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6』 e∞ つ 866∽ 5

896SOつ ミ
ミ 6・ 58口 っ∽」0∞ ,あ C,39D§


●800っ e●

?391'8!∽ ic∞ っ
。 Ri3ω ∞i3cnあ
(3rd November,1992)

"860つ 8000
7  h

For the purpose of carrying out the provisions Of


d   ●
a   t
n h
(o) the Ministry of Forestry may issue rules
ミ あ。
ε∞565。 38日 っ∽d・ ∞つ 1:。 ぬ
:宝 procedurcs as may be necessary with
`。 approval of the Government ;
ω6.∽ ぅ

(b) the Ministry of Forestry and the Forest Dep-art'
8・ 8。 53日 ,:見 ∞つ
∽』。 あ。
1:"厳 8009。 98° le」 )
ment may issue, directives and notifica-
8ti:∞ ∞ :cnあ
09 1'6 ∽i° ∞。
。 阜 tions as maY be necessarY'
。SCつ つ
cc」 1,81 ミ
oo ? nあ )

お 』。
Cn:"§ ω 。
つ 58. The Forest Act' 1902 is hereby repealed'
「 8R∽ C∞ 0801
oC3露 審 瑠 ::導

(Sd)Than shwe
"。 i:(→ Cenera′

』i:088っ ぶ
0。・・5日・Jお Chal′ man

31∞ SC∽つ ・39 00TQδ colo』 ‖

The Stat( Law and Order Restoration Council
‖gie。 。
Э e。

つ 1° :98olっ 8∞ 〔
1005日 01
』 Fl::::驚 l:椰 :曜
di」 P巴

0Ю l∞ 00oO/c」′ ′ cげ 0,∞ 。
ω6・ ∽':88:′ oooOOttJЭ ′ ・
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罵 〓∽ ン ●コ ∽I 卜   〓
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Co¨ C〓。●  ●●● 。︼一〓F

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. じにc● 、02 0エ
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Nヽ ∞ .
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︱叫 ¨ 8oぜ” ■¨
0ァ℃″“ o
回﹂o・ S
&葡   〓
52. When a request is made by the Forest staff for
assistance in the perfcrmance of their duties, the
Pcople's Police Force shall rerrder necessary assistance.

53. lf an exhibit relating to any legal proceeding in.

stituted under this Law is not easily produceable before
the Court, such exhibit need not be prodLrced before
(C) ∽ the Court. However, a report or other relevant
8∽ δ :。1総 :縣 documentary evidence as to the manner of custody
。,:│ the sanie may be submittad. Such submission shall be
deemed as if it were a submission of the exhibit
2η ω巴‖
0 before the Court and the relevant Court may dispose

#導 ::l of the same in accordance with law.

°33:基 盟 雲ぶ鶉ゴ
事 :∬
54. ln a case where administrative action is taken or,
in a case where a iegal proceeding is instituted under
this Law, the burden of proving lawful ownership or
C輌 :4
∞うB OD』 ωoC∽ つqあ 。9』 801つ lawful right of possession in respect of the forest pro-

錠ω巴 :
duce shall lie on the person against \Yhom action is
(∞ )"6081Υ

108ω 』
纂1評 bFti〕 :謀 鍵 c属
55. The reserved forests existing under the Forest Act,
1902 shall be deemed to be reserved forests constituted
under this Law.
(。 )
「絆 L窯 ぶ竃
ωoOCη 賛∞巴 l
56. Before the issuance of rules, procedures, notifica-
tions and Clrec:ives under thls Law, rules, notifications,
(Ol) directiv€s and circulars issued under the Forest Act,
1902 may continug to be applicable in so far as they
are not inconsistent with this Law.

鐵群郡穂霊期ざ榔 :
(d) Londot the disposol of the Govunment means othcr
land with tho excePlion of land in which a Govern'
ment deParrment, orSanization or any Person
has acquired right ofculcivation, right of
possesslon, right of use and occuPancy, be-
0ギ °
C3「 q.∽
ヽ O CO
O`O( ODC O Cω う
neficial enjoyment, heriable right or transferable

。 cJ亀
(Re:ω tt ω∽C∞ 。

T。 ∽ △ t

P巴 ?:9801 right under any existing law ;

(e) Forest Produce moans trees, leaves, flowers and

fruits grown on or found in forest land or land
at the disposal of the Govcrnment and thelr
by-producrs. This expression also includes wlld
animals and insects, thelr parts and their by-
products ;

(F) Mlnor Forest Producemeans forest produce de'

clared as a minor forest produce under this Law;

(g) Tree lncludes root, stumP, stem, braneh, bush,

cgoy 1561 Di,i6,n-, creeper, bamboo, cane, orchid and seedling ;
33,, 36:-reu"""o:.
^ g;]eoess.tq Ooesco,
c,1::{ : rre3oc
lGo)?()J ?3lgooeo?
(h) Reserved free means a teak tree and any tree
declared as a reserved tree under this Law;
3G,r g]gt:eeoq q6qt?,51$oJr:r o3-$
cE5$:o:c1::' eilq3;Aarlr, .q?19i6 ceoJ ?t::
erd eca: p o esoq cool9fcor:6o) tg:eocacJ?ll sr€i (1) Ilmber means a tree which has fallen or which
c@5$:oc"Jl', . e$E.;af 47,,. oo:Sncu: c.;::{ has been felled and wood or log, whether cut
g)gocsSQ caoicDleocJ 6DcDcocDclleo:tcoBn up, fashtoned or hollowed out;

J li
° (b) may pay as damages to the person whose pro-
(巴 )撃

密 』
訂ぶ 聾:]ぶ嶽朧 1 ・ t t t
perty has been worngfully seized, the whole or
any portion ofthe fine irnposod under section 45.
賛ω巴 l

'2嗜・ ::鳳
(9) :::・ :CCD●
慮OJつ 8η η"巴
'dil『 ゃ │

Cgrprrn Xlll


49. (a) The Minister may reduce, waive or excmpr
from paynrr-'nt of uy r't'1aky d uo, in respect
of foresr prodirc.: p.i))'mitted to be cxtracted
undcr th is L; ,,r;

(b) The Dircctor-Gen crel may reducc, waive or

cxenlpt from paymcnt of any royal;7 due, in


∞6● のぅ respect of forr:st produce p+nnitied to be

?。 ,[ヨ :9つ ,

(。 )
oxcracred Lrnder s:ction l8 sub-stction (d).

0) ∽つ

昌:[::鼈 汗

50. The Director-Gensral may delegate

il::i:; "6・

conferred on hlm under this Law to

Fo rest

︱ ∽

盤J略 :3騨




101 │

51. All money payable to rhc For.rst Department under
thls Law shall be recovcrcd as if it were an arrear of
land rcvenue. A Forest Ofticer who has been assigned
responsibility by the Ministry of Forestry for this
purpose shall exercise the powers of a Collector
under the existing laws.

P 25
Firewood means a rree, part or piece of timber
suicable only for use as fuel ;

(k) Domestic Animol means animals raised by man

inciuding elephants ;

i:(。 9) Removol Poss means a permit issued under this
Law to move foreit produce from one township
‐ ●∞ ●∞
● ` to another within the country ;

(Cつ )

(m) Perrnit means an order permitting extraction of

forest produce or an order permitting right of
operation relating to forest produce. This
expression also includes an agreentent executed
(。 ) ro permit extraction of forest produce;

(n) ivlinister means the Ministcr of the Ministry of


l趙つま (o) Director-Generol means the Director-General of


':∫ the Forest Department ;

(2) Forest Officer means the Head of the State/Divi-

sional, District or Township Forest Department ;

Forest Stoff means the forest administrative staff
at different levels from a Forest Guard to the
Director-General of the Forest Department.
3つ 0革 :(」 46. Any forest staffwho, by reason of his power, accepts
from any person cash or kind in a corruPt manner or
Odつ : in contravention of thc Law and ParticiPates and
"。 58常
」∽』 08
conspires in extracting, moving or unlawfully having in

possession forest produce in a wrongful manner shall
11):l垂 品
』 理:望
'C55'° "Cの
be punished with imPrisonment which may extend from
ω6。 のう
。98T R0134 0Cの ■0∞ 』 a minimum of I year to a maximum of 7 years-
(0) 47. The convicting Court shall, in resPect of any legal
proceeding instituted under this Law, award punishrnent
(。 ) for the relevant offence and in addition:--

(o) shall pass order for confiscar:ion of all forest

produce in respect of 'arhich the offencq has
(。 )
been committed;

(b) may pass order for ihc confiscation of vehicles/

vessels, animals and other maclrinery, tools
and implements used in the comrnission of the
(C) offence;

(c) may pass ord..:r for the value of the loss and
(0) :¶ う: damage to the Fortrst Department as a result
386c?。 1 of the commission of the offence, to be paid by
0"8'ST?賃 9 way of compcnsn;ion to the Forest Departmcnt.

(∞ )

48. The Ccurt:---

(。 ) (o) shall hand-over the confiscated forest produce

to the Forcst Department i

Cseprnn ll
Easic Prin cipies
3. This Law shall be implementcd in accordancc with the
の following ic principles:.-
R∬ 嗜
COCつ OCD lii::U
邸9あ 4鶴 → っ
69■ 1鵡 ご
(o) to inrplement the folcscry policy of the Govern-
(6) to inrpiement rhe envirofime.ntal conservation

policy of the Government ;
潔q8瀾 C C
理lΥ [::
(c) to prornote the secior of public co-operaiion in
∽電の O19∽ q implementing the forestry policy and the environ-

い)露 道 鶴轟
mental conservatian policy of the Government ;

馬幕 糊署

(d) to develop the economy ofthe Srare, ro contribute


toylards the food, clothing and shelter needs

(。 ) of th<r public and for perpetual enioymenr of

benefits by conservation and protection offorest ;

(e) to carry out in accordance with international
agreements relacing to conserva.tion of forests
and conscrvation of environment ;
(f) to prevent the dangers of destruction of forest
and bio-diversity, outbreak of fires, infestation of
insects and occurrence of plant disease;
は P:98∞ 巴一
(g) to carry out simultaneously conservation of

OF認 「鴨常 6聯 natural forests and estabiishment of forest plan-

淵 撃亀靖 』
08Υ 巴
to contribute towards the fuel requirement of
the co u n try.


0'3(?) 44. Whoever cammits any of the following acts shall,
on conviction. be punished wiih fine which may extend
∞つ 。 あ:あ to kyats 30,000 or with imPrison ment for a ternl
國316:。 ∽' §
。』ε :□
which may exle nd to 3 years or with both :-
2つ Eε
91 。
i國 :ω 』∽ 0: (o) having in his posst:ssion or counterfeiting a
G∽,C∽ つ
δI Cnl C□ む marking hammer used by forest staff; having
30Jつ 8 in his Posse5sion a clunterfeit marking hantmer
or affixing a mlrk on the forest prodtlce with
counterfeit mar king hammer i

(b) unlawiully affxing a Inark on the forest produce

with a marking ha',nmer used by forest stafl

or wiih ., ProPerty marking hammer;

(c) altering, defacing or obliterating any
affixed on the forest Produce bY the
staff or by a Person delegated bY him ;

1■ :qΦ
(d) altering, moving, destroying or defacing any
boundary-mark of a forest land without Per'
∽ う0つ く つ
"Cの mission.

