifers, emission factors were estimated using B0, MCF and manure management systems for dairy cows.
2. Reported as kg/hd/year, but emissions are calculated based on time to slaughter.
3. Emission factors are derived from information in Marinier et al. 2004 and 2005 and default factors in the 2006 IPCC
Guidelines. Derivation of the Tier 2 emission factors is explained in Annex 3.4 of the NIR (2018),.

Tables A3-38 and A6-28: 2016 CH4 Emission Factors for Manure Management for Non-Cattle
Non-Cattle Animal Manure Management Emission Factors EF(MM)
Categories (kg CH4/head/year)
Boars 7.0
Sows 7.0
Pigs < 20 kg 2.1
Pigs 20–60 kg 4.4
Pigs > 60 kg 8.4
Other Livestock
Sheep 0.33
Lambs 0.22
Goats 0.32
Horses 2.6
Bison 2.2
Elk and Deer 0.22
Wild Boars1 0.13
Foxes 0.68
Mink 0.68
Rabbits 0.08
Mules and Asses 0.76
Chickens 0.03
Hens 0.12
Turkeys 0.10
1.Emission factor based on swine VS, assuming 100% solid manure.

2. Emission factors are derived from information in Marinier et al. 2004 and 2005 and default factors in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines .
Derivation of the Tier 2 emission factors is explained in Annex 3.4 of the NIR (2018).

Additional Table 1: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as N2O During Storage
of Cattle Manure
EF (g N2O head-1 year-1)1
Dairy Dairy Beef Heifers for
Cows2 Beef Cows Bulls Heifers2 Heifers Slaughter Steers Calves
1990 1 268 862 1 305 938 680 320 336 382
2005 1 128 999 1 495 906 769 425 426 383
2010 956 1 016 1 665 775 784 435 439 382
2011 925 1 015 1 646 763 781 433 442 383
2012 923 1 026 1 686 761 787 454 453 383
2013 959 1 021 1 452 759 783 450 451 384
2014 943 1 038 1 522 751 795 441 446 382
2015 927 1 096 1 639 745 839 455 463 381
2016 927 1 115 1 646 745 856 459 470 380
1. Emission factors are derived from information in Boadi et al. 2004, Marinier et al. 2004 and 2005, and default factors in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Derivation of
the Tier 2 emission factors is explained in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.
2. For dairy cows and heifers, nitrogen excretion rates are derived from feed intake information from Valacta Inc., and manure storage practices are taken from
farm management surveys, as described in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4 .

Additional Table 2: 2016 Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as N2O During
Storage of Non-Cattle Manure
Non-Cattle Emission Factors (EF)1
Animal Type (g N2O head-1 year-1)
Sow 30
Boar 29
Pig(<20) 30
Pig(20-60) 29
Pig(>60) 29
Turkey 54
Hens 12
Pullets 6
Broiler 11
Other Livestock
Sheep 47
Goat 140
Buffalo 984
Horse 493
Llama and alpacas 121
Lamb 47
Deer 218
Elk 212
Wild boars 350
Rabbit 255
Mink 145
Fox 380
Mules and Asses 261

