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Jimena y Sarita se fueron al parque a jugar, en medio del juego escucharon unos
maullidos detrás de un árbol, se acercaron cuidadosamente y encontraron a una gatita
que estaba perdida, la atraparon y empezaron a buscar a su dueño por el vecindario.
Al no encontrarlo se la llevaron a su casa, le dieron de comer y con el permiso de sus
padres decidieron quedarse con la gatita, le pusieron de nombre Mimí.

Ahora, encierra la respuesta correcta de cada pregunta:

1. ¿Cómo eran las niñas?

Eran juguetonas
Eran buenas
Eran cuidadosas

2. ¿Qué encontraron las niñas?

Un perrito
Una patita
Una gatita

3. ¿Qué hicieron después de darle comer a la gatita?

La atraparon.
Le pusieron su nombre
Empezaron a buscar a su dueño

4. ¿De qué trata la historia?

De unas niñas que fueron al parque a jugar
De una gatita
De unas niñas que encontraron una gatita

5. ¿Qué actitud demostraron las niñas?

Jimena and Sarita went to the park to play, in the middle of the game they heard some
meows behind a tree, they approached carefully and found a kitten who was lost, they
caught her and began to look for her owner in the neighborhood. When they did not
find him, they took her home, fed her and with the permission of her parents decided to
keep the kitten, they named her Mimí.

Now, it contains the correct answer to each question:

1. What were the girls like?

They were playful
They were good
They were careful

2. What did the girls find?

A puppy
A paw
A kitten

3. What did they do after feeding the kitten?

She was caught.
They named it after it
They started looking for its owner

4. What is the story about?

From some girls who went to the park to play
From a kitten
From some girls who found a kitten

5. What attitude did the girls show?


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