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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no.

LAA_one_column ©ESO 2021

August 18, 2021

Rigidity dependencies of Forbush decreases recovery times

obtained by the PAMELA experiment
Lagoida I. A., Voronov S. A., and Mikhailov V. V.

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Kashirskoe Shosse 31, 115409, Moscow, Russian Federation

Received September 15, 1996; accepted March 16, 1997


Forbush decrease (FD) is a sudden drop of cosmic ray flux arising as a result of coronal mass ejection (CME) propagation in inter-
planetary space. Huge spread of the CMEs properties leads to the different types of FDs registered by scientific instruments. These
FDs differences connected with those of CMEs. That is why both astrophysical phenomena should be studied together to provide
a way for establishing the nature of the processes occurring during FDs. All current studies in this field use the experimental data
obtained by ground-based scientific installations. These detectors register the variations of secondary cosmic ray fluxes in the atmo-
sphere caused by the modulation of primary cosmic rays in the heliosphere including FD. The results of direct measurements of such
types of phenomena obtained in space are rather rare. In this work, we present the results obtained by putting in use the primary
proton flux data collected by the PAMELA experiment during its direct measurements on Earth orbit outside the atmosphere. The
experiment continued from June 15, 2006, until 2016. Series of FDs during this period were studied. The recovery time dependences
on the particle rigidity were obtained for events generated by Halo type CMEs.
Key words. cosmic rays, coronal mass ejections (CMEs)

1. Introduction
For the first time, a sharp decline of cosmic ray intensity was registered by Forbush (1937). This phenomenon, named Forbush
decrease (FD), became a popular scientific topic in low-energy cosmic ray physics. Despite several decades of FD studies, there is
no clear understanding of the main mechanism responsible for the effect generation. Up to now, the behaviors of its features are
the subjects of intense discussions. Today the sources of these phenomena are connected with the coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
The basic scientific information about CMEs and FDs is available in manuscripts by Gopalswamy (2006), Nieves-Chinchilla et al.
(2018) and Lockwood (1971), Cane (2000), Wibberenz et al. (1998). In general, there are three basic types of FDs corresponding
to the position of the particle detector in space concerning spreading CME structure. CME propagating from the Sun into the
interplanetary space is named interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME). Complete classical ICME consists of three stages: a
shock wave, sheath region, and ejecta parts. A shock wave is a high-speed part of ICME produced by the explosive nature of the
CME. This stage is characterized by a sudden increase of interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind speed. The sheath region
is produced by the shock and characterized by a highly disturbed interplanetary medium. The third stage is the passage of the
ejecta part which is connected with a quiet and increased magnetic field and solar wind speed. Profiles of FDs can be produced
by propagation of the complete ICME at the measurement point, or only by shock-sheath and ejecta counterparts depending on
the position of the detector relative to the moving ICME. Thus FDs have to be classified by the signatures of the ICME structure
registered at the measurement point. All these stages of ICME can be properly identified from time profiles of the interplanetary
space parameters. The profile of such full FD generated by complete ICME at the measurement point is shown in Fig. 1. It was
measured in the proton flux by the PAMELA instrument on 2012/07/14. The time profiles of the interplanetary space parameters
adequately demonstrate all these three stages of ICME.
According to the Wind spacecraft data1 , the ICME responsible for the generation of observed FD passed the Lagrangian point
L1 on 2012/07/14 at 17:39 UTC with the shock wave at the leading edge. One can reliably identify the stages of the ICME from
time profiles of proton plasma temperature T , solar wind speed V sw , and interplanetary magnetic field |B|. This data was obtained
using the OMNI database2 . The shock wave (stage I) manifests itself as a sudden increase of a magnetic field and solar wind
speed. The passage of the shock wave creates a highly disturbed interplanetary medium which is named a sheath region (stage II).
The difference between real T real and expected T exp proton plasma temperatures is one of several implicit signatures of the ejecta
passage (Zurbuchen T. H. and Richardson I. G. 2006). The regions where T real / T exp ≤ 0.5 corresponds to the moving ejecta at
the measurement point. Expected plasma temperature is calculated using empirical correlation of proton plasma temperature with

