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Bounty Hunter: Assassin Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Perception, Piloting !Planetary!, Piloting ISpacel, Ranged !Heavy I, Streetwise, Vigilance
Assassin Bonus Career Skills: Melee, Ranged IHeavy I, Skulduggery, Stealth • PASSIVE


Add + 10 per rank of Le­ When targeted by combat

thal Blows to any Critical check, may perform a
Injury results inflicted on Dodge incidental to suffer a
opponents. number of strain no greater
than ranks of Dodge, then
upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that number.


Once per round, may per­ Add D per rank of Quick

form Precise Aim maneu­ Strike to combat checks
ver Suffer a number of against targets that have not
strain no greater than ranks acted yet this encounter.
in Precise Aim. then reduce
target's melee and ranged
defense by that number.


After making a successful Add D per rank of Stalker Add+ 10 per rank of Le­ After a making a successful
attack, may spend 1 Desti­ to all Stealth and Coordi- thal Blows to any Critical attack, may spend 1 Desti­
ny Point to add damage Injury results inflicted on ny Point to add damage
equal to Agility to one hit. opponents. equal to Intellect to one hit.


Before making a non­ When targeted by combat Add+ 10 per rank of Le­
thrown ranged attack, may check. may perform a thal Blows to any Critical
perform a Sniper Shot ma­ Dodge incidental to suffer a Injury results inflicted on
neuver to increase the number of strain no greater opponents.
weapon's range by 1 range than ranks of Dodge, then
band per rank in Sniper upgrade the difficulty of the
Shot. Upgrade the difficulty check by that number.
of the attack by 1 per range
band increase.


Once per round, may per­ When acquired, choose 1
form Precise Aim maneu­ combat skill. Add damage Once per round. suffer 2
ver. Suffer a number of equal to ranks in that skill to strain to decrease difficulty
strain no greater than ranks one hit of successful attack of next Stealth or Skuldug­
in Precise Aim. then reduce made using that skill. gery check by one.
target's melee and ranged
defense by t�at number.
�. •r

Gadgeteer�Talent Tree
Bounty Hunter:
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Perception, Piloting !Planetary), Piloting !Space), Ranged !Heavy I, Streetwise, Vigilance
Gadgeteer Bonus Career Skills: Brawl, Coercion, Mechanics, Ranged !Light)


Perform the Brace ma­ May suffer a number of Once per round, may per­
neuver to remove • per strain to downgrade diffi­ form Defensive Stance ma­
rank of Brace from next culty of Coercion checks. or neuver and suffer a num­
Action. This may only re­ upgrade difficulty when tar­ ber of strain to upgrade
move • added by envi­ geted by Coercion checks. difficulty of all incoming
ronmental circumstances. by an equal number. Strain melee attacks by an equal
suffered this way cannot ex­ number Strain suffered
ceed ranks in Intimidating. this way cannot exceed
ranks in Defensive Stance.


Cannot run out of ammo Choose 1 weapon. armor, Add 1 damage per rank of After hitting with combat
due to (i{J. Items with Limit­ or other item and give it a Point Blank to damage of check, may spend tJ tJ
ed Ammo quality run out of permanent improvement one hit of successful attack to disorient target for num­
ammo as normal. while it remains in use. while using Ranged [Heavy) ber of rounds equal to
or Ranged [Light) skills at ranks in Disorient.
close range or engaged.


When making Melee
checks, may inflict damage
as strain instead of wounds.
This does not ignore soak.


Choose 1 weapon, armor, May add 1 additional hard When acquired, choose 1
or other item and give it a point to a number of items combat skill. Add damage When dealing strain dam­
permanent improvement equal to ranks in Tinkerer. equal to ranks in that skill to age with Melee or Brawl
while it remains in use. Each item may only be one hit of successful attack checks. may spend <1J to
modified once. made using that skill. stag €ier target for 1 round
per (!) .


May suffer a number of Increase the difficulty of
strain to downgrade diffi­ When wearing armor with a next combat check by 1 If
culty of Coercion checks, or soak value of 2 or higher, in­ check deals damage, target
upgrade difficulty when tar­ crease defense by 1 suffers 1 strain whenever
geted by Coercion checks. he moves for the remainder
by an equal number. Strain of the encounter.
suffered this way cannot ex­
ceed ranks in Intimidating.

� f•'t'

J '
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Bounty Hunter: Survivalist Talent Tree

Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Perception, Piloting !Planetary!, Piloting !Space!, Ranged I Heavy I, Streetwise, Vigilance
Survivalist Bonus Career Skills: Knowledge !Xenologyl, Perception, Resilience, Survival


Remove up to •• from Add D per rank of Stalker Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of Ex­
skill checks to find food, to all Stealth and Coordi- Outdoorsman from checks pert Tracker from checks to
water. or shelter. Survival to move through terrain or find tracks or track targets.
checks to forage take half manage environmental ef­ Decrease time to track a
the time. fects Decrease overland target by half.
travel times by half .


Remove • per rank of Add D per rank of Hunter After making a successful
Outdoorsman from checks to all checks when interact­ attack, may spend 1 Desti­
to move through terrain or ing with beast or animals ny Point to add damage
manage environmental ef­ [including combat checks) equal to Cunning to one hit
fects. Decrease overland Add + 10 to Critical Injury
travel times by half results against beasts or
animals per rank of Hunter.


Remove • per rank of Ex­
pert Tracker from checks to
find tracks or track targets.
Decrease time to track a
target by half


Add D per rank of Hunter Remove • per rank of Ex­ Add D per rank of Blooded
to all checks when interact­ pert Tracker from checks to to all checks to resist or re­
ing with beast or animals find tracks or track targets. cover from poisons, ven­
[including combat checks). Decrease time to track a oms, or toxins. Reduce du­
Add + 10 to Critical Injury target by half ration of ongoing poisons by
results against beasts or 1 round per rank of Blooded
animals per rank of Hunter. to a minimum of 1.


May spend 1 Destiny Point

to ignore effects of Critical
Injuries on Brawn or Agility
checks until the end of the
Colonist: Doctor Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge !Core Worldsl, Knowledge !Education!, Knowledge llorel, Leadership,
Negotiation, Streetwise
Doctor Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Knowledge I Education I, Medicine, Resilience


When making a Medicine Patients regain 1 addition­ When a character involun­

check to help a character al wound per rank of Bac­ tarily suffers strain. he suf­
heal wounds, the target ta Specialist when they fers 1 less strain per rank of
heals 1 additional wound recover wounds from bac­ Resolve, to a minimum of 1
per rank of Surgeon. ta tanks or long term care.


Take the Stim Application When making a Medicine

Action; make an Average check to help a character
(+ +l Medicine check. If heal wounds, the target
successful. 1 engaged ally heals 1 additional wound
increases 1 characteristic per rank of Surgeon
by 1 for the remainder of
the encounter and suffers
4 strain .


When making a Medicine Patients regain 1 addition­ When making a Brawl

check to help a character al wound per rank of Bac­ check against an opponent,
heal wounds, the target ta Specialist when they instead of dealing damage,
heals 1 additional wound recover wounds from bac­ may deal equivalent strain
per rank of Surgeon. ta tanks or long term care. plus additional strain equal
to ranks of Medicine (this
ignores soak) .


After making a successful
When performing Stim Ap­ attack, may spend 1 Desti­
plication Action, may in­ ny Point to add damage
crease difficulty of check to equal to Intellect to one hit..
Hard (+ + +J. and target
only suffers 1 strain.


Once per round, suffer 2 When targeted by combat
When performing the Stim strain to decrease the dif­ check, may perform a
Application Action. spend ficulty of a Medicine check Dodge incidental to suffer a
� to increase an addi­ by 1 number of strain no greater
tional Characteristic by 1. than ranks of Dodge, then
upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that number.

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Colonist: Entrepreneur Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership,
Negotiation, Streetwise
Entrepreneur Bonus Career Skills: Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Underworld), Negotiation

A/hen recovering strain af- Cain + 1 strain threshold.
At the start of each session, Remove • per rank of ter an encounter, recover 1
gain 100 credits for each Plausible Deniability from additional strain per rank
rank of Sound Investments. Coercion and Deception Df Rapid Recovery.

— P When selling goods legally, When selling goods legally,
When recovering strain af- gain 10% more credits per At the start of each session, gain 10% more credits per
ter an encounter, recover 1 rank of Wheel and Deal. gain 100 credits for each rank of Wheel and Deal.
additional strain per rank rank of Sound Investments.
of Rapid Recovery.

I IHJUJJU'im. ^^^^^^
Before making a social Instead of making a Knowl-
check, may spend up to 5 0 At beginning of session, edge check, may take a At the start of each session,
credits per rank of Creased spend 100 credits to ignore Bought Info action; spend gain 100 credits for each
Palms to upgrade the abili- strain threshold penalty credits equal t o 5 0 times rank of Sound Investments.
ty of the check once for ev- due to triggered Obligation. the difficulty of the check to
ery 5 0 spent. pass with one #

• Cain + 2 wound threshold.

ES3HSSP Once per session, when
When buying o r selling
At the start of each session, a t t e m p t i n g t o purchase a
goods, o r paying off or
gain 100 credits for each legally available item, re-
taking Obligation, may
rank of Sound Investments. duce its rarity by 1 per
suffer 2 strain to sell for
rank of Know Somebody.
2 5 % more, buy for 2 5 %
less, pay off 1 more Obli-
gation, or take 1 less.

