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The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms

Anna Curtenius Roosevelt

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Roosevelt Anna Curtenius. The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms. In: L'Homme, 1993, tome 33 n°126-128. La remontée
de l'Amazone. pp. 255-283;

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Fichier pdf généré le 10/05/2018


Anna Curtenius Roosevelt

The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms

foragers who
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of and
Fall aof
the paintings,
to innovative
and complexity
from —

age fisherpeople and horticulturalists, and finally to the populous, wealthy, and
powerful chief doms of late prehistory. This history was truncated and impoverished when
Europeans invaded and relegated Indians to ecological and societal marginality.

Indigenous Social Development in Amazonia

Amazonia has often been portrayed as a resource-poor environment that

limited the development of indigenous complex societies1. The life-
ways of recent Amazonian Indians, who live in small groups subsisting
on shifting cultivation and foraging, were seen as cultural adaptations to the
humid tropical environment. Archaeological or documentary evidence for large-
scale native complex societies was either dismissed or attributed to short-lived
intrusions from Andean or Mesoamerican civilizations.
Quite a different picture of Amazonia is beginning to emerge from new
field work and restudy of older work. As a habitat for indigenous human
development, Amazonia seems richer and more variable than before.
Plentiful resources for human subsistence are found in several areas: large flood-
plains, extensive coasts and estuaries, and uplands with volcanics or limestone.
In such areas, the emerging human developmental sequence appears much longer
and more complex than earlier conceptions allowed, including occupations by
late Pleistocene hunter-gatherers with developed lithic technology and rock art,
some of the earliest sedentary settlement, ceramics, and horticulture in the New
World, and, in late prehistory, populous indigenous societies of substantial scale
and complexity.

L'Homme 126-128, avr.-déc. 1993, XXXIII (2-4), pp. 255-283.


The new information about the relationship of environment, economy, and

social development has general theoretical significance for anthropology, as well
as for Amazonian studies, and offers practical considerations for future
development in the humid tropics.

Early Hunting-Gathering Societies

Scattered evidence for a widespread early human occupation in the Amazon

basin and its environs during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene is found
in caves, rocksheiter s , and shellmounds.
Even the scarce finds so far give evidence for an early sequence of considerable
complexity, comprising Paleo-Indian, preceramic Archaic, and initial ceramic
Archaic cultures2. What is important about early hunter-gatherer societies of
Amazonia is that they were not necessarily primitive in technology or aesthetics.
Amazonian Paleoindians made some of the largest and finest bifacially pressure-
flaked projectile points known from the Americas and painted a huge corpus
of spectacular polychrome rock art. The subsistence remains from the early
hunter-gatherers document a wide range of economies, from specialized hunting
of large aquatic and land game to intensive, broad-spectrum harvesting of smaller
faunal species and plants. Similarities between artifacts in some areas indicate
long-distance travel, trade, or communication. Early Archaic peoples made
less formal stone tools than earlier peoples but their pottery was the earliest
in the Americas. Archaic occupation sites indicate relatively large and permanent
settlements, with large middens of many hectares, depths of one to six meters,
and foundations of sizable structures. Future study of such sites is needed
to investigate their organization and history.
The early hunting-gathering occupations in Amazonia do not particularly
resemble the living Amazonian Indians supposed to represent the survival of
ancient foragers. Peoples such as the Siriono and Guajibo speakers3, for
example, differ significantly from ancient ones, in art, which lacks the elaborate
painting, technology, which lacks the fine stone points and often pottery, and
in subsistence, which invariably includes abundant cultivated plants. These
differences and the fact that the small camps of modern "foragers" often occur
on large prehistoric earth mounds with elaborate pottery, carbonized maize,
and the remains of large permanent structures show that these peoples do not
represent the cultures of ancient foragers4. Rather, they are decimated, de-
culturated, and displaced populations that were part of late prehistoric complex
societies destroyed during the European conquest.
Theories about the nature of human foraging societies and ecological
adaptations to tropical habitats need to address the archaeological evidence, as well
as recent ethnographic evidence. Otherwise, our interpretations will be
distorted by unacknowledged effects of the expansion of chiefdorn and colonial
societies on indigenous societies.
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 257

