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Environmental Studies 1-9 Environment

effect on their sense of responsibility and ability to @]None of the above

emotionally perceive the environment as having value Q.8 _____ ·cause acid rain.
in itself. - G02 [fil S02
Multiple Choice Questions :
[£] N2 [ill None of the above
Q. 1 Environmental education 1s important only Q.9 Ozone depletion is harmful to _ _ _ __

.at-· - - - - Digestion [fil Reproduction

[!] Primary school stage [£] Skin @] None of the above
[fil Secondary school stage Q. 1O All the environment crisis are solely due to
Colla'ge stag~
All stages Population [fil Water quality
Q.2 Biosphere is._ __ [£] .Air quality [ill None of the above

[!] The solid shell of inorganic materials on the s~face ' Q.11 The environment consists of various segments

of the Earth such as atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithospfieie and

[fil The thin shell of organic matter on the surface of
earth comprising of all the living things Hemisphere [fil 0 2 sphere

The sphere which occupies the maximum volume [£] Soil sphere @] Biosphere
of all the spheres Q.12 The _ ___;is the protective blanket of gases
@' All of the above which is surrounding the earth. It protects the
Q.3 Which of the following is not influenced by human earth from the hostile environment of outer
activities? space.

[!] Depletion of ground water Hemisphere [fil Atmosphere

[fil Destruction of mangroves and wetlands [£] Lithosphere [ill Biosphere
[£] Increased extinction rate of species Q.13 _ _ _of the total water supply is available as
fresh water in the form of rivers, lakes, streams
None of the above
and ground water for human consumption and
Q.4 Which of the following conceptual sphere of the
other uses.
environment is having the least storage capacity
for matter?
[i]t¾ lli] 2%

[!] Atmosphere [El Lit~osphere [£] 3% @]4%

[£] Hydrosphere @] Biosphere Q.14 The lithosphere consists of upper mantle and the

Q.5 The largest reservoir of nitrogen an our planet is:

Ocean lli] Atmosphere
[!] Atmosphere lli] Crust

[£] Biosphere · @] Fossil fuels

(£] Thrust · @]None of the above
Q.15 Atmosphere allows transmission of significant
Q.6 The word environment derived from French word -
amounts of radiation only in the regions of

Environ lli] Environnering

[!] 100 - 200 nm lli] 200 - 500 n m -
[£] E -:- Environner @]Envo [£] 300 - 2500 nm [ill None of the above
Q.7 _ _ _ _ is greenhouse gas. Q.16 Atmosphere acts as a source for for plant

CO2 lli] H2 S photosynth esis and _ for respiration.

T h , TM
, ec meal Publications - An up thrust for knowledge
1 -10 .
Environmental Studies of carbon dioxide in air as it acts as b
A b sence . . - artier
0 2 and CO2
lli) CO2 and N2 for emanating infrared radiation from the earth

N0 2 andC02
@J CO2 and 02 surface.
Q.17 - - - - acts as a source for nitrogen _for Absence of water vapour in air as it acts as barrier
nitrogen fixing bacteria and ammonia producmg for emanating infrared radiation from the earth
plants. surface.
Atmosphere lliJ Lithosphere _ The _radiation energy from the sun is produced by
0 25
. Hydrosphere [ill Nanosphere
Q.18 The ____ is a collective -term given to all
Fission reaction
lliJ Fusion reaction
different forms of water.
Both a. and b. _
[ill None of the ~hove
Atmosphere lli] Lithosphere
Q.26 Which of the following mentioned GHGs has the
· (EJ Hydrosphere [ill Nanosphere
highest atmospheric lifetime?
Q.19 The · refers to the kingdom of living
organisms - and their interactions with the
WCarbon tetrafluoride [fil Nitr<;>us oxide

environment (£] Methane [ill CFC

Atmosphere [fil Lithosphere Q.27 Which of the following greenhouse_gas is
(EJ Hydrosphere [ill Biosphere contributed by cattle farming?
Q.20 The biosphere is very large and complex and is Nitrous oxide [fil Meth~e
divided into smaller units .called - - - - - [£] Carbon monoxide [ill All of the mentioned
Organisms [fil Ecosystems Q.28 Volcanic eruptions contribute to the global
Module [ill None of these greenhouse phenomenon.
Q.21 _ _ _ _ is a natural process that warms the True [fil False
Earth's surface.
· Q.29 Gas molecules that absorb · thermal infrared
Greenhouse effect [fil Global warming radiation and are present in large quantity to
Deforestation [ill None of these · change climate system are known as
Q.22 How is the greenhouse effect experienced on alpha radiations lliJ
beta rad_i_a_ti_o_n_s_
[£1 ozone gases Gld gree nh ouse
· gases
Global worming lliJ Pollution
Q.30 Gree~o~se gases which is present in very high
(EJ Both a. and b: [ill None of the above quantity 1s
Q.23 Which of the following gases is/are responsible Propane - - - - - · lliJ
for global warming?
[£1 Carbon dioxide @] Methane
Carbon dioxide (CO2) [fil Water vapour (H20)
[£] Both a. and b. - [ill None of the above
Q.24 In desert areas, there is large difference between
day and night temperatures mainly bec.ause of
Presence of carbon dioxide in air as it acts as
barrier for emanating infrared radiation from the
earth surface.
[fil Presence of water vapour in air as it acts as barrier
for emanating infrared radiation from the earth.

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