Farewell Letter

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Farewell letter…

Dear friends,
I am writing to you all to let you know that I will be leaving and will not be able to see you
all anymore. I know this may come as a surprise, but please do not ask me the reason. It is
something I must do for myself and I cannot share it with anyone. I just wanted to let you all
know how much it meant to me that you were there with me.
Before you came, I was lonely and depressed who haven't anyone to call friend except some
cheaters who always betrayed me and sometimes helped me too idk what to say about them
and i don't want to talk about them too. It's just before you all came who i broken and lost all
trust, scared of attachments and just accepted that there is no one who can be truly trusted.
But then idk how but Ananya came in and the first person who accepted as who i am and i
shared my one year with her which brought so much joy and happiness into my life and I am
grateful for that.
Then you brought Jaya and Dharvi to become my friends too but i was too scared and
nervous so first i refused but after some times they became friends too lmao and then Bhumi
and you Doc. I never dreamed about so that many friends in my life.
Your presence and love gave me the strength and courage to face loneliness and depression
with grace and dignity. Thanks for that and for everything you've done for me. And before we
became friends i warned you all that making friends is like a curse for me and friendship
never go well with me in some points believe me or not i’m responsible for all your fights
and pain…..

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being such amazing friends to me in my
last moment. You have all brought so much joy and happiness into my life and I am grateful
for the short memories we have shared together. I will always cherish them and hold them
close to my heart.
I know this is a difficult for us all, but please know that I am doing what I believe is best for
me and for you all and in school and in coaching don't talk to me and ask me anything from
now on. I hope you can understand and respect my decision.
I will always love and care for each and every one of you. Please take care of yourselves and
continue to be the amazing people you are.
Cloud (vaibhav)

Farewell letter… 1

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