Any forest staff who, by misusing the Power con'


ferred on him under this Law, vexatiously seizes any

forest produce without valid reason shall be punished
with fine which may extcnd to kyats 10,000 or with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to I year
or with both.

い 0い
.CO一 一ωC一
P03つ0﹂こ  o一 0●>﹂0”COυ
●P∽50  ﹂0﹂  Lo一
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︱ ︱ ”∽O o0 0 L う ﹂   ¨ C ヽ o 〓 0 一  o こ υ   ﹂ 0 ﹂ ∽υ∽ 。 L O ﹂   つ 0 > ﹂ o ∽
, 〓 σ﹄
・o L  o ﹁ 一∽一 ぅ o .り E O E c ﹂ 0 > o O ︶ 0 こ り ﹂ 。   一● ∽o α ∽ 一つ   0 エ ロ  0●   O C C 一  C 。
^ oo ﹂ a に ∽0 C
∽υ こ 〓 ¨ C t C 一o o α ∽ 一 o﹂ U 〓 一 ● ﹁ O uυ o 一 o ﹂ 0 ﹂ ● ︼0 0 ﹁ .一 。 ´こ
, 。 L一 。 ●
^^ ● E
﹂o 漱 一E o エト   .崎
・C L O > 0 0 0 こ 0 い。 ■ c 〓ロ エ〓 ゝ Σ

﹂ 0
 0 。
L 0 ∽
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一υ ﹂
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∽﹂o > 一つ ■0 一
g O 一0●>、o ∽ε O υ     、 り一 > C O  ︵ヽ ︶
0     つ C●     PC 。 ﹂C O L 一

樹ビ ゛
  つ 0 こ ∽﹂ o Pa 2 ︵υ ︶
﹂   一C O C﹂ 工 o Pぉo   ﹂0一
つ o > L O ∽o L   C nだ り00 口O L 一

¨ ”∽0 ﹂0 ﹂ つ 0 > L o ∽o ﹂ 、 一α ﹂ 3 〇 一●υ o 一 ︵0 ︶

 一oO L O 一  つ 0 > ﹂o ∽。 ﹂  一● 一υ﹂o CE “〓O υ  ︵0︶
o〓口  ﹂o   一   0工υ  ”●  一C”一 0つ   、0
    C。  C。 3 ●OLOF一
¨ 。 り己 o   ¨ c tζ o 〓 o ﹂ o こ ︶   o 一 ぅ 0 一υ∽ C O u
っ いo L O ﹂   や o > ﹂o ∽。 ﹂ ,﹂ o   ∽ り 一L o ・
。 一
ごcOEc﹂0>00 o二け ﹂  0″
‘>。﹂。﹂● X●E ﹂o場I一
事 ‘〓  ^ Σ

oυぅつ。L﹂ 口∽o﹂n﹂ o エン ﹂。 や一
oこ一 ^ ●︺∽●∽ e C一
X つOC一 ●r﹂ 0一
〓 こ0 0こり 。>ゝooCo。 0口 LOつ﹂o C一
OC● ”﹂。一U“﹂ 一 寸
, l aoc

JoOLO L   υ〓 漁 ョL   ﹁。一。o︺oLL
︶●L● 一
いo こ o ¨ υo︵一 O Ce ︺oO﹄0﹂ ﹁ 0>〓Oooα ﹄O C O 一 “∽暉o U
一5一¨ .3 し

_ §

〓 “ロト“く目0


4 ´

C‖ 。
i國 鞠j一 (b) extracting, moving or keeping in possession
unlawfully timber fl'cm reserved trec othcr
(∽ )日 :う δ :Cの つ0。 あ國:□ ε than teak wirhout a permit ;
0』 ω
の CCOつ
ODЭ ∽ く

゛6。 □ C3ω 硯 。
つ 。
[255 ぬご:si
(c) es,:ablishing and operating a saw pir, saw-mill,

媚。 9δ 國 ε
tongue-and-g roove mill, plywood mill, veneer

q』 98。 日つ δ
:a ::『 1::品 :1lS
mill or a urood-based industry with the exception
of wood-based cottage industries and furniture
C日 巴 つq。 』 │

lndustries without a permit ;

(。 ) (d) constructing a charcoal kiln or burning charcoal

wichour a permit.

43 (a)Whoever fclls, cuts, girdles, marks, lops, taps,

injures by fire or otherwise any teak tree in
a forest land or land at the disposal of the Go-
vernnlent or exttacts, moves or keeps in pos-
session unlawfully any teak timber without a
(0) permit shall be punished with fine which may
extend to kyats 50,000 or with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to 7 years or

with both;

C Sγ ・

(b) lf the commission ofoffence under sub-section(a)

is in respect of teak timber or teak tree growing
or standing upon land orher than forest land
and land at the disposal of the Government,
such person shall be punished with fine which
may extend to kyats 5,000 or with imprison-
ment for a term which may extend to 6 months
or with both.


6. The Minister shall:-

(o) before constituting a reserved forest or declaring

a Protected publlc forest' declare in the manner
(0) ω6"C□ 5""8鳳 prescribed that it is proposed to constitute any
land a reserved forest or to prescribe any land
a protected Public forest;

0錮 晦 幡 凝 酔 争望あ (b) in respect of constituting a reserved forest appoint

‖ a Forest Settlement Officer to inquire into and
秘 determine in the manner prescribed the affected
rights of the public on the relevant land and to
9?‖ (Cつ ) carry out demarcation of the reserved forest;

(c) in respect of specifying a Protected publicforest

delegate the Director-General to inquire into
-c and determine in the manner prescribed
3oooo the affected rights of the public which may arise
$6cor sc6 under the prohibitions contained in the

(d) publish a notification constituting a reserved

forest after consideration of the rePort submitted


through the Director'General by the Forest

Settlement Officer after carrying out in accor-
dance with sub-section(b);
¶500qO」 ‖
Jl 4

(C)巴 ド cq:R8到 p∽ 96。 さ(Ol"q。 めつ
8,あ {g) moving forest produce wlthout submitting to

D・ ゛お∽δ
日 。
∞つωつ。8nδ る
。っ OT 800
OT exarnination at the revqnue station ;
奇 國85さ の0電 ・∽つ ω∽90"巴 (h) violating any provision of the rule, procedure,
98ミ 。 。つ “ ‖ order, directive or notification issued trnder
":ω [5SEつ │"あ日inO』
this Law.

製 。
ittЭ 』"§ η "§
ハω。 "η』剣□
あ§ ― 41. Whoever commits any of thc following acts shall,
:C∽ つの691:4□ 6。 。
1∽ 88あ ∽ δ。3"→ on conviction, be punisheC with fine which may extend
(∽ )[F:Oδ
SCO日 81&0∽ つ。■8∽ 。 ,日 δ∞δ to kyats 10,000 or with imprisonment which may
□ O。 ま5&:
extend to I year or with both :--
日碍 "踵 つ 89。 6Ч あ5&§ 9δ 國 δ
。 :日

C。 つC2CSCC。 っ Sc日 つδ80δ 00089085&鳳 ミ

(o) extracting, moving, keeping in possession unlaw-
fully any forest produce, wrth the exception of
(。 )∞ あ∞あのつ Q6 8iぷ &∞ つ :ni OI"δ ∞』 timber from teak and reserved tree, without a
國:日 8の 。
電6・ ODっ ∽5,"ゼ ロδ q∽
● δ あ Permit;
のSc9ω 15S● 。[互 δのつ
96・ ∽っ"589
8□ (b) selling or utilizing in other works, forest produce
。ωCtの iCω 巴‖ extracted under section l8 sub-section (d),
c without the prior permission of the person

authorized to grant pernlission for extraction.

101ミ δ δ。∽5,電 δ 80』 ∞

』0゛ ?│
●01お cqが o,cω つ。 δ

"』 42. Whoever commits any of the following acts shall,
6ω 』
□ 1

on convicrion, be punished with fine which may extend

to kyats 20,000 or. with imprison ment for a ter m
)。 i[]:OD』。∞Э §889う
fOD 8争 Sδ :ω つηお which may extend to 2 years or with both :-
90』 ∽ つδω6。 6 。1180● 』 :→ 。
8□ Olつ
あ ああ?δ C日 巴つ 55:: □ δ
03ω 6∞ (o) folling, cutting, girdling, marking, Iopping, tap-
"碍 ping or iniuring by fire or otherwise any tree
ωあ?あ5&§ Oη あ。 601お 5&鳳 :6CID‖
in a reserved forest ;

( so ) o6oo::m3:n:ei (e) publish a notification determining a protected

public forest after consideration of the report
△ oし ´
submitted by the Direc:or-General after carrving
(。 ) 2580CS"n
out in acccrdanca with sub-section (c).
R。 ゛巴 │。
:● :│

[]つ Eう 。つ。
□ :‖

7. The Minister ma/, with the approval of the

Govern ment: ,-

(o) alter the category of the whole or a porcion of

the reserved forrst; cancel the category of being
(。 a reserved forest; convert into a protected
public forest;

(b) cause the whole or a port io 11 of the protected

(。 )
p u blic forest which no longer requires co nser-

vation to cease to be a protected pu blic

fo re st.

8 (o) A standing teak tree wherever situared in the

Srate is owned by the State;
1,ど =7 ‐ _ ´

(b) The Minister may declare, alter or cancel accor-
ding to the locality the species of reserved trees
which are to be conserved by the Forest


0つ 。
i:(9) (b) the Minister may confirm, alter or set aside the
order or decision made by the Forest Settle.

