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Assignment No.

SEMESTER Fall - 2022
CS702 –Advance Algorithm Analysis and Design

Due Date: 19/12/2022 Total Marks 50

Instructions to Solve Assignments

The purpose of assignments is to provide you with hands on practice on Advance

Algorithm Analysis and Design course. It is expected that students will solve the
assignments themselves. Following rules will apply during the evaluation of

 Cheating from any source will result in zero marks in the assignment.

 Any student found cheating in any two of the assignments submitted will be
awarded "F" grade in the course.

 In case of question No. 03 direct copy and paste from the research paper will be
awarded zero marks.

 No assignment after due date will be accepted.

Problem No.1: [Marks: 30]

Suppose the manufacturing and assembling of an object in an industry and deliverable are assigned to
you till the end of final deliverable. By using the following assembly lines, you have to calculate the
shortest path and minimum time required to manufacture the whole object. Draw the proper number of
tables and highlight the shortest path also.

5 5 3 8 2
2 3 9 3 1
2 3 2 3

5 3 3 1
1 5
4 2 8
1 9 8

Question No.2 [Marks: 20]

Read the paper entitled as “Data Structure: Theoretical Approach” available in the zip folder.

a) Give critical analysis of the above paper in your own words.

b) Suggest the kind of techniques which can be used by the programmers to solve the storage
management issue.

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