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You are in the home working when you hear your neighbour screaming. You run to the back
of the house and you notice her 16-year-old son lying on the ground and he is blue. Mom is
too distressed to help other than say that Ahmed was cutting the grass.

Module name: Medical surgical Final

Candidate NO: Programme Nursing
External examiner: Station no Date :2022/1/

Aim: (SKILLS) of demonstrate cardio pulmonary recusation

S. No Possible answers Possible Scored
Marks Marks
1. Assess –Scene for safety 1
2. assess Patient for Responsiveness. 1

3. Alert – Calls out for help. If no response, continues to 3*

care for patient.
4. Attend – Starts ABC’s for patient care. Performs 3*
proper sequence
5. Put the pt. on flat surface 3*
6. Opens airway (Head tilt – chin lift) and checks for 3*
breathing, Breathing absent
7. Give two quick full breaths 1
8. Check for signs of circulation. 1
9. None found. 1
10. Provides Chest Compressions and Breaths at 30:2 3*
Ratio at a rate of 100 per minute for one minute (5
11. Reassess the patient and re-checks Breathing & Signs 3*
of circulation
12. None found. 1
13. Continue CPR until Circulation & Breathing Returns 1
14. Put the pt. comfortable potion and safe environment 1
15. Re assure the family and find out the root cause 1
16. Global rating 4
Total 31/31

*Essential criteria must pass at least 4 out of 6of the essential criteria
Examiners Global Rating

4. 3. 2. 1. 0.
4= excellent 3= very good 2=clear pass. 1=borderline 0=Fail
Any comments on the student’s performance


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