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MALTEPE UNIVERSITY Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department EE 431 Communication Networks 1“ Midterm Examination Briefly answer the following questions about LANS: 4) Specify the physical sizes of LANs. 'b) Write the name of the transmission technology used in LANS, 4) In which OSI layer the MAC (Medium Access Control) sublayer resides? ¢) In which of the following channe! allocation methods there is no possibility of frame collision in the network cable of the LAN? Centralized or decentralized method. f) Is the “Token Passing” method a centralized or decentralized channel allocation method? Amseerd a) Within a room, building or campus. (2 p.) b) Broadcast, (2 p.) at ley 4) MAC sublayer is the low ofthe data-link layer (2 layer) of the OSI reference model. (2/p.) ¢) Centralized channe! allocation method. (3 p.) 1) Centralized access method (3 p.) Question 2 ~ WANs (Wide Area Networks) 2 points: Briefly answer the following questions about WANs: a) Specity the physical sizes of WANs b) Write the name of the transmission technology used in WANs. ¢) Write the name of the switching technique that ix generally used in WANs, 4d) What are the components of a subnet? Write their names, ¢) What is the difference between a WAN and a subnet? f) Write the name of the first WAN that used the TCP/IP protocol, a) Country or continent size. ) Point-to-point, ©) Packet switching. 4) Subnet=Routers + transmission lines, ¢) WAN=subnet+ LANs and computers. 1) ARPANET Ww3 ‘Qusstion 3 — OSI Reference Models potts) Write the layer mumber and the layer nue for the following questions. a) Which OS! layer performs setwork coagestion contral function® (2p) by Which OS! layer perfoms quality of service and reliability and control functions? (2p) ©) Which OS! layer performs date compression and decompression functions? (2p) d) Which OSI layer perfonss switching and routing functions’ (2p) ) Which OS! layer performs frame flow rate control function? (2p) f) Which OSI layer is related tor signal voltage levels” (2p) #) Which OS! layer perfoms network management protocols? (2p) 'b) Which OSI layer determines the dialog rules? (2p) Answer a) 3" layer: Network layer Qp) b) 4 layer: Transpom layer (2p) ¢) 6" layer: Presentation layer (2p) 4d) 3" layer: Network layer (2p) ¢) 2" layer: Data link layer (2p) OU layer: Physical layer Gp) g) 7® layer: Application layer (2p) hy S* layer: Session layer (2p) Question 4 —CSMA/CD LAN AS points) A CSMACCD LAN is shown in F computers on the LAN cable. 'The cable length (d) is 2400 m. The a ee f LAN is running at R=400 Mbps. The signal speed in the network cable is 210" m/s. No repeaters are used in the network, Find SSG the minimum frame fengih Ly (minimum number of tits in one 1 (seconds), in one ditection frame) so that the far most computers be able 10 detect the collision Pigure 4 of their frames when they are sent at the same time? You may denote the frame transmission time by J, and the signal propagation time in one direction by Answer Data transmission mate; R = 400 Mbps; d = 2400 m ; w2*10* ns Propagation time of the cleetrical signal from one end of the cable to the other end: td / y= 2400/2 * 10° = 12*10* 844 poims) For a CSMA‘CD LAN, the condition for a computer to detect that the frame it is sending has been collided is T/22t ‘Therefore, the miniriumn frame Erinsmission time is T;= 2x = 212s 10° = 2145104 & (6 points) Let us use direct proportionality to find the relation among R, Ty, and Ly WR bits are transmitted in I second, then Z/bits are transmitted in“ 7) seconds. R&T) ~ IxLy ‘Therefore, the transmission time of one frame: Ly = 40010" «24104 = 9600 bits (8 points) ‘The amplitude spectrum of the binary sj, put of a computer is shown in Figure 2(a). The amplitude characteristic of the transmission ven in Figure 2(b). Observing the ) Find the fundamental frequency (1 harmol mncy) of the transmitted binary signal. (3 points) >) Find the bandwidth (Fi) of the transmitted binary signal by considesing the frequency components with amplitudes greater than or equal to 1/10 of the amplitude of the 1" harmonic. (4 points) ¢) Find the 3-dB bandwidth (#21) of the transmission medium, (4 points) 4) Find the bandwidth (B,) of the received signal, (4 paints) ¢) Find the number of harmonics (N’) the binary signal that arrives at the receiver? (3 points) Ial or 0S 1% % 3 4 85 6 75 85 fikHz) (a) Amplitude spectrum of the transmitied binary signal, (6) Amplitude characteristic of ‘Answer S Figure 5 the transmission medium. 4) Fundamental frequency: f, =5 kHz (3 points) b) B)= 35 klHz (4 poines) ©) Bas = 40 KE (4, 4) By = 35 kite (F poines) ©) N= 4 harmonic (3 poinis) Question 6 — Sampling, Information Content, Channel Capacity, and Bandwidth (24 points) An analog signal band limited to B = 9 kHz is sampled considering a guard band of fis = 2 kHz, and then quantized at M = 33 levels. a) Find the sampling rate ( f,) and the sampling interval (7; ). (4 poinas) +b) Find the symbol rate () of the sampled signal. (4 poirts) ©) Assuming Use equally likely case (each level appears with equal probability), find the information content (H ) per interval (per sample interval). (4 poists) ) The output of the 32-level quantizer is applied to a binary encoder (o obtain a PCM signal. Find the information rate (Rc) of the PCM signal. (4 points) ©) What must be the minimum value of the channel capacity (Cys) in order to wansmit the PCM signal with arbiuarily error? (4 points) £) Find the bandwidth (Breas) of the PCM signal. (4 points) Aust é a) Sampling rate: f, = 28+ f,=2*9+2= 20 KHz (2 points) 1 I Si we : T, = —=—— = 80x 10* 6 = 50, (2 points) jampling interval: 7, "5 $=S0 48 (2 poi 'b) Symbol rate of the sampled signal: r= =| __ - 20000 symbols = 20 ksymbotes U points) T, 50x10" 2°=$log;2=S\bivsymbol interval (4 pots) H={(20000 symbol/s)(5 bit/symbol)}=100000 bps=100 kbps (4 points) €) Information content: = logsM = logs32 4) Information rate of the PCM signal: Recar ¢) Minimum channel capacity: C._ = R= 100000 bps = 100 kbps. (4 points) 1 1 1 1 Bandwidth of the PCM signal: Bay = —L= = —tbe = —L— = —— = po 000 He = 100 ioe " ” Tow 1/8 50x17 1x10 ‘époina) BA}

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