∽。,6。 □86oiな 。
n: nlent Ofticer or the Director-General;
° 。。。あ

,ハ i¶
(c) The decision of the Minister shall be final and
con clusive.
::ω :ま "8ci8(Dぅ

(の ):lil:虜
6°191 0Cの つ

Cseprrn Xll
Ofrences and Penalties
40. Whoever commits any of the following acts shall,
on conviction, be punished wirh fine which may extend
to kyats 5,000 or with imprisonm€nt for a term whlch
may extend to 6 months or with both :-
(° ) 3'ξ TPi専 。9。 η日9つ i:到 6SOlつ :,│
(σ ) trespassing and encroaching in a reserved forest ;
]:!:i 8De。
(b) pasturing domestic animals or permitting dome.
stic animals to trespass in a reserved forest;
(C) breaking up any land, clearing, digging or causing
damage to the original condition of the land
without a permir in a reserved forest;
騨慢 l:彗 l)8:ヨ 馨 ::
:課 葛
(d) causing damage to
water-course, poisoning the

1:乳 畷
water, using chemicals o r explosives in the

1譜 [。 li(港

つδ 覇翌
,あ 5881
T∬ 胃 ::
watel in a reserved fofest ;
←) catching animals, hunting or fishing in a reservcd

(0)∞ 6。 ∞つ霧→お186。 ,全 5&│ forest ;

(o) o6oon ocrie:coo:18 :: ocn:cr5,r;p,q$6: (f) klndling, keeping and carrTing any firc or leaving
:o,1 r
any fire burnihg which may set fire to the
(。 )ω 60∽ つ
Rc∽ ∞
,錠 SCi:Olつ :CCOう 60(1]&‖
forests in a reserved forest ;
ω』ODδ ?CDつ o[381δ

o ・


(。 )
" Cuaprrn lV

。鋼 ・。m ・

Management of Forest Land

(。 ) 。目:。 日
あ□6。 。
90」 ‖ 9. The functions and responsibiiities of the Forest
Department are as follows:--
i:(。 」
) (o) implementation of the forestry policy of the
Govern ment;
ESi,: 日60080Jつ :

(b) implementation of rhe plans relating ro conser-

' vaEion of warer, soil, bio-diversity and environ-
meni, susraiited yield of forest produce and
ptotection of forest covered land;

(0)顆 8聯
(c) management of forest land in accordance with

占 ギ the provisions of this Law;
(d) submitting proposals to rhe Minisrer for the
deternrination, alteration or cancellation of
reserved forest, protected public forest and
species of reserved trees;

(e) establishing and managing schools and train,ng

courses relating to forestry and sending trainees

∈)蛛 榊 abroad;

鎌 籍 乳8春 ∫ (f) administering Forestry lnstitute;

(g) inventorying forest resou rc-as;

(h) carrying our forest research,

0 一

Cneprrn Xl


37. (r) A Person dissatisfied with an order or decision

(∽ η
)"曼 Tデ ",電 0』 8T埒 : l ωOC,8 made by the Township Forest Officer under
this Law may file an appeal to the relevant
Olつ 8望 C

賛C09'8 "08戯 Pl 18鳳 qO」

Districu Forest Officer or Statel,Divisional Forest


ωOC∽ つ のT,9
Officer as may be prescribed, within 30 days
(。 )ω δ00Dつ R8到 18鷺 δ→δ霊゛§Oδ Q劉 §8ω 〔』 88溺 i8‖ from the date of such order or decision;
(b) The District Forest Officer or the StateTDivi-
盆 テ日
つ80q8常 8剣
500001 8δ
Ч (3i801つ 8ぅ § sional Forest Officer may confirm, alter or set

¶}う 一 aside the order or decision made by the Township

0琴:覇 里 ""
Forest Officer.

聰 轟
彗ぅ竃 熱軍ξ
0講 )織纂 詰 38. (r) A person dissatisfied with an order or decision
made by the District Forest Officer or the State/
鶴覇鼎I Divisional Forest Officer may file an appeal to

∽δ ttqO」
the Director-General vrithin 60 days from the


date of such order or decision;

:::│:::iiil:っ dil:lii:ili::i:縛 ∫ (b) The Director-General may confirm, alter ot

set aside the order or decision made by the
District Forest Officer or the StateTDivisional
α)¶ Forest Officer.
° う9 ωδCα)っ 98、:08CЧ
□● "巴
:{}qく っ i匁
奏:な ξoicODつ :講 つ C8-―
` 39. (o) A .person dissatisfied with, an order or decision
い)§ 暗霊『 賛
made by a Forest Settlement Officer or the
Dir.ector-General may file an appeal to the
q¶ qO巴 :
Minister within 60 days from the date of such
order or decision ;

。 Oi:1001 10. In order to carry out the forest and environment
conservation work successfully, in accordance with the
0梵 5558 basis principles contained in this Law, tho Director-
つ General shall draw up the following plans and submit
つ 0

(CD) ,CSOOSCC。 "w10。

to the M in iste r:--
(o) plan relating to the forest sector, to be used
as a guideline in the Government dePartm(nts,

organizations and private enterPrises ;


to forest administration.

嘔cの c∽
(b) plan relating

ll. The Director-Ge neral shall, in respect of the plans
〇 一ミ ι

contained in section l0:-

901 (∽ ) (o) report the lvork progress annually to the

(b) review from time to time and if requirements
warrant alteration submit a proposal to the

(。 ) ヽδ
螂l尊瑞ご.守 ザ甲 竣 :Υ

&掏 あ
(c) collect and collate necessary fcrest resources
師 ∞
RC:ω oC∽ 。"?9∽
O19∽ ω巴 霊0毀 ∽
data in the prescribed manner every ten y-iars.

i鉗 12. Whoever, within a forest land and forest covered
。qω °のつ


[5116"?9驚 0望
(の )
1° 嗜 land at the disposel of the Government:-

潮撫∬瀾cl:: (o) isdesirous of carrying out any development

work or economic scheme shall obtain the Prior
approval of the Forestry Ministry ;

Oc 9
(。 ) OCi3C 34. lf a p?rson who has obtained permission ro extract
forest produce or his agent or his labourer violates any
condition of the permit, the person granring permission
to extract forest produce ma), pass any of the following
(o) causing the suspension of the whole or any
portion of the work carried out under the
0。 i:(3) permit;
(b) causing payment of the prescribed penalty to
∞ ∽。
6● 。ε 。
1お =∽ 』∞つ
ε□δ 8
be made and permitting the work to be
carried on;
(c) crncelling the permit;
(d) crrc:lling the permlt and confisclting the securit/

d.-.posit and advances; if it is considered necessary

causing paymrnt of the presr:ribed penalty.


35. The Forest Officer may cause payment of penalty


Cn。 あのう
□ 。 コ
δ8,88`ゝ c
3§ :。
not exceeding kyats 5,000 to be made by a person who

9ω ttq● 。
δ moves without a rcnroval pass forest produce lawfully


例:3つ ∞889の 0&1 owned under this Law and allow the forest produce to be

∽5。 31あ 。
&‖ moved. lf there is failure to pay the penalry, the forest
produce shall be confiscated.
36. (o) Thr forest sta,ff may, in respect of any forest
produce, keep in custody such forest produce
until and unless the royalties and penalties
ヽ0 颯

payable to the Forest Department have beeri

O   H

(b) ln case of failureto paythe royalties and ptnalties
C C within the prescribed period, the Forest Ofticer
,∞ 99
shall dispose ofthe forest produce kept in custody
under sub-section (a) in the manner prescribed.
00 r8
(b) is desirous of or !-esearch
carrying out educational
work or conducting a training course or a
studytour shall obtain the prior sanction of rhe
Director-General or the Forest Officer empovver-
ed by him.
理iη枷 量Ъ諏

ヽ L ●
Cneprrn V
(。 ) C C RoCデ Establ ishment of Forest Plantation
∞ ∽oDの

13. The
0   ゎ

8i Director -General may, with the approval of

the Minister, establish the following plantations on a

forest Iand or land at the disposal ofthe Government :
ltti -
(o) eommerciai plantarion ;
(b) industrial planration ;
(c) environmental conservation plantation ;
(d) local supply plantation ;
(e) village firewood plantation;
(f) other p lantation.
14. lf permission is obtained from the Government:-
(o) the Government and any person or any organi-
?0u (-) zation have th€ right to carty out in ioint-
venture ;
(b) any person or any orgznization has the right
to carry our in accordance with the stipulation,
cuttivation and mainte0ance of forest plantations
with the exception of village.owned firewood
plantations cultivated by the villagers for their

6 10

(a) A Forest Ofiicer may pass any order relating to
the following administrative ac[ion in respect
of tbrest produce s ized:-
(i) in case of seizure of teak timber not
exceeding I ton or timber from rescrved
tree not exceeding 3 tons, causing payment
0輩 to be made of a penalty not cxceeding
→ i OC
:嶺 ∞δ
:3あ 。
● kyats 10,000 and confiscating the timber;
(ii) in case of seizure of timber other than

°岬盤 ω 酢

timber from teak or reserved tree not

器 琳簿鵠。
ifф exceeding 3 tons, causing payment to be
made ofa penalty not exceeding kyats 10,000
and doubie the local value of rhe timber
and releasing the timber;
(iii) in case of seizure of other forest produce
the local value of which does not exceed
kya:s 5,000 other than timber, causing
payment to be made of penalty not oxceeding
kyats 10,000 and double the local value of
such forest produce and releasing the same;
(iv) in case of seizure of immovable forest
produce, causing payment to be made of a
:(C) penalty not exceeding kyats 10,000 and
double the local value of such produce and
,電 ∽09巴 8η∽鷺:9 releasing the same.
0︵ヽ r 濾

(b) No legal proceeding shall be instituted under

this Law against a person who abides by the

order passed under sub-section (a). Legal pro-

ceeding shall only be instituted under this Law
c鯛 8電 i。 1あ againsr a person who fails to abide bythe same.

101 15. The Director-General may grant permission to
establish with sripulation the following village-owned
firewood plantations in a reserved forest or protected
public forest or on land at the disposal ofthe Government
in the vicinicy of the village:--
(o) firewood plantation ostablished by the Forest
Department for a certain period and then
transferred to be maintained and used as village-
ヽ1 ノ


(b) village-owned firewood plantation established,

maintained and used by thevillages by collectlve

16. A pr rson having obtained the right to extra( forest

produce on a commercial scale who has the respon-
sibillty of establishing forest plantations or carrying
out natural regenerafion under a permit for the
State shall carry out the same at his own expense
and in accordance with stipulation.

Creprrn Vl

Permission for Extraction of Forest Produce

17. Forest produce may only be extracted after obtain-
ing a permit. However, if it is for domestic or
agricultural or piscatorial use not on a commercial
scale, forest produce may be extracted in an amount
not exceeding the stipulated quantity, withcut obtaining
a permit.
(b) The forest staff has the right to colleft tlmber
mentioned in sub-section (a) and b'ring to the
rovenue stations or timb,er dePots.

29. The Forest Oficer shall dispose of the drift and waif
timber in thr.: manner prescribed.

Cneprrn lX

│』 こ
」 1;ヒ :iξ ll::δ :£ ::』 : 'Etltlblishment of Wood'based lndustry

3ω 5Cの つ 99』 :Olつ :

30. A private entrepreneur who is desirous of establishing
a sawpit, sawmill, tongue-and-groove rnill, plywood mill'

(° ):lil:□
:鳳 :::l°
"あ veneer mill or a wood-based industry with the exception of


l黛 ∫
モ 電勝
鳴 露 lttl£
i鷲 t:y醤
wood-based co;tage indr.rstries and furniture industries
has the right to establish the same only after obtaining a
permit from the Forest Officer empowered for this
P u


軍ポ “
31. The Director -General may, with thc approval cf the

Minister, determine the rates of royaliies, and terms

and conditions ofthe p-.rnrit for the put pose of sectlon 30.
。 (CD):メ 011:ω °C° DO電 : α :iC
C‖ 角 』 ?あ
91風 □ δ

l礼 :1で

:木 簿粋 驚 Search, Arrest and Administrative Action

32. Powers relating to search, arrest, seizure and dispo'
恣 OJ
sal of exhibits, which forest staff are authorized to exer-
cise under this Law shall be prescribed by rules.

