Minor Project 5th Sem

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Submitted By

( Ravi Nagar - 19030E01047 )

Department of Electrical Engineering
Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

Under The Guidance of

Lect Deepak Lodwal


This is to certify that dissertation entitled “HYDRO POWER PLANT ”

submitted to Ujjain polytechnic college, Ujjain (M.P.) by Ravi Nagar in

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the minorproject in Electrical Engineering.

Yogesh Trivedi Guided by

Deepak Lodwal
Head of department
Deptt. of Electrical Engg.
Deptt. of Electrical Engg.

I'm Ravi Nagar, honestly declare that the work embodied in this Di p l o ma mi no r
project report on H yd r o P ow er pl a nt is our own bonafide work carried out by us
under the supervision of lect. Deepak Lodwal Sir, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic college Ujjain.

Place: Ravi Nagar

I'm are extremely thankful to Shri Yogesh Trivedi ji (H.O.D) department of

electrical engineering , for providing me infrastructural facilities to work in,

without which this work would not have been possible.

We express our sincere gratitude to Deepak Lodwal sir lecturer in Deptt. Of

Electrical Engineering, Polyte chnic college Ujjain, for his simulating guidance,

continuous encouragement and supervision throughout the course of present work.


Hydro power plants convert potential energy of water into electricity. It

is a clean source of energy .The water after generating electrical
power is available for irrigation and other purposes. The first use of
moving water to produce electricity was a waterwheel on the Fox River
in Wisconsin in 1882. Hydropower continued to play a major role in the
expansion of electrical service early in this century around the world.
Hydroelectric power plants generate from few kW to thousands of MW.








Literature survey

Problem definition

Objective of the present work


Power supply

Energy meter


Electromagnetic relay



AT89C55WD chip description


Humans have been harnessing water to perform work for thousands of

years. The Greeks used water wheels for grinding wheat into flour more
than 2000 years ago. Besides grinding flour, the power of the water was
used to saw wood and power textile mills.

For more than a century, the technology for using falling water to create
hydroelectricity has existed. The evolution of the modern hydropower
turbine began in the mid-1700s when a French hydraulic and military
engineer, Bernard Forest de Bélidor wrote Architecture Hydraulique.
In this four volume work, he described using a vertical-axis versus a
horizontal-axis machine.

During the 1700s and 1800s, water turbine development continued. In

1880, a brush arc light dynamo driven by a water turbine was used to
provide theatre and storefront lighting in Grand Rapids, Michigan; and
in 1881, a brush dynamo connected to a turbine in a flour mill provided
street lighting at Niagara Falls, New York. These two projects used
direct-current technology.

Alternating current is used today. That breakthrough came when the

electric generator was coupled to the turbine, which resulted in the
world's, and the United States', first hydroelectric plant located in
Appleton, Wiscons in 1882.

Hydro means "water". So, hydropower is "water power" and

hydroelectric power is electricity generated using water power.
Potential energy (or the "stored" energy in a reservoir) becomes kinetic
(or moving energy). This is changed to mechanical energy in a power
plant, which is then turned into electrical energy. Hydroelectric power
is a renewable resource.
In an impoundment facility (see below), water is stored behind a dam
in a reservoir. In the dam is a water intake. This is a narrow opening to
a tunnel called a penstock.

Figure 1.1

Water pressure (from the weight of the water and gravity) forces the
water through the penstock and onto the blades of a turbine.
A turbine is similar to the blades of a child's pinwheel. But instead of
breath making the pinwheel turn, the moving water pushes the blades
and turns the turbine. The turbine spins because of the force of the
water. The turbine is connected to an electrical generator inside the
powerhouse. The generator produces electricitythat travels over long-
distance power lines to homes and businesses. The entire process is
called hydroelectricity.


There are three types of hydropower facilities: impoundment,

diversion, and pumped storage. Some hydropower plants use dams and
some do not. The images below show both types of hydropower plants.

Many dams were built for other purposes and hydropower was added
later. In the United States, there are about 80,000 dams of which only
2,400 produce power. The other dams are for recreation, stock/farm
ponds, flood control, water supply, and irrigation. Hydropower plants
range in size from small systems for a home or village to large projects
producing electricity for utilities.

(a) Impoundment

The most common type of hydroelectric power plant is an

impoundment facility. An impoundment facility, typically a large
hydropower system, uses a dam to store river water in a reservoir.
Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it,
which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity. The water
may be released either to meet changing electricity needs or to maintain
a constant reservoir level.
Figure 1.2

(b) Diversion

Figure 1.3
A diversion, sometimes called run-of-river, facility channels a portion
of a river through a canal or penstock. It may not require the use of a

(c) Pumped Storage

When the demand for electricity is low, a pumped storage facility

stores energy by pumping water from a lower reservoir to an upper
reservoir. During periods of high electrical demand, the water is
released back to the lower reservoir to generate electricity.
Pumped storage hydro-electricity works on a very simple principle
.Two reservoirs at different altitudes are required. When the water is
released, from the upper reservoir, energy is created by the down flow
which is directed through high-pressure shafts, linked to turbines.
In turn, the turbines power the generators to create electricity. Water is
pumped back to the upper reservoir by linking a pump shaft to the
turbine shaft, using a motor to drive the pump.

The pump motors are powered by electricity from the National Grid –
the process usually takes place overnight when national electricity
demand is at its lowestA dynamic response Dinorwig's six generating
units can achieve maximum output, from zero, within 16 seconds.
Pump storage generation offers a critical back-up facility during
periods of excessive demand on the national grid system.
Figure 1.4


Facilities range in size from large power plants that supply many
consumers with electricity to small and micro plants that individuals
operate for their own energy needs or to sell power to utilities.