1. Emission factors are derived from information in Marinier et al. 2004 and 2005, and default factors in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Derivation of the Tier 2
emission factors is explained in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 3: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as N2O From Deposition
of Cattle Manure on Pasture, Range and Paddock
EF (g N2O kg-N-1 year-1) 1, 2, 3, 4
1990 0.68 0.68 0.68 8.8 9.5 8.8 9.7 7.5 9.5 0.68
2005 0.68 0.68 0.68 8.8 9.5 8.8 9.7 7.5 9.4 0.68
2010 0.68 0.68 0.68 8.8 9.6 8.8 9.6 7.5 9.4 0.68
2016 0.68 0.68 0.68 8.8 9.6 8.8 9.6 7.5 9.4 0.68
1. Emission factors are derived from Rochette et al. 2014 for eastern Canada, and Lemke et al. 2012 for western Canada
2. The proportion of excreted manure deposited on pasture is taken from Marinier et al. 2005, for all livestock except dairy cows and heifers.
3. The proportion of excreted manure deposited on pasture by dairy cows and heifers is based on a farm size relationship derived from Sheppard et al. (2011a), as
described in Annex 3.4 of the NIR (2018).
4. Derivation of the Tier 2 emission factors is explained in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 4: Emission Factors (EFs) for Cattle Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as N2O
Due to Volatilization and Leaching During Storage
EF (g N2O head-1 year-1)
Volatilization1 1990 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Dairy Cow 207 209 186 174 174 180 178 175 175
Beef Cow 140 161 164 164 166 165 167 177 180
Bull 213 241 269 265 272 234 245 264 265
Dairy heifer 155 150 136 131 131 130 129 128 128
Beef heifer-bred 111 124 127 126 127 126 128 135 138
Beef heifer-slaughter 52 70 72 71 75 74 72 75 76
Steer 55 70 72 73 74 74 73 76 77
Calf 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 60 60
Dairy Cow 23 15 11 10 10 10 10 10 9
Beef Cow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bull 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dairy heifer 16 12 10 10 9 9 9 9 9
Beef heifer-bred 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Beef heifer-slaughter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Calf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1. Volatilization and indirect N2O emission factors are taken from default parameters in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, with the exception of dairy cattle where
volatilization is calculated based on Sheppard et al. 2011b and Chai et al. 2016. Derivation of the Tier 2 emission factors is explained in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.
2. Leaching is not calculated except for dairy cattle as there are no tier 1 leaching factors available in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. A tier 2 method for the calculations
of dairy cattle leaching is calculated based on Sheppard et al. 2011b and Chai et al. 2016. Derivation of the Tier 2 emission factors is explained in NIR (2018),
Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 5: 2016 Emission Factors (EFs) for Non-Cattle Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost
Indirectly as N2O Due to Volatilization and Leaching During Storage
Volatilization Emission Leaching Emission
Non-Cattle Animal Factor (EF)1 Factor (EF)2
Type (g N2O head-1 year-1) (g N2O head-1 year-1)
Sow 84 0
Boar 83 0
Pig(<20) 84 0
Pig(20-60) 84 0
Pig(>60) 84 0
Turkey 13 0
Hens 4 0
Pullets 2 0
Broiler 3 0
Other Livestock
Sheep 3 0
Goat 8 0
Buffalo 158 0
Horse 31 0
Llama and alpacas 7 0
Lamb 3 0
Deer 33 0
Elk 34 0
Wild boars 52 0
Rabbit 38 0
Mink 9 0
Fox 23 0
Mules and Asses 17 0
1. Volatilization and indirect N2O emission factors are taken from default parameters in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Derivation of the Tier 2 emission factors is
explained in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.
2. Leaching is not calculated as there are no tier 1 leaching factors available in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.

