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J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2017) 26, 1931–1937

Defining optimal calcar screw positioning in

proximal humerus fracture fixation
Eric M. Padegimas, MDa, Benjamin Zmistowski, MDa, Cassandra Lawrence, MDb,
Aaron Palmquist, BAc, Thema A. Nicholson, MSd, Surena Namdari, MD, MScd,*

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
The Rothman Institute of Orthopaedics, Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Background: Anatomic reduction and placement of an inferior calcar screw are strategies to prevent fix-
ation failure in proximal humerus factures. Optimal position of the calcar screw remains unknown.
Methods: There were 168 shoulders (68.5% female; average age, 63.6 ± 11.5 years) that underwent open
reduction and internal fixation of a displaced proximal humerus fracture involving the surgical or ana-
tomic neck. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed on preoperative clinical, preoperative
radiographic, and postoperative radiographic variables to determine association with fixation failure. A
receiver operating characteristic curve was performed to determine a maximum distance from the inferi-
or screw to the calcar (“calcar distance”) as well as a maximum ratio of this distance and the head diameter
(“calcar ratio”).
Results: There were 26 of 168 (15.5%) patients with radiographic failures (19 related to fixation failure).
Univariate analysis and multivariate analyses found quality of reduction (P < .001), calcar distance (P < .001),
and calcar ratio (P < .001) to be significantly associated with radiographic success. In all patients, receiv-
er operating characteristic analysis found quantifiable thresholds of 12 mm or within the bottom 25% of
the humeral head as measures to prevent fixation failure.
Conclusions: Quality of reduction, calcar distance, and calcar ratio independently correlated with fixa-
tion failure. This study provides optimal distances and ratios for calcar screw placement that can be used
Level of evidence: Level III; Retrospective Cohort Design; Treatment Study
© 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Proximal humerus fracture; proximal humerus open reduction; internal fixation; calcar screw;
nonunion; malunion; varus collapse

Proximal humerus fractures account for approximately 10%

of fractures in patients older than 65 years.2,9,10 Whereas
nonoperative management is the most common manage-
Institutional Review Board approval: 45 CFR 46.110; Control #16D.533.
ment option, open reduction–internal fixation (ORIF) is the
*Reprint requests: Surena Namdari, MD, MSc, Shoulder & Elbow
Surgery, Rothman Institute—Thomas Jefferson University, 925 Chestnut St, most common surgical intervention.6 The incidence of prox-
5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA. imal humerus fracture fixation is increasing in the United
E-mail address: (S. Namdari). States.3 As the incidence of surgical treatment of proximal

1058-2746/$ - see front matter © 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.
1932 E.M. Padegimas et al.