• w •
Perform an Intense Focus Cain + 1 to a single charac-
Once per session, may re- maneuver; suffer 1 strain teristic. This cannot bring a At the start of each session,
roll any 1 Streetwise or and upgrade the ability of characteristic above 6. gain 100 credits for each
Negotiation check. the next skill check once. rank of Sound Investments.



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Colonist: Marshal Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership,
Negotiation, Streetwise
Marshal Bonus Career Skills: Coercion, Knowledge (Underworld), Ranged (Light), Uigilance

When staggered or disori- Cain + 1 strain threshold. Remove • per rank of Cain + 2 wound threshold.
ented, perform the Hard Street Smarts from Street-
Headed action; make a wise or Knowledge (Under-
Daunting + + Dis- world) checks.
cipline check t o remove
status. Difficulty reduced
per rank of Hard Headed.

May reduce any Critical Inju- May spend O O from a May spend O O from a Once per round, draw or
ry suffered by 10 per rank of Charm or Negotiation Deception or Coercion holster a weapon or acces-
Durable to a minimum of 1. check t o upgrade ability of check to upgrade ability of a sible item as an incidental.
a single ally's subsequent single ally's subsequent So-
Social Interaction check cial Interaction check against
against the target a number the target a number of times
of times equal to ranks in equal to ranks in Bad Cop.
Good Cop.

When staggered or disori- Cain + 1 strain threshold. May spend O O from a Add 1 damage per rank of
ented, perform the Hard Charm or Negotiation Point Blank t o damage of
Headed action; make a check t o upgrade ability of one hit of successful attack
D a u n t i n g ( • • • • ) Dis- a single ally's subsequent using Ranged (Heavy) or
cipline check to remove Social Interaction check Ranged (Light) skills at
status. Difficulty reduced against the target a number close range or engaged.
per rank of Hard Headed. of times equal to ranks in
Good Cop.

jjjgjjg p • P
May reduce any Critical Inju- May spend O O from a Add 1 damage per rank of
ry suffered by 10 per rank of When targeted by a Decep- Deception or Coercion Point Blank t o damage of
Durable to a minimum of 1. tion check, the character check to upgrade ability of a one hit of successful attack
automatically adds T to single ally's subsequent So- using Ranged (Heavy) or
the check equal to ranks in cial Interaction check against Ranged (Light) skills at
Vigilance. the target a number of times close range or engaged.
equal to ranks in Bad Cop.

Gain + 1 to a single charac-
When incapacitated due teristic. This cannot bring a Once per session, may re-
to strain exceeding thresh- When targeted by a Decep- characteristic above 6. roll any 1 Ranged (Light)
old, may take a more dif- tion check that fails, may or Ranged (Heavy) check.
ficult Hard Headed action spend 1 Destiny Point t o
to reduce strain to 1 be- add @ to results.
low threshold.

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Colonist: Performer Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership,
Negotiation, Streetwise
Performer Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Coordination, Deception, Melee

When first acquired, choose

1 skill; Charm. Coercion. Remove • per rank of Kill Make a Distracting Behav- Remove • per rank of
Deception, or Negotiation. with Kindness from ior maneuver and suffer Convincing Demeanor
When making checks with Charm a n d Leadership strain no greater than ranks from Deception or Skul-
that skill, spend to gain checks. in Cunning. Until beginning duggery checks.
additional # equal to ranks of next turn, equal number
in Smooth Talker. of NPCs suffer <§> on
checks. Range increases
with additional ranks.

May suffer a number of When targeted by combat Once per round, may stanc
Make a Distracting Behav- strain to downgrade difficul- check, may perform a from seated or prone as ar
ior maneuver and suffer ty of Charm or Negotiation Dodge incidental to suffer a incidental.
strain no greater than ranks checks or upgrade difficulty number of strain no greater
in Cunning. Until beginning when targeted by Charm or than ranks of Dodge, then
of next turn, equal number Negotiation checks, by an upgrade the difficulty of the
of NPCs suffer <§> on equal number. Strain suf- check by that number.
checks. Range increases fered this way cannot ex-
with additional ranks. ceed ranks in Congenial.

Spend 1 Destiny Point to
• Once per encounter, may
Make a Distracting Behav- recover strain equal to Once per session, may re- use Second Wind inciden-
ior maneuver and suffer Presence rating. roll any I Athletics o r Co- tal to recover strain equal
strain no greater than ranks ordination check. to ranks in Second Wind.
in Cunning. Until beginning
of next turn, equal number
of NPCs suffer © on
checks. Range increases
with additional ranks.

When first acquired, choose Gain + 1 strain threshold. Gain + 2 wound threshold.
1 skill; Charm, Coercion,
Deception, or Negotiation. The Distracting Behavior
When making checks with maneuver inflicts © © on
that skill, spend 0 t o gain NPCs' checks when NPCs
additional & equal to ranks target character's allies.
in Smooth Talker.

Once per session, may take Once per session, may Gain + 1 to a single charac-
a Biggest Fan action; make a make Deceptive Taunt ac- When targeted by a com- teristic. This cannot bring a
Hard + + + Charm tion. Make opposed De- bat check, may spend 1 characteristic above 6.
check to turn one NPC into ception check. If success- Destiny Point to a d d T
the character's biggest fan. ful, one adversary must equal to ranks in Coordina-
attack the character dur- tion to check.
ing adversary's next turn.



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Colonist: Politico Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge !Core Worlds!, Knowledge !Education!, Knowledge llorel, Leadership,
Negotiation, Streetwise • PASSIVE
Politico Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Deception, Knowledge !Core Worlds!



Remove • per rank of Kill Remove • per rank of

with Kindness from all Plausible Deniability from
Charm and Leadership all Coercion and Decep­
checks. tion checks.


Take a Scathing Tirade ac­
Take the Inspiring Rhetoric Remove • per rank of Kill tion; make an Average [. Remove • per rank of
action; make an Average with Kindness from all +1 Coercion check. Each Plausible Deniability from
r+ .) leadership check. Charm and Leadership >tf causes one enemy in all Coercion and Decep­
Each >tf causes 1 ally in checks. close range to suffer 1 tion checks.
close range to recover 1 strain. Spend -t} to cause 1
strain. Spend -tJ to cause affected enemy to suffer 1
1 affected ally to recover 1 additional strain.
additional strain.


When targeted by combat
check. may perform a Each ally affected by In­ Each enemy affected by
Dodge incidental to suffer a spiring Rhetoric gains Don Scathing Tirade suffers •
number of strain no greater all skill checks for a num­ on all skill checks for a
than ranks of Dodge. then ber of rounds equal to number of rounds equal to
upgrade the difficulty of the ranks in Leadership. ranks in Coercion.
check by that number.


May upgrade difficulty of
incoming Charm, Coercion,
or Deception checks once
per rank of Nobody's Fool.


Spend 1 Destiny Point to Spend 1 Destiny Point to

ignore effects of Critical recover strain equal to Pres­
Injuries on Willpower or ence rating.
Presence checks until the
end of the encounter.

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Colonist: Scholar Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge !Core Worlds), Knowledge !Education), Knowledge ILorel, Leadership,
Negotiation, Streetwise • PASSIVE
Scholar Bonus Career Skills: Knowledge IOuter Rim I, Knowledge I Underworld I, Knowledge IXenologyl, Perception


Perform the Brace ma­
May downgrade difficulty neuver to remove • per
of checks to interact with rank of Brace from next
institutes of learning by Action. This may only re­
one level per rank of Re­ move • added by envi­
spected Scholar. ronmental circumstances .


Remove • per rank of Re­ When a character involun­ Remove • per rank of Re­
searcher from all Knowl­ May downgrade difficulty tarily suffers strain, he suf­ searcher from all Knowl­
edge checks. Researching a of checks to interact with fers 1 less strain per rank of edge checks. Researching a
subject takes half the time. institutes of learning by Resolve, to a minimum of 1 subject takes half the time.
one level per rank of Re­
spected Scholar.


Remove • per rank in Co­
de breaker from checks to When acquired, choose 1
break codes or decrypt Knowledge skill. When
communications. Decrease making that skill check,
difficulty of checks to may spend <!! result to
break codes or decrypt gain additional successes
communications by 1 equal to ranks in Knowl­
edge Specialization.


May decrease difficulty When a character involun­
When acquired, choose 1 of Discipline checks to tarily suffers strain, he suf­
Knowledge skill. When avoid fear by 1 per rank fers 1 less strain per rank of
making that skill check, of Confidence. Resolve, to a minimum of 1
may spend <!! result to
gain additional successes
equal to ranks in Knowl­
edge Specialization.


Once per session, make Spend 1 Destiny Point to

one skill check using Intel­ ignore effects of Critical
lect rather than the charac­ Injuries on Intellect or
teristic linked to that skill. Cunning checks until end
of encounter.

