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You´re joking

You´re kidding
5 questions you would ask a person you meet
for 1st time.

1. what do you do?

2. are you single or married?

3. do you have children?

4. how old are you?

5. what do you do in your free time?

what do you do as a hobby?
1. what do you do?
I´m a lawyer and also a medical assistant.
job or occupation

Job: what you studied, chef

Occupation: care taker, cook

what do you do for a living?

what are you doing? (in this moment)

whatcha doing?
That is not my job.

what did you do in your previous job?

what activities did you do? what were your


I was a main teacher in Elementary School.

I taught English, Math, Science, Social Studies.
I was responsible of developing the curriculum of
1st grade.
what do you do for a living?


what are you doing for a living? (you know the

person but you want to know what he-she is
working on)
what did you do in your previous job?

Ellaborated contracts
I negotiated some buying or selling terms with
other companies
hiring staff

the one I enjoy the most is going to the beach.


He has been my friend since I was

12 years old


When I had 5 years old.

when did the symptoms begin?

since when? /sins/

how long have you had the symptoms?

since Wednesday
for 2 days.

since 2018- for 4 years


which part?
For 3 months

Since May

Since when are you taking this


for 3 months
Since May 22nd
Long time no see!
Happy to see you!
This is a wonderful surprise!

On the phone:
Guerra Mendez Medical Center. This is Nataly
speaking. How may I help you?

In person:
Hi, .... My name is Nataly, I´m going to ask you
some questions.
have or take a seat.
Do Vs Make

Do: creative
Make: materials

sauce, pepperoni, etc

oven, tray, oven mitten

I´m making a pizza for dinner

I´m doing a test.

Wheel chair
seat belt

a car has 4 wheels

Steering wheel

Stir (dar vuelta)

I finished another class a few minutes ago.

I finished my class just minutes ago.

I finished my class a couple of minutes ago.

I´m a few minutes away from your house.

The doctor will be with you in a few minutes.

have the job fulfilled your expectations?

Yes, it has. However, I wanted to ask if it was

possible for me to get more experience in all the
areas. Although, I feel comfortable in the Covid
test area I want to know how the system works, in
case I need to cover up someone in other tasks.
1. can you discuss a time where you had to
manage yourself through a difficult time?

2. How do prioritize your tasks in a busy day?

3. have you had a significant problem?

No, I haven´t.

4. how is your relation with your coworkers?

It´s friendly and respectful.

5. how do you feel working in .... area-

6. Name 3 skills that you have learned since
you started to work here.

7. how have you felt performing .....task?

8. what would you like to improve in the

upcoming months?

9. what are you doing to improve your

communication skills?
In this moment I´m taking English lessons
afterwork 3 times a week.

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