18. ln permltting the extraction of forcst produce the
Forest Department shall use the competitive bidding
system if the extraction is on a commercial scale.
However, extradion for the fcllowing purposes may be

ぷ驚鐸詭 聯ぅ 鷺
permitted:without uslng tho competitive bidding system :-
雲ξ鑢 :£ 0』 i9“ (o) where extradlon of forest produce and sales
in and outslde the country are carried out ?rs a
State-owned enterprise ;
(b) where the Minister is empowered by the Govern-
ω80・ 55,1:鳳 "』 。 』∞つ
おi∞ ・ 6553 ment in respecc of the exlraction of forest
(c) where minor forest produce ls permitted to be
extracced on a co!'nmercial scale;


(d) where forest produce to be used in the following
works no! on a commerclal scale is permitted
to be extrated :-

research and educacional wcrk;

work beneficial to the public or religious

19. (o) ln respact of permission for extraction of forest

produc: on a commercial scale:-
9DOi3(OOl ´

(i) the Minister may grant permission for a
period of 5 years and above;



0=558:● 8888588,186.,な n3 ,』 :∞ 8:∽ 10。 18¶



(ii) the Director-Gcneral may grant permission




for a term extending from over 2 years to

4 years;

m m
0ii) the State/ Divisional Forest Officer
grant permlssion for a term which
extend to I year.
。6 7
0い   ヽ  つo一oo  ﹃ コ” ぅ0■●o一 つ、oこC●O o7●〓¨
ぅoく一 ︱︱

, ,

︵ ヽ 一すo ﹁
← o彎 ﹁ oョoくL o3 ∽ “
o”o一すo﹁ て一
一す 〓 ヨ ¨

3 一cげヨ〓 ”
︵ o ハ O ox”ヨ ヨ鮮 ¨o3 ●5一 ●粉0′ 3●5一0﹃
oヽ”一 ,
”ヽ ●” ”すo ﹁o一

■ ●くo 一 ■0く0コε● ””Fv
Io” ヨ・

評醜調 N
い・ o

︶ ↓ すo O 〓 o6一oT 0 0つ0﹁性 o L 一一o”o﹁ヨ す o ”すo ﹁”沖 ヨ ”

o一OL05一くくすo﹁O r〓ヨ σO一 一
o 一o ∝o ﹁o沖o﹂ コ0 ﹁o 一0﹂¨
, ,

︵︶ 、″  つo一ooっ  ¨30く¨5”  ﹂σ■●∽一  o﹁oこ●oo  ●す●〓


L ヨ σo﹁ げ2 ol 一アo ﹁ お ヨ “ n 3 び ● o ュ ヽ ョ

C こo﹁ ooコ”ヽ0〓

OFP”目” く〓

← U¨
o﹁o●L o﹃0■沖・∽奮JヨαoL ●ヨa gr 〓↓ヨ35■
。■ コ ・・ Nヽ   ””沖 o﹁ ”一
3 一0﹁ 一0●”o﹂ げo一Qミ o ﹁”澤 一 ¨
ヨ” 路 蟄¨ く冨F︲
oョ ご

o︶ 0田“3923ざ9〓 ・
0こ一 ^
X﹀3一﹁0一″ α00﹁¨

oα ”o すo ”aユF ・

・つつ£8祀︱ N∞・
  官︶↓すoご 一δ‘ヨ“Lヨσo﹁∽〓 〓げoC●oヨoこ” o げo ■”﹃


一 げ 一
5 o﹁ “コoり ∽ O  〓 
 ”つ Cコ一 コヽ oo﹁ い oっ o∽”●げ〓り 00

, ,
¨ 一
∽  ヽ ¨ ”   す O
” o■● o  ‘ヽ一コ一 す
  一 o   o﹁ooo■︼げ●一

, ,



︵ 〓
o 0●
〓ヨ ﹂﹁
一ヽ α一・0 r
_ё 。

ヨ O ﹁一

。つCの空 ‘

o︶ 90cooめ£0■

︵ 〓
︶”ゴσ oヽ”o・てく一 コ”﹁
0 0∞一
o 一oぉ

熙 9計め£ ,
〓以 一
  ヨ0一  げ●●コ  o﹁¨

0こ 虫ヨ げo﹁ o・ ■ 〓一
0す ● お ”一
∽お ぉ ﹂  03 つo■ヽ
″o﹁た  ∽ 一●●コ oげ〓”●■●”0一・
, ,,



一o﹂o一 ¨。﹂ CooO ぃ
o︼ ●こ 〓。ァ”3
●“T、。 に oこ一 “ L。 一。一一
 XCい Lυo
〓  yL
, L●”ヽ yt●E   ●〓υ × E ● ︵、︶
LOCC“E ●‘一  C¨ “‘ Lラ∽゛oE
¨ oυ‘●>
oっO o

嘔゛ ∽ 一 Lつoo∽ ^い0一
¢0こ0や 、一¨ 口一”、。・
﹂ oこ一 ^●。 ︵υ︶
,つ。  一
, 一  。uc●0﹂。・ υ。● C一
¨ r一 ェ 、
ゝ●コ o一

, ,
、 。5 一o一∽Co り LO”●L r●
﹁ 一 や
口LOF〓 〓●一●︵︼ ヨooL。 ﹂ 。r一 0 っ
VLa   . o■0っ﹂︵︶ 。r口 、う   oつ一
oo>協しoL〓﹁   . 一” ︵^︶
′CO 一一 ¨
こ 一 ‘ヽ
″一 、 め、 ︵。︶
¨一〓CLOα ^っ‘一 ●一 つ。L一●”●。。 ぃLO 一 つgoo ●〓一 い o﹁¨
︲ ぃ
 。υっゃoL一 ”
︱〓■一∽ oLε ﹂ ‘”Lヌ●
o c。一
α 、
C ● 一一 o   o●〓    。 こた ´  C O oLO     イ
LЮ ﹂   C 。 ﹁ ´ L一ヽ。     っ 。 こ 一
. Ocoυ OC● ”F〓。一 →︶
CCLфα ●‘一 C一
¨一¨  やoC一” C。。

鵜 請 霧曇 彎埓隻 ﹁ 載
。∽。αFた 。一 。口 、一一●Co﹂ ︵
L0 5 一
つC。 υ いo こυ゛りLO LO一 つ
” 一 。L。E ・
ァ”3″ 3”
‰移 7” 8“
” Fr
“o一8︶ ∞“
お堀 中oつ
o一 ∽一
﹂。捏n︶ 一 ﹂o 一 L””
にOυ  ” CO 一OL Oo   一
〓r s
C ¨o

り¨E ﹂。一  ● 一コ。こ〓夕 ヽ 20 EO
LO   だ 03 E 。O L゛
群 華 お 一藤 一 劉 oσごoテo

犠 篭 酢 騨

¨ 。 、8 一

oυっつ。﹂。 場。﹂ε LoEE い


a  一。L0 O  C。 一υ。L口Xo LO﹄ ‘0一
¨ ∽0〓ヒ﹂0一
,︱¨Oυ つOL o  ﹂ い

, L。ギ∽一三〓み
 ¨r ´o 0﹂ 。こo ●C〓ヒLo口o一 .
oこ口  ﹂o 一υωα∽o﹂  C一 t 〓 〓

ぃ、 ON
〇 0こ卜   .
L。c。0 .、。H。 L一
o‘“い。 ﹁ >。L一一● 。こ一 ‘駕3 ・ ●E ■
dυ¨  c●〓一 。L。E
ち ξ ●︰ 属
E一 扁 翼 ce O 雷 ェ〓 L堤 ぢ E や

華避轟棄郭諄華 針 ﹃∝
ずЮ8 ”
︱ ﹃8r‘^冒q・ o 6●”8
℃びo の﹁

22. The Forest Ofiicer may permir rhe construction of
charcoal kiln and burning of royalty-paid firewood into
charcoal extracted from forest land and land ar rhe
disposal of the Government subject to prescribed

Cneprnn Vll
お08』 80D」 究C』 G□ つ

"8603つ 電
85ε 8
Removal of Forest Produce

23. (o) Whoever is desirous of moving any forest produce
from one township to another within the
counry shall apply for a removal pass from rhe
Forest Officer empowered by the Director-
Gencral fcr this purpose.
)151:翻 あ
ィ 0"っ
(b) The provision of sub-secrion (a) shall not apply
││[:[::180Jご 'OD』

to the following cases:-

ヽ l ノ

境驚究:亀 ご


(i) movlng forest produce wirhin the area per-

“ mitted for extraction thereof;

/1 ヽ

ヽ︱ ノ

(ii) moving minor forest produce nor exceeding

the prescribed quantity and nor on a
°鰈 ゛

qommercial scale;

::τ 編盤 竃
瓢 ●I■
:]:畷 (iii) moving from one rownship to anorher in a
City Development area.

24. The Forest Departmenr may establish rhe required

revenue-stations to examine forest pioduce in transit
and to qollect the royalties due.

09 14
22. The Forest Ofiicer may permir rhe construction of
charcoal kiln and burning of royalty-paid firewood into
charcoal extracted from forest land and land ar rhe
disposal of the Government subject to prescribed

Cneprnn Vll
お08』 80D」 究C』 G□ つ

"8603つ 電
85ε 8
Removal of Forest Produce

23. (o) Whoever is desirous of moving any forest produce
from one township to another within the
counry shall apply for a removal pass from rhe
Forest Officer empowered by the Director-
Gencral fcr this purpose.
)151:翻 あ
ィ 0"っ
(b) The provision of sub-secrion (a) shall not apply
││[:[::180Jご 'OD』

to the following cases:-

ヽ l ノ

境驚究:亀 ご


(i) movlng forest produce wirhin the area per-

“ mitted for extraction thereof;

/1 ヽ

ヽ︱ ノ

(ii) moving minor forest produce nor exceeding

the prescribed quantity and nor on a
°鰈 ゛

qommercial scale;

::τ 編盤 竃
瓢 ●I■
:]:畷 (iii) moving from one rownship to anorher in a
City Development area.

24. The Forest Departmenr may establish rhe required

revenue-stations to examine forest pioduce in transit
and to qollect the royalties due.