Early Horizon Horticulturalists

By 1000 B.C., there appeared in Greater Amazonia a series of cultures

seemingly similar to those of present-day Amazonian horticulturalists. They mark
the appearance of the earliest known elaborately decorated pottery complexes
in South America and possibly the spread of village horticulture through the
lowlands. The descendants of peoples of these cultures appear to have
established the earliest known complex societies in Amazonia about 100 B.C.
During this period, settlements proliferate, and supraregional lowland horizon
styles of elaborate geometric-zoomorphic imagery develop5. Elaborations
occur in zoomorphic modeling, geometric incision, and, in some areas, red or
red and white painting. Decoration of zoned hachure predominates in the
western, central and southern Amazon and modeling and red and white painting
are more common in the Orinoco and Guianas. The predominant vessel shape
is the open bowl, although griddles, composite-silhouette bottles, pipes, and
other shapes also occur in some styles. Temper varies and includes shell, grit,
sherds, and/or, in some later styles, sponge-spicules.
Most recognizable representations in the art are animals, sometimes
anthropomorphized. In Amazonia today, this iconography is associated with a
cosmology that relates animal abundance and human fertility with shamanistic
propitiation of spiritual "Masters" of the game animals6, a supernatural being that
the rare humanized animals in the ancient might represent. Other than the
art and the possible drug paraphernalia, ritual complexes are poorly
known. Few burials or other ceremonial features have been excavated, and
the stratigraphy and layout of sites is poorly documented.
The early "Horizons" of decorated pottery have considerable geographic
and temporal overlap, causing difficulties in attempts to cross-date them. The
styles with red and white painting and modeling and incision are the earliest
dated styles so far, perhaps between c. 2000-800 B.C. in the Orinoco Basin.
Styles lacking that painting develop between the time of Christ and A.D. 500
in the Orinoco. In the Amazon proper, the earliest hachure seems to begin
1500 B.C., but stratigraphie relationships and associations of the dates are
unclear. By about 500 B.C., hached styles drop out in the Upper and Middle
Amazon, leaving a predominance of plain incision.
It is not known whether the cultures of these horizons were developed conver-
gently from earlier complexes by the interaction of local people, or if the new
patterns diffused by mass migration and replacement of the local
populations. With more work, it will be possible to compare changes in skeletal
and dental genetics and physiology with the patterns of cultural change through
time, in order to assess the applicability of the different explanations.
When the early horizon styles appeared, subsistence economies of Amazonia
apparently shifted away from primary reliance on foraging game, to a
combination of cultivation and foraging. The subsistence of the early horizons is
poorly documented, because archaeologists have only recently started to employ

paleodietary methods in the lowlands. Subsistence of the La Gruta tradition

phases of sites in the Middle Orinoco in Venezuela may shed light on the
problem7. The sites contained numerous 7-9 mm long flint chips and abundant
thick ceramic griddles such as those used for processing manioc today in
Amazonia. Though tree fruits were recovered, there were no seeds of crops
such as maize or beans. Accordingly, it is thought that subsistence was based
on cultivation of root crops and hunting and fishing. A few small stemmed
quartz projectile points (made by percussion flaking) have been found, and
fauna including fish, aquatic mammals, turtle, and large terrestrial mammals
and birds. The stable isotope pattern of human bones from the end of this
occupation are consistent with, though not limited to, a diet of manioc, fish,
and game.
Sites, often situated on the banks of present-day rivers and lakes, are smaller
than Archaic sites, in the range of one to several hectares, with refuse
accumulations of .5 to 1 m thickness, indicating appreciable stability of settlement, except
at dry-season fishing camps. It may be that the development of a new economy
including cultivation permitted an expansion of permanent settlement into a
wider area than was previously possible, leading to the existence of more
numerous but smaller sites.
Thus it is possible that the lowland tropical forest system of swidden manioc
cultivation, fishing, and hunting had taken shape in Greater Amazonia by this
time. Parallels with current lifeways are the importance of root over seed
cropping, the reliance on faunal protein, emphasis on animal art styles, and
settlement in modest, dispersed villages. But there is nonetheless a major
discontinuity between the early prehistoric and recent ethnographic versions
of this lifeway. This way of life actually disappeared from many areas during
the first and second millennia A.D. when populations increased, agriculture
intensified, and complex cultures appeared. It only came back into importance
in Amazonia after the dislocations and population losses that occurred during
the European Conquest.
The history of the swidden-horticultural/foraging economy in Amazonia
is a clue to the conditions that made it viable: low population density and lack
of intense competition over land and resources. As an adaptative complex,
the importance of this subsistence system seems to have been to produce abundant
calories so that faunal resources could be used for protein needs. Its
disappearance during the period of population expansion in late prehistoric times
may be related to the inability of the horticultural complex to exploit soil nutrients
for the production of protein at a lower trophic level, through plants. For
that, the cultivation had to shift from an emphasis on starchy root crops to
seed crops. But since intensive annual cultivation is highly labor intensive,
subsistence would have shifted back to root swiddening when Amazonian Indian
populations were decimated after conquest and chiefdorn political systems were
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 259