humerus fractures increases, the burden of complications, in- films. Direct chart review of all patients and radiographs was per-
cluding fixation failure, will become increasingly significant. formed to determine if they had in fact sustained a proximal humerus
A recent analysis of proximal humerus fracture ORIF found fracture that underwent ORIF, if the fixation was with a locking plate
an 18.4% rate of fixation failure and a reoperation rate of and screws construct, and if the patient did not meet any exclusion
27.6%.13 Interestingly, the quality of reduction at the time of
surgery was predictive of both radiographic and clinical out-
comes. Earlier analyses found age, local cortical density, quality Independent variables
of reduction, and restoration of the medial cortical support
to be predictive of radiographic failure.8 Retrospective anal- Preoperative clinical variables were identified for all patients.
ysis of patients undergoing proximal humerus ORIF found These variables included age, gender, race, individual medical
that placement of a medial support (calcar) screw was asso- comorbidities, and age-adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Index.4,14
ciated with a decreased risk of loss of reduction.12,13 Preoperative radiographic variables were identified for all patients
The inter-relatedness of fracture reduction quality and the on true anterior-posterior and Y-view radiographs. These variables
position of the medial support (calcar) screw has not been were cortical density measurement,15 Neer classification,11 medial
hinge displacement,7 medial comminution,7 and presence of varus
quantified. The purpose of this study was to identify radio-
or valgus angulation (Fig. 1). A neck-shaft angle of <120° was con-
graphic variables that were independently associated with sidered varus (Fig. 1, A), whereas a neck-shaft angle >150° was
failure of proximal humerus fracture ORIF and to generate considered valgus (Fig. 1, B).13
thresholds for optimal calcar screw placement based on the Early postoperative radiographs (true anterior-posterior and
quality of the reduction. Y-view radiographs) taken at 2 weeks postoperatively were re-
viewed for a number of variables. All preoperative and postoperative
radiographs are standardized at our institution. Based on the pa-
Methods rameters for reduction quality described by Schnetzke et al, medial
head-shaft displacement of <5 mm, greater tuberosity cranialization
Study population of <5 mm, and varus or valgus angulation of 120°-150° were
considered.13 If all 3 criteria were met, the fracture was considered
All operatively treated proximal humerus fractures were identified adequately reduced. If 2 of the 3 criteria were met, the fracture was
by querying an institutional database by International Classifica- considered partially reduced. If only 1 or 0 of the 3 criteria was met,
tion of Diseases, Ninth Revision and Tenth Revision, Clinical the fracture was considered malreduced. In addition to the reduc-
Modification and Current Procedural Terminology codes. This da- tion quality, the integrity of the calcar, distance of inferior screw
tabase included patients from January 2008 through March 2016. to the calcar (referred to as calcar distance), ratio of calcar dis-
The codes used were 79.31 (open reduction of fracture with inter- tance and the head diameter (referred to as calcar ratio), distance
nal fixation, humerus), S42.2__ (all codes for fracture of upper end of the inferior screw to the humeral head articular surface (re-
of humerus), and 23615 (open reduction with internal fixation ferred to as tip distance), number of diaphyseal screws, number of
of proximal humerus). Exclusion criteria were revision surgery, proximal screws, and number of proximal screws in the inferior half
associated diaphyseal fracture, fixation with an intramedullary of the head were also considered.1,17 The calcar distance was mea-
device, no anatomic or surgical neck component of the fracture sured as the perpendicular from the threads of the calcar screw to
(eg, isolated greater tuberosity fractures were excluded), inadequate the apex of the arch of the calcar. A well-reduced and well-fixed
preoperative or postoperative films, incomplete clinical variables, proximal humerus fracture that went on to successful radiographic
previous shoulder fracture or nonunion, and <12-week postoperative healing is shown in Figure 2 (all measurements shown).

Figure 1 (A) Representative anterior-posterior radiograph of a Neer 2-part11 proximal humerus fracture in varus (neck-shaft angle of <120°).
(B) Representative anterior-posterior radiograph of a Neer 4-part11 proximal humerus fracture in valgus (neck-shaft angle of >150°).
Proximal humerus fixation 1933

(measure of symmetry of the variable’s frequency-distribution curve)

<2 and kurtosis (measure of the sharpness of the curve) <12.16 After
identification of the variables that were associated with fixation failure
(P < .1), a multivariate logistic regression including these vari-
ables was performed. Because of the limited sample size and obvious
confounding between overall reduction quality and its subset (greater
tuberosity cranialization, alignment, and head-shaft displace-
ment), it was necessary to run multiple models. Similarly, the
correlation between the calcar distance and calcar ratio (the calcar
ratio is a direct function of the calcar distance) was so significant
that it precluded meaningful results from including both in multi-
variate analysis. Therefore, 3 separate models were performed. The
first included the 3 parameters of the reduction quality, the calcar
distance, and the calcar ratio. The second and third models tested
the calcar ratio and calcar distance independently with the 3 reduc-
tion quality parameters. In addition, the relationship between reduction
quality and Neer classification was performed by using a single-
factor analysis of variance comparing the reduction quality (based
on the number of the 3 reduction parameters achieved) for 2-, 3-,
and 4-part fractures.11,13 Last, because a lower calcar ratio and calcar
distance were independently associated with radiographic healing,
a receiver operating characteristic curve was generated for both to
identify a threshold predictive of successful union. The area under
the curve (AUC) was calculated to assess the predictive value of
these variables. Thresholds optimizing accuracy (Youden J statis-
Figure 2 Representative anterior-posterior radiograph of an ad-
tic) were calculated and reported. These thresholds and AUC were
equately reduced right proximal humerus open reduction and internal
calculated for all fractures, then stratified by reduction quality (all
fixation with neck-shaft angle of 127.3°, calcar distance of 4.1 mm,
reduction parameters met, 1 reduction parameter failed, and 2 or
and distance from the tip of the calcar screw to the humeral head
more failed reduction parameters). Microsoft Excel (2013; Redmond,
of 1.6 mm.
WA, USA) and R (R Development Core Team; R: a language and
environment for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria: R Founda-
tion for Statistical Computing; 2008) were used for all statistical
Outcomes calculations.