Additional Table 6: Emission Factors (EFs) for Cattle Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as NH3 Due to
Volatilization During Storage
EF (kg NH3 head-1 year-1)1
1990 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Dairy Cow 16 16 14 13 13 14 14 14 13
Beef Cow 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14
Bull 16 19 21 21 21 18 19 20 21
Dairy heifer 12 12 11 10 10 10 10 10 10
Beef heifer-bred 8.6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11
Beef heifer-slaughter 4.0 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.8 5.8
Steer 4.2 5.4 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.9 6.0
Calf 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7
1. Volatilization factors are taken from default parameters in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, with the exception of dairy cattle where volatilization is calculated based on
Sheppard et al. 2011b and Chai et al. 2016. Derivation of the emission factors is explained in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 7: 2016 Emission Factors (EFs) for Non-Cattle Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as NH3
Due to Volatilization1 During Storage
Non-Cattle Animal Emission Factor (EF)
Type (kg NH3 head-1 year-1)
Sow 57
Boar 73
Pig(<20) 53
Pig(20-60) 61
Pig(>60) 51
Turkey 9.0
Hens 2.5
Pullets 1.2
Broiler 1.8
Other Livestock
Sheep 2.0
Goat 5.2
Buffalo 107
Horse 22
Llama and alpacas 4.4
Lamb 2.6
Deer 24
Elk 25
Wild boars 41
Rabbit 29
Mink 5.4
Fox 31
Mules and Asses 11
1. Volatilization factors are taken from default parameters in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Derivation of the emission factors is explained in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 8: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as N2O Due to
Volatilization and Leaching of Manure Deposited on Pasture, Range and Paddock
EF (g N2O kg-N--1 year-1)
Volatilization1 AB BC MB NB NL NS ON PE QC SK
1990 3.0 2.7 2.9 2.0 1.6 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.6 3.1
2005 3.1 2.9 3.1 2.1 1.5 2.2 2.3 2.1 1.9 3.1
2010 3.1 2.8 3.0 2.1 1.3 2.0 2.3 1.9 1.9 3.1
2016 3.1 2.8 3.0 2.1 1.3 2.1 2.3 1.9 1.8 3.1
1990 1.9 1.8 2.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.4 1.6
2005 1.8 1.8 2.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.4 1.6
2010 1.8 1.8 2.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.4 1.6
2016 1.7 1.6 2.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.4 1.6
1. For dairy cattle, volatilization is calculated based on Sheppard et al. 2011b and Chai et al. 2016 and the IPCC default indirect N2O emission factor is used. For all
livestock except dairy cattle, the IPCC Tier 1 methodology is used to estimate indirect N2O emission factors from volatilization. Default parameters are used from
the 2006 IPCC Guidelines as described in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.
2. A modified IPCC Tier 1 methodology is used to estimate N2O emissions from leaching in agricultural soils, as described in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 9: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as NH3 Due to
Volatilization1 of Manure Deposited on Pasture, Range and Paddock
EF (kg NH3 kg N-1 year-1)
1990 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.19
2005 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.14 0.10 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.20
2010 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.13 0.08 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.20
2016 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.13 0.08 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.20
1. For dairy cattle, volatilization is calculated based on Sheppard et al. 2011b and Chai et al. 2016. For all livestock except dairy cattle, the IPCC Tier 1
methodology is used to estimate volatilization. Further detail can be found in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 10: Emission Factors (EFs) for Crop Residue, Manure, and Inorganic Fertilizer
Nitrogen (N) Lost as N2O Following Application to Agricultural Soils
EF (g N2O kg-1 N year-1)11
1990 14 16 14 25 26 24 23 21 26 12
2005 13 16 15 25 26 24 23 21 26 11
2010 13 16 15 25 26 24 23 21 26 11
2016 13 16 15 25 26 24 23 21 26 11
1. Country-specific Tier 1 soil N2O emission factors are calculated as described in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 11: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost as NH3 From
Agricultural Soils1
EF (g NH3 kg-1 N year-1)
1990 235 206 247 279 258 274 247 269 249 238
2005 236 196 239 251 249 247 238 259 237 239
2010 234 192 237 244 245 240 233 255 233 237
2016 233 193 237 243 245 240 233 255 232 237
1. For dairy cattle, volatilization is calculated based on Sheppard et al. 2011b and Chai et al. 2016. For all livestock except dairy cattle, the IPCC Tier 1
methodology is used to estimate volatilization. Further detail can be found in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 12: Emission Factors (EFs) for Manure Nitrogen (N) Lost Indirectly as N2O Due
to Volatilization and Leaching of Manure Applied to Agricultural Soils
EF (g N2O kg-1 N applied year-1)
Volatilization1 AB BC MB NB NL NS ON PE QC SK
1990 3.0 2.7 3.2 3.6 3.3 3.5 3.2 3.5 3.2 3.1
2005 3.1 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.1
2010 3.0 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.3 3.0 3.1
2016 3.0 2.5 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.3 3.0 3.1

1990 1.9 2.3 2.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.5 1.6
2005 1.8 2.3 2.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.5 1.6
2010 1.8 2.4 2.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.5 1.6
2016 1.8 2.3 2.1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.5 1.6
1. For dairy cattle, volatilization is calculated based on Sheppard et al. 2011b and Chai et al. 2016 and the IPCC default indirect N2O emission factor is used. For all
livestock except dairy cattle, the IPCC Tier 1 methodology is used to estimate indirect N2O emission factors from volatilization. Default parameters are used from
the 2006 IPCC Guidelines as described in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.
2. A modified IPCC Tier 1 methodology is used to estimate N2O emissions from leaching in agricultural soils, as described in NIR (2018), Annex 3.4.