09 14

一o﹂o一 ¨。﹂ CooO ぃ
o︼ ●こ 〓。ァ”3
●“T、。 に oこ一 “ L。 一。一一
 XCい Lυo
〓  yL
, L●”ヽ yt●E   ●〓υ × E ● ︵、︶
LOCC“E ●‘一  C¨ “‘ Lラ∽゛oE
¨ oυ‘●>
oっO o

嘔゛ ∽ 一 Lつoo∽ ^い0一
¢0こ0や 、一¨ 口一”、。・
﹂ oこ一 ^●。 ︵υ︶
,つ。  一
, 一  。uc●0﹂。・ υ。● C一
¨ r一 ェ 、
ゝ●コ o一

, ,
、 。5 一o一∽Co り LO”●L r●
﹁ 一 や
口LOF〓 〓●一●︵︼ ヨooL。 ﹂ 。r一 0 っ
VLa   . o■0っ﹂︵︶ 。r口 、う   oつ一
oo>協しoL〓﹁   . 一” ︵^︶
′CO 一一 ¨
こ 一 ‘ヽ
″一 、 め、 ︵。︶
¨一〓CLOα ^っ‘一 ●一 つ。L一●”●。。 ぃLO 一 つgoo ●〓一 い o﹁¨
︲ ぃ
 。υっゃoL一 ”
︱〓■一∽ oLε ﹂ ‘”Lヌ●
o c。一
α 、
C ● 一一 o   o●〓    。 こた ´  C O oLO     イ
LЮ ﹂   C 。 ﹁ ´ L一ヽ。     っ 。 こ 一
. Ocoυ OC● ”F〓。一 →︶
CCLфα ●‘一 C一
¨一¨  やoC一” C。。

鵜 請 霧曇 彎埓隻 ﹁ 載
。∽。αFた 。一 。口 、一一●Co﹂ ︵
L0 5 一
つC。 υ いo こυ゛りLO LO一 つ
” 一 。L。E ・
ァ”3″ 3”
‰移 7” 8“
” Fr
“o一8︶ ∞“
お堀 中oつ
o一 ∽一
﹂。捏n︶ 一 ﹂o 一 L””
にOυ  ” CO 一OL Oo   一
〓r s
C ¨o

り¨E ﹂。一  ● 一コ。こ〓夕 ヽ 20 EO
LO   だ 03 E 。O L゛
群 華 お 一藤 一 劉 oσごoテo

犠 篭 酢 騨

¨ 。 、8 一

oυっつ。﹂。 場。﹂ε LoEE い


a  一。L0 O  C。 一υ。L口Xo LO﹄ ‘0一
¨ ∽0〓ヒ﹂0一
,︱¨Oυ つOL o  ﹂ い

, L。ギ∽一三〓み
 ¨r ´o 0﹂ 。こo ●C〓ヒLo口o一 .
oこ口  ﹂o 一υωα∽o﹂  C一 t 〓 〓

ぃ、 ON
〇 0こ卜   .
L。c。0 .、。H。 L一
o‘“い。 ﹁ >。L一一● 。こ一 ‘駕3 ・ ●E ■
dυ¨  c●〓一 。L。E
ち ξ ●︰ 属
E一 扁 翼 ce O 雷 ェ〓 L堤 ぢ E や

華避轟棄郭諄華 針 ﹃∝
ずЮ8 ”
︱ ﹃8r‘^冒q・ o 6●”8
℃びo の﹁

0い   ヽ  つo一oo  ﹃ コ” ぅ0■●o一 つ、oこC●O o7●〓¨
ぅoく一 ︱︱

, ,

︵ ヽ 一すo ﹁
← o彎 ﹁ oョoくL o3 ∽ “
o”o一すo﹁ て一
一す 〓 ヨ ¨

3 一cげヨ〓 ”
︵ o ハ O ox”ヨ ヨ鮮 ¨o3 ●5一 ●粉0′ 3●5一0﹃
oヽ”一 ,
”ヽ ●” ”すo ﹁o一

■ ●くo 一 ■0く0コε● ””Fv
Io” ヨ・

評醜調 N
い・ o

︶ ↓ すo O 〓 o6一oT 0 0つ0﹁性 o L 一一o”o﹁ヨ す o ”すo ﹁”沖 ヨ ”

o一OL05一くくすo﹁O r〓ヨ σO一 一
o 一o ∝o ﹁o沖o﹂ コ0 ﹁o 一0﹂¨
, ,

︵︶ 、″  つo一ooっ  ¨30く¨5”  ﹂σ■●∽一  o﹁oこ●oo  ●す●〓


L ヨ σo﹁ げ2 ol 一アo ﹁ お ヨ “ n 3 び ● o ュ ヽ ョ

C こo﹁ ooコ”ヽ0〓

OFP”目” く〓

← U¨
o﹁o●L o﹃0■沖・∽奮JヨαoL ●ヨa gr 〓↓ヨ35■
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3 一0﹁ 一0●”o﹂ げo一Qミ o ﹁”澤 一 ¨
ヨ” 路 蟄¨ く冨F︲
oョ ご

o︶ 0田“3923ざ9〓 ・
0こ一 ^
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oα ”o すo ”aユF ・

・つつ£8祀︱ N∞・
  官︶↓すoご 一δ‘ヨ“Lヨσo﹁∽〓 〓げoC●oヨoこ” o げo ■”﹃


一 げ 一
5 o﹁ “コoり ∽ O  〓 
 ”つ Cコ一 コヽ oo﹁ い oっ o∽”●げ〓り 00

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¨ 一
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” o■● o  ‘ヽ一コ一 す
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︵ 〓
o 0●
〓ヨ ﹂﹁
一ヽ α一・0 r
_ё 。

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。つCの空 ‘

o︶ 90cooめ£0■

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︶”ゴσ oヽ”o・てく一 コ”﹁
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  ヨ0一  げ●●コ  o﹁¨

0こ 虫ヨ げo﹁ o・ ■ 〓一
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″o﹁た  ∽ 一●●コ oげ〓”●■●”0一・
, ,,


18. ln permltting the extraction of forcst produce the
Forest Department shall use the competitive bidding
system if the extraction is on a commercial scale.
However, extradion for the fcllowing purposes may be

ぷ驚鐸詭 聯ぅ 鷺
permitted:without uslng tho competitive bidding system :-
雲ξ鑢 :£ 0』 i9“ (o) where extradlon of forest produce and sales
in and outslde the country are carried out ?rs a
State-owned enterprise ;
(b) where the Minister is empowered by the Govern-
ω80・ 55,1:鳳 "』 。 』∞つ
おi∞ ・ 6553 ment in respecc of the exlraction of forest
(c) where minor forest produce ls permitted to be
extracced on a co!'nmercial scale;


(d) where forest produce to be used in the following
works no! on a commerclal scale is permitted
to be extrated :-

research and educacional wcrk;

work beneficial to the public or religious

19. (o) ln respact of permission for extraction of forest

produc: on a commercial scale:-
9DOi3(OOl ´

(i) the Minister may grant permission for a
period of 5 years and above;



0=558:● 8888588,186.,な n3 ,』 :∞ 8:∽ 10。 18¶



(ii) the Director-Gcneral may grant permission




for a term extending from over 2 years to

4 years;

m m
0ii) the State/ Divisional Forest Officer
grant permlssion for a term which
extend to I year.
。6 7
(b) The forest staff has the right to colleft tlmber
mentioned in sub-section (a) and b'ring to the
rovenue stations or timb,er dePots.

29. The Forest Oficer shall dispose of the drift and waif
timber in thr.: manner prescribed.

Cneprrn lX

│』 こ
」 1;ヒ :iξ ll::δ :£ ::』 : 'Etltlblishment of Wood'based lndustry

3ω 5Cの つ 99』 :Olつ :

30. A private entrepreneur who is desirous of establishing
a sawpit, sawmill, tongue-and-groove rnill, plywood mill'

(° ):lil:□
:鳳 :::l°
"あ veneer mill or a wood-based industry with the exception of


l黛 ∫
モ 電勝
鳴 露 lttl£
i鷲 t:y醤
wood-based co;tage indr.rstries and furniture industries
has the right to establish the same only after obtaining a
permit from the Forest Officer empowered for this
P u


軍ポ “
31. The Director -General may, with thc approval cf the

Minister, determine the rates of royaliies, and terms

and conditions ofthe p-.rnrit for the put pose of sectlon 30.
。 (CD):メ 011:ω °C° DO電 : α :iC
C‖ 角 』 ?あ
91風 □ δ

l礼 :1で

:木 簿粋 驚 Search, Arrest and Administrative Action

32. Powers relating to search, arrest, seizure and dispo'
恣 OJ
sal of exhibits, which forest staff are authorized to exer-
cise under this Law shall be prescribed by rules.

101 15. The Director-General may grant permission to
establish with sripulation the following village-owned
firewood plantations in a reserved forest or protected
public forest or on land at the disposal ofthe Government
in the vicinicy of the village:--
(o) firewood plantation ostablished by the Forest
Department for a certain period and then
transferred to be maintained and used as village-
ヽ1 ノ


(b) village-owned firewood plantation established,

maintained and used by thevillages by collectlve

16. A pr rson having obtained the right to extra( forest

produce on a commercial scale who has the respon-
sibillty of establishing forest plantations or carrying
out natural regenerafion under a permit for the
State shall carry out the same at his own expense
and in accordance with stipulation.

Creprrn Vl

Permission for Extraction of Forest Produce

17. Forest produce may only be extracted after obtain-
ing a permit. However, if it is for domestic or
agricultural or piscatorial use not on a commercial
scale, forest produce may be extracted in an amount
not exceeding the stipulated quantity, withcut obtaining
a permit.

(a) A Forest Ofiicer may pass any order relating to
the following administrative ac[ion in respect
of tbrest produce s ized:-
(i) in case of seizure of teak timber not
exceeding I ton or timber from rescrved
tree not exceeding 3 tons, causing payment
0輩 to be made of a penalty not cxceeding
→ i OC
:嶺 ∞δ
:3あ 。
● kyats 10,000 and confiscating the timber;
(ii) in case of seizure of timber other than

°岬盤 ω 酢

timber from teak or reserved tree not

器 琳簿鵠。
ifф exceeding 3 tons, causing payment to be
made ofa penalty not exceeding kyats 10,000
and doubie the local value of rhe timber
and releasing the timber;
(iii) in case of seizure of other forest produce
the local value of which does not exceed
kya:s 5,000 other than timber, causing
payment to be made of penalty not oxceeding
kyats 10,000 and double the local value of
such forest produce and releasing the same;
(iv) in case of seizure of immovable forest
produce, causing payment to be made of a
:(C) penalty not exceeding kyats 10,000 and
double the local value of such produce and
,電 ∽09巴 8η∽鷺:9 releasing the same.
0︵ヽ r 濾

(b) No legal proceeding shall be instituted under

this Law against a person who abides by the

order passed under sub-section (a). Legal pro-

ceeding shall only be instituted under this Law
c鯛 8電 i。 1あ againsr a person who fails to abide bythe same.