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valuable information that he did not previously possess Duration: The character may perform the Insightful
pertaining to his current situation. What he learns is up Revelation action one additional time per game session.
to the GM, but it must be valuable to the player in over-
Additional Skills: When making the Insightful Rev-
coming his immediate encounter or situation, and the
elation action, the character may replace Knowledge
information cannot be obtainable by any other immedi-
(Education) with any other Knowledge skill.
ately available means.
When making the skill check to activate Insightful Reve- UNMATCHED E X P E R T I S E
lation, the GM can add • o r H for any situational effects
A combination of education and hard-earned life experi-
that might cause the test to be more easy or difficult.
ences can make Colonists far more capable individuals
UPGRADES than they appear. When the time is right, they can put
Insightful Revelation has several upgrades that can their vast experience to good use, making challenging
improve its effects and make it easier to use. Any tasks look easy, and the impossible merely difficult.
upgrades that appear in Insightful Revelation's tree
multiple times have their effects stack.
Once per game session as an action, the character
Reduce Setback: When making the skill check to acti-
may spend two Destiny Points to reduce the difficulty
vate Insightful Revelation, the character removes •
of all career skill checks he makes by one, to a mini-
Add Boost: When making the skill check to activate mum of Easy, for the remainder of the encounter.
Insightful Revelation, the character adds D
Destiny: To activate Insightful Revelation, the charac-
Unmatched Expertise has several upgrades that can
ter only needs to spend one Destiny Point instead of
improve its effects and make it easier to use. Any
the normal two.
upgrades that appear in Unmatched Expertise's tree
Reduce Difficulty: The skill check to activate Insightful multiple times have their effects stack.
Revelation is Average ( • • ) instead of Hard
Reduce Setback: When making the skill check to acti-
Increase Effect: The character may spend ($) gen- vate Unmatched Expertise, the character removes • .
erated on a successful Insightful Revelation check to
Reduce Difficulty: Unmatched Expertise reduces
gain one additional piece of information. The informa-
the difficulty of subsequent career skill checks by two
tion must be as useful as the original information.
instead of one.

Colonist Signature Ability Tree: Insightful Revelation


Once per game session, the character may perform an Insightful Revelation action a n d spend 2 Destiny points to make a H a r d ( + ^ Knowledge
(Education) check If he succeeds, he learns some valuable information t h a t he did not previously possess pertaining to his current situation. What he
learns is up t o the G M . but it must be valuable t o the player overcoming his immediate encounter or situation, a n d the information cannot be obtain-
able by any other immediately available means.


Remove • from skill check to Insightful Revelation costs 1 Reduce the difficulty of the When making the Insightful
activate Insightful Revelation. Destiny Point instead of 2. skill check t o activate In- Revelation action, the char-
sightful Revelation to A v e r - acter may replace Knowl-
age ( • • ) edge (Education) with any
other Knowledge skill.


Add • to skill check t o ac- Remove • from skill check to If the check is successful, the The character may perform
tivate Insightful Revelation. activate Insightful Revelation. character may spend ($) to the Insightful Revelation ac-
gain one additional piece of tion one additional time per
equally useful information. game session.


Reduce Difficulty: Unmatched
Expertise reduces the diffi-
culty of subsequent career skill
checks to a minimum of Simple
nstead of Easy.
Activation: Unmatched Exper-
tise becomes a maneuver, instead
of an action.
Activation: Unmatched Exper-
tise becomes an incidental that
may be triggered out of turn,
instead of an action.

Destiny: To activate Unmatched

Expertise, the character only
needs to spend one Destiny
Point instead of the normal two.
Superior Reduction: Once
per session, once the charac-
ter has activated Unmatched
Expertise, he may also use it to
reduce the difficulty of one non-
career skill check he makes.
This follows the same rules as
using Unmatched Expertise to
reduce the difficulty of career skills.

Colonist Signature Ability Tree: Unmatched Expertise


Once per game session as an action, the character may spend two Destiny Points to reduce the difficulty of all career skill checks he makes by one to a minimum
of Easy for the remainder of the encounter.


Remove • from career skill Activate Unmatched Exper- Activate Unmatched Exper- Remove • from career skill
checks made while Un- tise as a maneuver instead of tise as a maneuver instead of checks made while Un-
matched Expertise is acti- as an action. as an action. matched Expertise is acti-
vated. vated.


Reduce the difficulty of career Unmatched Expertise costs The difficulty of all career
skill checks by 2 instead of Once per session while Un- 1 Destiny Point to activate skill checks is reduced to a
matched Expertise is acti- instead of 2. minimum of Simple instead
vated, may reduce the diffi- of Easy
culty of one non-career skill.


Explorer: Archaeologist Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Knowledge lXenologyJ, Perception,
Piloting (Space), Survival • PASSIVE
Archaeologist Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore)


Choose any 2 skills. They When staggered or disori- Remove • per rank of Re- Gain + 1 strain threshold.
permanently become ca- ented. perform the Hard searcher from all Knowl-
reer skills.
Daunting <
Headed action; make a

cipline check to remove

edge checks. Researching a
subject takes half the time.

status. Difficulty reduced

per rank of Hard Headed .


May reduce any Critical Inju- Gain + 2 wound threshold. When a character involun-
ry suffered by 10 per rank of tarily suffers strain. he suf- When acquired. choose 1
Durable to a minimum of 1. fers 1 less strain per rank of • Knowledge skill. When
Resolve. to a minimum of 1. making that skill check.
may spend @ result to
gain additional successes
equal to ranks in Knowl-
edge Specialization .


When making Melee After hitting with a melee Remove • per rank of Re-
checks. may inflict damage attack. may spend @ to May downgrade difficulty searcher from all f<nowl-
as strain instead of wounds. knock the target prone. of checks to interact with edge checks. Researching a
This does not ignore soak. institutes of learning by subject takes half the time.
one level per rank of Re-
spected Scholar.


When staggered or disori- Gain + 1 soak value. Gain + 1 strain threshold.
ented. perform the Hard When acquired. choose I
Headed action; make a Knowledge skill. When
Daunting (• • • •) Dis- making that skill check.
cipline check to remove may spend @ result to
status. Difficulty reduced gain additional successes
per rank of Hard Headed. equal to ranks in Knowl-
edge Specialization .


Take Pin action; make an Gain + 1 to a single charac- Once per session. take Mu-
Opposed At hletics check teristic. This cannot bring a May downgrade difficulty seum Worthy action: make a
to immobilize an engaged characteristic above 6. of checks to interact with Hard (• • •) Knowledge
opponent until the end of institutes of learning by (Education) check to ascer-
the character's next turn. one level per rank of Re- tain information regarding a
Spend @ to extend duration spected Scholar relic. ruin. or piece of history.
one round

..... ,..

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Explorer: Big-Game Hunter Talent Tree

Career Skills: Astragation, Cool, Knowledge lloreJ, Knowledge lOuter Rimi, Knowledge lXenologyJ, Perception,
Piloting lSpaceJ, Survival
Big-Game Hunter Bonus Career Skills: Knowledge lXenologyJ, Ranged lHeavyJ, Stealth, Survival


Remove up to • • from Gain + l strain threshold Add D per rank of Stalker Remove • per rank of
skill checks to find food, to all Stealth and Coordi- Outdoorsman from checks
water, or shelter. Survival nation checks. to move through terrain or
checks to forage take half manage environmental ef
the time. fects Decrease overland
travel times by half.


Gain + 2 wound threshold. Remove • per rank of May decrease difficulty Do not suffer usual penal-
Outdoorsman from checks of Discipline checks to ties for moving through
to move through terrain or avoid fear by l per rank • difficult terrain .
manage environmental ef- of Confidence.
fects. Decrease overland
travel times by half


Add 0 per rank of Stalker Once per session. may re- Remove • per rank of Ex-
to all Stealth and Coordi- roll any 1 Perception or pert Tracker from checks to Allies within close range
nation checks Vigilance check. find tracks or track targets. add D to Perception or
Decrease time to track a Vigilance checks. Engaged
target by half allies add DO


Gain + l strain threshold. Take Hunter's Quarry ac- Add D per rank of Quick Remove • per rank of Ex-
tion: make a Hard (+++)
Survival check to upgrade
Strike to combat checks pert Tracker from checks to
against targets that have not find tracks or track targets.
the ability of all attacks acted yet this encounter. Decrease time to track a
made against a target at target by half.
long range until the end of
the character's next turn.


Once per attack, spend 1 Gain + l to a single charac-
Destiny Point to add dam- Suffer 2 strain to perform teristic. This cannot bring a
age to a single hit equal to Hunter's Quarry action as a characteristic above 6.
target's Brawn value. maneuver.

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Explorer: Driver Talent Tree

Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rimi, Knowledge lXenologyJ, Perception,
Piloting (Space), Survival • PASSIVE
Driver Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Gunnery, Mechanics, Piloting (Planetary)


Take a Full Throttle action. When reducing the amount Remove • per rank of
make a Hard (+++1 Pi-
loting check to increase a
Do not suffer usual penal-
ties for driving through dif-
of system strain a starship
or vehicle suffers. reduce 1
Gearhead from Mechan-
ics checks Halve the
vehicle's top speed by I ficult terrain when using Pi- additional strain per rank of credit cost to add mods
for a number of rounds loting (Planetary). Fine Tuning. to attachments.
equal to Cunning.


Gain + 1 strain threshold Remove • per rank of Suffer a number of strain to Gain + 1 strain threshold
Skilled Jockey from all Pi- add an equal number of "#
loting [Planetary) and Pi- to 1n1t1ative checks. Strain
loting (Space) checks the suffered cannot exceed
character attempts. ranks 1n Rapid Reaction


Count vehicle or starship When reducing the amount Gain + 2 wound threshold
Suffer 1 strain to attempt piloted as having a silhou- of system strain a starship
Full Throttle as a maneu- ette 1 lower when being or vehicle suffers, reduce 1
ver and decrease its diffi- attacked. additional strain per rank of
culty to Average (++1 Fine Tuning.


