Lower Limb

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Lower limb

1. Muscles
Region Group (function) Contents Innervation
Gluteus maximus
Superficial Gluteus medius Inferior gluteal n.
→ abduct & extend femur Gluteus minimus Superior gluteal n.
Tensor fascia lata
Gluteal muscles Quadratus femoris
Superior gemellus Muscular branches
→laterally rotate femur
Obturator internus
Inferior gemellus
Anterior Sartorius
Femoral n.
→ extend knee Quadriceps femoris
Adductor longus Obturator n.
Thigh muscles → adduct hip
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
Semitendinosus Sciatic n.
→ adduct hip & flex knee
Biceps femoris
Tibialis anterior
Anterior Extensor digitorum longus
Deep fibular n.
→ dorsiflex foot Extensor hallucis longus
Fibularis tertius
Lateral Fibularis longus
Superficial fibular n.
→ eversion of foot Fibularis brevis
Leg muscles Gastrocnemius
Popliteus Tibial n.
→ plantarflex foot
Flexor digitorum longus
Tibialis posterior
Flexor hallucis longus
2. Joints
(1) Hip
˙ Ball and socket synovial joint (ball=head of femur / socket=acetabulum)
˙ Innervated by sciatic, femoral, obturator n.
˙ Blood supply is by medial & lateral circumflex arteries of femoral a. and inferior & superior gluteal a. & acetabular
branch of obturator a.
(2) Knee
˙ Hinge synovial joint, with articulation between tibial-patella & femur-patella.
˙ Patella is formed in quadratus femoris m., therefore said muscle is main stabilizer of knee joint.
˙ Ligament:
→ patellar ligament formed by tendon of quadratus femoris (extra-articular ligament)
→ collateral ligament: on both sides of joint, prevents excess medial or lateral movement
→ cruciate ligament: connect tibia and femur and crosses with each other, prevents dislocation
→ transverse ligament: connects anterior horns of medial and lateral menisci
˙ Innervated by femoral, tibial, common fibular n.
˙ Blood supply is by the genicular anastomosis of knee.
(3) Ankle
˙ Hinge synovial joint between tibia, fibula, and talus.
˙ Ligaments divided into medial and lateral sets:
→ medial: prevents over-eversion of foot
→ lateral: prevents over-inversion of foot (ant. talofibular, post. talofibular, calcaneofibular)
˙ Innervated by tibial, superficial fibular n., deep fibular n.
˙ Blood supply is by malleolar branches of anterior/posterior tibial and deep fibular a.
(4) Foot arches
˙ Ligament support: long and short plantar lig., plantar calcaneonavicular lig., plantar aponeurosis
˙ Muscle support: fibularis longus, tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior
3. Anatomical areas (lateral to medial)
(1) Femoral triangle (lateral to medial): femoral n., femoral a. & v., lymphatics
(2) Adductor canal: femoral a. & v., saphenous n.
(3) Popliteal fossa (lateral to medial): common fibular n., tibial n., popliteal v. & a.
(4) Tarsal tunnel (ant. to post.): tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, posterior tibial a. & v., tibial n., flexor hallucis longus
Pelvis & Perineum
1. Bone structure

2. List of muscles, arteries, and nerves

Muscles Arteries Nerves
˙ Obturator internus ˙ Umbilical a. ˙ Pudendal n.
˙ Piriformis → Superior vesical a. ˙ Anococcygeal n.
˙ Levator ani (pelvic diaphragm) ˙ Obturator a. ˙ Sacral sympathetic trunk
 Puborectalis ˙ (Inferior vesical a./Vaginal a.) ˙ Hypogastric plexus
 Pubococcygeus ˙ (Uterine a.)
 Iliococcygeus ˙ Middle rectal a.
˙ Coccygeus ˙ Internal pudendal a.
˙ Inferior gluteal a.
˙ Iliolumbar a.
˙ Lateral sacral a.
˙ Superior gluteal a.

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