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1. Lab Exam length is 1 hour (5:05 pm – 6.05 pm).

2. Lab Exam contains 16 questions.
3. Write your name.
4. Round all calculated values to the second digit after the
decimal point.
5. Write your answers with units on the line next to the
6. Submit your completed lab exam via email
Name ________________________ Section A

Lab Exam
In order to determine acceleration due to gravity, students
dropped a ball bearing and recorded its time in the air and final
velocity shown in the following table.

t (s) 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.81 0.75 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.79 0.78 0.80 0.82

V 7.38 7.51 7.55 7.54 7.55 7.59 7.56 7.55 7.40 7.57 7.58 7.59

_______ 1. Number of measurements of time t

_______ 2. Number of largest measurements of time to get rid
of. Cross them out.
_______ 3. Number of smallest measurements of time to get
rid of. Cross them out.
_______ 4. Тhe Largest remaining measurement of time is
_______ 5. Тhe Smallest remaining measurement of time is
_______ 6. Calculate the Best Value of time tbv. Show the work
_______ 7. Calculate Average Deviation of time tad. Show the
work below.
_______ 8. Number of measurements of final velocity V
_______ 9. Number of largest measurements of final velocity
to get rid of. Cross them out.
_______ 10. Number of smallest measurements of final velocity
to get rid of. Cross them out.
_______ 11. Тhe Largest remaining measurement of final
velocity is
_______ 12. Тhe Smallest remaining measurement of final
velocity is
_______ 13. Calculate the Best Value of final velocity Vbv. Show
the work below.
_______ 14. Calculate Average Deviation of final velocity Vad.
Show the work below.
_______ 15. Calculate acceleration due to gravity by using the
equation g= vbv/tbv. Show the work below.
_______ 16. Calculate % error. Standard value of gst.v is
9.81 m/ s Show the work below.


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