Indigenous Complex Societies

Between 1000 B.C. and 1000 A.D. significant changes occurred in the size,
organization, and functions of indigenous societies in some areas of Amazonia.
Transformations occurred in craft production, economy, demography, and social
and political forms, leading to the conclusion that along the mainstreams, deltas,
and piedmonts of Amazonia, there came into being that anthropologists call
complex chief doms.
The historical accounts and archaeological remains document the presence
of these complex societies along the Amazon and Orinoco rivers and the foothills
of the Andes and Caribbean ranges. The domains of these societies were very
large, sometimes tens of thousands of square kilometers in size, and these were
sometimes unified under paramount chiefs. Populations were densely
aggregated, and some settlements held many thousands of people. There was large-
scale building of earthworks for water control, agriculture, habitation, transport,
and defence. Reportedly warlike and expansionist, some societies had
hierarchical social organization supported by tribute and subsistence based on intensive
cropping and foraging. Crafts were highly developed for ceremony and trade
and linked by widespread styles emphasizing human images in addition to the
traditional animals and geometries, and there was a widespread cult of worship
of the bodies and idols of chiefly ancestors. Within 100-200 years of conquest,
however, the complex societies and their populations had vanished from the major
floodplains and piedmonts, and nothing even remotely like them is found among
the present indigenous societies of Amazonia. The complex societies' lack of
representation among present-day indigenous societies in Amazonia led at first
to a general lack of recognition among scholars that they had existed8. When
indubitable evidence was later found in archaeological finds and ethnohistoric
documents, the presence of such societies in the "tropical forest" were attributed
to influence or invasions from the Andes9. However, the results of work to
date do not support a foreign origin for these societies, whose earliest forms are
found in the eastern lowlands of Brazil, not near the Andes. Their origin must
therefore be sought in local processes of demographic and economic growth,
competition, and sociopolitical interaction.

Amazonian Chiefdoms in Historical Accounts

The records of the conquest period of Amazonia, from the mid sixteenth
through eighteenth centuries, found in commentaries, transcriptions, facsimiles,
and translations10 give a picture of the late prehistoric and early historic complex
According to the records, the Indians were very densely settled along the banks
and floodplains of the major rivers. Quantitative estimates vary, but it seems
clear that along much of the mainstream Amazon, settlement was continuous

and permanent, and the larger settlements held from several thousands to tens
of thousands of individuals or more. Unlike today, settlements at that time
seem to have been embedded within large cultural and political territories with
allegiance to paramount chiefs claiming divine origine and elaborate sumptuary
rights to emblems of office, certain resources and valuables, litters, and personal
service. The organization of the societies seems in some cases to have been ranked
or stratified in socio-political hierarchies composed of regional and local chiefs,
nobles, commoners, and subordinate individuals such as servants, client foragers
and farmers, and captive slaves. Societies engaged in military conquest with
a pattern of conflict that included large-scale organized warfare for defense and
conquest in addition to the raiding to revenge or capture of women, the most
common form of indigenous conflict today.
The economies of these societies were, unlike those of present Amazonian
Indians, complex and large-scale, including intensive food production of seed
and root crops in both mono- and polycultural fields, intensive hunting and fishing,
and long-term storage. There was considerable investment in substantial
permanent facilities, such as turtle corrals, fish weirs, and permanent agricultural
fields. Agriculture emphasized clear-cultivation and annual cropping more than
slash-and-burn, the main method today. In many of the chiefdoms, maize, rather
than manioc, was the staple plant. Artifacts were produced on a large scale,
and quantities of high quality decorated pottery and fabrics, as well as various
tools, edibles, and raw materials, were traded over long distances. There seem
to have been locations that functioned like markets, where intensive trading was
carried on periodically. Strings of disc beads, usually of shell, were widely used
as a medium of exchange, and semi-precious stone ornaments, such as greenstones,
were part of a system of elite gift-giving.
Regular community religious ceremonies were supplied with maize beer
furnished from tribute by tithes, accompanied with music, and dancing. In the lower
Amazon, several major polities had societal religious ideologies enhancing the
position of elites through the worship of deified ancestors, often female, in whose
name tribute was given. The mummies and painted images of the chief's ancestors
were curated along with stone images of deities and ritual paraphernalia in special
structures and refurbished for circulation during periodic ceremonies. There were
specialists in charge of the religious houses and ceremonies, and also diviners and
curers. Although women were not allowed to view certain ceremonies, high-ranking
female town chiefs and ritual specialists are mentioned. The sources also mention
the custom of matrilineal chiefly genealogy and rank endogamy for noble women.
In a number of the societies observed at contact, both girls and boys were
subjected to initiation ordeals and rituals considered as inductions to high rank.
Though by their nature, ethnohistoric accounts do not furnish definitive
evidence of social and political organization or reliable quantitative information
about subsistence or demography, the sources for Greater Amazonia contain
indisputable evidence of large-scale, very populous regional societies comparable
to complex chiefdoms and small states known in other parts of the world.
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 261