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Fig. 1. The typical FD in proton flux (1.1 – 2.9 GV) measured by PAMELA on 2012/07/14 and corresponding signatures of ICME stages (I -
shock wave, II - sheath region, III - ejecta) in the variations of the interplanetary space features. a – proton flux, b – interplanetary magnetic field,
c – solar wind speed, d – real (solid) and expected (dashed) proton plasma temperatures.

solar wind speed (Richardson I. G. and Cane H. V. 1995). The angular width of the shock wave tends to be larger than that for
the ejecta part, that is why FD may be generated only by shock wave or ejecta separately. Ejecta signature is missed in the only
shock FD and vice versa. But the fullness of CME propagation at the specified point of the interplanetary medium is not unique
reason responsible for the huge variation of the FD properties. The characteristics of FDs also depend on the internal "power" of
ICME and its propagation properties. There are some correlation of characteristics of interplanetary medium occupied by ICME
with the amplitudes of FDs (Belov et al. 2001, Dumbovic et al. 2011, Arunbabu et al. 2015, Lagoida et al. 2019). Also, it seems that
faster CMEs create stronger FDs (Penna and Quillen 2005). Some contradictory results about particle rigidity dependencies of the
recovery times of FDs were found in the past. Some of the research groups have found that recovery times of FDs do not depend
on the rigidity of cosmic ray particles (Lockwood et al. 1986) and concluded that recovery times depend on the dissipation effect
of the ICME only. However, in the other studies, both types of FDs with rigidity dependence of the recovery time and without it
were found (Usoskin et al. 2008, Zhao and Zhang 2016). But the results mentioned above were performed with data on secondary
cosmic rays available from neutron monitors and muon hodoscopes, whereas a clear rigidity dependence of recovery times of FD
generated by strong ICME was found in the primary cosmic rays registered by the PAMELA telescope (Munini et al. 2018, Lagoida
et al. 2020).

2. Experiment
The Payload for Antimatter-Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics PAMELA spacecraft telescope was designed to study
fluxes of cosmic-ray elementary particles p, p, e− , e+ as well as fluxes of cosmic-ray nuclei with Z ≤ 8 in the energy range from
several hundred MeV to several hundred GeV (Adriani et al. 2017). The PAMELA consists of Time-of-Flight (ToF) system, a
magnetic spectrometer, anticoincidence systems, electromagnetic calorimeter, and neutron detector (see Fig. 2). The ToF system
consists of segmented scintillator planes divided into 3 groups (S1, S2, S3) and used for measuring velocities of registered particles.
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Fig. 2. Schematic view of the PAMELA telescope.

The magnetic spectrometer consists of Nd-Fe-B alloy permanent magnet (with the residual magnetization of 1.3 T) and a microstrip
silicon tracking system composed of 6 equidistant 300 µm thick planes that constitute a magnetic spectrometer used to determine
the rigidity (R = pc/Ze) and the charge Z of particles crossing the detector. The PAMELA telescope was installed onboard the
Resurs DK1 satellite which was launched into the Earth orbit on 15th of June 2006 from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan).
Measurements of fluxes of cosmic rays were carried out until 2016.
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Table 1. A sample of Forbush decreases and the corresponding properties of CMEs/ICMEs.

tS , days tE , days V20R , km s−1 τS E , days tFD , days APAM , % AOulu , %

2006/12/13 02:54 2006/12/14 13:51 1573 1.4 2006/12/14 31 12
2006/12/14 22:30 2006/12/16 17:34 1041 1.6
2011/02/14 18:24 2011/02/18 19:50 449 3.7 2011/02/18 9.5 3.5
2011/02/15 02:24 471
2011/10/22 01:25 2011/10/24 19:50 663 2.1 2011/10/24 9.4 3.9
2011/10/22 10:24 1074
2012/02/23 08:12 2012/02/26 20:59 562 3.1 2012/02/26 10.5 2
2012/02/24 03:46 874
2012/03/07 00:24 2012/03/08 10:32 2594 1.4 2012/03/08 33 12
2012/03/07 01:30 2012/03/12 08:28 1260
2012/03/10 18:00 2012/03/15 12:35 1261
2012/03/13 17:36 1987
2012/09/02 04:00 2012/09/04 22:02 430 2.8 2012/09/04 12 6
2012/09/27 10:12 2012/09/30 10:14 1309 2.7 2012/09/30 9.4 2
2012/09/28 00:12 817
2012/09/28 10:36 638
2012/10/27 16:48 2012/09/04 22:02 483 3.1 2012/10/31 8 2
2012/10/28 08:48 471
2013/03/15 07:12 2013/03/17 05:21 1161 1.9 2013/03/17 20 6
2013/04/11 11:12 2013/04/13 22:13 819 2.5 2013/04/13 13 5

