TP-AWS Pricing Calculator

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Goal In this exercise, you will use the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate the
costs for a hypothetical upload and resize service hosted on AWS.
The upload service ● EC2 for compute
is built on top of 2
● S3 for cloud storage
cloud services:

Region for service: us-west-2 (Oregon) region

EC2 Information We● The EC2 instance payment model is on-demand
Know :
● There is one EC2 instance of t2.medium type

● The size for root storage on the instance is 250GB

S3 Information We ● The default storage class for S3 is standard which is

Know : what the service will use

-We will be storing 200GB of images per month
-Each image stored on S3 will be 1MB
-A write operation in S3 is known as Put request,
so if we convert the 200GB to MB we should get
200,000MB (multiply the digital storage value by 1000)

EC2 Cost Estimation
Open up the AWS Pricing Calcuator
Click on the Create estimate button
Type ec2 in the AWS services filter box, then click on the configure button
Change the Region dropdown to US West (Oregon) and leave the default option to create a Quick
Choose the option of Search instances by name and Enter t2.medium for the instance type

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Scroll down the Pricing strategy box and choose On-Demand instances

Scroll down the Pricing strategy box and choose On-Demand instances

Now let's configure the root size of the Elastic Block Storage (EBS) which is the disk
connected to the instance.
The default is General Purpose SSD (gp2) which is what we want so we just need to change
the Storage amount to 250GB

At this point we can already tell that the EC2 would cost us $58.87 USD monthly, That's all we
need for the EC2 section, so let's click the Add to my estimate button

Configure The S3 For The Service

Now that we have the estimate built for our compute section let's add to it the S3 storage service.

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Click the Add service button to add a new service, then type s3 in the AWS services filter box,
notice how other services that use S3 also coming up in the search as the filter look up the
description too.
scroll down and look for the actual service, S3 is called Simple Storage Service these 3 Initials
are all starting with the letter S which is 3S => S3

Click on the Configure button on the Amazon Simple Storage Service button to configure the S3

Make sure the region is set to US West (Oregon)
un-toggle all of the Storage classes but the S3 Standard as well as the Data Transfer as we are
not going to pull data from S3 and all Incoming traffic is free.

We know that the service will be uploading 200GB per month of images so let's configure the
storage amount to 200GB per month

and under the PUT, COPY, POST, LIST requests to S3 standard type 200,000

scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Add to my estimate button

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Your S3 cost should come up to somewhere around $5.60 USD

Your Estimate should come up to somewhere around $64.47 USD

Please keep in mind that pricing always changes and is dynamic.

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