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Ww ot No, |EEAAARIIP Total No of Pages: [2] i 461603 © | B.Areh. 1V-Sem (Main) Exam; June-July 2016 i B. Arch.(AR) = 4AR3 Architectural Structures-IV Time: 3 Hours é Maximum Marks: 80 ‘Min, Passing Marks (Main & Back): 26 Min. Passing Marks (Old Back): 24 Instructions to Candidates:- 1.NIL Attempt any five questions, selecting one question from each unit. All Questions carry equal marks, Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever necessary. Any data you feel missing suitably be assumed and stated clearly. Units of quantities used/ calculated must be stated clearly. Use of following supporting material is permitted during examination. (Mentioned in form No.205) 2.NIL UNIT-I Ql (a) Define the following: - [x4=8) (i) Void ratio (ii) Degree of saturation iii). Specific gravity iv) Porosity (b) An undisturbed sample of soil has a volume of 100em! and mass of 190 gm. On for 24hours, the mass is reduced to 160gm. If specific gravity of 70, determine the water content, void ratio, degree of saturation and porosity of soil sample. OR QI (a) Derive the relationship between Bulk unit weight, specific gravity, Void ratio and degree of saturation of a soil sample. (8) (b) The In-situ density of an embankment, compacted at a water content of 12% was determined with the help of a core-cutter. The empty mass of the cutter was 1286gm and the cutter full of soil has a mass of 319Sgm.The volume of core cutter being 1000 em’, determine the bulk density, dry density, void ratio and the degree of saturation of the embankment. [41603] Page 1 of 2 (280) Scanned. with CamScanner Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 ins, what would be its water ie change in soil on (8) ated during Fi Ifthe embankment becomes fully saturated aes am Content and saturated unit W ? Assur me fe gravity ofthe soil as 2.70 UNIT-IL [4+ Gxd) =16] idity Index ize limit Plasticity Index oR . i (a) What do you mean by specific savity? How will you find specific gravily i soil sample by pienometer/Density bottle method”? - ‘hod (6) What do you mean by particle size distribution of sol? Explain any one mete of particle size distribution. e UNIT-IIL By using Rankine's Earthe pressure theory, Explain the Active arth pressure for cohesive & cohesive less soi. [8#8 =16] or Dy using Rankine’s Earth pressure theory, Explain the passive earth pressure fo [8*8= cohesive & cohesive less soil a depth of 0.8m below the ground A strip footing Lm wide at its ba jon soil are (6) surface. The properties of the foun Y— I8KN/m!, C = 30 KNin and p = 30" ity, using a factor of safety 3. Use Terzaghi's Determine the sale bearing © Analysis. ‘Assume that the soil fails by local shear 190 Ny 83 Noo? OR Q4 1d test to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil with (16) UNIT-V QS What do you mean by foundati @ the clear reasons to provide raft foundation. [16] OR Q.5. What do you mean by pile foundation. Classify the pile foundation based on the function & materials. [16] [451603] Page 2 of 2 [280] Scanned. with CamScanner a Rolt No, JF EAKA ROIS ‘Totas Wo of Moyes: [2] 4£1603 B. Arch. IV Sem. (Main / Back) Exam., May - 2017 Architecture (AR) 4AR3 Architectural Structures - IV 4E1603 ‘Time: 3 Hours Z Maximum Marks: 60 Min. Passing Marks: 26 Instructions to Candidates: Attempt any five questions, selecting one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks. Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever necessary. Any data you feel missing suitably be assumed and stated clearly. Units of quantities used/calculated must be stated clearly. _ Use of following supporting material is permitted during examination. (Mentioned in form No. 205} , NIL yy 2.NIL g UNIT-I QU (@ Derive the relationship between e, G, w & S. @ ©. Explain following — [24-8] — @ Water content i Specific Gravity / ] (ii) Void Ratio OR between r, G, ¢ and S. 13) Ic of soil has a volume of 100cm’ and mass of 190 gm. On [3] [340] im Scanned. with CamScanner UNIT =H gent (pes ‘of tests, for the water content, sxpraine litte Q.2 Eaph on Qa Ryplain followings Q3 Q3 Qs Q4 Qs Q5 @ Particle sive textural stent UNIT = re theory. (o) We arth pres’ OR earth pressure theory, Explain brielly Rawkine’s active ¢ Explain briefly Rankine’s passive IT-IV Derive the Tercaghi’s analysis. OR (a) Write short notes on standard penetration test. (b) Write short notes on plate loading test. UNIT-V Explain Raft Foundation with their neat sketches, OR Explain Pile Foundation with their neat sketches, Scanned. with CamScanner 4E£1603 B,Aveh, 1V-Sem (Main) Exany June-July 2016 B, Arch.