3. Data analysis and results

The analysis was carried out based on primary proton flux data obtained by the PAMELA instrument in the rigidity range 0.7 – 19
GV. The CME candidates responsible for selected FDs were chosen using the SOHO CME catalog3 . Several conditions were used
for the selection of the CMEs and related FDs. Only Halo CMEs with angular width 360◦ were included in the selected sample to
remove FDs generated by not complete ICME structure propagated in the Earth vicinity. This gave us the opportunity to minimize
the modulations of FD recovery times by geometrical properties of moving ICME in the interplanetary space. Arrival times of the
shock waves obtained by the Wind spacecraft were used for the calculation of ICMEs transit times through the Sun-Earth region. The
ICMEs which did not generate the shock wave at the Lagrangian point L1 and corresponding FDs were rejected. This guaranteed
the selection of ICMEs with full structures in the Earth’s vicinity. Selected CMEs/ICMEs and corresponding FDs are presented in
Table 1. The FD data are shown for the primary proton flux with rigidity 1.1 – 2.9 GV. The properties of selected CMEs/ICMEs and
the amplitudes of FDs registered by the PAMELA instrument are summarized in Table 1 as well, where:
tS start time of the CME observed by SOHO spacecraft (days)
tE start time of the ICME observed by Wind spacecraft (days)
V20R velocity of CME at distance of 20 Sun radii (km s−1 )
τS E transit time of ICME between Sun-Earth region (days)
tFD the date of the beginning of FD at Earth
APAM FD amplitude calculated for primary proton flux R = 1.1 – 2.9 GV (%)
AOulu FD amplitude calculated for secondary cosmic rays using Oulu neutron monitor (%)
Recovery profiles of FDs were constructed for several rigidity ranges to study the recovery times and their correlations with
ICME features. One of such profiles for proton flux (R = 1.4 – 1.8 GV) is shown in Fig. 3.
Each recovery profile was fitted by an exponential function with the least-square fit method:

I0 − I t0 − t
δI = = A(1 − exp( ))
I0 τ
where I and I0 are the current and undisturbed CR intensities, A is the amplitude of FD for the selected rigidity range, t0 is the
start time of FD and τ is the recovery time of FD in days. The average level of undisturbed proton intensity was calculated using the
data collected ten days before the onset of the FD. All recovery profiles for all selected FDs were fitted by the same technique and
the recovery times were obtained for each rigidity interval.
The analysis of the obtained recovery times showed their different behaviors for different events. All selected FDs can be divided
into two basic types. Some events (Type I) had the recovery times with evident dependence on rigidity while in the other group (Type
II) rigidity dependence of the recovery time was absent. As an example, the recovery times in several rigidity ranges are presented
in Fig. 4 and Table 2 for two events on 2011/02/18 and 2013/03/17. It is seen from this figure that the recovery time is the same in
all rigidity intervals for event 2011/02/18. Its mean value is 2.9 ± 0.2 days (χ2 = 10.03) with dof = 5. At the same time, the event
2013/03/17 indicated the evident rigidity dependence of recovery times with χ2 = 18.36 (dof = 5). The hypothesis testing shows
that recovery times are independent of rigidity if χ2 < 11.07.

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Fig. 3. The profile of proton flux (R = 1.4 – 1.8 GV) during 2013/03/17 FD, with fitted parameter τ = 8.9 days.

Table 2. The recovery times (in days) for typical FDs.