Late Prehistoric Horizon Cultures

The archaeological record of Amazonia also gives evidence of complex

societies along the river floodplains and piedmonts in late prehistoric times. The
millennium before the conquest is characterized by widespread true horizon
styles such as the Polychrome Horizon and the Incised and Punctate
Horizon. Both horizons are distantly related to the earlier sloping horizons
and continue the ancient lowland pattern of incised-rim bowls and rim

Fig. 1. Marajoara polychrome effigy urn from Guajara mound, Marajo Island, Para State, Brazil.
C. A.D. 500-700, 29 cm diameter.
Goeldi Museum. Drawing by K. Van Dyke.

adernos. Both also include important new shapes, subjects, and decorative
styles, such as burial urns, human effigies, and complex three-color painting.
The Polychrome Horizon is characterized by pottery decorated mainly with
elaborate stylized geometric patterns executed in painting (usually red, black,
and white) and incision, excision, and modeling (fig. 1 et 2). Examples of
local styles are Marajoara of the mouth of the Amazon11, Guarita of the
Middle Amazon12, both in Brazil, Caimito of the Upper Amazon in Peru13,
Napo of the Upper Amazon in Ecuador14, and Araracuara of the Caqueta in
the Colombian Amazon15.
The Incised and Punctate Horizon pottery styles have abundant modeled
ornaments and dense incision and punctation. Local phases of the horizon
are Santarem of the Lower Amazon16, Itacoatiara of the Middle Amazon17,

Fig. 2. Incised and modeled Marajoara zoomorphic burial urn

from Os Camutins mound group, c. A.D. 500-700. University of Pennsylvania Museum.
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 263

both in Brazil, the late prehistoric culture of Faldas de Sangay in the Ecuadorian
Amazon18, Hertenrits of Surinam19, Camoruco and Arauquin of the Middle
Orinoco20, and Valencia of the Caribbean coast range21, all in Venezuela.
The late prehistoric horizons spread rapidly over territories comparable in
size to those of chief doms described in the historic accounts, a process
traditionally interpreted by anthropologists as evidence of the expansion of
conquest chiefdoms or states. Within the horizons there seems to have been
continuing interregional stylistic communication during much of the late
prehistoric period, possibly produced by a network of alliances, intermarriage,
and war among the elites of regional cultures.

Artifacts: Function and Iconography

The occupation sites of the Amazonian chiefdoms contain an abundance

of artifacts and other remains. The most abundant are ceramic sherds and
vessels of the horizon styles22. There must have been a high rate of production
of artifacts, which have been recovered by the thousands, despite the small
amount of excavation that has yet been done. The magnitude of archaeological
production parallels ethnohistoric evidence for intensive craft production and
Material culture in the chiefdoms seems to have been very complex, and
many different kinds of artifacts have been found: pottery vessels, effigies (fig. 3),
drug paraphernalia, musical instruments, stools, whorls, stamps, stools, pubic
covers (fig. 4), stone cutting tools, shaft-straighteners, grinders, pounders,
abraders, and ornaments of jade and other semiprecious rocks. The presence
of numerous igneous rock items in sites in purely sedimentary basins testifies
to the long-distance trade of lithics. Studies of material trace-elements and
isotopes are needed to trace the extent and history of long-distance trade in
lithics and pottery. Spindle whorls increase in numbers and types, suggesting
increasing scale and complexity of textile production. The soils occupied by
many chiefdoms are often of clayey, high pH types considered good cotton
soils, and production of this fiber may have been an important industry.
The iconography of the horizon styles may give additional evidence of the
nature of the ancient societies' organization, economies, and religion. The
art of the late prehistoric styles has an emphasis of the human image not found
earlier. Though animals are common, humans are usually larger, more central
images. The human image may have become more important when intensive
agriculture made labor and land valuable and their control a factor requiring
ideological justification. It is often found in mortuary contexts and may relate
to elite ancestral mortuary cults such as those mentioned by the conquistadors.
Male images, which are much rarer than females, are mainly represented
as shaman/chiefs, on stools, carrying rattles, wearing special hats and shoulder
bags, and as alter ego figures with an animal on their shoulders. A concept

Fig. 3. Phallic figurine rattle from Marajo.