Remove • per rank of Once per session. may re- Remove • per rank of
Increase defense of vehicle Skilled Jockey from all Pi- roll any 1 Piloting (Plane- Gearhead from Meehan
or starship being piloted loting (Planetary) and Pi- tary) or Gunnery check. ics checks Halve the
by 1 per rank of Defensive loting (Space) checks the credit cost to add mods
Driving. character attempts. to attachments.


When piloting a ship or ve- Once per round when dnv- Gain + 1 to a single charac-
When performing Full hicle. take a full-stop ma- 1ng a vehicle. may suffer 2 teristic. This cannot bnng a
Throttle. top speed in- neuver to reduce speed to strain to perform any action characteristic above 6
creases by 2 instead of 1 zero and suffer system as a maneuver
strain equal to the speed


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Explorer: Fringer Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge !Lore), Knowledge !Outer Rim), Knowledge IKenologyl, Perception,
Piloting ISpacel, Survival • PASSIVE
Fringer Bonus Career Skills: Astrogation, Coordination, Negotiation, Streetwise


Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of When healing strain after Remove • per rank of
Galaxy Mapper from As­ Street Smarts from Street­ an encounter, heal I addi­ Street Smarts from Street­
trogation checks. Astro­ wise or Knowledge [Under­ tional strain per rank of wise or Knowledge [Under­
gation checks take half world) checks. Rapid Recovery. world) checks.
normal time.


Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of

Skilled Jockey from all Pi­ Galaxy Mapper from As­
loting [Planetary) and Pi­ trogation checks. Astro­
loting [Space) checks the gation checks take half
character attempts. normal time.


When healing strain after
Once per round, suffer 2 Increase defense of vehicle an encounter, heal I addi­
strain to decrease the diffi­ or starship being piloted tional strain per rank of
culty of next Astrogation by I per rank of Defensive Rapid Recovery.
check by I to a minimum Driving.
of Easy (+J


When healing strain after

an encounter, heal I addi­
tional strain per rank of
Rapid Recovery.


When targeted by combat When targeted by combat

check, may perform a check, may perform a
Dodge incidental to suffer a Dodge incidental to suffer a
number of strain no greater number of strain no greater
than ranks of Dodge, then than ranks of Dodge, then
upgrade the difficulty of the upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that number. check by that number.

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Explorer: Scout Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge I Lore I, Knowledge !Outer _Rim!, Knowledge IXenologyl, PerDeption, Pilot­
ing !Space), Survival • PASSIVE
Scout Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Medicine, Piloting !Planetary!, Survival


When healing strain after Add D per rank of Stalker During a chase. add D per
an encounter, heal 1 addi­ to all Stealth and Coordi- rank in Shortcut to any
tional strain per rank of checks made to catch or
Rapid Recovery


Remove up to •• from Add D per rank of Quick Once per round. may After hitting with combat
skill checks to find food, Strike to combat checks mount or dismount a ve­ check, may spend tJ tJ
water, or shelter. Survival against targets that have not hicle or beast , or enter a to disorient target for num­
checks to forage take half acted yet this encounter. cockpit or weapon station ber of rounds equal to
the time. on a vehicle, as an inci­ ranks in Disorient.


When healing strain after Once per session, may per­ During a chase. add D per
an encounter. heal 1 addi­ form a Familiar Suns maneu­ rank in Shortcut to any
tional strain per rank of ver; make aHard !+ + +l checks made to catch or
Rapid Recovery. Knowledge (Outer Rim) or
(Core Worlds) check to re­
veal the current type of plan­
etary environment and oth­
er useful information.


Add D per rank of Quick
Allies within close range Strike to combat checks
add D to Perception or against targets that have not
Vigilance checks. Engaged acted yet this encounter
allies add DD


Spend 1 Destiny Point to Add D per rank of Stalker After hitting with combat
perform a Utility Belt inci­ to all Stealth and Coordi- check, may spend tJ tJ
dental; produce a previously to disorient target for num­
undocumented item or ber of rounds equal to
weapon [with restrictions] ranks in Disorient.
from a tool belt or a satchel.


' '
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Explorer: Trader Talent Tree

Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge I lore!, Knowledge I Outer Rim!, Knowledge IXenologyl, Perception, Pilot­
ing ISpacel, Survival
Trader Bonus Career Skills: Deception, Knowledge !Core Worlds!, Knowledge !Underworld!, Negotiation


Once per session, when When first acquired, choose
attempting to purchase a Remove • per rank of 1 skill; Charm, Coercion.
legally available item, re­ Convincing Demeanor Deception. or Negotiation.
duce its rarity by 1 per from Deception or Skul­ When making checks with
rank of Know Somebody. duggery checks. that skill, spend <;tl to gain
additional '¢f equal to ranks
in Smooth Talker.


Cannot nun out of ammo

due to'@. Items with Limit­
ed Ammo quality run out of
ammo as normal.


Once per session. when May upgrade difficulty of When first acquired, May upgrade difficulty of
attempting to purchase a incoming Charm. Coercion, choose 1 skill; Charm. Co­ incoming Charm, Coercion,
legally available item. re­ or Deception checks once ercion. Deception, or Ne­ or Deception checks once
duce its rarity by 1 per per rank of Nobody's Fool. gotiation. When making per rank of Nobody's Fool.
rank of Know Somebody. checks with that skill,
spend <;tl to gain addition­
al '¢f equal to ranks in
Smooth Talker.


Spend 1 Destiny Point to
ignore effects of Critical When purchasing illegal When purchasing illegal
Injuries on Willpower or goods, may reduce rarity gooos, may reduce rarity
Presence checks until the by 1 per rank of Black by 1 per rank of Black
end of the encounter. Market Contacts, increas­ Market Contacts. increas­
ing cost by 50 percent of ing cost by 50 percent of
base cost per reduction. base cost per reduction.


Once per session, when When buying or selling
attempting to purchase a goods, or paying off or
legally available item, re­ taking Obligation, may
duce its rarity by 1 per suffer 2 strain to sell for
rank of Know Somebody. 25% more, buy for 25%
less, pay off 1 more Obli­
gation, or take 1 less.

Explorer Signature Ability Tree: Sudden Discovery


Once per game session. the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to make a Hard (+++1 Knowledge (Outer Rim) or Knowledge (Core Worlds) check.
If he succeeds. the character can pinpoint his exact location without a map or other guide. discover a lost or hidden item or location. or identify a safe and fast
path through any terrain. The exact nature of what the character 1s trying to accomplish. as well as the end results. must be approved by the GM


Add D to skill check to acti- Remove . from skill check to Remove • from skill check to Sudden Discovery can be
vate Sudden Discovery activate Sudden Discovery. activate Sudden Discovery activated with the Astroga-
t1on or Survival skills.



Add O to skill check to acti- Sudden Discovery may be Sudden Discovery costs 1
vate Sudden Discovery. Reduce the difficulty of the used twice per game session. Destiny Point instead of 2.
skill check to activate Sudden
Discovery to Average c++J


SUDDEN DISCOVERY Sudden Discovery has several upgrades that can im-
prove its effects and make it easier to use. Any up-
Plying the endless worlds of the galaxy leads Explor- grades that appear in Sudden Discovery's tree mul-
ers to master many different skills, not the least of tiple times have their effects stack.
which is the uncanny ability to keep their bearing no
matter where they find themselves. A veteran spacer Add Boost Upgrade: When making the skill check
may be able to ascertain his position in the galaxy to activate Sudden Discovery, the character adds D.
by simply staring out of the cockpit, while an expe- Change Skill Upgrade: To activate Sudden Discov-
rienced scout may be able to find his way out of a ery, the character can choose to use the Astrogation
completely unknown alien wilderness solely through skill to find locations in space or the Survival skill to
instinct and past experience. find locations on the ground (instead of the normal
Knowledge skills) .
BASE ABILITY Destiny Upgrade: To activate Sudden Discovery, the
Once per game session. the character may spend 2 character only needs to spend 1 Destiny Point in-
Destiny Points to make a Hard (+ ++1
Knowledge stead of the normal 2.
(Outer Rim) or Knowledge (Core Worlds) check. If he Frequency Upgrade: Sudden Discovery can be used
succeeds. the character can pinpoint his exact location twice per game session instead of once.
without a map or other guide. discover a lost or hidden
Reduce Difficulty Upgrade: The skill check difficulty
item or location. or identify a safe and fast path through
to activate Sudden Discovery is Average in- (+ +1
any terrain. The exact nature of what the character is
trying to accomplish, as well as the end results, must be
stead of Hard (+ ++1.
approved by the GM (see Narrative Abilities). Reduce Setback Upgrade:
When making the skill check to activate Sudden Dis-
When making the skill check to activate Sudden Dis-
covery, the character removes • ·
covery, the GM can add D or for any situational effects
that might cause the test to be more easy or difficult.

Explorer Signature Ability Tree: Unmatched Mobility


Once per game session as an incidental. the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to increase the number of maneuvers he is allowed to perform 1n a turn to
three for the next two rounds. This third maneuver may be gained through any of the means a second maneuver is normally gained


Unmatched Mobility lasts for Cain one additional free ma- Cain one additional free ma- Cain + 1 melee defense
one additional round neuver while base ability 1s neuver while base ability 1s while Unmatched Mobility
active. This does not increase active. This does not increase 1s active_
per-turn maneuvers. per-turn maneuvers.