Additional Table 13: N2O Emission factor for mid-latitude cultivation of organic soils
IPCC default emission factor for mid-latitude cultivation of organic soils 8.0 kg N2O-N/ha-year
Source: IPCC (2006)

Table A3-47: Fractions of N Volatilized (FRACGASF) as Ammonia Resulting from the Application of
Inorganic N Fertilizer, from Select Years, 1990-2016, at a Provincial Scale
Implied EF (kg NH3-N volatilized/kg inorganic fertilizer N applied)


1990 0.06 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.05
1995 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.06
2000 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.06
2005 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.06
2006 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.06
2007 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.06
2008 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.06
2009 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.06
2010 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.00 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.06
2011 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.06
2012 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.06
2013 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.06
2014 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.06
2015 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.06

2016 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.06

More detail on methods of estimating ammonia emission factors from inorganic N fertilizers can be found in Sheppard et al. (2010),
and simplifications used to convert monthly emissions calculated in the original publication to an annual estimate are documented in
Liang (2014).

Additional Table 14: Indirect N2O Emissions from Agricultural Soils

Emission factor due to volatilization and redeposition of Nitrogen 0.01 kg N2O-N/kg N
Emission factor due to leaching/runoff 0.0075 kg N2O-N/kg N
1. IPCC (2006)

Additional Table 15: CH4 & N2O Emissions from Field Burning of Agricultural Residues
CH4 emission factor 2.7 g CH4 kg-1 dry matter burnt
N2O emission factor 0.07 g N2O kg-1 dry matter burnt
1. IPCC (2006)

Additional Table 16: CO2 Emissions from Liming and Urea Fertilization
Dolomite emission factor 0.13 Mg C/ Mg dolomite applied
Limestone emission factor 0.12 Mg C/ Mg limestone applied
Urea emission factor 0.20 Mg C/ Mg urea
1. IPCC (2006)

A3.5. and A6.5 Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry Sector

Forest growth model

The operational-scale Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3) is an aspatial, stand- and
landscape-level modeling framework that simulates the dynamics of all forest carbon stocks required under the
Kyoto Protocol (aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, litter, dead wood and soil organic carbon). It
complies with the carbon estimation methods outlined in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Good Practice Guidance For Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (2003) report. The model can be download
here: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/forests/climate-change/carbon-accounting/13107

Harvested Wood Products

Some information is avaible in Smyth (2014), however it is recommended to contact the Canadian Forest Service for
methodologies on Harvested Wood Products.

Table A3-60: Effective Linear Coefficients of Soil Organic Carbon for Land Management
Change (LMC)1
Zone2 LMC3 ΔCLMCmax Final Year Mean Annual Linear Coefficient Mean Annual Linear
(Mg/ha) of Effect over Duration of Effect of LMC Coefficient over First
after LMC4 (Mg/ha per year) 20 Years after LMC
(Mg/ha per year)
East Atlantic IT to NT 0.0216 3.5 52 0.05 0.06
IT to RT 0.0251 2.4 36 0.04 0.05
RT to NT 0.0233 1.1 1 0.03 0
Decrease fallow 0.0305 13.1 91 0.14 0.3
Increase perennial 0.0217 43.4 167 0.25 0.77
East Central IT to NT 0.025 5 65 0.06 0.1
IT to RT 0.0261 1.9 25 0.04 0.04
RT to NT 0.0255 3.2 46 0.05 0.06
Decrease fallow 0.0305 13.1 91 0.14 0.3
Increase perennial 0.0247 38.2 147 0.25 0.74
Parkland IT to NT 0.0286 6.5 70 0.08 0.14
IT to RT 0.0242 2.8 41 0.04 0.05
RT to NT 0.0263 3.7 51 0.05 0.07
Decrease fallow 0.0305 13.1 91 0.14 0.3
Increase perennial 0.0233 29.4 142 0.2 0.55
Semi-arid Prairies IT to NT 0.0261 4.9 63 0.06 0.1
IT to RT 0.0188 2.3 30 0.03 0.04
RT to NT 0.0222 2.5 37 0.04 0.05
Decrease fallow 0.0305 13.1 91 0.14 0.3
Increase perennial 0.0281 26.1 120 0.21 0.56
West IT to NT 0.0122 4.8 69 0.04 0.05
IT to RT 0.0116 0.8 0 0 0
RT to NT 0.0119 3.9 53 0.03 0.04
Decrease fallow 0.0305 13.1 91 0.14 0.3
Increase perennial 0.0155 34.4 198 0.17 0.46
1. Effective Linear Coefficients of SOC were generated using FLMC(t) = ∆CLMCmax × [1 – exp(−k × t)].
2. Area-weighted summary: East Atlantic is the Atlantic Maritime reporting zone plus the Boreal Shield reporting zone in Newfoundland and Labrador; East Central is the
Mixedwood Plains reporting zone plus the Boreal Shield East reporting zone in Ontario and Quebec; Parkland is the Subhumid Prairies, Boreal Shield West and Boreal Plains
reporting zones plus those parts of the Montane Cordillera reporting zone with agricultural activity contiguous to agricultural activity within the rest of the Parkland zone; and
West is the Pacific Maritime reporting zone plus the Montane Cordillera reporting zone excepting that portion of the latter that is included in the Parkland zone as described
3. For LMCs in the opposite direction to that listed, the FLMCmax will be the negative of the value listed.
4. No further C changes once the absolute value of the rate of change is less than 25 kg C/ha per year.

