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City & Guild Telecommunication and Electronic Engineering (T1)

By Wasantha Kumara (C & G London)

Resistors In Series (or Capacitors in Parallel)

Just add them together.
Formula: Effective Resistance = (R1 + R2)

(all units are the same, Ohms/Farads etc.)

Resistors In Parallel (or Capacitors in Series)

Formula: Effective Resistance = (R1 x R2) / (R1 + R2)
(all units are the same, Ohms/Farads etc.)

Reactance of a Capacitor
Formula: Reactance = 1 / (2 * Pi * F * C)

Reactance of an Inductor
Formula: Reactance = 2 * Pi * F * L ( Pi=3.1415 )

Basic frequency
Formula: Frequency (F) = 1 / (2 * Pi * Sqrt (LC))
Single Layer Coil


Multi-Layer Coil


Heat sink Evaluation

Calculates the effective temperature rise coefficient of a measured heat sink.
Area is exposed surface area of heat sink in square centimeters.

Formula: Degrees Centigrade per Watt = 50 / Sqrt (Area sq-cm )

Heat sink Calculation

Calculates heat sink surface area needed for a given heat sink temperature coefficient.
Formula: Area Required (sq-cm) = Sq (50/C-watt)
Attenuators - "T" and "H" Type


The Input/Output powers may be in any electrical unit you prefer, E.g.:
Megawatts, Pico watts, Joules, Hamster-treadmill revolutions per hour etc.
Negative values of resistance occur when impossible values of input and
output impedance and attenuation are entered. For example, it is not possible
to drive a 50-ohm line from a 600-ohm line and have a voltage attenuation
factor of less than 6.78

Attenuators - Square (or Box) Type


The Input/Output powers may be in any electrical unit you prefer, E.g.:
Megawatts, Pico watts, Joules, Hamster-treadmill revolutions per hour, etc.
Again, negative values indicate an impossible attenuation situation.

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