Select A Presentation Theme - Transcript

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Welcome to designing and formatting a presentation

in Microsoft Power .365.
My name is Lindsay Dumbs learn today.
We'll be walking through the steps to create an effective
and engaging presentation for your audience.
I've been a marketing professional for over 17 years and I
will share some presentation design secrets with you today.
Here's an overview of the five tasks that we will cover today
To design and format your presentation in Microsoft Power
.365 1st we will discuss selecting the theme for your
Then we will walk through how to add and format slides
and text.
Then we will move on to inserting images and tables
and finally we will learn how to view your presentation
as a slide show.
To begin.
You will start In the Microsoft 3 65 home page for Microsoft
power Point.
After you log in with your information, you will come
to this screen on this screen, you will see on the left,
the new blank presentation.
If you click on the blank presentation good, this is
the screen that will pop up, You will see its complete
freedom for designing and on the left over here you can see
you start with slide number one.
However, if you decide that you would like something more
cohesive and a little easier to design.
You can select a theme that Power point has preloaded.
So going back to the home screen here on the top row, you
can see several themes or click more themes below and you
can scroll through and see all of these different
Presentation themes that power .365 has preloaded for you
to choose from.
I will select this atlas theme as we get started
for the example, once you start designing, you'll be able
to make changes to these slides, but for now select a theme,
click create and your new presentation will open.
You may want to pause the video now to select your theme
and rejoin when you're ready to continue.
Now that you've selected the theme for your presentation,
let's move on.
Keeping your thing consistent throughout the presentation,
helps your audience to stay focused on the content and helps
to create a cohesive presentation, visually selecting
this atlas.
Same as an example, you can see the number one benefit here
are the different slides that are available to create
within the program.
They all go together in the presentation.
This is the first slide, the title slide Now to see the rest
of the slide options in Power Point, you can go to the home
tab here on top and select home and then here.
So like new slide and all of these nine different slides are
available and they all match in the presentation theme.
You will see in addition to the title, slide title
and content section header to content comparison title only
and so on.
You can even enter in a blank slide into your presentation
as you go.
You simply click the one that you want to add.
Yeah, And it adds it over here, you'll see now slide two pops
up and then the title and content slide that I selected.
You may want to pause the video now to select 3-5 different
slide versions to use in your presentation and rejoin when
you are ready to continue.
Now that you have a few slides to start creating, you
should see them all as thumbnails here in the left column
and by clicking on each them now, you will view the larger
editable screen here on the right or the center of the screen.
Also at this point, you can still change your design if you
would like to in the top banner menu, you select design
to make these changes here on the left, you will see all
of the themes that we saw at the very beginning.
So you can make that change or in the center if you click
this arrow again, drop down appears and you can change
the colour of your slides.
Notice once I changed the color, the color of every slide
has been edited so that it will stay consistent throughout.
On the right of these two design boxes, you will see slides
sides clicking this down.
Arrow shows you the two standard slide sizes of screens
and also you can select your own custom size.
Also to the right of that is background.
You can change the background to a solid color by clicking
here and the entire background of your slide will change.
Also the background tool allows you to apply a picture
in the background of your slide.
So for instance if I want this bear I can just click insert
and click open and it appears in the back of my screen.
Additionally on the background menu you can apply the new
background that you've selected to all of your slides
by clicking apply to all and you can see here on the left,
that image has been inserted in the background of all
of the slides for this presentation.
Yeah. Finally on the right there is a button called designer
And this is a paid creature will not be going over today.
You may have seen it earlier.
So we can just X.
That section out, we won't be doing that.
So this first task, we have discussed the different themes
and how did edit them within power .365 you may want
to positive video now to decide on which edits you want
to make to your overall theme and rejoin when you are ready
to continue with task to where we will start adding
and formatting text.

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