Additional table 17: Maximal soil organic C loss from forestland conversion to cropland in Eastern
Easten Canada1,2 28.4% lost
Westen Canada1,2 0% lost
1. Canadian Soil Information System
2. Annex 3.5 of NIR (2018)

Carbon emission factor from cultivation of organic soils

5.0 Mg C/ha per year (Source: IPCC 2006)

Additional table 18: Emission factors for biomass combustion of grassland

CH4 emission factor 2.7 g CH4 kg-1 dry matter burnt
N2O emission factor 0.07 g N2O kg-1 dry matter burnt
1. IPCC (2006)

Table A3-62: Parameters and Emission factors for Estimating Emissions from Peat Extraction
Emission Factor/Parameter Unit Value Sources

Biomass Clearing
Forest land biomass cleared t C ha-1 19.2 Hayne and Verbicki 2011
Other land biomass cleared t C ha-1 2.8 Hayne and Verbicki 2011

CO2 from Drained Areas t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 11.4 Moore et al. 2002 as cited in Cleary 2003; Glatzel et al. 2003;
Waddington et al. 2010; Strack and Zuback 2013; Strack et al. 2014
CO2 -DOC from Drained Areas t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 0.60 Waddington et al. 2008; Strack and Zuback 2013
CH4 from Drained Fields t CH4 ha-1 yr-1 0.008 Moore et al. 2002 as cited in Cleary 2003; Waddington and Day 2007;
Strack and Zuback 2013; Strack et al. 2014
CH4 from Drainage Ditches t CH4 ha-1 yr-1 0.15 Waddington and Day 2007
N2O from Drained Areas t N2O ha-1 yr-1 0.001 IPCC 2014 Wetlands Supplement (Table 2.5, Default value for Boreal
& Temperate climate zone)
CO2 from Abandoned Block-Cut t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 8.6 Waddington and Price 2000; Waddington and Warner 2001;
Areas Waddington et al. 2002; McNeil and Waddington 2003
CH4 from Abandoned Block-Cut t CH4 ha-1 yr-1 0.012 Waddington and Price 2000
CO2 Tree Plantation Biomass Uptake t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 -0.32 Garcia Bravo 2015

Peat Stockpiling & Product

Amount of Stockpiled Peat t C ha-1 50 Cleary 2003
Exponential decay constant, 0.05 Cleary 2003
Stockpiled Peat
Carbon Fraction of Peat Products t C t air-dry peat-1 0.26 Hayne et al. 2014

Rewetting &Restoration
CO2 from Restored Areas t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 7.60 Moore et al. 2002 as cited in Cleary 2003; Petrone et al. 2001; Petrone
et al. 2003; Waddington et al. 2010; Strack and Zuback 2013; Strack
et al. 2014
CO2-DOC from Restored Areas t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 0.13 Waddington et al. 2008; Strack and Zuback 2013
CH4 from Restored Fields t CH4 ha-1 yr-1 0.03 Moore et al. 2002 as cited in Cleary 2003; Waddington and Day 2007;
Strack and Zuback 2013; Strack et al., 2014
CH4 from Restored Ditches t CH4 ha-1 yr-1 0.28 Waddington and Day 2007; Strack and Zuback 2013
N2O from Restored Areas t N2O ha-1 yr-1 N/A IPCC 2014 Wetlands Supplement, Default assumption of no N2O
emissions from rewetted/restored areas

