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Pelikan Level L65 and L5

[-] Table of c onte nts

Leve l-Line
Pe likan Leve l L65
Pe likan Leve l L5


In 1996, Pelikan present ed an absolut e novelt y wit h great t echnical innovat ions, t he Level fount ain pen. T he ink
capacit y of t he fount ain was about t hree t imes of a convent ional piston filler and five t imes of an ink cart ridge.
T he t ank was filled using a special ink bot t le wit h a valve syst em.

T he ent ire barrel of t he Level serves as ink storage. Closest to t he nib is t he writ ing reservoir, which is separat ed
by a valve from t he rest of t he storage t ank. A separat ion of reserve t ank and writ ing t ank was required to ensure
a safe vent ing of t he t ank via t he ink feed syst em.

Turning t he valve wheel on t he end of t he holder opens t his lock and new ink can t hen run from t he storage t ank
into t he writ ing reservoir. Technically t he mechanics of t he t wo level models L65 and L5 is t he same. But due to
t he somewhat larger overall lengt h of L5 t he rod bet ween t he valve knob and t he valve is also a lit t le longer.

Unfort unat ely t he Level line did not achieve Pelikan´s expect at ions for it , and so product ion ceased in 2001.

Pelikan Level
Leve l Me c hanic c omparison L65 / L5

Leve l valve whe e l and ope ning

Leve l L5 instruc tion manual

Leve l c ase and tray

Leve l c ase and tray

Leve l pe n tray
Pelikan Level L65
T he first Level pens int roduced in 1996 were designed for t eenagers. T he pen was usually offered along wit h a
50 ml bot t le of ink. Aft er all, wit hout t he special bot t le it was not possible to fill t he fount ain pen.

T he dealers also had to learn how t he new pen worked. A Pelikan promot ional pack for dealers exist ed,
cont aining - besides a pilot example of t he level L65, t he ink bot t le and t he inst ruct ions - a winning t icket for a
journey to t he Land of Pelicans. Where is t his Land of Pelicans? T he response was obt ained when t he dealer lit
t he t able- fireworks included in t he packet , which delivered a not e wit h t he solut ion. And in order to always keep
a cool head (also good against t rouble in t he store), a bat t ery- operat ed fan was included, and finally a leaflet
describing useful t ips for LEVEL expert s.

Mode l Produc tion Pe riod Nib

L65 1996- 2001 St eel

Weight 0.54 oz
Tot al Lengt h 5.39 in
Barrel Lengt h 4.33 in
Cap Lengt h 2.09 in
Diamet er 0.52 in
Ink Capacit y 0.8 ml +

3.2 ml
reserve t ank
Weight 15.4 g
Tot al Lengt h 137 mm
Barrel Lengt h 110 mm
Cap Lengt h 53 mm
Diamet er 13 mm


L65  Prototype

Product ion: 1995- 1996 Nib: St eel

Logo: Protot ype

Barrel Color: ant hracit e Cap Color: black Trim: dark blue
t ransparent

T his protot ype from t he Pelikan archive is black wit h a blue clip. T he cap head does not show t he LEVEL logo,
inst ead t he Pelikan logo wit h t he let t ering PELIKAN.

L65  Re d

Product ion: 1996- 2001 Nib: St eel Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: ant hracit e Cap Color: red Trim: black (resin)
t ransparent

L65  Dark blue

Product ion: 1996- 2001 Nib: St eel Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: ant hracit e Cap Color: dark blue Trim: black (resin)
t ransparent

L65  Gre e n

Product ion: 1996- 2001 Nib: St eel Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: ant hracit e Cap Color: green Trim: black (resin)
t ransparent
L65  White

Product ion: 1997- 2001 Nib: St eel Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: ant hracit e Cap Color: whit e Trim: black (resin)
t ransparent

L65  Ye llow

Product ion: 1997- 2001 Nib: St eel Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: ant hracit e Cap Color: yellow Trim: black (resin)
t ransparent
Pelikan Level L5
A year aft er t he int roduct ion of t he first Level models for t he t eenage market t he first Level models for adult s
followed. T hey were more t ast eful in design and several of t hem had gold nibs. All models were offered wit h a
pen st and on which t he Level could be stored in a safe and decorat ive way, which also cont ained an ink bot t le
holding 30 ml of ink for rapidly refuelling t he fount ain pen.

T he first Level L5 models all had a t ransparent blue barrel. T he cap, t he filling knob and t he grip sect ion were
black (L5 black) or silver(L5 silver). T his was followed by models wit h ceramic coat ing. In 2001 t he L5 were t hen
made wit h a red or ant hracit e colored body too, but since product ion ended t hat same year t hese color
variat ions are hard to find.

T he remainders were sold a few years lat er, even in t he cat alogs of t he following years, t he pens were st ill
advert ised.

Mode l Produc tion Pe riod Nib

L5 1997- 2001 St eel, 14/18 ct Gold

Weight 0.90 -

0.98 oz
Tot al Lengt h 5.71 in
Barrel Lengt h 4.45 in
Cap Lengt h 2.36 in
Diamet er 0.55 in
Ink Capacit y 0.8 ml +

3.2 ml
reserve t ank
Weight 25.6 -

27.9 g
Tot al Lengt h 145 mm
Barrel Lengt h 113 mm
Cap Lengt h 60 mm
Diamet er 14 mm

L5  Blac k-Blue

Product ion: 1997- 2001 Nib: St eel Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: blue t ransparent Cap Color: black Trim: silver- colored

L5  Blac k-Re d

Product ion: 2001 Nib: St eel Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: red t ransparent Cap Color: black Trim: silver- colored

L5  Blac k-Anthrac ite

Product ion: 2001 Nib: St eel Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: ant hracit e Cap Color: black Trim: silver- colored
t ransparent

L5  Silve r-Blue

Product ion: 1997- 2001 Nib: 14 ct whit e gold Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: blue t ransparent Cap Color: silver Trim: silver- colored
L5  Silve r-Re d

Product ion: 2001 Nib: 14 ct whit e gold Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: red t ransparent Cap Color: silver Trim: silver- colored

L5  Silve r-Anthrac ite

Product ion: 2001 Nib: 14 ct whit e gold Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: ant hracit e Cap Color: silver Trim: silver- colored
t ransparent

L5  Ce ramic

Product ion: 1998- 2001 Nib: 14 ct whit e gold Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: blue t ransparent Cap Color: black Trim: ot her

Ceramic coat ed  grip sect ion, filling knob, clip and pen st and.

L5  Gold

Product ion: 1998- 2001 Nib: 18 ct gold Leaflet :

Logo: Series Product ion

Barrel Color: blue t ransparent Cap Color: gold Trim: gold plat ed
Cont act

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Dominic Rothe me l

Hardt st r. 7f

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Telefon: +49 (0) 911 14404050

E- Mail: webmaster@ro themel.d e

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