Unit 4 Electrical Bridges

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Electrical Measurements

Unit 4: Measurement of Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance

Q.1 Explain Wheatstone bridge Circuit to measure unknown resistors.
The Wheatstone Bridge Circuit An example of a circuit that cannot be reduced using simple
series and parallel rules appears

The Wheatstone bridge circuit above is usually operated by adjusting the variable resistor
R3until no current flows in the ammeter. Under this special circumstance, the above circuit
problem may be solved easily without the need for Kirchoff's rules. Notice that resistors R3 and
R2 are NOT in parallel (because there is a different voltage across each resistor) if there is a
current in the ammeter. Also R3 and R4 are NOT in series (because there is a different current
through each resistor) if there is a current in the ammeter. Originally the Wheatstone bridge was
developed as a sort of "electrical balance" to measure unknown resistors placed in the position of
R4and the adjustable resistor R3 had a sort of scale which could be used to determine the value
of the unknown resistor R4in a way we now describe. This original use of the Wheatstone bridge
has been replaced with the digital volt, amp, ohmmeter in your circuit kit.

Analysis of the Circuit

Since no current flows in the ammeter, the electrical potential of point C is the same as the
electrical potential of point D (otherwise current would flow between the two points).

Electrical Measurements

Since no current flows through the ammeter, the current i1 through resistor R1 is the same as the
current through resistor R3 as indicated in the diagram above. Similarly, the current i2 through
resistor R2 is the same as the current through resistor R4. It also follows (from the fact that
points C and D have the same electrical potential) that the voltage drop across resistor R1 is the
same as the voltage drop across resistor R2 so

i1 R1 = i2 R2-----------------------(1)

Similarly, the voltage drop across resistor R3 is the same as the voltage drop across resistor R4

i1 R3 = i2 R4--------------------------(2)

If you divide equation (1) by equation (2) the currents cancel out and one obtains (3)
R1 R2
R3 R4

You can use equation (3) by solving for the unknown resistor R4 obtaining
R4 = 𝑅1 R3

Electrical Measurements

Q.2 Explain Kelvin bridge Circuit to find low resistors.

Definition: The Kelvin bridge or Thompson bridge is used for measuring the unknown
resistances having a value less than 1Ω. It is the modified form of the Wheatstone Bridge.

What is the need of Kelvin Bridge?

Wheatstone bridge use for measuring the resistance from a few ohms to several kilo-ohms. But
error occurs in the result when it is used for measuring the low resistance. This is the reason
because of which the Wheatstone bridge is modified, and the Kelvin bridge obtains. The Kelvin
bridge is suitable for measuring the low resistance.

Kelvin Double Bridge Circuit

The ratio of the arms p and q are used to connect the galvanometer at the right place between the
point j and k. The j and k reduce the effect of connecting lead. The P and Q is the first ratio of
the arm and p and q is the second arm ratio.

The galvanometer is connected between the arms p and q at a point d. The point d places at the
centre of the resistance r between the point m and n for removing the effect of the connecting
lead resistance which is placed between the unknown resistance R and standard resistance S.

Electrical Measurements
The ratio of p/q is made equal to the P/Q. Under balance condition zero current flows through the
galvanometer. The potential difference between the point a and b is equivalent to the voltage
drop between the points Eamd.


Electrical Measurements

Q.3 Explain Measurement of inductance by using Maxwell’s bridge

Definition: The bridge used for the measurement of self-inductance of the circuit is known as the
Maxwell bridge. It is the advanced form of the Wheatstone bridge. The Maxwell
bridge works on the principle of the comparison, i.e., the value of unknown inductance is
determined by comparing it with the known value or standard value.

Types of Maxwell’s Bridge

Two methods are used for determining the self-inductance of the circuit. They are

1. Maxwell’s Inductance Bridge

2. Maxwell’s inductance Capacitance Bridge
Maxwell’s Inductance Bridge

In such type of bridges, the value of unknown resistance is determined by comparing it with the
known value of the standard self-inductance. The connection diagram for the balance Maxwell
bridge is shown in the figure below.

Electrical Measurements
Let, L1 – unknown inductance of resistance R1.
L2 – Variable inductance of fixed resistance r1.
R2 – variable resistance connected in series with inductor L2.
R3, R4 – known non-inductance resistance

At balance,

The value of the R3 and the R4 resistance varies from 10 to 1000 ohms with the help of the
resistance box. Sometimes for balancing the bridge, the additional resistance is also inserted into
the circuit.

Maxwell’s Inductance Capacitance Bridge

In this type of bridges, the unknown resistance is measured with the help of the standard
variable capacitance. The connection diagram of the Maxwell Bridge is shown in the figure

Electrical Measurements
Let, L1 – unknown inductance of resistance R1.
R1 – Variable inductance of fixed resistance r1.
R2, R3, R4 – variable resistance connected in series with inductor L2.
C4 – known non-inductance resistance

For balance condition,

Electrical Measurements

Q.4 Explain Measurement of capacitance by using Schering bridge

The Schering bridge use for measuring the capacitance of the capacitor, dissipation factor,
properties of an insulator, capacitor bushing, insulating oil and other insulating materials. It is
one of the most commonly used AC bridge. The Schering bridge works on the principle of
balancing the load on its arm.

Let, C1 – capacitor whose capacitance is to be determined,

r1 – a series resistance, representing the loss of the capacitor C1.
C2 – a standard capacitor (The term standard capacitor means the capacitor is free from loss)
R3 – a non-inductive resistance
C4 – a variable capacitor.
R4 – a variable non-inductive resistance parallel with variable capacitor C4.

When the bridge is in the balanced condition, zero current passes through the detector, which
shows that the potential across the detector is zero. At balance condition
Z1/Z2 = Z3/Z4
Z1Z4 = Z2Z3

Electrical Measurements

Advantages of Schering Bridge

The following are the advantages of the Schering bridge.

1. Balance equations are free from frequency.

2. The arrangement of the bridge is less costly as compared to the other bridges.

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