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Name: _____________________

02. Just do it! – Grammar test

Past time

1. Past simple or past continuous?

2. Use the prompts to complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous
or Past Perfect Simple.
a) When I got home, _____________________________________ (my cat / play / with
her ball).
b) Why didn’t you answer your phone last night?
____________________________________ (you / sleep)?
c) When I wanted to buy a ticket to the match I realised that
_____________________________________ (I / leave / my wallet) at home.
d) I took my umbrella because _____________________________________ (it / rain)
when I left.
e) People had tears in their eyes when _____________________________________
(the athlete / finally / cross) the finish line.
f) He didn't recognise the captain of the team because
_____________________________________ (he / not / see) her before.
g) _____________________________________ (everyone / cheer) when he scored the
second goal.

Verb patterns
3. Choose the correct verbs.
a) What do you enjoy do / doing in your free time?
b) Our company doesn't intend to sponsor / sponsor any football teams in the future.
c) I can't help biting / to bite my nails during an exciting sports event.
d) They urged the player decide / to decide whether he wanted to continue his career.
e) I never seem to agree / agreeing with my brother.
f) If I were you, I’d avoid doing / to do any sports for a few weeks.
g) Playing a team sport taught her not to be / to not be a selfish person.
h) I can’t afford stay / to stay in an expensive hotel.
4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
a) Emma told me what I should ______________(do).
b) My parents encouraged me ______________ (work) hard at school.
c) You can’t make people ______________ (like) you.
d) My teachers urged me ______________ (not / leave) school.
e) I can’t imagine ______________ (live) in a big city.
f) We’re planning ______________ (go) to Barcelona in June.
g) I don’t think my parents will let me ______________ (go) to a big music festival.

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