Unmatched Mobility lasts for Unmatched Mobility lasts for Unmatched Mobility costs 1 Cain + 1 ranged defense
one additional round one additional round. Destiny Point instead of 2 while Unmatched Mobility
1s active.

UNMATCHED MOBILITY Once per game session as an incidental, the character
may spend two Destiny Points to increase the number
Agile and talented, Explorer characters often survive and of maneuvers he is allowed to perform in a turn to
thnve among the dangers of the galaxy through the use three for the next 2 rounds. This third maneuver may
of speed and mobility. A seasoned Explorer can focus be gained through any of the means a second maneu-
under pressure. using adrenaline and training to move ver is gained (see page 200 of the Core Rulebook).
around and complete tasks faster than those around
him. Some use this ability to evade danger. keeping UPGRADES
themselves out of harm's way. Others use it to gain an
edge against their foes. outmaneuvering them in battle. Unmatched Mobility has several upgrades that can
improve its effects and make it easier to use. Any
upgrades that appear in Unmatched Mobility's tree
NARRATIVE ABILITIES multiple times have their effects stack.
Destiny Upgrade: To activate Unmatched Mobility,
m any signature abilities (such as tl1e Explor-
er ·s Sudden Discc)vcry) have pr in1arily 11,:ir
rativc effects. allo\·ving L11c cJ1aracter to instanlly
the character only needs to spend 1 Destiny Point in-
stead of the norm aI 2.
C)Vcrcon1c a challenge in his path These alJili Duration Upgrade: Unmatched Mobility lasts for
tics arc po\verful tools that allov\ the play·ers one additional round.
and G~11 to \vor·k tc)gcthcr to tell a n1ore collab Free Maneuver Upgrade: While Unmatched Mobil-
or·atrvc. cinematic story_ Hc)\\'ever. they can also ity is active. the character gains one additional free
pc>se a ct1allengc to the Gt'v1 as the character maneuver on his turn. This does not increase the
c1rcun1vcnts sections of l11s planned narr·ativc. maximum number of maneuvers the character can
Because of these pol cntial challenges. \vl1cn perform per turn (three with base ability active).
a player \visl1es to use a s1f~11ilture ability 1\'ith Melee Defense Upgrade: While Unmatched Mobil-
a narrative effect. he rnust first consult vv itl1 ity is active. the character increases his melee defense
t11c c~rv1. Toget11er. tl1c plavcr and Cf\/] decide value by 1.
on tile effect the abilit ;,; vvill have. fitting it into
the nar ralive of lhe garnc. Ho1\·cvcr. as 1vith all Ranged Defense Upgrade: While Unmatched Mo-
tl11ngs. the G~'l is the final flrb1ter as to the ef bility is active. the character increases his ranged de-
feet c)f t11e ab1l1tv_ fense value by 1.


Hired Gun: Bodyguard Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee, Piloting I Planetary I, Ranged llightl, Resilience, Vigilance
Bodyguard Bonus Career Skills: Gunnery, Perception, Piloting !Planetary!, Ranged I Heavy I


Add I damage per rank
of Barrage to I hit of suc­
cessful attack while using
Ranged [Heavy) or Gun­
nery skills at long or ex­
treme range.


Once per round, perform When staggered or disori­ Add I damage per rank Perform the Brace ma­
the Body Guard maneuver ented, perform the Hard of Barrage to I hit of suc­ neuver to remove • per
to guard an engaged charac­ Headed action; make a cessful attack while using rank of Brace from next
ter. Suffer a number of strain Daunting !++++l Dis­ Ranged [Heavy) or Gun­ Action. This may only re­
no greater than ranks of cipline check to rernove nery skills at long or ex­ move • added by envi­
Body Guard, then until the status. Difficulty reduced treme range. ronmental circumstances.
beginning of the next turn per rank of Hard Headed.
upgrade the difficulty of
combat checks targeting the
character by that nurnber.


Once per round, perform Once per round, may per­ Once per round, may per­ Perform the Brace ma­
the Body Guard maneuver form Side Step maneuver form Defensive Stance ma­ neuver to remove • per
to guard an engaged charac­ and suffer a number of strain neuver and suffer a num­ rank of Brace frorn next
ter Suffer a number of strain to upgrade difficulty of all ber of strain to upgrade Action. This may only re­
no greater than ranks of incoming ranged attacks by difficulty of all incoming move • added by envi­
Body Guard, then until the an equal number for the melee attacks by an equal ronmental circumstances.
beginning of the next turn next round. Strain suffered number for the next round.
upgrade the difficulty of this way cannot exceed Strain suffered this way
combat checks targeting the ranks in Side Step. cannot exceed ranks in De­
character by that number. fensive Stance.


Once per round, may per­ Once per round, may per­ When staggered or disori­
form Side Step maneuver form Defensive Stance ma­ ented, perform the Hard
and suffer a number of strain neuver and suffer a num­ Headed action; rnake a
to upgrade difficulty of all ber of strain to upgrade Daunting !++++J Dis­
incoming ranged attacks by difficulty of all incoming cipline check to rernove
an equal number for the melee attacks by an equal status. Difficulty reduced
next round. Strain suffered number for the next round. per rank of Hard Headed.
this way cannot exceed Strain suffered this way
ranks in Side Step. cannot exceed ranks in De­
fensive Stance.


Add I damage per rank
of Barrage to I hit of suc­ When incapacitated due
cessful attack while using to strain exceeding thresh­
Ranged [Heavy) or Gun­ old, may take a more dif­
nery skills at long or ex­ ficult Hard Headed action
treme range. to reduce strain to I be­
low threshold.

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Hired Gun: Demolitionist Talent Tree

Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee, Piloting (Planetary), Ranged (Light), Resilience, Vigilance
Demolitionist Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Mechanics, Skulduggery • PASSIVE


Increase Blast damage Gain + 1 strain threshold Remove • per rank of
dealt by explosives. ex- When using a weapon with Steady Nerves from Cool
plosive weapons. and gre- the Blast quality, spend ti or Skulduggery checks.
nades by + I per rank of to exclude I target that
Powerful Blast would be affected by the
explosion. up to ranks in , •
Selective Detonation. •


Gain + 2 wound threshold. The character may spend 1 Increase Blast damage Gain + 1 strain threshold
Destiny Point to perform a dealt by explosives. ex-
Move maneuver as an inci- plosive weapons. and gre-
dental to attempt to move nades by + 1 per rank of
into cover or out of the Powerful Blast
blast range of a weapon or


Gain + I soak value Remove • per rank of Suffer a number of strain to
When activating Time to Go. Steady Nerves from Cool add an equal number of ~
allow 1 engaged ally to also or Skulduggery checks. to 1n1t1at1ve checks. Strain
perform an out of tum Move suffered cannot exceed
maneuver as an incidental to ranks 1n Rapid Reaction.
attempt to move into cover
or out of the blast range of a
weapon or explosion.


Increase Blast damage Gain + I strain threshold.
Once per session. make a dealt by explosives, ex- When using a weapon with
Hard (+++l M echanics
check to perform the Im-
plosive weapons. and gre-
nades by + I per rank of
the Blast quality. spend ti
to exclude I target that
provised Detonation action Powerful Blast. would be affected by the
and build an explosive de- explosion, up to ranks in
vice, dealing damage equal Selective Detonation
to ranks 1n Intellect+ ranks
in Mechanics+ ~


Gain + 1 to a single charac- Decrease the ti cost to

Reduce the difficulty of Im- teristic. This cannot bring a activate the Blast quality When using a weapon with
provised Detonation's characteristic above 6 on any weapon used by I the Blast quality. spend ti
check to Average (• •) to a minimum of 1 to exclude 1 target that
and increase damage to would be affected by the
twice ranks in Mechanics. explosion. up to ranks 1n
Selective Detonation.



Hired Gun: Enforcer Talent Tree

Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee, Piloting (Planetary), Ranged (Light), Resilience, Vigilance
Enforcer Bonus Career Skills: Brawl, Coercion, Knowledge (Underworld), Streetwise • PASSIVE


Gain + 2 wound threshold. May suffer a number of When an adversary be- Remove • per rank of
strain to downgrade diffi- comes engaged with the Street Smarts from Street-
culty of Coercion checks. or character. the character wise or Knowledge (Under-
upgrade difficulty when tar- may force the adversary to world) checks.
geted by Coercion checks. make a fear check. with the
by an equal number. Strain difficulty equal to the char-
suffered this way cannot ex- acter's ranks in Fearsome.

ceed ranks in Intimidating.


May reduce any Critical Inju- When making Melee When making a Knowledge
ry suffered by 10 per rank of checks. may inflict damage Once per session. may re- skill check. the character
Durable to a minimum of 1. as strain instead of wounds. roll any 1 Coercion or may spend 1 Destiny Point
This does not ignore soak. Streetwise check. to substitute Knowledge
(Underworld) or Streetwise
for the required skill.


May suffer a number of Once per round. may per- Gain + 2 wound threshold. When an ally engaged •
strain to downgrade diffi- form Defensive Stance ma- with the character makes
culty of Coercion checks. or neuver and suffer a num- a successful Charm. De-
upgrade difficulty when tar- ber of strain to upgrade ception. or Negotiation
geted by Coercion checks. difficulty of all incoming check. the character adds
by an equal number. Strain melee attacks by an equal t) per rank in Coercion to
suffered this way cannot ex- number. Strain suffered the ally's check.
ceed ranks in Intimidating. this way cannot exceed
ranks in Defensive Stance.


