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Script for the Rapid Literacy Assessment Grade 1

English Version

Good day, I am __________ and we will read today.

1. What is your name?

2. Can you write your name on a piece of paper?
3. Do you read books at home? ___ Yes ___ No
4. Who read books to you at home? _____________
5. What language do you speak at home? __ English __ Filipino ___ others
6. Do you have your own device that you use for studying at home? ___ Yes ___ No
7. Do you open websites and apps where you can read stories and other text? ____ Yes ____
8. What are these applications/websites? _________________________

Let’s begin.

Literacy skill Question Interpretation

1 Alphabet 1.1 (Show the list of All letters need to be recognized to

Knowledge lower-case letters in proceed to the next question. If there is
p. 1) one or more mistakes, stop here.
Point at the letter “v”
Point at the letter “b’
Point at the letter

1.2 (Show the list of All letters need to be recognized to

upper-case letters in proceed to the next question. If there is
p. 2) one or more mistakes, stop here.
Point at the letter “R”
Point at the letter “D”
Point at the letter “I”

2 Phonological 2.1 (Show the list of All sounds need to be recognized to

awareness lower-case letters in proceed to the next question. If there is
p. 1) one or more mistakes, stop here.
Tell me the sound of
this letter (point at
letter z)
Tell me the sound of
this letter (point at
letter k)
Tell me the sound of
this letter (point at
letter a)

Center for Learning and Assessment Development – Asia

2.2 (Show the list of All sounds need to be recognized to

upper-case letters in proceed to the next question. If there is
p. 2) one or more mistakes, stop here.
Tell me the sound of
this letter (point at
letter L)
Tell me the sound of
this letter (point at
letter F)
Tell me the sound of
this letter (point at
letter P)

3 Blending 3.1 (Show the cv blends All combinations need to be blended to

in p. 3) proceed to the next question. If there is
Read this “he” one or more mistakes, stop here.
Read this “pi”

3.2 (Show the vc blends All combinations need to be blended to

in p. 3) proceed to the next question. If there is
Read this “ad” one or more mistakes, stop here.
Read this “um’

3.3 (Show the CVC All combinations need to be blended to

blends in p. 4) proceed to the next question. If there is
Read this “las” one or more mistakes, stop here.
Read this “zim”
Read this “ruf”
Read this “dok”

4 Word recognition 4.1 (show the words in All words need to be read to proceed to
p. 5) the next question. If there is one or more
Read this “clap” mistakes, stop here.
Read this “river”
Read this “boat”
Read this “right”

5 Fluency 5.1 (Show the sentence All words need to be read with correct
in p. 6) speed, pitch, tone, intonation, speed, and
Read this stress to proceed to the next question. If
“Max loves to play in there is one or more inaccurate speed,
the yard where he stop here.
runs and hops with
his dog.”

6 Comprehension 6.1 6.1 Tell me what One point for each correct answer.
6.1 Identifying the story is about.
main idea 6.2 What does Max
6.2 Noting details love to do?
6.2 Inference

Center for Learning and Assessment Development – Asia

6.3 What does Max

feel when he goes
to the yard?

7 Writing 7.1 Write your answer to One point if the answer is written
the last question. accurately, whether in phrase or in
- grammar, spelling, and punctuation
marks are not considered here.

Center for Learning and Assessment Development – Asia

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