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1. Choose the correct form:

a. There is/ there are flowers on the table. f. There is / there are a goat at the farm.

b. There is / there are a big house near the g. There is/ there are a library across the
school. street.

c. There is/ there are three students in the h. There is / there are books on the desk.
i. There is / there are a man in the centre of
d. There is / there are many dogs in the the road.
j. There is / there are pencils under the
e. There is / there are Mum at the door chair.

2. Translate into English:

a. Sunt cărţi ȋn ghiozdan. d. Sunt elevi ȋn şcoală.

b. Este o găină ȋn curte. e. Este un măr pe masă.

c. Sunt multe jucării ȋn cutie. f. Este o scrisoare la uşă.

3. Complete with there is or there are:

a. ..................................a man on the street.

b. ................................cakes on the plate.

c. .................................apples in the tree.

d. ..................................a school on the corner of the street.

e. ..................................a sofa in the living- room.

f. on the wall.

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