Chairman Agenda (SBA)

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Chairman’s Agenda

1. Call to Order
2. Apologies for absence
 Alicia St. Bernard
 Jeneil Hosten
3. Minutes of the 4th AGM held on November 16th
 To be read by the secretary
4. Matters arising from the minutes
 Stakeholder number four inactive
 Secretary’s return
5. Report
 Chairperson Report
 Treasurer’s Report
 CEO/Manager Report
6. Invocation
 S. Jacobs
7. Correspondence
 Secretary to read letter from the Ministry
8. Appointment an Auditor
9. Nomination of Board Committee Executive
10. Consideration of Notices of Motion Received/Remits
11. General Business
12. Date of Next Meeting
 Suggest 14th of next month
13. Adjournment

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