Radiographic failure was evaluated retrospectively on routine, se-

quential postoperative radiographs at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, Results
and 24 weeks after surgery. These were evaluated for malunion, non-
union, or varus collapse with screw cut-out. All radiographs were The original search identified 292 shoulders that underwent
compiled by 2 authors (T.A.N. and A.P.), and all were analyzed for ORIF of a proximal humerus fracture by database search. After
preoperative and postoperative variables by 2 authors (E.M.P. and application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, there were 193
S.N.). Any discrepancy between the 2 reviewing authors was re- that met full inclusion criteria. Of these 193 qualifying shoul-
solved with concurrent review of the radiographs by both authors.
ders, 168 shoulders (87.0%) had at least 12 weeks of
Radiographic failures were considered either failures of the con-
radiographic follow-up. On analysis of these 168 shoulders,
struct (nonunion, varus or valgus malunion after initial appropriate
coronal reduction without screw penetration, varus or valgus 68.5% were female, and the average age was 63.6 ± 11.5 years.
malunion after initial appropriate coronal reduction with screw pen- Of the 168 proximal humerus fractures, 26 (15.5%) went on
etration), where the neck component failed to heal appropriately, to radiographic failure at a mean of 35.3 weeks (range, 6.1-
or failures unrelated to the construct (post-traumatic arthritis and 126.1 weeks) postoperatively. In those that healed successfully,
late avascular necrosis), where the neck component healed appro- final radiographs were evaluated at a mean of 42.3 weeks
priately. In addition to radiographic failure, reoperations were (range, 12.1-331.1 weeks) postoperatively. Of the 26 radio-
identified. graphic failures, 19 were considered fixation failures. The
failures that were not considered construct failures included
2 patients with intra-articular screw placement, 1 patient who
Statistical analysis
fell and sustained a humeral shaft fracture, 2 patients who
First, descriptive statistics were calculated for all of the aforemen-
developed late post-traumatic arthritis, and 2 who devel-
tioned independent variables between those who went on to oped late avascular necrosis. These cases were not included
radiographic failure of the construct and those who did not. To assess in the analysis of predictive variables for fixation failure. For
differences, a Student t-test was used for continuous variables and the construct failures, the modes of failure were nonunion
χ2 analysis for categorical variables. To confirm normality of con- (47.4%; 9/19), varus malunion after initial appropriate coronal
tinuous variables, it was confirmed that all variables had a skewness correction without screw penetration (31.6%; 6/19), and varus
1934 E.M. Padegimas et al.

Table I Descriptive statistics of both the nonunion and successful groups

Fixation failure (n = 19) Healed (n = 142) P value
Age 65.9 (60.1-71.6) 62.8 (61.0-64.7) .27
Male 8 (42.1%) 42 (29.6%) .40
BMI 29.0 (24.5-33.5) 28.0 (27.1-28.2) .45
Cortical density 5.1 (4.6-5.5) 5.1 (4.9-5.3) .94
Head length (mm) 50.4 (47.5-53.3) 50.9 (50.1-51.7) .67
Fracture characteristics
Medial comminution 8 (42.1%) 36 (25.3%) .21
Medial hinge displacement 10 (52.6%) 55 (38.7%) .36
Calcar integrity 11 (57.9%) 104 (73.2%) .27
Neutral 3 (15.8%) 33 (23.2%) .21
Varus 12 (63.2%) 59 (41.5%)
Valgus 4 (21.1%) 50 (35.2%)
Neer classification
2 12 (63.2%) 61 (43.0%) .09
3 1 (5.3%) 38 (26.8%)
4 6 (31.6%) 43 (30.3%)
Reduction and fixation parameters
No. of distal screws 2.9 (2.6-3.2) 3.0 (2.9-3.1) .72
No. of proximal screws 6.2 (5.5-6.9) 5.8 (5.6-6.1) .28
No. of screws in inferior half of head 2.4 (1.8-3.0) 2.9 (2.7-3.1) .13
Calcar screw
Distance to inferior calcar 18.0 (15.2-20.7) 10.1 (9.1-11.1) <.01
Ratio of calcar to head length 35.5% (31.2-39.8) 19.6% (17.8-21.5) <.01
Distance from screw to surface 12.6 (9.5-15.8) 10.9 (9.9-11.8) .21
Overall reduction quality 1.8 (1.4-2.3) 2.5 (2.4-2.6) <.01
Achieved greater tuberosity cranialization 17 (89.5%) 139 (97.9%) .20
No head-shaft displacement 8 (42.1%) 101 (71.1%) .02
No angulation 10 (52.6%) 118 (83.1%) .01
Anatomic 10 (52.6%) 118 (83.1%) <.01
Varus 8 (42.1%) 17 (12.0%)
Valgus 1 (5.3%) 7 (4.9%)
BMI, body mass index.
Continuous variables are reported with 95% confidence intervals and categorical variables with proportions.