(a) Large hydropower

Although definitions vary, the Department of Energy defines
large hydropower as facilities that have a capacity of more than
30 megawatts.

(b) Small hydropower

Although definitions vary, DOE defines small hydropower as
facilities that have a capacity of 100 kilowatts to 30 megawatts.
(c) Micro hydropower

A micro hydropower plant has a capacity of up to 100 kilowatts.

A small Or micro hydro-electric power system can produce
enough electricity for a home,farm, ranch, or village.

Turbines Installation

Figure 1.5


Hydroelectric power plants convert the hydraulic potential energy

from water into electrical energy.Such plants are suitable were
water suitable head are availableThe layout covered in this article
is just simple one and only cover the important parts of hydro
electric plant.The different parts of a hydroelectric power plant are

(a) Dam
Dams are structures built over rivers to stop the water flow and
form a reservoir. The reservoir stores the water flowing down the river.
This water is Dive rted to turbines in power stations. The dams collect
water during the rainy season and stores it, thus allowing for a steady
flow through the turbines throughout the year. Dams are also used for
controlling floods and irrigation.The dams should be water-tight and
should be able to withstand the pressure exerted by the water on it.
There are different types of dams such as arch dams, gravity dams and
buttress dams. The height of water in the dam is called head race.

Figure 1.6

(b) Spillway

A spillway as the name suggests could be called as a way for

spilling of water from dams. It is used to provide for the
release of flood water from a dam. It is used to prevent over
toping of the dams which could result in damage or failure of dams.
Spillways could be controlled type or uncontrolled type. The
uncontrolled types start releasing water upon water rising above a
particular level. But in case of the controlled type, regulation of flow
is possible.

Figure 1.7

(c) Penstock And Tunnel

Penstocks are pipes which carry water from the reservoir to the turbines
inside power station. They are usually made of steel and are equipped
with gate systems.Water under high pressure flows through the
penstock. A tunnel serves the same purpose as a penstock. It is used
when an obstruction is present between the dam and power station such
as a mountain.
(d) Surge Tank
Surge tanks are tanks connected to the water conductor system. It
serves the purpose of reducing water hammering in pipes which can
cause damage to pipes. The sudden surges of water in penstock is taken
by the surge tank, and when the water requirements increase, it supplies
the collected water there by regulating water flow and pressure inside
the penstock.

Power Station
Power station contains a turbine coupled to a generator. The water
brought to the power station rotates the vanes of the turbine producing
torque and rotation of turbine shaft. This rotational torque is transfered
to the generator and is converted into electricity. The used water is
released through the tail race. The difference between headrace and
tailrace is called gross head and by subtracting the frictional losses we
get the net head available to the turbine for generation of electricity.

Figure 1.8
Some points that should be given importance while selecting a site
for hydro electric power station given below:

Availability of water
Since the primary requirement for a hydro electric power station,is the
availability of huge amount of water such plants should be built at a
place (eg.river,canal)where adequate water is available at good head.
Storage of water
There are wide variation in water supply from a river or canal during
the year. This makes its necessary to store water by constructing a dam
in order to ensure the generation of power supply throughout the year
.The storage helps in equalizing the flow of water so that excess
quantity of water at a certain period of the year can be made available
during times of low flow in the river .This leads to the conclusion that
site selected for hydro electric plant should provide adequate facilities
for erecting a dam and storage of water.
Cost and type of land
The land for the construction of plant should be available at reasonable
price. Further the bearing capacity of the soil should be adequate to
withstand the installation of heavy equipment.
Transportation facilities
The site selected for the hydro –electric power plant should be
accessible by road and rail so that necessary equipments and machinery
could be easily transported .
It is clear from the above mentioned factors that ideal choice of site for
such a plant is near a river in hilly areas where dam can be
conveniently built and large reservoirs can be obtained.


1. Renewable source of energy thereby saves scares fuel reserves.
2. Economical source of power.
3. Non-polluting and hence environment friendly.
4. Reliable energy source with approximately 90% availability.
5. Low generation cost compared with other energy sources.
6. Indigenous, inexhaustible, perpetual and renewable energy source.
7. Low operation and maintenance cost.
8. Possible to build power plant of high capacity.
9. Plant equipment is simple.
10. Socio-economic benefits being located usually remote areas.
11. Higher efficiency, 95% to 98%.
12. Fuel is not burned so there is minimal pollution.
13. Water to run the power plant is provided free by nature.

1. Susceptible to vagaries of nature such as draught.
2. Longer construction period and high initial cost.
3. Loss of large land due to reservoir.
4. Non-availability of suitable sites for the construction of dam.
5. Displacement of large population from reservoir area and
6. Environmental aspect reservoirs verses river ecology.
7. High cost of transmission system for remote sites.
8. They use up valuable and limited natural resources.
9. They can produce a lot of pollution.
10. Companies have to dig up the Earth or drills wells to get the coal,oil,
and gas.
11. For nuclear power plants there are waste –disposal problems.

Key facts about hydro power plant

1. World-wide, about 20% of all electricity is generated by
2. Hydropower is clean. It prevents the burning of billion gallons of oil
or 120 million tons of coal each year.
3. Hydropower does not produce greenhouse gasses or other air
4. Hydropower leaves behind no waste.
5. Hydropower is the most efficient way to generate electricity. Modern
hydro turbines can convert as much as 90% of the available energy into
electricity. The best fossil fuel plants are only about 50% efficient.
6. Water is a naturally recurring domestic product and is not subject to
the whims of foreign suppliers.

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