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EDUC 111-J1


Earth and Space
4th Quarter


MELCS: Cite and explain ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably.
Code: S7ES-IVc-4
Year Level: Grade 8 (4th Quarter)

Submitted by:
Vince Harold L. Pingol
BSEd – Science Student Intern

Submitted to:
Dr. Minie Bulay
Teaching Internship Instructor
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the different ways to sustain the resources of the Earth;

2. Reflect on the ways of protecting the planet Earth;

3. Create a mini project that promotes protection and conservation of Earth’s natural resources.


Lesson: Protection And Conservation Of Natural Resources

References: K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide

Instructional Material Used: Self-Learning Modules, PowerPoint Presentation, Goggle Meet

Approach/Strategy/IES/Technique: Student-Centered Learning


A. Preparatory Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


“What a wonderful day Grade 8 - Sapphire. Good

morning my dearest students. Wherever you are
right now, I hope you’re all doing well. Are we all
“Can I get a Hep-hep?” “Yes Sir. We are ok.”

“Again louder. Hep-hep!” “Hooray!”

“Are we ready in Today’s virtual class?” “Hooray!”

“Yes Sir. We are very excited!”

“Ok! Very Good.”

“Before we proceed, may I call Arvin for the prayer?

Are you here Arvin?”

“Ok. Kindly lead the prayer.”

“Yes Sir.”
“Thank you Arvin.”

(Student Praying)

“I’m very excited to see all of you class since today,

we officially move to our next topic for your 4 th

“Are we excited?”

“Yes. I’m so proud of all of you for coming this far. “Yes Sir. After struggling so much with this new
For like months you’ll turn grade 8, right? Let’s normal we can finally see the fruit of our labour.”
manifest that.”

“Before we proceed to our class, let me first check

your attendance. When I call your name, kindly tell
me what you are feeling right now.”

“Pacot, Angelie Mariel”

“Pene, Arvin John”


“Pasilang Kerwin”


“Wow.” “Strong.”

“Salubre, Elmer”

“Ok. Everyone is present.”


“For our house rules for today, 1st, be punctual. Find

a quiet place to avoid unnecessary noise. Mute
yourself to avoid any interruption, you can click the
raise hand button if you want to speak, always be
respectful, turn on your video for participation, be
presentable and use your decent pictures in your
accounts upon entering the meeting, and lastly have
fun. Ok?”
“Ok class, I want you to all be quiet. Please listen to
the sound that I will be playing. Just close your eyes
and feel the sound and its vibe.”

(Sound Playing)

Video Link: “’Yes Sir.”


“What do you think is the sound?”

“Ok. Very good. How about you Angelie? In a

deeper explanation, what do you think is the

“Ok. Very good.”

“The sound is about a water flowing Sir.”

“How did you feel about the sound?”


“I think it’s about a river filled peace and beauty of

nature around it.”

“Ok Kerwin?”

“Very good.”

“Especially that our season now is dry, it’s

refreshing to hear the sound of water.” (Student Raises Hand)

“Yes. Same here in our area.”

“The sound makes me refreshed and calm Sir.”


“From hearing the sound, now let’s all recall our

topic yesterday, did you all remember?”
“Yes Sir. Right now Sir we have a problem in terms
of water supply.”
“Yes. It’s about earth’s resources. And also our
country’s main resources. Can anyone give me
those resources mentioned?”

“Yes Sir. It’s about Earth’s resources. And

specifically we tackled the Philippines’ resources.”

“The Earth's natural resource Sir includes air, water,

soil, minerals, plants, and animals, and a lot more.”

“Very good. You all did listen. I will be collecting

your homework later. Ok?”
“In the Philippines Sir, we have The country is rich
in gold, copper, chromite, silver, nickel, cobalt, and
other minerals, etc.”
“Yes Sir.”

B. Developmental Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


“At this moment in class, brace yourself for we will

start our class with an activity called ‘the riddle’.”

Do you know what a riddle class is?

“Not yet Sir.”

“Ok. So, riddles are sentences that ingenuity in

ascertaining its answer so basically it has deeper
meaning. I will be flashing a riddle and you’ll be able
to say the correct answer.”