Height 20 cm. After Nordenskiold 1930.

Fig. 4. Marajoara polychrome pubic cover of tanga. 14 cm.

American Museum of Natural History. Drawing by Kimberly van Dyke.
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 265

of hierarchy and subordination may be discerned in the imagery representing

small human figures as appendages or supports to large ones. Other than the
chief/shaman images, males seldom appear in the art, except as disembodied
genital images in the phallic female figurines, and female images are much more
common. The prevalence of women in the art of Lower Amazon phases such
as Santarem and Marajoara (70-90%) might relate to the reckoning of chiefly
descent from mythical female ancestors, as mentioned in the historic
accounts. In the ancient art of the earlier chief doms, women, like men, are
shown on stools, with shamanistic symbols, and as alter ego figures, although
women shaman are rare today, and women are usually forbidden to sit on ritual
stools, considered the prerogative of political leaders and shaman. Later, they
are shown more commonly offering food or holding children. The changing
role of females in prehistoric Amazonian art through time suggests a change
in gender ideology and possibly gender roles during the sociopolitical transitions
going on in the Amazon floodplains in late prehistoric times.

Habitat and Economy

The archaeological phases of the late prehistoric horizon styles seem to occur
in characteristic kinds of biomes, such as the piedmonts and major floodplains
of rivers carrying sediment eroded from the mountains. The major mound-
building complexes are found in the broadest expanses of recent alluvium, in
the plains of the Bolivian Amazon, the Apure Delta of the Middle Orinoco,
Guiana coastal plains, and Marajo Island at the mouth of the Amazon (fig. 5).
The archaeological phases of the resource-poor interfluvial areas of the region
seem to lack the cultural complexity and magnitude of the floodplain phases
with certain important exceptions. The exceptions are the interfluvial regions
distinguished by geological deposits that have enriched local soils with nutrients,
such as the Caribbean Coastal range in Venezuela, and the Andean foothills
in the Upper Amazon and western Orinoco. Little work has been done in
the interfluves, however, and there is still the possibility that anthropologists
have found more substantial archaeological remains along the main rivers and
Andean foothills only because these areas are more accessible for research. To
investigate the role of environmental factors in the rise of lowland complex
societies, it will be important in the future to compare the prehistoric occupation
of a variety of regions.
Anthropologists have often assumed that the manioc, fish, game pattern
of indigenous subsistence today was also the major exploitation system of the
entire prehistoric period. However, this idea was based on the assumption
that the present ethnographic pattern is representative of the ancient pattern
and that the Amazonian environment was too poor for intensive agricultural
exploitation. What some of the new archaeological findings show is that many
of the late prehistoric societies of the floodplains of Amazonia had highly


Fig. 5 . View of Marajo Island. Tall forest at center is growing on a cluster of prehistoric artifical mounds,
the Monte Carmelo mound group. 1983.

intensive agricultural subsistence systems. During the period of expanding

populations and chief dorn sociopolitical development, there was an increasing
reliance on staple seed crops such as maize for both protein and calories and
decreasing consumption of starchy tropical root crops and fauna, the pattern
that was more characteristic of the first two millennia before Christ. The
presumed advantage of the seeds seems to have been the intensive exploitation
of the richer soils for production of more storable starch and protein than could
be produced by economies of root cropping and foraging. This pattern of
subsistence change parallels economic processes that occurred during the late
prehistoric period in North America and in many parts of the Old World during
the Neolithic Stage23.
Although previous investigation has focused almost exclusively on ceramic
and lithic remains, there is a very striking abundance and variety of prehistoric
biological remains that record ancient subsistence (fig. 6). Where these remains
have been collected, sites have produced thousands of animal bones and
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 267

Fig. 6
Prehistoric food remains at a Marajoara mound, Teso dos Bichos, a) Microscopic bones from small
fish, the mainstay of the diet, and b) vertebrum from Arapaima gigas, "pirarucu", from a special
cache. 6.5 cm. c) Carbonized seed of Euterpe oleraceae palm, "acai". 1.4 cm.

