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Itililtil]tililtilttililil 4017

Third Semester 3 Yr. LL.B. Examination, March/April2021

CRIMINAL !-AW - Il : Gr.F.e, JJ Act & P.O. Act

Duration : 3 Hours ltlax. Marks : 80

lnstructiops : 1 . Answer any five questions from group (a) each question
carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each question
carries 06 marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada
Q. No. 1. (a) When a person can be arrested without warrant ? Marks : 10
r"zg dSo::Q elnamd a-roedzod.:cb ?
Q. No. 1.(b) 'A' an accused is charged with an offence of belonging to
a gang of dacoits operating in Rajastan. He is arrested in
Bengaluru. Can he be tried for the offence in the Bengaluru
court. Give reasons. Marks : 6
'D' ooz,mdd: croxrn*ddO_ mcJnrCoicd droor:dd ri:oari
deo crg$oci: do em do ed# d.o oie.e A d. udddl rJo rfd;a odO_
DoQimRd. esd$ adnd udofra*n Coridood ooro1noo$de_
uQez,od#ri udddl rboiadz^:d:de ? oCra &eG.

Q, No. 2.(a) Explain the procedure relating to summary trials. Marks. 10

dot"* azaddri douoeArd dgoboJrq edot.
Q. No. 2. (b) Raju goes to city police station of Shimogato give information
about a cognizable offence. The police officer refuses to
register first information report. What is the next course of
action available to Raju ? Marks : 6
oDtrJ oozrodd:do$oJ: edmddBcdd uri al:affi &ede-r:
gdCrodd ddd dpOe;n oc#d droerloqd. ert dpeexn
eQucoo3:: ddob ddrCnd ddno$$ dneooaourudorlu:
Codoioqd. cers) dt:oded: $d': drdndoudrd: ?

-2- llllillltilffiillllllllllll

e. No. 3.(a) Discuss the provisions relating to service of summons. Marks : 10

d*o;d>. trr o riloei.Dd) dd* douo Q:rd e dr*riddq da: rxr.

Q. No. 3.(b) 'A' makes an application for regular bail in the court of
session. The application is rejected. Now he wants to make
a fresh application for anticipatory bail under Section 438
of cr.P.c. in the High court. Advise. Marks : 6

'a i9 oarctaoo3:de-&o$a)d z:EaJeDrDn ccro$dl

aad,:Ed. s edrcjr: ed{ode-r.&$d. *rl edd: dcd €,gcln
dobdc: doo 438 d erao$o_ DOedpa zsail:ed: elcrcJ:d1
deiemn e,ncaf mrclne-ro$de)- madCedod: zroblco^d. sdOri
ruqr@ ^^A

Q. No. 4.(a) Explain the limitation on the powers of the Magistrate to

take cognizance of an offence relating to defamation and
marriage. Marks: 10
dndoap aadn caadd icz.,roQ:.,d edoaddddl io$otdri
dricjrd.od)+d Nrr.)rd ComQroooJ: erQrodd a3:eO&d a$dddl

Q, No. 4.(b) 'A' is accused of a theft on one occasion and of causing

grievous hurt on another occasion. Two offences were
included in one charge and were tried together in single
trial by the Magistrate, A was convicted'
Decide the validity of the order of conviction. Marks: 6
'D' aczmdd c:ed uoC: iod{rde- ddgdC smCd mrde
Codgca: dccz/rdO- €eqimn riaC:Cd:or,:: d'nadod
EimCsc$& 4
d.:aoicmd. dr adCo edoodddd.:
dneuadceira:$O- d."L,i,, z-cde uQezroddolrd.>- dd:,
'.)' otdi erircQ aod: dcaaQmoo$d& 9ro*deddd:
CndFxboad. d{ $m*dedd mtod:u{de .:oz,}d.iJ zizsr:,.
Iffiflrilililillilttilrilt -J- 4417

Q. No. 5.(a) Discuss the provisions relating to relerence and revision. Marks : 10
weJ_eaD mar{o do{ddri douoQtud Ooir*dsjdq aiulrl.

Q. No. 5.(b) A Magistrate directs 'D'to execute a bond for maintaining

good behaviour for a period of two years. Discuss the validity
of the order. Support your answer with legal provisions. Marks:6
docoQrooo3r:'E' aosrod&ri dddrdor;Q tamBEodru:
odd: ddr dd ro endQrro n dr:dpd6o$ udcf>dndejeajedod:
odersipod. d5 erdedd eQ#qdo$ i;1 t"*a:ra. radood
0o$*ridd1 we3-eaDxr.
Q. No. 6.(a) Explain the provisions relating to tender of pardon to
approver Marks : 10
dn+ :oloadorf d*d. oedod u{
ndcd eo3ldcddd;o
Q. No. 6.(b) 'A'obtains a decree of divorce against her husband 'B'and
also obtains maintenance from her husband under Sec. 125
of Cr. P.C. After 2 years she marries 'C'. Now 'B' wants to
apply for cancellation of maintenance order. Advise B. Marks : 6
'A' aoerodoiu dq rlod '?,)' &dodo aufedoa Ggo$q
ddd;dnsbrqd. marlo dod dgodrD io&do$ de;o 125 d
eGo$O- dod&od dedoodddl ddcbd/oQeg. ad$ ddrdd
dodd erdo$)'tu' ao?f,odddlaaadanrbqd. dril'D' o1r: dq
a&q dodaa&d dedoaodd udedddl dffiedu3edod)
doedw uo$laa$. erd&rl de;d &eG.
Q. No. 7.(a) Discuss the powers of the Supreme Court and High Courts
to transfer cases and appeals. Marks : 10

$ddea aarto d:egdadd drnrddrl douop:.rdod d{per{

otrolnoo$ aad,h wa{$rt'd elpmo ridoi

Q. No. 7.(b) Write a note on :

r.odr u3{td udogro:
Disposal of property. Marks : 6
-*5?d aejeato.
4017 I flilil ililt ililt illll ffillill

Q. No. 8.(a) Explain the powers of the Magistrate for the removal of
public nuisance. Marks : 10
xiadru&d wd{,Codr" 0aaod,:dO_ CoaaQraori .ao:C
'"Dmdddib edo,q,.

Q. No. 8.(b) Write a note on :

t oC: [J{ed udouo:

lrregular proceedings. Marks : 6
Jad)d Cddd#rldr.

Q. No. 9.(a) What are the salient features of the Probation of

Offenders Act, 1958 ? Marks : 10
1958 d erdoaBdd doaedraa o^
moo:do$ e,{radddldil)$
Q. No. 9.(b) Write a note on :

t"ocb $qS uldobo:

Child in need of care and protection. Marks : 6
mod c:dJ iodddo$ eerid-a&d "idr.
Q. No. 10. (a) Explain the provisions relating to constitution, powers and
functions of child welfare committee. Marks: 10
zmo dsaj: ia:go$ dz3d, etQrad oarln aao3:rdpri dozooQ.ld
Do$#rldd1 ado,l,.
Q. No. 10. (b) Write a note on :

uocj: S-tS todos:O :

Children home and observation home. Marks : 6

c>d*d {d oadn 0e# (edei,oedd) {,d.

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