collapse with screw penetration (21.1%; 4/19). These failures humeral head vs. 2.9; P = .13), or the distance between the
were identified at a mean of 24.9 weeks (range, 12.0-46.6 tip of the screw and the articular surface (12.6 mm vs.
weeks). None of the preoperative patient or fracture charac- 10.9 mm; P = .21). With regard to the medial support screw,
teristics considered were statistically significant predictors of both the shorter distance from the calcar to the screw (calcar
failure on univariate analysis (Table I). The quality of distance; P < .01) and the ratio of this distance to the humeral
reduction13 was predictive of failure (1.8 average of achieved head diameter (calcar ratio; P < .01) were strongly predic-
parameters in those that failed vs. 2.5 of 3 in those that did tive of failure. Isolating adequately reduced fractures (3/3
not; P < .01). Individually, reduction of angulation (achieved reduction parameters achieved), the average distance from the
in only 52.6% of failures compared with 83.1% in success- screw to the calcar was 19.2 mm in failures and 9.5 mm in
ful outcomes; P = .01) and correction of head-shaft successes (P < .01; Table II), with a calcar ratio of 38.4% vs.
displacement (achieved in 42.1% of failures and 71.1% of 18.6% (P < .01), respectively. Isolating partially reduced frac-
success cases; P = .02) were statistically significant predic- tures (2/3 reduction parameters achieved), the average calcar
tors of failure. distance was 18.8 mm in failures and 10.3 mm in successes
From the perspective of fixation, the fixation failures were (P = .06; Table II), with a calcar ratio of 34.9% vs. 19.5%
similar to the healed group with respect to the number of distal (P = .02), respectively. Isolating malreduced fractures (0 or
screws (mean, 2.9 distal screws vs. 3.0; P = .72), the number 1/3 reduction parameters achieved), the average calcar dis-
of proximal fragment screws (mean, 6.2 proximal screws vs. tance was 16.2 mm in failures and 13.3 mm in successes
5.8; P = .28), the number of screws in the inferior half of the (P = .10; Table II), with a calcar ratio of 33.5% vs. 25.8%
humeral head (mean, 2.4 screws in the inferior half of the (P = .05), respectively.
Proximal humerus fixation 1935

Table II Results of receiver operating characteristic analysis

Variable Average radiographic finding Receiver operating characteristic
Fixation failure Union P value AUC Threshold Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy
All comers
Distance to calcar from inferior screw 18.0 mm 10.1 mm <.01 0.84 12.05 mm 100% 66.2% 70.2%
Ratio of distance to head length 35.5% 19.6% <.01 0.86 24.8% 94.7% 71.1% 73.9%
Two or 3 failed reduction parameters
Distance to calcar from inferior screw 16.2 mm 13.3 mm .10 0.69 11.4 mm 100% 47.1% 62.5%
Ratio of distance to head length 33.5% 25.8% .05 0.72 23.4% 100% 47.1% 62.5%
One failed reduction parameter
Distance to calcar from inferior screw 18.8 mm 10.3 mm .06 0.86 12.05 mm 100% 72.7% 76.9%
Ratio of distance to head length 34.9% 19.5% .02 0.87 21.0% 100% 70.0% 74.4%
No failed reduction parameters
Distance to calcar from inferior screw 19.2 mm 9.5 mm <.01 0.89 13.1 mm 100% 72.8% 74.5%
Ratio of distance to head length 38.4% 18.6% <.01 0.91 26.1% 100% 76.1% 77.6%
AUC, area under the curve.
For both parameters of calcar screw position, the predictive value of the parameter was calculated for all patients and then stratified by reduction quality.