“The first one to answer shall win the activity. And

the exciting part, I will be rewarding the 5 winners
with a 30 pesos load. So that it can help you with
your online class. Ok? Am I clear?”
“Ok! First riddle, I touch your face, I'm in your “Yes Sir.”
words, and I’m lack of space and beloved by birds.”

“Second, A whole dale filled, but nods even one full

hand.” “Air!”

“Next, What has roots as nobody sees is taller than

trees, Up, up it goes, And yet never grows?” “Forest!”

“Fourth, What can be quick and deadly and gathers “Hills/Mountains!”

by the ocean?”

“Last one, come on. Last winner. What grows when

it eats, but dies when it drinks?” “Sand!”

“Yes Class. Very good. You are all participative.

Very good. So we have 5 winners. We have Elmer,
Angelie, Arvin, Kerwin, and Julia.”

“’At this moment let me ask you questions regarding

the activity. So first question, how are these
“Thank you Sir.”
connected to each other? May I call Elmer?”

“I think Sir that these words are nature. It’s the

nature of our surroundings so these words are
“Very good. Next question, why is our connected because they balance our planet and
nature/environment important?” world with its importance specially mountains.

“For me Sir, it is important because we can’t live

without them. We live in a planet and it is our
habitat. We cannot live here just by our physical
being. We need plants, air, soil, food, and a lot more
important components off our environment.”

“Very good Elmer. Last question, In what way can

you show importance in having those parts of our
environment such as mentioned in your activity?”

“There are a lot of things that we can show our

protection for this Sir. We can conserve, promote, or
encourage people to save the planet. We can also
act little by little in our homes and a lot more helpful
ways to show that we truly have a concern to our
“Very good class.” environment.”

Presentation of the lesson

“What do you think is our topic for today?

“Environment Sir.”

“Sustainability Sir.”
“Ok. Our topic for today is The Philippine
Environment. Protection and conservation of natural

“For our most essential learning competency, we

have cite and explain ways of using Earth’s
resources sustainably.”

“For our objectives in today’s class, At the end of

the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the different natural resources of the


2. Demonstrate the ways of sustaining the

Earth’s resources;

3. Create a mini project that promotes

protection and conservation of Earth’s
natural resources.”

Setting of Standards

“In our class today, we are all need to Integrate the

use of technology, effectively communicate in class,
and collaboration between you and me. And also
with your classmates.’
“Am I clear class?”

“Very good.”

Discussion (Strategies) “Yes Sir.”

“Class, we all know that sustainability is sometimes

difficult to handle. Even our grades at school, we
have difficulty in sustaining it, right?”

“Now I want you to think of how practice of caring for

these resources so all living things can benefit from them
now and in the future?”

“Yes Sir. “

“Ok. Good. Conservation is very important.”

“To use natural resources sustainably we need to “I think conservation Sir. With conservation, we can
rethink which resources we use and how we use sustain our needs and we are not only benefiting
them. We should also ask ourselves if we really from it but also the next generation.”
need to use them in the first place.”

“Think again class, in what way can you sustain our

resources? Think of a possible solution.”

“Ok. Very good. 3Rs is a great example of that. How “The most common way to conserve our resources
about another example? Sir is the action of 3Rs. Those are reducing, reuse,
and recycle. It has been practiced in our homes and
barangay. When we have environmental month, we
are highly encourage do it.”
“I think Sir the earth hour would be a great answer
as well sir where the different countries voluntarily
encouraged heir citizens to turn off their electricity
“Yes. Very good. Earth hour is a great example. for an hour to conserve energy at home and around
Very good class.” the world.”

“But did you know class that according to U.K. Ollies

World of Sustainability, there are only 3 ways that
can lead to sustainability that can conserve our
resources big time?”

“Yes class. There are only three. Do you have any

idea what are these?”

“Really Sir?”

“Yes thank you. First we have, Use renewable

resources, like wind and solar energy, instead of
non-renewable resources, like fossil fuels. Why do
you think that is?”

“I think it’s about energy sir since energy has so

much impact in our planet.”
“For me Sir, as stated in our lessons last week,
fossil fuels is a non-renewable resource and is a natural
“Yes. Correct. Fossil fuels are non-renewable. So resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural
we have to conserve with our usage of it. So means at a pace quick enough to keep up with
renewable energy resource is very helpful. Thank consumption such as Oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear
you Elmer.” energy. So if we use renewable resources that would be
a great option.”

