Writing Scientific Notation

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University of San Agustin


General Luna Street, Iloilo City, Philippines, 5000
Tel. No. (+63-33) 337-4841 to 44

Name: James S. Pelegrino Score:

Strand/Grade/Section: Stem 11-M Subject:

CHEM 11 (Gen. Chemistry 1)

Activity Title: Scientific Notation

Learning Competencies:
Write measurements in scientific notation

General Chemistry 1, Nucum, Zenaida T. pages 2-3
A. Convert the given integer in the paragraph into scientific notation.

Nana wants to travel the universe and look for another planet to stay
in because she finds Earth to be overpopulated with a population of (1) 7, 800, 000, 000
people, but before boarding her spaceship ML-927 with a speed same as the speed of
light (2) 300, 000, 000 m/sec she was confused what to visit first, the Sun with a distance of
(3) 93, 000, 000 light years from the Earth or the Moon with a distance of (4) 240, 000 light
years from the Earth so she called her friend Miya and asked for her opinion. Miya
suggested visiting Moon first for it is closer to the Earth. Upon entering her spaceship she
noticed a grain of sand with a diameter of (5) 0.0024 in. so she swept it away first and
close the spaceship door. As she closes the door dust particles with a mass of (6)
0.000000000753 kg clouded the area.

Nana looked up to the spaceships’ window as she continues to accelerate

northward. She saw vast water with (7)140, 000, 000 sq. miles on Earths’ surface. Nana
was amazed when she passed through a thundercloud and saw (8) 6, 000, 000, 000, 000
raindrops on it.

Nana was exhausted like all (9) 100, 000, 000, 000, 000 cells in her body is pulling her
to bed but she resisted it when she saw the sparkling star along the Milky Way. She can’t
imagine that what she saw (10) 470, 400, 000, 000, 000, 000 miles away from the Earth is
now right in front of her spaceship. She was overjoyed; she took photos of the Milky Way
for her to show it to her best friend Miya when return. Then suddenly she missed her and
decided to go back to Earth.
University of San Agustin
General Luna Street, Iloilo City, Philippines, 5000
Tel. No. (+63-33) 337-4841 to 44

Write your answers below and provide solutions on the opposite of your answers.

1._7.8 · 10⁹______________________

2.__3· 10⁸________________________

3._9.3· 10⁷_______________________

4._2.4· 10⁵_______________________

5._2.4· 10⁻³______________________

6._7.53· 10⁻¹⁰____________________

7._2.4· 10⁸______________________

8._6· 10⁰________________________



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