Table III Three models of multivariate analysis of predictors of fixation failure after proximal humerus surgical neck fixation
Univariate correlation Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
coefficient OR P value OR P value OR P value
Neer classification (compared to 2-part)
3-part −0.16 0.13 .09 0.14 .09 0.11 .08
4-part 0.009 0.65 .52 0.69 .56 0.68 .56
Reduction quality −0.27 N/A 0.42 .01 0.42 .01
Head-shaft displacement −0.20 0.38 .16 N/A N/A
Angulation −0.24 0.42 .20
Calcar ratio 0.43 1.14 <.01 N/A 1.14 <.01
Distance to inferior calcar 0.40 N/A 1.20 <.01 N/A
OR, odds ratio; N/A, not applicable.

In multivariate analysis, the quality of reduction was an as the reduction quality improved. For adequately reduced
independent predictor of success (Table III). On isolation of fractures, the optimal threshold was a calcar distance of
the distance to the calcar from the inferior screw or the ratio 13.1 mm or less and a calcar ratio of 26.1% or less. For par-
of this distance to the humeral head diameter, both param- tially reduced fractures, the optimal threshold was a calcar
eters were predictors of failure independent of reduction quality distance of 12.1 mm or less and a calcar ratio of 21.0% or
(odds ratio, 1.2 and 1.1, respectively). In addition, single-factor less. Finally, for malreduced fractures, the optimal thresh-
analysis of variance was used to assess any potential corre- old was a calcar distance of 11.4 mm or less and a calcar ratio
lation between Neer classification and the quality of reduction. of 23.4% or less.
There was no significant difference in the quality of reduc- Ten of the 26 (38.5%) shoulders that went on to radio-
tion based on Neer classification, with 2-part fractures having graphic failure underwent 12 future operations at a mean of
an average of 2.43 ± 0.72 reduction components achieved, 47.3 weeks (range, 2.1-166.3 weeks) after the index proce-
3-part fractures 2.50 ± 0.86, and 4-part fractures 2.38 ± 0.88 dure. These were 4 hardware removals, 1 hematoma washout,
(F = 0.25; P = .78).11,13 1 rotator cuff repair, 2 arthroscopic débridements (1 with
Analysis of ideal medial support screw placement with re- concurrent removal of hardware), 3 revision ORIF, and 1 an-
ceiver operating characteristic curve confirmed the predictive atomic total shoulder arthroplasty. In comparison, 16 of
value of the calcar distance and the calcar ratio (Table II). the 142 (11.3%) shoulders that healed radiographically
The AUC was 0.84 and 0.86 for calcar distance and calcar underwent 16 future operations at a mean of 48.6 weeks
ratio, respectively. The optimal threshold for all patients to (range, 14.0-153.9 weeks) after the index procedure (P < .01).
minimize radiographic failures was a calcar distance of 12 mm Thirteen reoperations were hardware removal (5 of which
or less and a calcar ratio of 25% or less (Table II). On strati- underwent an arthroscopic débridement), 2 were arthro-
fying patients by reduction quality, the identified threshold scopic débridements, and 1 was a reverse total shoulder
for both the calcar distance and calcar ratio became less strict arthroplasty for rotator cuff insufficiency.
1936 E.M. Padegimas et al.