identifiable plant remains24, produced significant information about subsistence

during the development of the complex societies. Crops such as maize or Indian
corn appear to enter the subsistence systems of the floodplains of Greater
Amazonia during the first millennium B.C., when there is a rather rapid increase
in size and number of archaeological sites. Stable isotope results and dental
pathologies of the late prehistoric people suggest that seed crops became quite
important between A.D. 500 and the conquest, and site sizes and numbers
continued to expand25. Faunal protein continues as a protein supplement, with
aquatic faunal remains predominating greatly over terrestrial in the floodplains,
presumably because of the high biomass and turnover rate of fish in this habitat,
compared to terrestrial animals.
In some areas, such as Marajo Island the collection and/or cultivation of
small-seed local floodplain grasses and chenopods may have preceded the
adoption of maize26. This pattern may have begun soon after the time of
Christ there. Prehistoric skeletons and food remains dating between A.D. 400
and 1100 indicate a cereal staple, supplemented with small fish, but the bone
chemistry indicates levels of maize consumption at only 20 to 30% of the
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 269

;':j:-VJ Gollery Forest

I* * Archaeological material
exposed at surface 0 Dry season river bed
1 1

|L*y^ Archaeological mound

Fig. 7. Marajoara mound sites at Os Camutins site.

diet. The small seed economy may have been a local development, rather than
a diffused economy, as it seems to have been in the prehistoric seed-cropping
economy of the Southeastern United States.
The late prehistoric subsistence patterns contrast with current Amazonian
ethnographic subsistence, which focuses on starchy crops supplemented with
fish and game27. The dislocations and depopulation of the historic period
apparently brought a return to the less intensive root crop and animal capture
economies of the early prehistoric period. The shifting cultivation, hunting,


Island, Para', Brazil Deçà» er 1987
Scale 1 393.6 Contour Interval 25cm
Locatio -i: Lat. S 0°57'05"
Appr X. 3000mfazenda
at 341" from
Campo Limpo
Referen :e Elev tion: N100
[refere iced to mean low water, E200-9.Nov.54m28, 19 37=0]
i Dat jt» » Test Excavat ion
-Hou buildings
Oata Co M.lection
Survey: W. Pe :rry,Topcon GTS-3/HP71BC. Miran da
L. Matthews,
Project phy:
DirectoM "r:Í. Perry; Golden Software
A.C. Roosevelt

Fig. 8. Map of Marajoara mound at Guajara of the Monte Carmelo mound group,
near Os Camutins, c. A.D. 500-1300.
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 271

Fig. 9. Superimposed house floors in looters pit at Camutins mound, Os Camutins site.

and fishing subsistence of ethnographic Indians seems thus to be a return to

the way of life that existed in the Amazon before the development of the intensive
economies of the populous chief doms.

Settlement Patterns

Associated with the spread of the late prehistoric horizon styles is a

substantial increase in the size, number, and complexity of human occupation sites
soon after the time of Christ. Occupation sites are often several kilometers
long and densely packed with cultural and biological remains to depths of several
Fig. 10 a

F/g. 10 b
.F/g. 10. Baked clay cooking stoves at Teso dos Bichos, c. A.D. 800:
a) top view; b) side view.
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 273