(AR) | 7 oo, LE TAMAKI Total No of Payos: (3)] | 4AR3 Architectural Structures-1V 4E1603 Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Min, Passing Marks (Main & Back); 26 Min, Passing Marks (Old Back): 24 Instructions to Candidates:- Attempt any five questions, selecting one question from each unit, All Questions carry equal marks, Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever necessary. Any data you feel missing suitably be assumed and stated clearly, Units of quantities used/ calculated must be stated clearly. Use of following supporting material is permitted during examination. (Mentioned in form No,205) IIL RN ae UNIT-I QU (a) Define the following: - } [2x4=8] (i) Void ratio (ii) Degree of saturation (iii) Specific gravity (iv) Porosity (b) An undisturbed sample of soil has a'yolume of 100em? and mass of 190 gm, On oven drying for 24hours, the mass is reduced to 160gm. If specific gravity of grains is 2.70, determine the, water content, void ratio, degree ‘of saturation and porosity of soil sample, [2xd=8] OR Ql (@) Derive the relationship between Bulk unit weight, specitic gravity, Voidratio and degree of saturation of a soil sampls." oy {8} (b) The In-situ density of an embankment, compacted at a water content of 12% was determined with the help of u cofe-cutter, The emply mass of the cutter was 2B6—m and the cutter full of soil has a mass of 3195gm,The volume of core being 1000 cm’, determine the bulk density, dry density, void ratio und the of saturation of the embankment. ‘ a Scanned. with CamScanner fall saturated during rains, what Would be jy fully mes e no volume change jy. os i) a oo soil as 2.70m. 1 Content and sal ot vil) ort saturation. Take spe , ae in the fol ee ia mean by consistency of soil ixplain a t do you op Consistency Index {ip Liquidity Indes ai). Shrinkage lit fiv) Plstcity Index OR 3 a. wity? How will you find specific gra an by specific hod? 12 (a), What do yor sity bottle method? : ee ail oe by ic it Mjstrbution of soil? Explain any on (b) What do you me uti . f particle size distribution. a UTM 93 By wsing Rankine’s Earth pressure theory, Explain the Active earth press, cohesive & cohesive less soil. ap { Q3. By using Rankine’s Earth pressure theory, Explain the passive earth pressu cohesive & cohesive less soil. ae UNIT-IV Q4 A strip footing 1m wide at its base is located at a depth of 0.8m below th: » 1B surface. The properties of the foundation soil are: Y=18KNim’, C=30 KN/m” and $= 30°. Determine the safe bearing capacity, using a factor of safety 3. Use Te Analysis. Assume that the soil fails by local shear. N’=19.0 NJ =830 Ny’'=57 \ Q4 Explain the plate load test to det OR e : : fulible neat leit ‘termine the ultimate bearing capacity o! soll Q5 Whit do UNIT-V Sitidsion mean by foundation? State the clear pre Q5 What do you m - OR function dma %Y Pile foundation. Classify the [451603] Page 2 of 2 e Scanned. with CamScanner B.Arch(AR) IV-sem.(Main&Back) Examination May - 2018 Architectural Structures - IV 4AR3 Time: 3 Hours ~ Maximum Marks: 80 Min. Passing Marks : 26 ) Plastic limit ef) Submerged unit weight of soil “i i), A soil sample has a poroly of of 40%. The specific gravity of solids is 2.70. Calculate (8) a) Void Ratio ae *b). Dry density ~ e) Unit weight if the soil is 50% saturated vd)> Unit viet i ifthe soil is completily satiated. ‘ OR Ce anikn having total volume of 200m? is to be constructed having a bulk Lose Wand a placement water contant of 18%6:‘The. soil is'to be ther from borrow area A or borrow atea’B, which have void ratio of: and 0.70, respectively and water content, of 16% and 12% Respectively Taking. the yo il ated a i! #* | ie Scanned. with CamScanner me Explain the Terzazh 6) What i is stand: ard peseraon testandi now itis used ‘beatin 2 ca _ Write a short Ne on Roft foundation oR wm is the pole foundation? Write down de dif f pole fount used | Scanned. with CamScanner

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