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 Practical No 4:

1) What is Function?
2) What are advantages of JavaScript Function?
3) What are different ways of calling functions?

 Practical no 5:
1)What is Javascript String?
2)What are two ways to create string?
3)List any six JavaScript String methods?
4)What is use of charCodeAt() method?
5)What is use of match() method?

 Practical no 6:
1)What are forms?
2)What is use of <form> tag?
3)What are properties of form ?
4)what are elements of form?

 Practical no 7 & 8:

1)What is an event ?
2)What is event handler in JavaScript?
3)What are different types of event in JavaScript?
4)List different types Key events in JavaScript?
5)List different types of Mouse events in javascript?
6)Who handles the event in JavaScript?
7)What is onclick event in JavaScript?
 Practical no 9:

1)What is Intrinsic function in JavaScript?
2)What is use of disabled property in JavaScript?
3)What is use of readOnly attribute in JavaScript?

 Practical no 10:

1)What are cookies ?
2)How cookies work?
3)List attributes of cookies?
4)What are different types cookies?

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