meters. Many floodplain occupation sites are artificial earthen mounds

composed of numerous superimposed building stages and ruined earthen constructions
(fig. 7-10). Though small, simple sites are the most numerous, many of the
large sites appear to be complex, multi-function deposits, with special purpose
craft areas, such as jewelry or stone tool manufacturing areas, ceremonial areas,
defensive earthworks, cemeteries and mounds, domestic activity areas, and the
remains of substantial domestic structures and facilities, such as dwellings and
stoves. Only a few of these large, complex sites have yet been comprehensively
investigated. Though most general sources refer to prehistoric Amazonian
settlements as non-urban, the late prehistoric Amazonian archaeological sites and
earthworks are unexpectedly substantial and complex.
Large-scale mound-building cultures developed in several areas of Greater
Amazonia: the Llanos de Mojos and Chiquitos of the Bolivian Amazon28, the
uplands of the Ecuadorian Amazon29, Marajo Island at the Mouth of the
Amazon30, the coastal plain of the Guianas31, and the Middle Orinoco32.
Many earthworks in these areas include raised and ditched fields, dikes, canals,
wells, ponds, causeways, roads, and mounds for habitation and burial. Mounds
were raised either by heaping up thick layers of soil from borrow pits or by
the gradual accumulation of refuse and ruined adobe buildings. Some of the
habitats of the mound cultures have deep seasonal flooding, and year-round
settlements must be raised out of the water. However, many of these mounds
were built up many meters higher than flood-levels of the time, which suggests
that they may have been raised for defense or display. Little systematic survey
of earthworks has been done, and many have been covered up by sedimentation
on the floodplains.
The scale and extent of the Amazonian earthworks and occupation sites
are extraordinary. Many mounds are from 3 to 10 meters in height and several
hectares in area. Some multimound sites on Marajo Island are more than
10 square kilometers in area with from 20 to 40 individual mounds, and a multi-
mound site in the uplands of the Ecuadorian Amazon has an area of 12 square
kilometers. Even the archaeological sites produced only by accretion of living
refuse make up an appreciable part of the landsurface along the Amazon and
Orinoco riverbanks. These late prehistoric archaeological deposits are massive
and often continuous for miles and are densely packed with artifacts and
carbonized plant remains.
The massive dwelling sites indicate a prehistoric occupation much more
substantial and sedentary than the slight, nomadic occupation earlier envisioned
for Amazonia. Such sites cannot be explained as accretions from long periods
of sparse, shifting habitation, for the chronologies indicate that they accrued
rapidly, with periods of several hundred years represented by several meters
of refuse in some cases. In many regions these sites represent prehistoric
populations that were apparently much larger c. A.D. 1500 than present-day
indigenous populations of Amazonia. According to hearth counts and
comparisons with world-wide averages of site area per population, not a few

Amazonian sites represent populations of several thousand and a few are large
enough to have had populations in the tens of thousands at least.
Many large cemeteries with hundreds of burials have been found in habitation
sites and mounds. The majority are spatially concentrated urn cemeteries, but
some earthen shaft tombs with stone covers with urn burials have been found
as well. The elaborate and varied burial assemblages in these cemeteries are
thought to represent significant interpersonal differences in rank. Because of
protection in the covered urns and the near-neutral pH of soil, human skeletal
remains are commonly quite well-preserved33 (fig. 11). Few of them have been
recorded or analyzed, but those in museums and private collections reveal highly
differentiated populations with a range of age, sex, disease, physiological
condition, and bone chemistry. Despite the potential socioeconomic information
the vast cemeteries could yield, no prehistoric Amazonian cemetery has yet been
studied systematically by a physical anthropologist.
Thus the scale and complexity of settlement and construction in the late
prehistoric societies of Greater Amazonia are more like societies identified as
complex chiefdoms and "primitive" states elsewhere in the world than to the
settlements of the present Indians of Amazonia.

The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms

Earlier anthropologists projected the ethnographic picture of Amazonia into

prehistoric times as the characteristic adaptation to Amazonian
environments. When more complex archaeological manifestations were recognised,
these were interpreted as short-lived invasions from the Andean or Mesoamerican
civilizations, which decayed rapidly in the tropical environment. The new
archaeological evidence, however, suggests the presence for more than a thousand
years of populous complex societies of indigenous origins, with urban-scale
settlements, intensive subsistence and craft-production systems, and rituals and
ideologies linked to systems of social hierarchy and political centralization.
The new information about Amazonian prehistory documents a sequence
of much more complex social, demographic, economic, and ecological change
than we had realized. The evidence for early cultural innovations in Amazonia,
such as initial pottery and sedentism, and horticulture, suggests that our previous
notions of geography of indigenous cultural development in South America
need to be revised. The discovery of correlations between the development
of complex cultures and significant shifts in demography and subsistence prepares
the way for understanding these cultures in both ecological and historical context.
Given the widespread occurrence of such societies and their long-term
persistence, it seems unlikely that the habitat was too poor to support them,
and, indeed, environmental studies suggest that there were plentiful
resources. Their demise, instead, seems correlated with the European conquest
of the Americas. The conquerors defeated the native chiefdoms and replaced
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 275

Fig. 11. Male cranium with cribra orbitalia anemia pathology, from Marajo Island.
The bun-shaped occiput is a morphological feature common in Amazonian populations.
Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

their political and military complexes. Surviving native sociopolitical formations

became geared to resistance, subservience, or isolation. In what had been heavily
populated areas, native populations were decimated, which essentially removed
the necessity of intensive land use. Ranching and specialized extraction replaced
agriculture and horticulture in many areas, and numerous Indian groups were
relegated to resource-poor areas not appropriate for intensive land use.
The lifeways of living Amazonian Indians can therefore be seen as adaptations
not only to the environment but also to their changing demography and
relationships with other societies. Without taking the complexity of such interactions
into consideration, we cannot adequately explain the nature and history of native
Amazonian societies.

