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M-2020 - V

/Roll No.

Candidate should write his/her Roll No. here.

No. of Printed Pages :7

Total No. of Questions ;8

M-2020- V


: 200
[Total Marks; 200
Time:03 Hours]

"SRT : 1. W ^ 25 "RH f, ^ 20-25 ^1®^1 ^^^ 1

srftgrpff 131?^TO 03 (cfrf)^^t 1 (25x03=75)
(1.1) mfl'mfict) i(i©<;iq<rn^dirs4 *^1 % ?
"OT:(1.2) WTT 3ieictiK f?
3RT:(1.3) I

3RT:(1.6) f?

3RH:(1.8) ?
■5RT: (1.9) t?

M-2020- V

51^:(1.12) 7
5R=T: (1.13) ?

^R=I:(1.14) I
TO:(1.15) TOR ?ifll 1%:& f?
TO:(1.16) TOm^arfqiMWl?

5Rq: (1.18) ?
TO:(1.19) TOTO^lTO^FITOff^5hcfTaTtqq3F^^)f^ 1
TO: (1.20) 'qqfsroq^pire'qirtnTOfq^t ?
TO:(1.21) WR $RTOi:sKT wnf t?
■TO: (1.22) (qdln '?T®? qf^ f ? <h1<JI^<u| TOS I
TO: (1.23) IWranqTT^iwfqjJTt ?
5W: (1.24) g5I^TOeMf^%3ilR^:fTC^)f%TT 1
TO: (1.25) I

TO .2. TO31^^^t:
:2.1 >|oc^M*chK :-
2.1 (1) ^ 3T8M ^ HdI ^ ^ t^ STeTTO ^I?
2.1 (2) ^nZ]5W3T^f^^^^i^TTHT^| ?
^;2.1 (3) I

1:31^ ^TITR Ir ^ 37ei^ t ?

■5f^: 2.1 (4) ^ ^ ^T®^t ^ "f^R^ 13^ ^ 3Tfe 3{sf
^ei'ctiK "^ter % ?
2.1 (5) [ia^ ?



I\/I-2020 - V

m:2.2 3T8rfvNm :- (05x01-05)

2.2(1) ?
TO: 2.2(2) "9^ 'iRHT'WTT^ |
3^ ?
"TO: 2.2(3) / 3TT^ OKIMd-d^^l HMid I
^ ^t ?

TO: 2.2 (4) ?

TO: 2.2(5) 31^}^^ %'^WTOT 3{si WI?

TO : 3. 41441'^

TO:3.1 Mr^^TO4(^)3^4^^! I

TO: 3.1 (1) 1

TO: 3.1 (2) m 3^^ ^^1^"f^ ^ ^ '
31^:3.1 (3) ^ TJ# ^■'TT^ "^cTRT 3^ t 1
TO: 3.1 (4) 3q^3M^i\^?W^ 1
TO: 3.1 (5) ^ 37TO^TT^I1

TO : 3.2 RnRlfed ^1^49 9Jj4 3 (^)3i^^t I (05x03=15)

3R3; 3.2 (1) A Good teacher may not be a good author, and vice versa.

TO: 3.2 (2) He is the founder of this institution as weii as it's director.

TO: 3.2 (3) By order, District Magistrate.

TO: 3.2 (4) Eligible for government Accommodation.

TO: 3.2 (5) It can safely be Admitted that...

IrWiC l\/I-2020 - V

^ ^ ^t I^3in
3TfeFff|-5n^3IK02 {%) I (10x02=20)
(4.1) ^ tlHKK ^'ic^i^^ui
^R=T: (4.2)


^TH: (4.4) Iq-c^q I

31^: (4.5) ^ "^^TT S ?
3IH: (4.6) Rh^H 3r^% ^3rW ;|3Tr t ?
3R^: (4.7) 'M^mrar#... I .. ?
3rH: (4.8) ^ ^RiRaii. I
3R=T: (4.9)

3Tn: (4.10)

|3TT ^"n^fe^TTTT i"

3R^:5. ^TO ^ ■snrft^ oqich<ui, iiioqiciR^iTi ^ RnldRdd io i

3T?^ ^02{-^)^^%\ (., 0x02=20)


1 ^ 31^ tr I

2 'Statesman' ^ lillRch t[ |

3 '3miT^-3rmT^'^3r8f^t ?


l\/l-2020 - V

^cTim 1

Endorsement Ri[^y»

'11m'^^llK<=b yi®c;

10 'Impost'"^ ^iii^'+ ^

TO:6. iTOM^^^i^^'ram%3iraK'tRi1% 13i«isjf1^

I (05x04=20)

WT11 wftcJt t ftfia ^ 3?k ^ ^ W#

tfl1ira^^,3™wd^3i8f3fkTO^^^=nwiteTl i ^nfeqTgsi^
1 6 I■
(i) % 313?TK "HTI^ Tt ^ t ?
(ii) ^nf|?=i i( ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ •

IVI-2020 - V

(iii) 3T2if if 3^ o^mi im t ?

(iv) ^ "I ?

STPsr % ^l^(d=t) TTHf^^^fexT I 3TT^Rc{;1c+,<U| % 3^% ;5yy^

l 5^Rdch<U|^l^^3^;5ft^-^feTT^^1^

^3^:^«mRT I afk H^N'kWui^f^.g,[?|q1'^ f 3frc 3^HIH4^c^,<U[

% <i4>H^0=tm t^^ ^^ #TT 3fiK^8T^ ^3TmR |
(i) ^Kcfl'M ^RR "[^ ^RTK % 3Tc[fe ^ TfiR f ?
(ii) '^RR ^"SRT "cRHT TfT t'^ ^^^ f ?
(iii) 3TSf^ Hn41q ^£ff^ cI^TRT ^^^f ?
(iv) ^^ ^ -cii^di ^ ?
(v) % 3h^^k ^^RR MRcicfH 5TTO2R?f ?

^m:7. 3181^^ ^ 378^1 SIR

I Tm 10(^)31^^1| (01x10=10)
TO:7 3li^TO?W3:^31w?ra%lijf:^^SI^^| I
MfifR 3#1 W TO 3TRW^1RS1 ^I _ ^ _ .jj^^ _
3TTf^^jRT"| 1


^ ^5RT^f Ty^f ^^3y^^

1-2020- V


TO :8

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