(b) is desirous of or !-esearch
carrying out educational
work or conducting a training course or a
studytour shall obtain the prior sanction of rhe
Director-General or the Forest Officer empovver-
ed by him.
理iη枷 量Ъ諏

ヽ L ●
Cneprrn V
(。 ) C C RoCデ Establ ishment of Forest Plantation
∞ ∽oDの

13. The
0   ゎ

8i Director -General may, with the approval of

the Minister, establish the following plantations on a

forest Iand or land at the disposal ofthe Government :
ltti -
(o) eommerciai plantarion ;
(b) industrial planration ;
(c) environmental conservation plantation ;
(d) local supply plantation ;
(e) village firewood plantation;
(f) other p lantation.
14. lf permission is obtained from the Government:-
(o) the Government and any person or any organi-
?0u (-) zation have th€ right to carty out in ioint-
venture ;
(b) any person or any orgznization has the right
to carry our in accordance with the stipulation,
cuttivation and mainte0ance of forest plantations
with the exception of village.owned firewood
plantations cultivated by the villagers for their

6 10
(。 ) OCi3C 34. lf a p?rson who has obtained permission ro extract
forest produce or his agent or his labourer violates any
condition of the permit, the person granring permission
to extract forest produce ma), pass any of the following
(o) causing the suspension of the whole or any
portion of the work carried out under the
0。 i:(3) permit;
(b) causing payment of the prescribed penalty to
∞ ∽。
6● 。ε 。
1お =∽ 』∞つ
ε□δ 8
be made and permitting the work to be
carried on;
(c) crncelling the permit;
(d) crrc:lling the permlt and confisclting the securit/

d.-.posit and advances; if it is considered necessary

causing paymrnt of the presr:ribed penalty.


35. The Forest Officer may cause payment of penalty


Cn。 あのう
□ 。 コ
δ8,88`ゝ c
3§ :。
not exceeding kyats 5,000 to be made by a person who

9ω ttq● 。
δ moves without a rcnroval pass forest produce lawfully


例:3つ ∞889の 0&1 owned under this Law and allow the forest produce to be

∽5。 31あ 。
&‖ moved. lf there is failure to pay the penalry, the forest
produce shall be confiscated.
36. (o) Thr forest sta,ff may, in respect of any forest
produce, keep in custody such forest produce
until and unless the royalties and penalties
ヽ0 颯

payable to the Forest Department have beeri

O   H

(b) ln case of failureto paythe royalties and ptnalties
C C within the prescribed period, the Forest Ofticer
,∞ 99
shall dispose ofthe forest produce kept in custody
under sub-section (a) in the manner prescribed.
00 r8
。 Oi:1001 10. In order to carry out the forest and environment
conservation work successfully, in accordance with the
0梵 5558 basis principles contained in this Law, tho Director-
つ General shall draw up the following plans and submit
つ 0

(CD) ,CSOOSCC。 "w10。

to the M in iste r:--
(o) plan relating to the forest sector, to be used
as a guideline in the Government dePartm(nts,

organizations and private enterPrises ;


to forest administration.

嘔cの c∽
(b) plan relating

ll. The Director-Ge neral shall, in respect of the plans
〇 一ミ ι

contained in section l0:-

901 (∽ ) (o) report the lvork progress annually to the

(b) review from time to time and if requirements
warrant alteration submit a proposal to the

(。 ) ヽδ
螂l尊瑞ご.守 ザ甲 竣 :Υ

&掏 あ
(c) collect and collate necessary fcrest resources
師 ∞
RC:ω oC∽ 。"?9∽
O19∽ ω巴 霊0毀 ∽
data in the prescribed manner every ten y-iars.

i鉗 12. Whoever, within a forest land and forest covered
。qω °のつ


[5116"?9驚 0望
(の )
1° 嗜 land at the disposel of the Government:-

潮撫∬瀾cl:: (o) isdesirous of carrying out any development

work or economic scheme shall obtain the Prior
approval of the Forestry Ministry ;

Oc 9
Cneprrn Xl


37. (r) A Person dissatisfied with an order or decision

(∽ η
)"曼 Tデ ",電 0』 8T埒 : l ωOC,8 made by the Township Forest Officer under
this Law may file an appeal to the relevant
Olつ 8望 C

賛C09'8 "08戯 Pl 18鳳 qO」

Districu Forest Officer or Statel,Divisional Forest


ωOC∽ つ のT,9
Officer as may be prescribed, within 30 days
(。 )ω δ00Dつ R8到 18鷺 δ→δ霊゛§Oδ Q劉 §8ω 〔』 88溺 i8‖ from the date of such order or decision;
(b) The District Forest Officer or the StateTDivi-
盆 テ日
つ80q8常 8剣
500001 8δ
Ч (3i801つ 8ぅ § sional Forest Officer may confirm, alter or set

¶}う 一 aside the order or decision made by the Township

0琴:覇 里 ""
Forest Officer.

聰 轟
彗ぅ竃 熱軍ξ
0講 )織纂 詰 38. (r) A person dissatisfied with an order or decision
made by the District Forest Officer or the State/
鶴覇鼎I Divisional Forest Officer may file an appeal to

∽δ ttqO」
the Director-General vrithin 60 days from the


date of such order or decision;

:::│:::iiil:っ dil:lii:ili::i:縛 ∫ (b) The Director-General may confirm, alter ot

set aside the order or decision made by the
District Forest Officer or the StateTDivisional
α)¶ Forest Officer.
° う9 ωδCα)っ 98、:08CЧ
□● "巴
:{}qく っ i匁
奏:な ξoicODつ :講 つ C8-―
` 39. (o) A .person dissatisfied with, an order or decision
い)§ 暗霊『 賛
made by a Forest Settlement Officer or the
Dir.ector-General may file an appeal to the
q¶ qO巴 :
Minister within 60 days from the date of such
order or decision ;

ω』ODδ ?CDつ o[381δ

o ・


(。 )
" Cuaprrn lV

。鋼 ・。m ・

Management of Forest Land

(。 ) 。目:。 日
あ□6。 。
90」 ‖ 9. The functions and responsibiiities of the Forest
Department are as follows:--
i:(。 」
) (o) implementation of the forestry policy of the
Govern ment;
ESi,: 日60080Jつ :

(b) implementation of rhe plans relating ro conser-

' vaEion of warer, soil, bio-diversity and environ-
meni, susraiited yield of forest produce and
ptotection of forest covered land;

(0)顆 8聯
(c) management of forest land in accordance with

占 ギ the provisions of this Law;
(d) submitting proposals to rhe Minisrer for the
deternrination, alteration or cancellation of
reserved forest, protected public forest and
species of reserved trees;

(e) establishing and managing schools and train,ng

courses relating to forestry and sending trainees

∈)蛛 榊 abroad;

鎌 籍 乳8春 ∫ (f) administering Forestry lnstitute;

(g) inventorying forest resou rc-as;

(h) carrying our forest research,

0 一


0つ 。
i:(9) (b) the Minister may confirm, alter or set aside the
order or decision made by the Forest Settle.

∽。,6。 □86oiな 。
n: nlent Ofticer or the Director-General;
° 。。。あ

,ハ i¶
(c) The decision of the Minister shall be final and
con clusive.
::ω :ま "8ci8(Dぅ

(の ):lil:虜
6°191 0Cの つ

Cseprrn Xll
Ofrences and Penalties
40. Whoever commits any of the following acts shall,
on conviction, be punished wirh fine which may extend
to kyats 5,000 or with imprisonm€nt for a term whlch
may extend to 6 months or with both :-
(° ) 3'ξ TPi専 。9。 η日9つ i:到 6SOlつ :,│
(σ ) trespassing and encroaching in a reserved forest ;
]:!:i 8De。
(b) pasturing domestic animals or permitting dome.
stic animals to trespass in a reserved forest;
(C) breaking up any land, clearing, digging or causing
damage to the original condition of the land
without a permir in a reserved forest;
騨慢 l:彗 l)8:ヨ 馨 ::
:課 葛
(d) causing damage to
water-course, poisoning the

1:乳 畷
water, using chemicals o r explosives in the

1譜 [。 li(港

つδ 覇翌
,あ 5881
T∬ 胃 ::
watel in a reserved fofest ;
←) catching animals, hunting or fishing in a reservcd

(0)∞ 6。 ∞つ霧→お186。 ,全 5&│ forest ;

(o) o6oon ocrie:coo:18 :: ocn:cr5,r;p,q$6: (f) klndling, keeping and carrTing any firc or leaving
:o,1 r
any fire burnihg which may set fire to the
(。 )ω 60∽ つ
Rc∽ ∞
,錠 SCi:Olつ :CCOう 60(1]&‖
forests in a reserved forest ;

( so ) o6oo::m3:n:ei (e) publish a notification determining a protected

public forest after consideration of the report
△ oし ´
submitted by the Direc:or-General after carrving
(。 ) 2580CS"n
out in acccrdanca with sub-section (c).
R。 ゛巴 │。
:● :│

[]つ Eう 。つ。
□ :‖

7. The Minister ma/, with the approval of the

Govern ment: ,-

(o) alter the category of the whole or a porcion of

the reserved forrst; cancel the category of being
(。 a reserved forest; convert into a protected
public forest;

(b) cause the whole or a port io 11 of the protected

(。 )
p u blic forest which no longer requires co nser-

vation to cease to be a protected pu blic

fo re st.

8 (o) A standing teak tree wherever situared in the

Srate is owned by the State;
1,ど =7 ‐ _ ´

(b) The Minister may declare, alter or cancel accor-
ding to the locality the species of reserved trees
which are to be conserved by the Forest


(C)巴 ド cq:R8到 p∽ 96。 さ(Ol"q。 めつ
8,あ {g) moving forest produce wlthout submitting to

D・ ゛お∽δ
日 。
∞つωつ。8nδ る
。っ OT 800
OT exarnination at the revqnue station ;
奇 國85さ の0電 ・∽つ ω∽90"巴 (h) violating any provision of the rule, procedure,
98ミ 。 。つ “ ‖ order, directive or notification issued trnder
":ω [5SEつ │"あ日inO』
this Law.

製 。
ittЭ 』"§ η "§
ハω。 "η』剣□
あ§ ― 41. Whoever commits any of thc following acts shall,
:C∽ つの691:4□ 6。 。
1∽ 88あ ∽ δ。3"→ on conviction, be punisheC with fine which may extend
(∽ )[F:Oδ
SCO日 81&0∽ つ。■8∽ 。 ,日 δ∞δ to kyats 10,000 or with imprisonment which may
□ O。 ま5&:
extend to I year or with both :--
日碍 "踵 つ 89。 6Ч あ5&§ 9δ 國 δ
。 :日

C。 つC2CSCC。 っ Sc日 つδ80δ 00089085&鳳 ミ

(o) extracting, moving, keeping in possession unlaw-
fully any forest produce, wrth the exception of
(。 )∞ あ∞あのつ Q6 8iぷ &∞ つ :ni OI"δ ∞』 timber from teak and reserved tree, without a
國:日 8の 。
電6・ ODっ ∽5,"ゼ ロδ q∽
● δ あ Permit;
のSc9ω 15S● 。[互 δのつ
96・ ∽っ"589
8□ (b) selling or utilizing in other works, forest produce
。ωCtの iCω 巴‖ extracted under section l8 sub-section (d),
c without the prior permission of the person

authorized to grant pernlission for extraction.