A6.6 Biomass Combustion

Table A6-34: Emission Factors for Biomass

Source1 Description Emission Factor (g/kg fuel)
4 4
Wood Fuel / Wood Waste Industrial Combustion 840 0.09 0.064
Forest Wildfires Open Combustion NA NA2 NA3
Controlled Burning Open Combustion NA NA2 NA3
Spent Pulping Liquor Industrial Combustion 8915 0.026 0.026
Stoves and Fireplaces Residential Combustion
Conventional Stoves 1 5396 12.96 0.126
Conventional Fireplaces and Inserts 1 5396 12.96 0.126
Stoves/Fireplaces with Advanced Technology 1 5396 5.96 0.126
or Catalytic Control
Pellet Stove 1 6524 4.126 0.0596
Other Wood-burning Equipment 1 5396 4.126 0.0596

NA = not applicable
1. CO2 emissions from biomass combusted for energy or agricultural purposes are not included in inventory totals, whereas CH 4 and
N2O emissions from these sources are inventoried under the Energy Sector. All greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including CO 2
emissions from biomass burned in managed forests (wildfires and controlled burning), are reported under Land-Use, Land-use Change
and Forestry (LULUCF) and excluded from national inventory totals.
2. Emission ratio for CH4 is 1/90th CO2. See NIR (2018), Section A3.4 in Annex 3.
3. Emission ratio for N2O is 0.017% CO2. See NIR (2018), Section A3.4 in Annex 3.
4. Adapted from U.S. EPA (2003).
5. Adapted from NCASI (2010).
6. Adapted from IPCC (2006).
NA=not applicable

Table A6-35: Emission Factors for Landfill Gas Combustion

Emission Factor (kg /t)
Source Description CO2 CH4 N2O
Landfill Gas 2 752 0.05 0.005
Adapted from IPCC (2006), Volume 2, Energy, Table 2.2.

A3.6. and A6.7 Waste Sector

Additional Table 19: Emissions from Wastewater Treatment1

Municipal Wastewater Treatment CH4 emission factor 0.108 kg CH4/kgBOD5
N2O emission factor from human sewage 0.01 kg N2O-N/kg sewage-N
N2O emissions factor for municipal wastewater 0.16 N2O/kg N in wastewater
treatment facilities
1. IPCC/OECD/IEA (1997)

Additional Table 20: Municipal Solid Waste Incineration1

Waste incineration for MSW five-stoker facilities N2O 0.148 kg/t waste incinerated
emission factor
1. IPCC/OECD/IEA (1997)

Additional Table 21: Waste incineration of the biosolids from municipal wastewater treatement1
Fluidized bed sewage incinerators CH4 emission factors 1.6 t/kt of total dried solids
Multiple hearth incinerators, both equipped with venturi 3.2 t/kt of dried solids
scrubbers, CH4 emission factors
1. U.S. EPA (1995)

Additional Table 22: Hazardous Waste Incineration:

Hazardous waste incineration CH4 emission factor 0.0001695 t CH4/t HW (Source: Environment Canada.
Hazardous waste incineration N2O emission factor 0.003164 t N2O/t HW (Source: Environment Canada.
Hazardous waste incineration CO2 emission factor 1.65 t CO2/kt hazardous waste (Source: IPCC 2006)
1. Environment Canada (2010)
2. IPCC (2006)

Additional Table 23: Clinical Waste Incineration

Sources Emission factors1
CH4 (kg/Gg waste) N2O(g /t waste)
Stoker type continuous incineration 0.2 50
Batch type incineration clinical waste
60 60
Note :
1. IPCC (2006)

Additional Table 24: Sewage Sludge Incineration1
CH4 emission factor for fluidized bed incinerators 1.6 t CH4/kt sewage sludge incinerated / 1000 kg/t

N2O emission factor for Sewage sludge 0.99 kg N2O/t dried sludge incinerated / 1000 kg/t)

CH4 emission factor for dried solids for multiple 3.2 t/kt of of dried solids
hearth incinerators, both equipped with venturi

1. U.S. EPA (1995)

Additional Table 25: Biological Treatment of Solid Waste (Composting)1

Wet waste basis CH4 emissions factor 4g CH4/ kg waste
Wet waste basis N2O emissions factor 0.24g N2O/ kg waste
1. IPCC (2006)


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