“Next, do you have any idea Arvin? What would be

the next way of sustainability from Ollies world?

“Very good. We have Use those resources which

cause less harm to the environment. Why do you
think that is Angelie”

“I think it’s about our food or consumption Sir since

we consume everyday so I think it’s about our
“Very good. Exactly class. We should be mindful of “Because Sir, especially with food and business, we
what we consume. Especially that in our age right consume so much processed food and products
now, we are very materialistic.” that really consumes carbon footprint like foods that
needs plastics/cans. If we consume foods from a
garden we created, then we consume food with less
“And for the last one, may I call Angelie? Do you harm to our environment.”
have any idea?”

“Ok. Good.”

“For the last goal to attain sustainability, we have “I think this time Sir in the last goal in sustainability
Cut back on the amount of natural resources, and in comes that individual choice to consume less.”
particular non-renewable resources we use, by
reducing, reusing and recycling.”’

“So any idea about this. Elmer can you share us

your thoughts?”
“Ok! Very good. That’s right. It really about our “Since we tackle from past 2 goals to attain
individual choices that can save the planet as a sustainability sir, I think the last one is about us.
whole.” Like how we consume renewable resources more
than non-renewable specially our business owners
that really used much of our energy. I think it’s about
“Aside from big move to sustainability, we also have it.”
our little ways to protect our country and planet
especially that Philippines is very prone to disasters.
We have the Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Help
Protect the Earth by”

“’I want you class to give me your ideas about these ten.
I’m sure you have your own ideas there. Kindly share it
with us.”

“Ok good.”

“Another one.”
“Plant Trees Sir

“Less Vehicles.”
“’Very good.”

“How about the others? Kindly share us your idea.” “Campaigns.”

“Ok good. Keep going class. You’re doing a great


“Home energy conservation.”

“Conserve water.”

“Ok. Very good. Thank you class. According to the

ocean service, there are Ten Simple Things You Can
Do to Help Protect the Earth”

“Clean the ocean.”

“We have, Reduce, reuse, and recycle, Volunteer. , “Recycling Sir.”

Educate., Conserve water, Choose sustainability,
Shop wisely, Use long-lasting light bulbs, Plant a
tree, Don't send chemicals into our waterways and
Bike more.”

“These are the 10 ways that we can practice easily.

All of your answers earlier are all correct. Great job

“”Now I want you class to think in a deeper context

as to why would these ways help save our

“We have 3Rs. Anyone from class?

“Yes Kerwin.”

“Very good. Next, volunteer.”

“Reducing, reusing, and recycling Sir can save the

planet because we are less consuming products by
reusing hem again meaning that we are not using
too much of products that can help our plane have
less trash/garbage.”
“That’s very good. We also have here that clean and
green project. Thank you Angelie.”
“Volunteering in environmental projects does make
a difference. Take for example our barangay here,
they have clean and green project which gives
every family the task to plant their own trees and he
“Next, Educate.” barangay created their own garden. It’s really
helpful if we volunteer.”

“Very good. We really need to be well educated to

understand things. Right?”

“Education is really the key Sir. We wouldn’t

something is wrong scientifically if we won’ educate
“Next, Conserve water. Elmer?” ourselves. So education about our planetary
situations is really helpful specially researches.”

“Water is highly useful in everyday life whether be it

in our homes, school, or businesses. We need to
conserve it because imagine if we experience water
shortage like what happened last typhoon Odette,
“Very good. Fifth, we have choose sustainability. that was very difficult. We need to conserve water
Yes Angelie?” more.”

“Sustainability I very important in our planet. We

need to sustain what we have right now not only to
help ourselves but also our children and next
generation. Sustainability means that we can just
choose things that are only necessary. For example,
wasting water, we can just save it for more
important usage. That’s what sustainability for sure.”
“Very good. Next we have, shop wisely.”

“Shopping/buying need also to be responsible. We

can buy things that are long lasting. For example,
instead of buying cotton pads, we can just buy
reusable cotton pads for more long lasting use.”

