English MidTerm Exercises

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present tense of the verb in

brackets !
1. John   to get up very early. (LIKE)
2. I can see her . She   at the corner (WAIT).
3. She   me because I speak too quickly. (NOT UNDERSTAND)
4. We   our clothes in this wardrobe (KEEP).
5. Everybody   to class at nine o'clock (COME).
6. He   a letter to his boss at the moment (TYPE).
7. Not many people   in the street. It's Sunday (WALK)
8. George   well when he is not tired (WORK)
9. He  . His eyes are open (NOT SLEEP)
10. My brother   smoke. He says it's bad for you (NOT SMOKE)
11. The children   out in the garden now (PLAY).
12. She usually   the newspaper in the morning . (READ)
13. I   my homework now. (DO)
14. Jack   his dinner at the moment (EAT).
15.  a pizza ? (YOU WANT)
16. They   to watch TV in the evenings (LIKE)
17. Be quite ! The baby   (SLEEP).
18. He   to his pen friend every month (WRITE).
19. She   football (NOT LIKE).
20. The girls   now. All of them   a film (NOT TALK,

Fill in the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Continous

1. I   I can do the homework all by myself. (THINK)
2. She   to be a nice girl. (APPEAR)
3. I   for a nonprofit organisation at the moment. (WORK)
4. Ian   a shower at the moment. Could you call back later ? (TAKE)
5. Jack   in a few minutes. You have to hurry. (LEAVE)

Put the verbs in brackets into their correct tense. Use Present Tense Simple or
1. I   they will be late. They probably got stuck in the traffic. (EXPECT)
2. I   Joanna tonight .   with me ? (SEE, YOU COME)
3. That dress   you perfectly. You   great. (FIT, LOOK)
4. I   of buying a new car. My old one always keeps breaking down. (BUY)
5. What   at ? - The sky. - It   as if it's going to rain. (YOU LOOK,
6. I usually   parties but I   this one. Everything is so
7. I see what you mean (SEE).
8. Jim is a sensible person , but in this case he   foolishly (BEHAVE).
9. He   a shower at the moment . You can't disturb him (HAVE)
10. My parents   from Spain. Where   from ? (COME, YOUR

Complete the letter with the correct form of the Present Simple or Present

Continuous tense. Use each verb in the list only once.
stand - seem - write - be - make - shine - stay - taste - look - cost - feel

Dear Jill ,

I   to you from Granada where everything   to be going just fine;
we   nice and relaxed. We   in a gorgeous hotel just down the road from the
Alhambra, which   an old fortress built by the Moors. It   at the top of the hill
just opposite our hotel and we can see this wonderful building through our window. It   
absolutely magnificent!
The hotel is lonely, but unfortunately it   a lot to stay here! eating out is great.
have you heard of gazpacho? Its a cold cucumber and tomato soup which they   with
oil, vinegar and garlic and it   absolutely delicious.
Well, outside the sun   so I'm off to get a bit of a suntan. I hope everything
is OK back at home .

Present Simple — Negative — Mixed

Make the following sentences negative.
Example: They enjoy watching comedies.
They don’t enjoy watching comedies.

1. Susan comes from Canada

Answer :
2. He is lazy.
Answer :
3. We get up at 7 am every morning.
Answer :
4. They are the best students in our class.
Answer :
5. It is hot outside.
Answer :
6. Andrew plays tennis every week.
7. My parents live in a small house.
8. I am at the cinema with my friends.
9. It rains here in summer.
10. The workers are tired.
11. I go to bed before midnight.
12. Amelia teaches English in our local school.
13. Tim is afraid of heights.
14. We drink five cups of coffee a day.
15. He loves reading books.

Present Simple Questions - Exercise 3

Form the questions.

Example: I live in London. - Do you live in London?
1. They can dance.
2. I like reading books.
3. We live in a big city.
4. I play the guitar.
5. They are cool.
6. We are friends.
7. The parrot eats apples.
8. They are Austrian.
9. Brad listens to the radio.
10. Elephants eat grass.
11. I am good at school.
12. They go to school by bus.
13. Henry does his homework.
14. Simon reads comics.
15. Sally has a cat.

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