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P angasinan S tate U niversity

Lingayen, Pangasinan




1. What are your beliefs in engaging in sexual intimacy?

Sexual intimacy with your partner fosters a strong emotional bond, which
contributes to a more satisfying sexual bond. Engage in sexual activity only with a
partner who freely, knowingly, and enthusiastically consents. You can have sex
without the presence of love, but it may be less fulfilling. Even if you enjoy it
physically, there may be an emptiness that comes with making love when love is
absent. When you love the person you're with, the sexual experience becomes more
deeper and meaningful. Being sexually responsible allows you to grow as a person
while also maintaining personal values. Being informed about the various aspects of
sexual responsibility expands your sexual knowledge, allowing you to make better

2. Do you favor the inclusion of Sex Education in the high school curriculum? Explain
your answer.

We must absolutely normalize sex education in the Philippines. One of the main
reasons why it must be approved is to reduce the overpopulation problem in our
country, which is caused by an increase in poverty rates caused by teenage
pregnancy and a lack of family planning. To mention Filipinos, especially youths, lack
of knowledge about reproductive health, which leads to serious issues of early
liability of pregnancy, which causes unplanned family setting. The benefits of sex
education extend beyond knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and other
health issues. Furthermore, sex education is critical for preventing and combating
child sexual abuse, sexual violence, and sexual exploitation. Comprehensive sex
education entails providing high-quality education on a wide range of sex and
sexuality-related topics. It explores values and viewpoints on those topics, assisting
in the development of knowledge and skills required to manage one's sexual health
as well as interactions with partners and the community.

3. Should same sex marriage be legalized in the Philippines? Explain your answer.

I am for same sex marriage because LGBTQIA+ should have the same rights that straight people do,
there should be the separation of the church and state. Filipinos whether they are straight or
whether they are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community would have the same equal access to their
rights. Marriage establishes a legal foundation for property rights and for carrying adoption. In a
human rights perspective allowing same sex marriage would demonstrate the respect for
fundamental rights for equality and non-discrimination which I believe should be part of the
Philippine Law.

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