“Very good. That’s actually a great example. For the

next one, we have Use long-lasting light bulbs. May
I call Arvin?”

“Bulbs are very useful but sometime there are bulbs

that consume too much energy and not eco-friendly
Sir. We should buy eco-friendly bulbs and also, turn
“Very good. 8TH is Plant a tree. Anyone?”’ it off when not in use.
“Yes Angelie. Go ahead.”

“Trees are very essential in our environment. If we

plant trees, we are saving the environment so much.
We can have oxygen’s sustainability. It will also
make the surrounding less hot.”

“Very good.”

Next one, we have Don't send chemicals into our

waterways. Anyone?

“Oceans are very beautiful and it makes our planet

also sustainable in terms of resources so if we send
chemicals, it will poison the bodies of water and its
species so we need to stop business/companies
from sending chemicals or even dynamite fishing.”

“Very good. Especially here in our country, we are

so reach in water resources so we really need to
protect it.”

“And finally, for the last one. We have Bike more.”

“Biking can lessen pollution, and also carbon
footprint. I love to bike as well so it’s actually good
to bike than to use vehicle a lot because not only
you are exercising but you’re also helping the

“Very good. Wow. Everyone is really participative

and smart.


“Ok class, let’s all recall what we have discussed


Earlier, we have discussed Sustainable resource by

Ollies world UK. We have 3 ways.

“So what are those? Anyone?”

“We have Use renewable resources, like wind and
solar energy, instead of non-renewable resources,
“Yes Angelie. Give me one.” like fossil fuels.

“Sir those are use those resources which cause less

harm to the environment and cut back on the
“Thank you. Yes. Very good. . How about the amount of natural resources, and in particular non-
remaining two? Yes Elmer.” renewable resources we use, by reducing, reusing
and recycling.”
“Ok. Very good. We have Use renewable resources,
like wind and solar energy, instead of non-
renewable resources, like fossil fuels. Use those
resources which cause less harm to the
environment and cut back on the amount of natural
resources, and in particular non-renewable
resources we use.”

“Earlier as well class, we tackled the Ten Simple

Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Earth by the
ocean service.”

“Can anyone elaborate the first five?”

“Yes Arvin.”
“Sir, we have Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Volunteer. Educate. Conserve water. Choose

“Very good. How about the remaining 5. May I call

Angelie?” “Sir we have Shop wisely. Use long-lasting light
bulbs. Plant a tree. Don't send chemicals into our
waterways. Bike more.”

“Very good class. Wow. You really paid attention. A

job well done. Let’s give ourselves a hand please.”


“Ok class. Since all of you are very good and smart.
Let’s all have another activity. Kindly get a ½ sheet
of paper.”

“Listen carefully, for your activity. We have the Mini

Project. For the direction, Create a mini-project in your
local area that will help the locality protect and preserve
resources. Explain your project briefly. Follow the format
shown in the screen.”

“’Am I Clear class? Do you have any question?”

“None so far Sir.”

“Ok. Good. I will call someone from the class to

present his/her project. I will give you 5 minutes to
create your activity.”
Are you ready?

“Yes Sir.”

“Ok. Your time starts now class.”

“Your time is up class. Are you all done class?

“Yes Sir.”

“Ok good. Let me call Arvin and Angelie. Kindly

share us your project.”

“My project Sir is entitled “Monthly coastal clean-up.

Local area is Masao Butuan City. Purpose is to help
the shore to maintain its cleanliness with the help of
the barangay office. My project is relevant because
it will help the people living there to have a clean
place to maintain their health and also the place to
be a good place for tourist. It is helpful here
because in our area, we have poor cleanliness rules
and regulations. This a great project for it to be
“Very good. Thank you Arvin.”

“Next, kindly present you project Angelie.” “Hi Sir. My project is entitled “Familial gardening”.
The locality is Villakananga. Purpose, to have each
family’s access to food such as vegetables. My
project is very relevant because we have people
here living under the poor social classes of families.
Not only it will help them have food but also help
them to consume rightfully. It is very relevant since
food is an issue right now. It will definitely help our
place to have a sustainable food source such as

“Wow. Very good initiative Angelie. That’s a great

project. Let’s all clap for Arvin and Angelie. Kindly
keep your outputs class because you will upload
that in your google classroom.”