Once per encounter. may Remove • per rank of The character may spend May suffer a number of
use Second Wind inciden- Street Smarts from Street- 1 Destiny Point to add strain to downgrade diffi-
tal to heal strain equal to wise or Knowledge (Under- damage equal to his ranks culty of Coercion checks. or
ranks in Second Wind. world) checks. in Streetwise to one hit of upgrade difficulty when tar-
a successful Brawl check. geted by Coercion checks.
by an equal number. Strain
suffered this way cannot ex-
ceed ranks in Intimidating.


When an adversary be- Gain + 1 to a single charac- When an adversary be-
comes engaged with the teristic. This cannot bring a When purchasing illegal comes engaged with the
character. the character characteristic above 6. goods. may reduce rarity character. the character
may force the adversary to by 1 per rank of Black may force the adversary to
make a fear check. with the Market Contacts. increas- make a fear check, with the
difficulty equal to the char- ing cost by 50 percent of difficulty equal to the char-
acter's ranks in Fearsome. base cost per reduction . acter's ranks in Fearsome.


Hired Gun: Heavy Talent Tree

Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Disci11line, Melee, Piloting lP111etaryJ, Rln1ell (light), Resilience, Vigilance
Heavy Bonus Career Skills: Gunnery, Perce11tion, Ranged lHe1vyJ, Rnilience • PASSIVE


Reduce any wielded weap- Add 1 damage per rank Gain + 1 strain threshold. Gain + 2 wound threshold
on's Cumbersome quality of Barrage to 1 hit of suc-
and Encumbrance rating cessful attack while using
by a number equal to Ranged (Heavy) or Gun-
ranks in Burly to a mini- nery skills at long or ex-
mum of 1 treme range. •


Add 1 damage per rank Perform the Brace ma- Cannot run out of ammo May reduce any Critical lnju
of Barrage to 1 hit of sue neuver to remove • per due to @ Items with Limit- ry suffered by 10 per rank of
cessful attack while using rank of Brace from next ed Ammo quality run out of Durable to a minimum of 1
Ranged (Heavy) or Gun- Action. This may only re- ammo as normal
nery skills at long or ex- move • added by envi-
treme range ronmental circumstances.


Once per round. may per- Reduce any wielded weap- May spend 1 Destiny Point Gain + 2 wound threshold.
form Side Step maneuver on's Cumbersome quality to ignore effects of Critical
and suffer a number of strain and Encumbrance rating Injuries on Brawn or Agility
to upgrade difficulty of all by a number equal to checks until the end of the
incoming ranged attacks by ranks 1n Burly to a mini- encounter
an equal number Strain suf- mum of 1
fered this way cannot ex-
ceed ranks 1n Side Step.


Perform the Brace ma- Add 1 damage per rank Perform the Rain of Death
neuver to remove • per of Barrage to 1 hit of suc- maneuver to ignore the Immediately after being hit
rank of Brace from next cessful attack while using increased difficulty due to by an attack but before
Action. This may only re- Ranged (Heavy) or Gun- the Auto-fire quality of at- suffering damage. spend 1
move • added by envi- nery skills at long or ex- tacks made this turn. Destiny Point to increase
ronmental circumstances. treme range. soak by ranks 1n Resilience.


Reduce any wielded weap- Gain + 1 to a single charac- When wearing armor. in- Once per session. spend@
on's Cumbersome quality teristic. This cannot bring a crease total soak value by 1 on a successful Ranged
and Encumbrance rating characteristic above 6 (Heavy) or Gunnery check
by a number equal to to add the Breach I quality
ranks in Burly to a mini- to the attack. or increase an
mum of 1 existing Breach rating by 1

"' •
. ..

Hired Gun: Marauder Talent -Tree

Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee, Piloting !Planetary), Ranged !Lightl, Resilience, Vigilance
Marauder Bonus Career Skills: Coercion, Melee, Resilience, Survival • PASSIVE


When making a Melee or Add I damage per rank of Add+ I 0 per rank of Le­
Brawl check, suffer a num­ Feral Strength to one hit of thal Blows to any Critical
ber of strain to upgrade successful attacks made us­ Injury results inflicted on
the attack an equal num­ ing Brawl or Melee skills.. opponents.
ber of times. The strain suf­
fered may not exceed
ranks in Frenzied Attack.


Add I damage per rank of May spend I Destiny Point

Feral Strength to one hit of to ignore effects of Critical
successful attacks made us­ Injuries on Brawn or Agility
ing Brawl or Melee skills.. checks until the end of the


Add+ I 0 per rank of Le­ When making a Melee or

thal Blows to any Critical Brawl check, suffer a num­
Injury results inflicted ber of strain to upgrade
opponents. the attack an equal num­
ber of times. The strain suf­
fered may not exceed
ranks in Frenzied Attack .


Add I damage per rank of Add+ I 0 per rank of Le­
Feral Strength to one hit of thal Blows to any Critical
successful attacks made us­ Injury results inflicted on
ing Brawl or Melee skills.. opponents


When making a Melee or Once per round, may per­

Brawl check, suffer a num­ form Defensive Stance ma­
ber of strain to upgrade neuver and suffer a num­
the attack an equal num­ ber of strain to upgrade
ber of times. The strain suf­ difficulty of all incoming
fered may not exceed melee attacks by an equal
ranks in Frenzied Attack. number for the next round.
Strain suffered this way
cannot exceed ranks jn De­
fensive Stance.
Hired Gun: Mercenary Soldier Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee, Piloting I Planetary), Ranged I Light!, Resilience, Vigilance
Mercenary Soldier Bonus Career Skills: Discipline, Gunnery, Leadership, Ranged I Heavy I • PASSIVE


Add 0 per rank of Com­ Once per encounter. may Add 1 damage per rank of Once per round, may per­
mand when making Lead­ use Second Wind inciden­ Point Blank to damage of form Side Step maneuver
ership checks. Affected tar­ tal to heal strain equal to one hit of successful and suffer a number of strain
gets add 0 to Discipline ranks in Second Wind. Ranged [Heavy) or Ranged to upgrade difficulty of all
checks for next 24 hours. (Light) attacks made while incoming ranged attacks by
at close range or engaged. an equal number. Strain suf­
fered this way cannot ex­
ceed ranks in Side Step.


Once per encounter. may May decrease difficulty Add I damage per rank of
use Second Wind inciden­ of Discipline checks to Point Blank to damage of
tal to heal strain equal to avoid fear by 1 per rank one hit of successful
ranks in Second Wind. of Confidence. Ranged [Heavy) or Ranged
(Light) attacks made while
at close range or engaged .


Take the Field Commander Add 0 per rank of Com­ Before making a non­
action; make a Average mand when making Lead­ thrown ranged attack, may
(+ +l Leadership check. ership checks. Affected tar­ perform a Sniper Shot ma­
A number of allies equal to gets add 0 to Discipline neuver to increase the
Presence may immediate­ checks for next 24 hours. weapon's range by I range
ly suffer 1 strain to perform band per rank in Sniper
1 free maneuver. Shot. Upgrade the difficulty
of the attack by 1 per range
band increase.



Field Commander action

affects allies equal to dou­
ble Presence. and may
spend <1J to allow allies to
suffer 1 strain and perform
1 free action instead .


When acquired, choose 1 Once per round, may per­ Once per round, may per­
combat skill. Add damage form a True Aim maneuver form a True Aim maneuver
equal to ranks in that skill to to gain benefits of aiming to gain benefits of aiming
one l1it of a successful at­ and upgrade combat check and upgrade combat check
tack made using that skill. once per rank of True Aim. once per rank ofTrue Aim.
Once per game session during a combat encounter. the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to make a Hard ct+ t l
Resilience check. If he suc-
ceeds. he skips his next turn and eliminates all enemy minions in the encounter. (The minions are all eliminated immediately, so will not get to partici-
pate further 1n the combat. but for the sake of the narrative. the PC can spend the next round of combat incapacitating them) The narrative means by
which he accomplishes this is up to the player character, but should be suitably exciting. and must also be approved by the GM


Remove • from skill check to Add D to skill check to acti- Remove • from skill check to Add D to skill check to acti-
activate Last One Standing. vate Last One Standing. activate Last One Standing. vate Last One Standing.


When triggering Last One When triggering Last One Last One Standing costs 1
Reduce the difficulty of the Standing. eliminate one rival Standing. eliminate one rival Destiny Point instead of 2.
skill check to activate Last per increase effect upgrade per increase effect upgrade
One Standing to Average in addition to the minions. in addition to the minions.
Hired Gun Signature Ability Tree: Unmatched Protection


Once per game session as an incidental. the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to gain the following ability: once per round. after suffering a hit
and determining damage. the character may halve the damage (rounded up) dealt before it is applied to his soak. This ability is active for the remain-
der of the current round and two additional rounds


Unmatched Protection lasts Unmatched Protection lasts Gain + I soak while Un- Once per session while Un-
for one additional round. for one additional round matched Protection is active. matched Mobility is active.
when an engaged ally is hit
by an attack. may choose to
be hit by that attack instead .

