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A-Choose the correct answer:

Use the diagram below for Questions 1-3

1. Which processes occur in the nucleus?

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 4 and 5

2. Process 2 is known as

a. replication
b. mutation
c. transcription
d. translation

3. What is the product of process 3?

a. a strand of DNA
b. two complementary strands of DNA
c. a strand of RNA
d. a chain of amino acids

4. 35% of the nitrogenous bases that form a DNA segment is Guanine, then the percentages of Thymine
is ……………………….
A. 15 %
B. 35%
C. 30%
D. 70 %
E. 50%

Quiz 3

6.A model of a biological process is shown.

What is the purpose of this process?

A to replicate the DNA of an organism before cell division
B To assemble nucleotides in an mRNA chain along a DNA template
C To synthesize amino acids used to unzip strands of DNA and copy the genetic code
D To translate the genetic code into a specific sequence of amino acids

7. Which of the following m-RNA strands is complementary to the given transcribed DNA strand?

CCGATAGATCAAA transcribed DNA strand


Quiz 3

B-Label the diagram of the following cellular processes: (3 marks)

Quiz 3
D: Complete the table to contrast the structure of DNA and RNA:( 2 marks)

E-Directions: (4 marks)

1st Fill in the complimentary DNA strand using DNA base pairing rules.
2nd Fill in the correct mRNA bases by transcribing the bottom DNA code.
3rd Translate the mRNA codons and find the correct amino acid using the Codon Table
4th Write in the amino acid and the correct anti-codon the tRNA molecule.
5th The answer to the questions about protein synthesis below the amino acids.

1. mRNA is synthesized in translation or transcription?

2. mRNA has codons or anti-codons?
3.1 or 3 codons equal one amino acid?
4. tRNA brings amino acids to the nucleus or ribosome?
5. A polypeptide is a sequence of proteins or amino acids?
6. tRNA has codons or anti-codons?
Quiz 3
Quiz 3

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