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“At this moment class, kindly get a ¼ sheet of
paper. We are going to have a 5 item quiz. Answer
this honestly in you homes, and I will be collecting
your paper thru online platform. This is just short so
do not worry.”

‘Ok Sir.”

“For the direction, I will be showing a statement.

Just write T if the statement is correct and write F if
the statement is a fallacy. If you answer is F, kindly
state your reason why you think it is false and state
how will you address this issue.”

“And for part 2, we have the fill me up. Kindly copy

the table and fill up the list the possible ways to
preserve the Earth’s resources in the locality. Just
short and brief class. One sentence will do as long
as it is brief and concise. Ok? I will only give you 5
minutes to answer. Understood class?”

“Very good. Your time starts now.”

“Yes Sir. Clearly.”

“Ok class. Your time is up. Let’s hear you answer.”

“Question number 1, If we recycle, we can conserve
natural resources. May I call on Angelie?”

“Very good. Thank you. Question number 2, If we

plant new trees, it will only cause much time. Arvin
kindly share us your thoughts.” “T. True Sir. Recycling is a great option to conserve
our resources as mentioned in class.”

“Very good. That’s true. Let’s move to question

number 3. Conserving energy at home is just a false
belief. Angelie?”

“F. False Sir. Planting trees can save our planet. It

doesn’t cost much time because we are wasting our
time anyways. We’re doing it for our own sake.”
“Very good. Thank you Angelie.”

“F. False Sir. It is a fact that energy conservation at

home does help us reduce carbon footprint. In other
words, we are not only conserving energy for good,
“Next, We can’t drive less because our vehicle, our but also helping the planet to heal even just for little
rules. May I call on Kerwin?” by little step.”

“Very good. That’s right.” “F. False Sir. We all know that we are the ones that
bought our possessions but that doesn’t mean that
we don’ have the social responsibility for the sake of
all. We have to remember that our actions affect us
all. We have to drive less o recuse pollution.”
“Last one, Recycled materials are good. May I call

“Wow. Excellent class. You are all learning so much

today. Amazing.”

“T. True Sir. Recycled materials are not only making

people jobs but I can also help the environment at
the same time.”
“Let’s move to part 2. Any volunteer? We need two
students to share their answers.”

“Ok we have Arvin and Angelie. Kindly share us

your idea.”

“For the Possible ways to Preserve and Protect the

earth’s resources, for water, we need to preserve
water by using it if we only need it. We don’t have to
waste water just like using it too much when we take
a bath. Or cleaning the toilet. If we are done using it,
turn off the sink right away. For plants, we should
plant more trees or even gardens in our barangay.
We should encourage everyone to go green. For
soil, we have to plant grass for a healthier grass so
“Very good. How about you Arvin, kindly share us
that it won’t die. Thank you!”
you answer.”

“For me Sir, in order for us to preserve water,

plants, and soil, these 3 are just connected to each
other. If we plant trees, then or soil would be
healthy. That’s always a good thing if we plant trees.
As for water, we have to use water if we need it.
Don’t over use as well.”

“Excellent class. You are all well-spoken. You are

also smart. I’m very proud of all you. Kindly keep
your paper because you will submit that in your
Google class with a jpeg format or image.”

“Ok Sir. Thank you!”

“You’re welcome class.”


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“For your assignment class, Describe the following

images according to your understanding and
provide your insights on how to combat the problem
in the image provided.”


“Upload your insights in your social media accounts

be it in Facebook/twitter/instagram and upload it in
your google class with the caption ‘Let’s help save
the planet together. Let’s save our lives.
#Sustainability #Conservation. Here is the rubric
class for your assignment.”
“Am I clear class? Any Questions?”

“Ok, the deadline class will be on Sunday. I will be

checking your social media accounts and google

“Any other questions?”


“Today class, we have shared a lot of insights with

how we can help our planet by conserving. I want to
end this class by saying that Together, Let’s say

We will and We can!” “When will be the deadline Sir?”

“We can save our planet. We can save lives. Ok!

Thank you class for attending our class today. See
you next meeting. Have a great day. Goodbye.
Keep safe!”

‘None so far Sir.”

“Goodbye Sir.”


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