Discussion reduction remains a primary goal of proximal humerus frac-

ture fixation.13
Recent study has demonstrated that anatomic fracture reduc- The results of this study must be considered in the context
tion with a locked plate significantly improved functional of the limitations. First, these were all proximal humerus frac-
outcomes and lowered the complication rate of unstable and tures treated in 1 hospital system during an 8-year period.
displaced proximal humeral fractures involving the anatom- There were a wide range of experience levels of surgeons and
ic neck.13 In addition, the placement of an oblique locking surgical implants used, different techniques for reattach-
screw within the inferomedial quadrant of the proximal ment of the tuberosities with rotator cuff sutures, and variable
humeral head fragment (calcar screw) has been previously use of bone graft. Therefore, surgical technique was unable
shown to be important for prevention of fixation failure.5,12,13 to be standardized and may have a confounding effect on the
The optimal position of this calcar screw has not been defined. results. However, the parameters evaluated on the radio-
In this study, we report quantifiable measurements that can graphs were standardized across all patients, and therefore
be used intraoperatively to guide acceptable calcar screw it would be expected that parameters that affect 1 surgeon’s
position. proximal humerus fixation would similarly affect that of others.
The primary finding of this current analysis is the asso- Second, as noted previously, no patient-reported outcomes
ciation between the calcar distance and calcar ratio and were obtained. Despite this, we would expect that function-
fixation failure. Prior studies show that placement of a medial al outcomes scores would be worse in patients who sustained
support screw decreases the likelihood of fixation failure.5,12,13 fixation failure as described by previous studies.8,12,13 In ad-
The importance of the medial support screw is validated by dition, not all reoperations may be captured in this analysis.
biomechanical studies that show increased axial, shear, and If a patient underwent a second operation at a different in-
torsional stiffness with placement of a medial support screw.1,17 stitution, it would not be captured in our electronic records.
However, these studies do not analyze the importance of Therefore, the reported reoperation rate may be under-
the location of medial support screw placement in reference stated. The range of follow-up was also highly variable.
to the calcar. Two possible reasons for failure to position Because of this, although early radiographic failures could
the calcar screw in an optimal position include a surgeon’s be reported accurately in this study, we are likely underes-
decision to leave certain holes in a plate empty and superior timating the occurrence of late failures, such as avascular
placement of a fixed-angle locking plate that in turn places necrosis, symptomatic hardware, and arthrofibrosis. Despite
the calcar screw in a position that is farther from the these limitations, this analysis is the first to quantify ideal fix-
calcar. ation construct parameters for proximal humerus fracture based
After determining the importance of calcar distance and on reduction quality.
calcar ratio to the success of fracture fixation, we attempted
to identify optimal threshold values for both variables. Whereas
we recommend that surgeons critically evaluate their intra- Conclusion
operative fluoroscopy images for reduction quality, whether
fractures are anatomically reduced or malreduced, calcar The results of this study demonstrate the importance of
screws should be positioned <12 mm from the apex of the fracture reduction quality and optimal calcar screw posi-
arch of the calcar or within the bottom 25% of the humeral tion in proximal humerus fracture fixation. We find that
head. In some cases, this may involve repositioning the plate precise calcar screw positioning (smaller calcar screw dis-
to a lower position. Alternatively, an advantage of polyaxial tances and smaller calcar ratios) are necessary to avoid
locking technology in proximal humerus fracture fixation may fixation failure. Patients with calcar screws placed in po-
allow greater freedom for positioning of the calcar screw in sitions outside of the thresholds identified were at increased
an optimal position irrespective of plate position. risk for fixation failure and subsequent reoperation.
We also analyzed reoperation rate in the context of radio-
graphic failure. Unsurprisingly, those patients who had
radiographic failure also had a significantly higher reoperation Disclaimer
rate (41.7%) than those who had well-healed radiographs
Surena Namdari reports that he receives research funding
(11.1%; P < .01). This difference in reoperation rate demon-
from DePuy, Zimmer, Tornier, Integra Life Sciences, and
strates the importance of achieving radiographic healing both
Arthrex; he is a consultant for DonJoy Orthopedics, Depuy-
clinically and economically. Placement of a well-placed medial
Synthes, and Miami Device Solutions and receives product
support screw based on reduction quality appears to opti-
design royalties from DonJoy Orthopedics, Miami Device
mize healing potential and avoids the cost and morbidity of
Solutions, and Elsevier. All the other authors, their im-
secondary procedures. Whereas our data indicate that an in-
mediate families, and any research foundations with which
feriorly placed calcar screw can minimize fixation failure in
they are affiliated have not received any financial pay-
partially reduced and malreduced fractures, we did not eval-
ments or other benefits from any commercial entity related
uate functional outcomes. Given that Schnetzke et al reported
to the subject of this article.
worse functional outcomes in malreduced fractures, anatomic
Proximal humerus fixation 1937

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