Field Museum of Natural History

and University of Illinois, Chicago

1. Meggers 1954, 1971; Steward 1949.
2. Boomert 1980a; Bryan 1978, 1983; Bryan et al. 1978; Evans & Meggers 1960; Miller 1987;
Roosevelt 1989a, 1989b, 1991, and n.d.; Roosevelt et al. 1991, 1992; Schmitz 1987, 1991; Simoes
1976, 1981.
3. Holmberg 1969; Hurtado & Hill 1991.
4. Roosevelt, n.d.
5. Boomert 1983; Meggers & Evans 1961, 1983; Lathrap 1970; Cruxent & Rouse 1958-1959;
Roosevelt 1980; Rouse & Cruxent 1963; Rouse & Allaire 1978.
6. Reichel-Dolmatoff 1971.
7. Roosevelt 1980; Van der Merwe et al. 1981.
8. Steward 1949.
9. e.g. Meggers & Evans 1957.
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11. Meggers & Evans 1957; Roosevelt 1991.
12. Hilbert 1968.
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14. Evans & Meggers 1968.
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16. Palmatary 1960; Bezerra de Meneses 1972.
17. Hilbert 1959, 1968.
18. Athens 1989; Porras 1987.
19. Boomert 1976, 1980b.
20. Petrullo 1939; Roosevelt 1980, 1992.
21. Kidder 1944.
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 277

22. Rouse & Cruxent 1963; Nordenskiold 1924a, 1930; Lathrap 1970; Meggers 1947; Meggers
& Evans 1957, 1961, 1983; Hilbert 1968; Palmatary 1950, 1960; Roosevelt 1980, 1991, 1992.
23. Cohen & Armelagos, eds., 1984.
24. Roosevelt 1980, 1984, 1989a, 1989b; Roosevelt et al. 1991; Wing, Garson & Simons, n.d.;
Garson 1980; Smith & Roosevelt, n.d.
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26. Brochado [1980]; Roosevelt 1991, Tabl. 6. 7.
27. Hames & Vickers, eds., 1983.
28. Erickson 1980; Nordenskiold 1913, 1916, 1924a, 1924b; Denevan 1966.
29. Porras 1987.
30. Derby 1879; Meggers & Evans 1957; Roosevelt 1991.
31. Boomert 1976, 1980b.
32. Castellanos 1955; Cruxent 1952, 1966; Rouse & Cruxent 1963; Cruxent & Rouse 1958-1959;
Devenan & Zucchi 1978.
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The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Chiefdoms 283

Anna Curtenius Roosevelt, Développement et disparition des chefferies amazoniennes.
— Les données de l'archéologie et de Pethnohistoire montrent que les sociétés indigènes
amazoniennes étaient bien plus élaborées et différenciées, dans les temps précolombiens,
qu'elles ne le sont aujourd'hui. Des industries lithiques raffinées et des gravures rupestres
des anciens chasseurs-cueilleurs aux traditions céramiques novatrices des premières sociétés
riveraines et horticoles, puis à l'émergence des chefferies puissantes, riches et densément
peuplées de la préhistoire tardive, le parcours historique des Amérindiens des basses terres
a été long et complexe. Cette trajectoire a été tronquée puis appauvrie par l'invasion
européenne qui a relégué les Indiens dans la marginalité écologique et sociale.

Anna Curtenius Roosevelt, Desarrollo y desaparición de las jefacturas amazónicas. —
Los datos de la arqueología y la etnohistoria muestran como en la época precolombina,
las sociedades indígenas amazónicas estaban mucho mas elaboradas y diferenciadas que hoy.
De las refinadas industrias líticas y los gravados rupestres de los antiguos cazadores-recolectores
a las tradiciones de cerámica innovadoras de las primeras sociedades ribereñas y hortícolas,
luego a la emergencia de las jefacturas ricas y densamente pobladas de la prehistoria tardia,
la evolución histórica de los Amerindios de las tierras bajas ha sido larga y compleja. Esta
trayectoria fue trocada y empobrecida por la invasión europea, la cual relegó a los Indios
a la marginalidad ecológica y social.

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