Unmatched Protection lasts Unmatched Protection costs
for one additional round. 1 Destiny Point instead of 2 May reduce the damage of May reduce the damage of
1 additional hit suffered I additional hit suffered
each round each round

When making the skill check to activate Last One BASE ABILITY
Standing. the GM can add D or • for any situational
effects that might affect the difficulty of the check. Once per game session as an incidental, the cha racter
may spend two Destiny Points to gain the fo llowing
UPGRADES ability: once per round. after suffering a hit and deter-
mining damage. the character may halve the damage
Last One Standing has several upgrades that can im- (rounded up) dealt before it is applied to his soak.
prove its effects and make 1t easier to use. Any up- This ability is active for the remainder of the current
grades that appear 1n Last One Standing's tree mul- round and two additional rounds.
tiple times have their effects stack.
Add Boost: Wh en making the ski ll check to activate UPGRADES
Last One Standing. the character adds D . Unmatched Protection has several upgrades that can
Destiny: To activate Last One Standing, the character improve its effects and make it easier to use. Any up-
only needs to spend one Destiny Point instead of the grades that appear in Unmatched Protection's tree
normal two. multiple times have their effects stack.
Increase Effect: When tr1gger1ng Last One Standing, Additional Reduction: May redu ce the damage of
eliminate one rival per increase effect upgrade 1n ad- one additional hit suffered each round Unmatched
d1t1on to the minions. Protection is active.
Reduce Difficulty: The skill check to activate Last One Destiny: To activate Unmatched Protection. the char-
Standing is Average c++J
instead of Hard c+••). acter only needs to spend one Destiny Point instead
Reduce Setback: When making the skill check to ac- of the normal two.
tivate Last One Standing. the character removes Duration: Unmatched Protection lasts for one addi-
tional round.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Protect Ally: Once per session while Unmatched Pro-
UNMATCHED PROTECTION tection is active, when an engaged ally is hit by an

Some of the toughest sentients in the galaxy are

attack. the character may choose to be hit by that
attack instead. ..
Hired Guns. A lifetime of conflict leaves them covered Soak: Gain + 1 soak while Unmatched Protection is
in scars from countless wounds. However. this also active.
leaves them as tough and resilient as durasteel.

Sm uggler: Charmer Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Underworld), Perception, Piloting (Space), Skulduggery,
Streetwise, Vigilance
Charmer Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Leadership, Negotiation

When first acquired, choose Gain + 1 strain threshold

1 skill: Charm, Coercion, Take the Inspiring Rhetoric Remove ■ per rank of Kill
Deception, or Negotiation, action; make an Average with Kindness from Charm
When making checks with Leadership check and Leadership checks.
that skill, spend (£) to gain Each & causes 1 ally in
additional # equal to ranks short range to recover 1
in Smooth Talker. strain. Spend O to cause
1 affected ally to recover 1
additional strain.

May suffer a number of

Remove ■ per rank of Kill strain to downgrade difficul­ Remove ■ per rank of
with Kindness from Charm Each ally affected by Inspir­ ty of Charm or Negotiation Plausible Deniability from
and Leadership checks. ing Rhetoric gains □ on all checks, or upgrade difficulty Coercion and Deception
skill checks for a number of when targeted by Charm or checks.
rounds equal to ranks in Negotiation checks, by an
Leadership. equal number. Strain suf­
fered this way cannot ex­
ceed ranks in Congenial.

Take the Disarming Smile ac­ Take the Disarming Smile ac­ Cain + 1 strain threshold.
tion; succeed at an opposed Once per session, make tion; succeed at an opposed
Charm check to lower all de­ one skill check using Pres­ Charm check to lower all de­
fenses of a target by ranks in ence rather than the char­ fenses of a target by ranks in
Disarming Smile until the acteristic linked to that skill. Disarming Smile until the
end of the encounter. end of the encounter

When first acquired, choose May suffer a number of Once per round as an inci­
1 skill: Charm, Coercion, strain to downgrade difficul­ dental, spend 1 Destiny Spend 1 Destiny Point to
Deception, or Negotiation. ty of Charm or Negotiation Point to ignore ^ generat­ recover strain equal to
When making checks with checks, or upgrade difficulty ed on a social check by the Presence rating.
that skill, spend (J) to gain when targeted by Charm or character or any ally in
additional & equal to ranks Negotiation checks, by an short range.
in Smooth Talker. equal number. Strain suf­
fered this way cannot ex­
ceed ranks in Congenial.

Cain + 1 to a single charac­ Once per session as an When a character involun­

Once per session, may re­ teristic. This cannot bring a action, make a Hard tarily suffers strain, he suf­
roll any 1 Charm or Decep­ characteristic above 6. Charm check On suc­ fers 1 less strain per rank of
tion check. cess, cannot be the target of Resolve, to a minimum of 1
combat checks until the end
of the encounter or until
making a combat check.
Smuggler: Gambler Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Underworld), Perception, Piloting (Space), Skulduggery,
Streetwise, Vigilance
Gambler Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Deception, Skulduggery

Gain + 1 strain threshold. Gain + 2 wound threshold When gambling, win 10%
Remove ■ per rank of more credits per rank of Up
Convincing Demeanor from the Ante.
Deception or Skulduggery

Cain + 1 strain threshold. Once per encounter, Gain +1 to a single charac­

choose a number of posi­ teristic. This cannot bring a When performing the Dou­
tive dice equal to ranks in characteristic above 6. ble or Nothing incidental,
Second Chances and re­ also double the number of
roll them. (J) and

Once per encounter, Once per session, may re­

choose a number of posi­ Remove ■ per rank of Once per session as an inci­ roll any 1 Skulduggery or
tive dice equal to ranks in Convincing Demeanor from dental, suffer 2 strain to flip Stealth check.
Second Chances and re­ Deception or Skulduggery one dark side Destiny Point
roll them. checks. to light side.

When gambling, win 10% When gambling, win 10% Once per session, make Once per encounter,
more credits per rank of Up more credits per rank of Up one skill check using Cun­ choose a number of posi­
the Ante. the Ante. ning rather than the charac­ tive dice equal to ranks in
teristic linked to that skill Second Chances and re­
roll them.

When first acquired, choose

Suffer 2 strain to perform 1 skill: Charm, Coercion, Once per session, may re­ When performing the Dou­
the Double or Nothing in­ Deception, or Negotiation. roll any 1 Cool or Negotia­ ble or Nothing incidental,
cidental to increase the When making checks with tion check. after canceling opposing
difficulty of the next that skill, spend to gain symbols, also double the
check by one. Then, after additional ^ equal to ranks amount of remaining &
canceling opposing sym­ in Smooth Talker.
bols, double the amount
of remaining O
Smuggler: Gunslinger Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Underworld!, Perception, Piloting (Space), Skulduggery,
Streetwise, Vigilance
Gunslinger Bonus Career Skills: Coercion, Cool, Knowledge (Outer Rim), Ranged (Light)

Gain +1 strain threshold. Add □ per rank of Quick Suffer a number of strain to Once per round, draw or
Strike to combat checks add an equal number of & holster a weapon or acces­
against targets that have not to initiative checks. Strain sible item as an incidental.
acted yet this encounter suffered cannot exceed
ranks in Rapid Reaction.

Add +10 per rank of Le­ Gain + 1 strain threshold. Add □ per rank of Quick
thal Blows to any Critical Strike to combat checks May use Quick Draw twice
Injury results inflicted on against targets that have not per round.
opponents. acted yet this encounter.

Gain + 2 wound threshold. Do not add ■ to combat When targeted by combat

checks due to the use of check, may perform a Decrease the Critical Rating
the Aim maneuver. Dodge incidental to suffer a of a weapon by 1 (to a
number of strain no greater minimum of 1) against tar­
than ranks of Dodge, then gets that have not yet acted
upgrade the difficulty of the this encounter.
check by that number.

May decrease difficulty of Add + 10 per rank of Le­ As an incidental, suffer 2 Suffer a number of strain to
Discipline checks to avoid thal Blows to any Critical Strain to avoid increasing add an equal number of &
fear by 1 per rank of Confi­ Injury results inflicted on the difficulty of a Ranged to initiative checks. Strain
dence. opponents. (Light) check to attack with suffered cannot exceed
two weapons. ranks in Rapid Reaction.

Cain + 1 to a single charac­ After a successful com­ When acquired, choose 1

teristic. This cannot bring a bined check with two Once per session, may re­ combat skill. Add damage
characteristic above 6, Ranged (Light) weapons, roll any 1 Ranged (Light) or equal to ranks in that skill to
additional hits can be allo­ Ranged (Heavy) check. one hit of successful attack
cated to other targets with­ made using that skill.
in range of the weapon.

Smuggler: Pilot Talent Tree

Career Skills: Coordination, Deception, Knowledge !Underworld), Perception, Piloting ISpacel, Skulduggery,
Streetwise, Vigilance
Pilot Bonus Career Skills: Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting I Planetary I, Piloting ISpacel


Take a Full Throttle action; Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of Once per round. may
make a Hard (+ + +l Pi­ Skilled Jockey from all Pi­ Galaxy Mapper from As­ mount or dismount a ve­
loting check to increase a loting (Planetary) and Pi­ trogation checks. Astro­ hicle or beast, or enter a
vehicle's top speed by 1 loting (Space) checks the gation checks take half cockpit or weapon station
for a number of rounds character attempts. normal time. on a vehicle. as an inci­
equal to Cunning . dental.


