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Recommendation DATE:

ID badges
Author: HR manager Reviewed by:

Importance of ID badges:
ID badges are a must have thing.

 The most obvious reason to use ID badges is to enhance the security of your company.

 Employees id’s serve as form of instant identification for everyone in the company.

 They can also be used to restrict access to certain areas.

 ID badges give your employees a sense of identity with your company.

 It could even incentivize them to work harder

 Employees wouldn’t appreciate a standard dress code to make a company look like a team.
Fortunately ID badges can accomplish the same exact thing without implementation of a

 Wearing something with your company’s logo displayed on it will make your employees
feel more connected to each other.

 Employees are meant to be visible and displayed throughout the duration of the workday.

 Employees ID badges are not just useful tools. They can make your entire company look


From wearing a college’s ID card to employees ID card

We realized our responsibilities.

Nazia kausher~

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