101ミ δ δ。∽5,電 δ 80』 ∞

』0゛ ?│
●01お cqが o,cω つ。 δ

"』 42. Whoever commits any of the following acts shall,
6ω 』
□ 1

on convicrion, be punished with fine which may extend

to kyats 20,000 or. with imprison ment for a ter m
)。 i[]:OD』。∞Э §889う
fOD 8争 Sδ :ω つηお which may extend to 2 years or with both :-
90』 ∽ つδω6。 6 。1180● 』 :→ 。
8□ Olつ
あ ああ?δ C日 巴つ 55:: □ δ
03ω 6∞ (o) folling, cutting, girdling, marking, Iopping, tap-
"碍 ping or iniuring by fire or otherwise any tree
ωあ?あ5&§ Oη あ。 601お 5&鳳 :6CID‖
in a reserved forest ;

6. The Minister shall:-

(o) before constituting a reserved forest or declaring

a Protected publlc forest' declare in the manner
(0) ω6"C□ 5""8鳳 prescribed that it is proposed to constitute any
land a reserved forest or to prescribe any land
a protected Public forest;

0錮 晦 幡 凝 酔 争望あ (b) in respect of constituting a reserved forest appoint

‖ a Forest Settlement Officer to inquire into and
秘 determine in the manner prescribed the affected
rights of the public on the relevant land and to
9?‖ (Cつ ) carry out demarcation of the reserved forest;

(c) in respect of specifying a Protected publicforest

delegate the Director-General to inquire into
-c and determine in the manner prescribed
3oooo the affected rights of the public which may arise
$6cor sc6 under the prohibitions contained in the

(d) publish a notification constituting a reserved

forest after consideration of the rePort submitted


through the Director'General by the Forest

Settlement Officer after carrying out in accor-
dance with sub-section(b);
¶500qO」 ‖
Jl 4
4 ´

C‖ 。
i國 鞠j一 (b) extracting, moving or keeping in possession
unlawfully timber fl'cm reserved trec othcr
(∽ )日 :う δ :Cの つ0。 あ國:□ ε than teak wirhout a permit ;
0』 ω
の CCOつ
ODЭ ∽ く

゛6。 □ C3ω 硯 。
つ 。
[255 ぬご:si
(c) es,:ablishing and operating a saw pir, saw-mill,

媚。 9δ 國 ε
tongue-and-g roove mill, plywood mill, veneer

q』 98。 日つ δ
:a ::『 1::品 :1lS
mill or a urood-based industry with the exception
of wood-based cottage industries and furniture
C日 巴 つq。 』 │

lndustries without a permit ;

(。 ) (d) constructing a charcoal kiln or burning charcoal

wichour a permit.

43 (a)Whoever fclls, cuts, girdles, marks, lops, taps,

injures by fire or otherwise any teak tree in
a forest land or land at the disposal of the Go-
vernnlent or exttacts, moves or keeps in pos-
session unlawfully any teak timber without a
(0) permit shall be punished with fine which may
extend to kyats 50,000 or with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to 7 years or

with both;

C Sγ ・

(b) lf the commission ofoffence under sub-section(a)

is in respect of teak timber or teak tree growing
or standing upon land orher than forest land
and land at the disposal of the Government,
such person shall be punished with fine which
may extend to kyats 5,000 or with imprison-
ment for a term which may extend to 6 months
or with both.

い 0い
.CO一 一ωC一
P03つ0﹂こ  o一 0●>﹂0”COυ
●P∽50  ﹂0﹂  Lo一
¨ ヽ建 ∽﹂o>一 一  一C● 一Co C﹂C。﹂一
つ・0 ﹄ 一●>﹂。一COυ
>〓0 ﹂O   LO一
“∽ ﹂
0﹂0﹂ 0>oし¨C●C 一
o Co一
 ﹂ ●>ゝ0∽c00
t●  ﹂0   一三0 一
一 ∽一∽0﹂0﹂  OCON,つ一
 ﹂O   Co一
¨ 〓o∽  やC●  L。P ミ´


︱ ︱ ”∽O o0 0 L う ﹂   ¨ C ヽ o 〓 0 一  o こ υ   ﹂ 0 ﹂ ∽υ∽ 。 L O ﹂   つ 0 > ﹂ o ∽
, 〓 σ﹄
・o L  o ﹁ 一∽一 ぅ o .り E O E c ﹂ 0 > o O ︶ 0 こ り ﹂ 。   一● ∽o α ∽ 一つ   0 エ ロ  0●   O C C 一  C 。
^ oo ﹂ a に ∽0 C
∽υ こ 〓 ¨ C t C 一o o α ∽ 一 o﹂ U 〓 一 ● ﹁ O uυ o 一 o ﹂ 0 ﹂ ● ︼0 0 ﹁ .一 。 ´こ
, 。 L一 。 ●
^^ ● E
﹂o 漱 一E o エト   .崎
・C L O > 0 0 0 こ 0 い。 ■ c 〓ロ エ〓 ゝ Σ

﹂ 0
 0 。
L 0 ∽
 ﹂ 0一︵
一υ ﹂
¨゛い0﹂0一  つ 0 >﹂。 切。 L
∽﹂o > 一つ ■0 一
g O 一0●>、o ∽ε O υ     、 り一 > C O  ︵ヽ ︶
0     つ C●     PC 。 ﹂C O L 一

樹ビ ゛
  つ 0 こ ∽﹂ o Pa 2 ︵υ ︶
﹂   一C O C﹂ 工 o Pぉo   ﹂0一
つ o > L O ∽o L   C nだ り00 口O L 一

¨ ”∽0 ﹂0 ﹂ つ 0 > L o ∽o ﹂ 、 一α ﹂ 3 〇 一●υ o 一 ︵0 ︶

 一oO L O 一  つ 0 > ﹂o ∽。 ﹂  一● 一υ﹂o CE “〓O υ  ︵0︶
o〓口  ﹂o   一   0工υ  ”●  一C”一 0つ   、0
    C。  C。 3 ●OLOF一
¨ 。 り己 o   ¨ c tζ o 〓 o ﹂ o こ ︶   o 一 ぅ 0 一υ∽ C O u
っ いo L O ﹂   や o > ﹂o ∽。 ﹂ ,﹂ o   ∽ り 一L o ・
。 一
ごcOEc﹂0>00 o二け ﹂  0″
‘>。﹂。﹂● X●E ﹂o場I一
事 ‘〓  ^ Σ

oυぅつ。L﹂ 口∽o﹂n﹂ o エン ﹂。 や一
oこ一 ^ ●︺∽●∽ e C一
X つOC一 ●r﹂ 0一
〓 こ0 0こり 。>ゝooCo。 0口 LOつ﹂o C一
OC● ”﹂。一U“﹂ 一 寸
, l aoc

JoOLO L   υ〓 漁 ョL   ﹁。一。o︺oLL
︶●L● 一
いo こ o ¨ υo︵一 O Ce ︺oO﹄0﹂ ﹁ 0>〓Oooα ﹄O C O 一 “∽暉o U
一5一¨ .3 し

_ §

〓 “ロト“く目0



0'3(?) 44. Whoever cammits any of the following acts shall,
on conviction. be punished wiih fine which may extend
∞つ 。 あ:あ to kyats 30,000 or with imPrison ment for a ternl
國316:。 ∽' §
。』ε :□
which may exle nd to 3 years or with both :-
2つ Eε
91 。
i國 :ω 』∽ 0: (o) having in his posst:ssion or counterfeiting a
G∽,C∽ つ
δI Cnl C□ む marking hammer used by forest staff; having
30Jつ 8 in his Posse5sion a clunterfeit marking hantmer
or affixing a mlrk on the forest prodtlce with
counterfeit mar king hammer i

(b) unlawiully affxing a Inark on the forest produce

with a marking ha',nmer used by forest stafl

or wiih ., ProPerty marking hammer;

(c) altering, defacing or obliterating any
affixed on the forest Produce bY the
staff or by a Person delegated bY him ;

1■ :qΦ
(d) altering, moving, destroying or defacing any
boundary-mark of a forest land without Per'
∽ う0つ く つ
"Cの mission.

Any forest staff who, by misusing the Power con'


ferred on him under this Law, vexatiously seizes any

forest produce without valid reason shall be punished
with fine which may extcnd to kyats 10,000 or with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to I year
or with both.

Cseprnn ll
Easic Prin cipies
3. This Law shall be implementcd in accordancc with the
の following ic principles:.-
R∬ 嗜
COCつ OCD lii::U
邸9あ 4鶴 → っ
69■ 1鵡 ご
(o) to inrplement the folcscry policy of the Govern-
(6) to inrpiement rhe envirofime.ntal conservation

policy of the Government ;
潔q8瀾 C C
理lΥ [::
(c) to prornote the secior of public co-operaiion in
∽電の O19∽ q implementing the forestry policy and the environ-

い)露 道 鶴轟
mental conservatian policy of the Government ;

馬幕 糊署

(d) to develop the economy ofthe Srare, ro contribute


toylards the food, clothing and shelter needs

(。 ) of th<r public and for perpetual enioymenr of

benefits by conservation and protection offorest ;

(e) to carry out in accordance with international
agreements relacing to conserva.tion of forests
and conscrvation of environment ;
(f) to prevent the dangers of destruction of forest
and bio-diversity, outbreak of fires, infestation of
insects and occurrence of plant disease;
は P:98∞ 巴一
(g) to carry out simultaneously conservation of

OF認 「鴨常 6聯 natural forests and estabiishment of forest plan-

淵 撃亀靖 』
08Υ 巴
to contribute towards the fuel requirement of
the co u n try.

3つ 0革 :(」 46. Any forest staffwho, by reason of his power, accepts
from any person cash or kind in a corruPt manner or
Odつ : in contravention of thc Law and ParticiPates and
"。 58常
」∽』 08
conspires in extracting, moving or unlawfully having in

possession forest produce in a wrongful manner shall
11):l垂 品
』 理:望
'C55'° "Cの
be punished with imPrisonment which may extend from
ω6。 のう
。98T R0134 0Cの ■0∞ 』 a minimum of I year to a maximum of 7 years-
(0) 47. The convicting Court shall, in resPect of any legal
proceeding instituted under this Law, award punishrnent
(。 ) for the relevant offence and in addition:--

(o) shall pass order for confiscar:ion of all forest

produce in respect of 'arhich the offencq has
(。 )
been committed;

(b) may pass order for ihc confiscation of vehicles/

vessels, animals and other maclrinery, tools
and implements used in the comrnission of the
(C) offence;

(c) may pass ord..:r for the value of the loss and
(0) :¶ う: damage to the Fortrst Department as a result
386c?。 1 of the commission of the offence, to be paid by
0"8'ST?賃 9 way of compcnsn;ion to the Forest Departmcnt.