Rigidity range, GV 2011/02/18 2013/03/17

0.69 - 0.81 2.9 -
0.95 - 1.11 3.5 7.5
1.37 - 1.76 3.1 8.9
2.27 - 2.92 2.9 8.4
3.75 - 4.83 2.8 6.2
6.22 - 8.68 2.9 5.9
12.87 - 19.07 2.7 5.1

4. Discussion
As it was shown registered FDs consist of two groups. The FDs of type I are the events where the dependence of the recovery
time on rigidity is evident. The events where such dependence is absent represent another group of type II. The type I group is
characterized by the average value of recovery times of order 2-3 days while the another group has the greater value (near 7 days).
To find the possible correlations of this phenomenon with features of CMEs we studied the events from Table 1. The chart where
FD amplitudes versus the ICME transit times are presented is shown in Fig. 5.
It is seen the anti-correlation between FD amplitudes and ICME transition times. Moreover, for ICMEs with τS E > 2 days the
rigidity dependence of the recovery times in the corresponding FDs is absent (blue crosses). These are the type II events. They have
small amplitudes. Herewith all events of type I having the recovery time dependence are grouped in the area with τS E < 2 days and
high amplitudes. So one can conclude that the variation of FD recovery times with rigidity is connected with the ICME propagation
speed. The evident positive correlation between FD amplitudes and the speeds of CME propagation at the distance of 20 Sun radii
(V20R ) is presented in Fig. 6.
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Fig. 4. The dependencies of the recovery times on rigidity for events 2011/02/18 and 2013/03/17.

In this figure, the FDs with rigidity-dependent recovery times correspond to higher amplitudes of FDs and greater values of
ICME velocities. It is seen from Fig. 5 and 6, that the recovery times of FDs generated by faster ICMEs depend on particle rigidity.
This effect can be explained in the following way. When the shock wave propagates in the interplanetary space, it rejects particles
from the occupied area causing the first rapid intensity drop during FD. One of the possible scenarios of obtained dependencies
of recovery times may be connected with the dissipation process of the shock wave. By the time when high rigidity particles
become not sensitive to the propagation of the shock wave, low-energetic particles still remain under influence of the scattering
effect. This process can contribute to the observed delay of recovery time between high and low rigidity particles. The value of
this delay obviously depends on the entire strength of the shock wave and its velocity, that is why the effect has not been seen
in low-powerful events. After the shock wave propagation, the interplanetary space behind the shock is filled with ejecta. The FD
ends when ejecta leaves the region of interplanetary space which is under the study of scientific equipment. Thus the obtained
dependency of recovery time on rigidity may be connected with the ability of cosmic-ray particles to penetrate inside the ejecta as
well. This process is rigidity dependent and this dependence is more significant for stronger ICMEs. These effects can accompany
slower ICME events. But the PAMELA experiment statistics are insufficient to register them in low-amplitude FDs

5. Conclusions
The sample of 10 FDs was studied in the primary proton flux measured by the PAMELA experiment during the period 2011 - 2013.
All selected FDs were generated by Halo CMEs. These CMEs generated the shock waves at the Earth’s vicinity. The FD recovery
profiles were fitted by the exponential functions for seven rigidity intervals (see Tab. 2). After this procedure the events were divided
into two groups.
The rigidity dependence of recovery time was clearly seen for type I events. These FDs were connected with CMEs with transit
times τS E < 2 days and the amplitudes of FD effect more than 20 % for the primary proton flux in the rigidity range 1.1 – 2.9 GV.
At the same time the type II included the events where the recovery time dependence was not found. These events had the transit
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Fig. 5. FD amplitudes for the primary proton flux (R = 1.1 – 2.9 GV) and corresponding CMEs transit times τS E . Stars – type I FDs, crosses – type
II FDs, dashed line – power law fit of observed dependence.

times of corresponding ICMEs more than 2 days and FD amplitudes were less than 20 %. The obtained rigidity dependencies of
recovery times of FDs can be explained by two possible effects or their combination. High-enery particles can become insensitive
to the dissipated shock wave earlier than low energetic ones. So the recovery of cosmic ray flux passes faster at high rigidity. The
ability of cosmic ray particles to penetrate into ejecta area have to be rigidity dependent as well. This effect increase the recovery
time for low rigidities with respect to high ones.
Acknowledgements. Event selection and data analysis have been performed with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 20-72-10170. Theoretical
treatment of obtained results was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, project "Fundamental problems of cosmic
rays and dark matter", no 0723-2020-0040. The authors are grateful to Dr. Mayorov A.G. for the computation of cosmic-ray proton fluxes.

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