(∞ )

48. The Ccurt:---

(。 ) (o) shall hand-over the confiscated forest produce

to the Forcst Department i

Firewood means a rree, part or piece of timber
suicable only for use as fuel ;

(k) Domestic Animol means animals raised by man

inciuding elephants ;

i:(。 9) Removol Poss means a permit issued under this
Law to move foreit produce from one township
‐ ●∞ ●∞
● ` to another within the country ;

(Cつ )

(m) Perrnit means an order permitting extraction of

forest produce or an order permitting right of
operation relating to forest produce. This
expression also includes an agreentent executed
(。 ) ro permit extraction of forest produce;

(n) ivlinister means the Ministcr of the Ministry of


l趙つま (o) Director-Generol means the Director-General of


':∫ the Forest Department ;

(2) Forest Officer means the Head of the State/Divi-

sional, District or Township Forest Department ;

Forest Stoff means the forest administrative staff
at different levels from a Forest Guard to the
Director-General of the Forest Department.
° (b) may pay as damages to the person whose pro-
(巴 )撃

密 』
訂ぶ 聾:]ぶ嶽朧 1 ・ t t t
perty has been worngfully seized, the whole or
any portion ofthe fine irnposod under section 45.
賛ω巴 l

'2嗜・ ::鳳
(9) :::・ :CCD●
慮OJつ 8η η"巴
'dil『 ゃ │

Cgrprrn Xlll


49. (a) The Minister may reduce, waive or excmpr
from paynrr-'nt of uy r't'1aky d uo, in respect
of foresr prodirc.: p.i))'mitted to be cxtracted
undcr th is L; ,,r;

(b) The Dircctor-Gen crel may reducc, waive or

cxenlpt from paymcnt of any royal;7 due, in


∞6● のぅ respect of forr:st produce p+nnitied to be

?。 ,[ヨ :9つ ,

(。 )
oxcracred Lrnder s:ction l8 sub-stction (d).

0) ∽つ

昌:[::鼈 汗

50. The Director-Gensral may delegate

il::i:; "6・

conferred on hlm under this Law to

Fo rest

︱ ∽

盤J略 :3騨




101 │

51. All money payable to rhc For.rst Department under
thls Law shall be recovcrcd as if it were an arrear of
land rcvenue. A Forest Ofticer who has been assigned
responsibility by the Ministry of Forestry for this
purpose shall exercise the powers of a Collector
under the existing laws.

P 25
鐵群郡穂霊期ざ榔 :
(d) Londot the disposol of the Govunment means othcr
land with tho excePlion of land in which a Govern'
ment deParrment, orSanization or any Person
has acquired right ofculcivation, right of
possesslon, right of use and occuPancy, be-
0ギ °
C3「 q.∽
ヽ O CO
O`O( ODC O Cω う
neficial enjoyment, heriable right or transferable

。 cJ亀
(Re:ω tt ω∽C∞ 。

T。 ∽ △ t

P巴 ?:9801 right under any existing law ;

(e) Forest Produce moans trees, leaves, flowers and

fruits grown on or found in forest land or land
at the disposal of the Govcrnment and thelr
by-producrs. This expression also includes wlld
animals and insects, thelr parts and their by-
products ;

(F) Mlnor Forest Producemeans forest produce de'

clared as a minor forest produce under this Law;

(g) Tree lncludes root, stumP, stem, braneh, bush,

cgoy 1561 Di,i6,n-, creeper, bamboo, cane, orchid and seedling ;
33,, 36:-reu"""o:.
^ g;]eoess.tq Ooesco,
c,1::{ : rre3oc
lGo)?()J ?3lgooeo?
(h) Reserved free means a teak tree and any tree
declared as a reserved tree under this Law;
3G,r g]gt:eeoq q6qt?,51$oJr:r o3-$
cE5$:o:c1::' eilq3;Aarlr, .q?19i6 ceoJ ?t::
erd eca: p o esoq cool9fcor:6o) tg:eocacJ?ll sr€i (1) Ilmber means a tree which has fallen or which
c@5$:oc"Jl', . e$E.;af 47,,. oo:Sncu: c.;::{ has been felled and wood or log, whether cut
g)gocsSQ caoicDleocJ 6DcDcocDclleo:tcoBn up, fashtoned or hollowed out;

J li
52. When a request is made by the Forest staff for
assistance in the perfcrmance of their duties, the
Pcople's Police Force shall rerrder necessary assistance.

53. lf an exhibit relating to any legal proceeding in.

stituted under this Law is not easily produceable before
the Court, such exhibit need not be prodLrced before
(C) ∽ the Court. However, a report or other relevant
8∽ δ :。1総 :縣 documentary evidence as to the manner of custody
。,:│ the sanie may be submittad. Such submission shall be
deemed as if it were a submission of the exhibit
2η ω巴‖
0 before the Court and the relevant Court may dispose

#導 ::l of the same in accordance with law.

°33:基 盟 雲ぶ鶉ゴ
事 :∬
54. ln a case where administrative action is taken or,
in a case where a iegal proceeding is instituted under
this Law, the burden of proving lawful ownership or
C輌 :4
∞うB OD』 ωoC∽ つqあ 。9』 801つ lawful right of possession in respect of the forest pro-

錠ω巴 :
duce shall lie on the person against \Yhom action is
(∞ )"6081Υ

108ω 』
纂1評 bFti〕 :謀 鍵 c属
55. The reserved forests existing under the Forest Act,
1902 shall be deemed to be reserved forests constituted
under this Law.
(。 )
「絆 L窯 ぶ竃
ωoOCη 賛∞巴 l
56. Before the issuance of rules, procedures, notifica-
tions and Clrec:ives under thls Law, rules, notifications,
(Ol) directiv€s and circulars issued under the Forest Act,
1902 may continug to be applicable in so far as they
are not inconsistent with this Law.

¨ ﹂
  Pり0 ﹂ 0 ﹂ 0 〓 0 ● ﹂   つ 。 一υ o 一o ﹂   つ C ●
 めC ごo C﹂ ヽ ● o 一﹁ 一∽。 ﹂o﹂   ︵o ︶
 つ C ● 一
0∽0 ﹂0 ﹂ つ 0> L o ∽。 ﹂ 一” C 一つ っ 一o C 一

一0 ﹂ 0 〓 0 っ ﹂   0 。 一υ υ一0 ﹂
¨ ヽ ゛ コ   ∽一‘ O  L O つ C コ   一∽。 ・

o υo一o ﹂ヽ   ︵0︶
o 一  o 一 つ o L。 一
。oつ 一 っC●一   ∽C ●。 口 一 一∽0﹂0﹂  υ一 一 コヽ  ヽ 一
¨ 、 ● コ   ● 一〓 “  ﹂o つ ‘ っ   ︶∽。 ﹂ 0 い   つ o> ﹂o ∽

0、﹂o oo∝. ︵0︶
︲0 ﹂ 0  ∽”   つ 0 一コ 一一o∽C O υ つ C ● 一  ∽C “ 。 こ⊆ 一∽。﹂0﹂  ヽ

, ¨
  ﹂0 つ C 5 0 ﹂o こ  C ● > 一¨   ∽¨ C 一C “ じ E   o 〓 口  o > ● 〓   一一“ 〓 ∽
“O L α X O   “ c Tζ ´
o 〓 o﹂  o こ﹂     N
シ ● コ   ∽ 一エ リ   c 一  つ O C 一ぉ 一L 。 υ   ИC 〇 一一

罵 〓∽ ン ●コ ∽I 卜   〓
ぜ ■ コ 場 oL。﹂ 。エリ つ聖 罵 。 。一 一 F
ふ8¨ o8o﹃6”¨o
℃ ℃”
回∞ 8o3 ¨

Co¨ C〓。●  ●●● 。︼一〓F

固 ∞ぎ℃げ
一“口い、く属0 輌o¨
叫8  ︵

. じにc● 、02 0エ
e o■ o
ン●コ “E 2一

●コ  。一●一∽ oこト
0 こぅoυ   c。3●L。一oo“   LOつ讐0   つc●  こ ・

し      し   0

一い  ´
0一 o
﹂ >。フ
一E。 ^ ■
 0m︶ o
回8 o∞﹃ り N
あ鯰 Э ゆ ∽
含 ごく 一P¨
O﹄ 0
こ´ co
r  〓
ШΣ 寸崎[一
 .c。E  ¨C一
∞cぅ、N一卜 ﹂o ヽ●︵一 X”>> ‘0い 。工﹄
Nヽ ∞ .
一 メ゛コ 。一●口∽ 。一ト
〇一∽■“ ∼っや■0 つcd 、
も cっ。O cO“ヽ・
をぉコ 一 .
、ン゛ヨ やoO﹄。﹂ oこト
一‘〓。一oO“一、o﹁L︵﹀ OC。 ﹂ “ョ 。一●一∽ 。〓ト
〓 uCぅ。0 C〇 一
, ,

︱叫 ¨ 8oぜ” ■¨
0ァ℃″“ o
回﹂o・ S
&葡   〓
7  h

For the purpose of carrying out the provisions Of


d   ●
a   t
n h
(o) the Ministry of Forestry may issue rules
ミ あ。
ε∞565。 38日 っ∽d・ ∞つ 1:。 ぬ
:宝 procedurcs as may be necessary with
`。 approval of the Government ;
ω6.∽ ぅ

(b) the Ministry of Forestry and the Forest Dep-art'
8・ 8。 53日 ,:見 ∞つ
∽』。 あ。
1:"厳 8009。 98° le」 )
ment may issue, directives and notifica-
8ti:∞ ∞ :cnあ
09 1'6 ∽i° ∞。
。 阜 tions as maY be necessarY'
。SCつ つ
cc」 1,81 ミ
oo ? nあ )

お 』。
Cn:"§ ω 。
つ 58. The Forest Act' 1902 is hereby repealed'
「 8R∽ C∞ 0801
oC3露 審 瑠 ::導

(Sd)Than shwe
"。 i:(→ Cenera′

』i:088っ ぶ
0。・・5日・Jお Chal′ man

31∞ SC∽つ ・39 00TQδ colo』 ‖

The Stat( Law and Order Restoration Council
‖gie。 。
Э e。

つ 1° :98olっ 8∞ 〔
1005日 01
』 Fl::::驚 l:椰 :曜
di」 P巴

0Ю l∞ 00oO/c」′ ′ cげ 0,∞ 。
ω6・ ∽':88:′ oooOOttJЭ ′ ・

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