Remove • per rank of Spend 1 Destiny Point to Remove • per rank of When healing strain after
Skilled Jockey from all Pi­ add additional damage Galaxy Mapper from As­ an encounter. heal 1 addi­
loting (Planetary) and Pi­ equal to half Agility [round­ trogation checks. Astro­ tional strain per rank of
loting (Space) checks the ed up) to one hit of success­ gation checks take half Rapid Recovery.
character attempts. ful attack made with ship or normal time.
vehicle-mounted weaponry.



Suffer 1 strain to attempt Spend 1 Destiny Point to

Full T h rottle as a maneu­ add additional damage
ver and decrease its diffi­ equal to Agility [rounded
culty to Average (+ +l- up) to one hit of successful
attack made with ship or
vehicle-mounted weaponry.


Count vehicle or starship
piloted as having a silhou­ Increase defense of vehicle
ette 1 lower when being or starship being piloted
attacked. by 1 per rank of Defensive


Once per round when pilot­
ing a starship, may suffer 2 Once per encounter may
strain to perform any action take Brilliant Evasion action.
Select 1 opponent and
make Opposed Piloting
[Planetary or Space) check
to stop opponent from at­
tacking character for rounds
equal to Agility.

Permission granted to print and photocopy this page for personal

t \ ....
� r ' �-:-.,.
Smuggler: Scoundrel Talent :rree r

Career Skills: Coordination, Deception, Knowledge !Underworld), Pen;eption, Piloting ISpacel, Skulduggery,
Streetwise, Vigilance • PASSIVE
Scoundrel Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Deception, Ranged I light)


Suffer a number of strain to
When purchasing illegal Remove • per rank of add an equal number of >tf
goods, may reduce rarity Convincing Demeanor to initiative checks. Strain
by 1 per rank of Black from Deception or Skul­ suffered cannot exceed
Market Contacts, increas­ duggery checks. ranks in Rapid Reaction.
ing cost by 50 percent of
base cost per reduction.


Add D per rank of Quick
Remove • per rank of When purchasing illegal Remove • per rank of Strike to combat checks
Convincing Demeanor goods, may reduce rarity Convincing Demeanor against targets that have not
from Deception or Skul­ by 1 per rank of Black from Deception or Skul­ acted yet this encounter.
duggery checks. Market Contacts, increas­ duggery checks.
ing cost by 50 percent of
base cost per reduction .


Gain hidden storage in ve­ Once per round, may per­
hicles or equipment that When purchasing illegal form Side Step maneuver
holds items with total en­ goods, may reduce rarity and suffer a number of strain
cumbrance equal to ranks by 1 per rank of Black to upgrade difficulty of all
in Hidden Storage Market Contacts, increas­ incoming ranged attacks by
ing cost by 50 percent of an equal number for this
base cost per reduction. round. Strain suffered this
way cannot exceed ranks in
Side Step


Suffer a number of strain to Gain hidden storage in ve­ Once per round, may per­
add an equal number of >tf hicles or equipment that form Side Step maneuver
to initiative checks. Strain holds items with total en­ and suffer a number of strain
suffered cannot exceed cumbrance equal to ranks to upgrade difficulty of all
ranks in Rapid Reaction. in Hidden Storage incoming ranged attacks by
an equal number for this
round. Strain suffered this
way cannot exceed ranks in
Side Step


After making a successful Add D per rank of Quick
attack, may spend 1 Desti­ Strike to combat checks
ny Point to add damage against targets that have not
equal to Cunning to one hit. acted yet this encounter.

f ......

J -'
and photocopy thl ge for personal use. IC LFL 2013.
Smuggler: Thief Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coordination, Deception, Knowledge !Underworld!, Perception, Piloting !Space!, Skulduggery,
Streetwise, Vigilance
Thief Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Skulduggery, Stealth, Vigilance


Remove • per rank of Upgrade difficulty of Remove • per rank of
Street Smarts from Street­ When purchasing illegal checks to identify character Bypass Security from
wise or Knowledge [Under­ goods. may reduce rarity once per rank of Indistin­ checks made to disable a
world) checks by I per rank of Black guishable. security device or open a
Market Contacts. increas­ locked door.
ing cost by 50 percent of
base cost per reduction .


When targeted by combat Gain hidden storage in ve­
When purchasing illegal check, may perform a hicles or equipment that
goods. may reduce rarity Dodge incidental to suffer a holds items with total en­
by I per rank of Black number of strain no greater cumbrance equal to ranks
Market Contacts. increas­ than ranks of Dodge, then in Hidden Storage.
ing cost by 50 percent of upgrade the difficulty of the
base cost per reduction . check by that number.


Add D per rank of Stalker Suffer a number of strain to During a chase. add D per
to all Stealth and Coordi- add an equal number of >tf rank in Shortcut to any
to initiative checks. Strain checks made to catch or
suffered cannot exceed
ranks in Rapid Reaction .


Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of

Bypass Security from Street Smarts from Street­
checks made to disable a wise or Knowledge [Under­
security device or open a world) checks
locked door.


When targeted by combat Upgrade difficulty of
Once per round, suffer 2 check. may perform a checks to identify character
strain to decrease difficulty Dodge incidental to suffer a once per rank of Indistin­
of next Stealth or Skuldug­ number of strain no greater guishable.
gery check by I . than ranks of Dodge, then
upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that number.
Sm uggler Signature Ability Tlree: Narrow Escape

Once per game session, the character may spend two Destiny Points to make a Hard ( ♦ ♦ ♦ ) Streetwise check. If successful, the character is im­
mediately able to flee from the current personal-scale combat encounter unscathed. The challenge is not overcome or defeated, but the character is
able to evade the hazard or threat for the time being. The exact nature of what the character is trying to accomplish, as well as the end results, must
be approved by the GM (see Narrative Abilities on page 38), but should be suitably creative or daring.

Remove ■ from the skill Affect an additional number Add □ to the skill check to Narrow Escape can be acti­
check to activate Narrow of allied characters equal to activate Narrow Escape. vated in a vehicle with the
Escape. Cunning per Increase Effect Piloting (Planetary) or Pilot­
upgrade purchased. ing (Space) skill.

Affect an additional number Narrow Escape can be acti­ Narrow Escape costs 1 Des­
Reduce the difficulty of the of allied characters equal to vated during social encoun­ tiny Point instead of 2.
skill check to activate Narrow Cunning per Increase Effect ters with the Deception skill.
Escape to Average upgrade purchased.


arrow Escape is fantastic for that moment
Whether a smuggling deal has gone south or the author­
ities see through the ship’s fake transponder code,
Smugglers frequently find themselves in a position
n when the party finds that its trusty space­
craft has been parked in the maw of a giant,
hungry creature or for when somebody’s debt
where they need to make a getaway—and fast. Besides, collectors have come calling. However, if running
what good is a reward if nobody gets to spend it? away could solve all of one’s problems, most
smugglers would live carefree lives. The fact is
BASE ABILITY that Narrow Escape doesn’t so much eliminate
most problems as it does defer them. Dodging
Once per game session, the character may spend a bounty hunter today means that he will still
two Destiny Points to make a Hard Street­ be on the trail of the PCs tomorrow, and avoid­
wise check. If he succeeds, the character immedi­ ing an awkward conversation with an estranged
ately flees from the current personal-scale combat relative does little to repair the relationship.
encounter unscathed. The challenge is not overcome
When a GM knows that he has a PC with Nar­
or defeated, but the character evades the hazard or
row Escape burning a hole in his pocket, he
threat for the time being. The exact nature of what the
should give the character a chance to use it in
character is trying to accomplish, as well as the end
memorable ways. The GM should also keep in
results, must be approved by the GM (see Narrative
mind that some encounters can contribute just
Abilities on page 38).
as much to the story whether the PCs engage
When making the skill check to activate Narrow with them or avoid them. For instance, when a
Escape, the GM can add □ or ■ for any situational Smuggler slips past a pair of Black Sun thugs
effects that might cause the check to be easier or looking to rearrange his face, he might over­
more difficult. hear their conversation and discover the name
of the boss trying to hunt him down. Similarly,
giving a PC the chance to make the choice to
run away or stay and face an old fear can be
as interesting as the actual encounter itself.
Sm uggler Signature Ability Tree: Unmatched Fortune

Once per game session as an incidental, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to change the face of one positive die in the character's dice pool
to another face adjacent to it. An "adjacent” face is any die face sharing an edge—not a point—with the rolled face. Unmatched Fortune cannot be used
on a O

Unmatched Fortune can be Unmatched Fortune affects Unmatched Fortune can also Unmatched Fortune affects
used one additional time one additional die per In­ be used on the dice pool of a one additional die per In­
each game session per Fre­ crease Number upgrade willing ally within short range. crease Number upgrade
quency upgrade purchased. purchased. purchased.

Unmatched Fortune costs 1 Unmatched Fortune can also Increases the maximum Unmatched Fortune can be
Destinv Point instead of 2 be used on negative dice. range at which Unmatched used one additional time
Fortune can affect willing each game session per Fre­
allies by 1 per Increase quency upgrade purchased.
Range upgrade purchased.

SIG N A T U R E A BILIT Y : Increase Effect Upgrade: Unmatched Fortune can

also be used on negative dice.
U N M A T C H ED F O R T U N E Increase Number Upgrade: Unmatched Fortune
Smugglers learn early on to be self-reliant and sure affects one additional die per rank in Increase Num­
of themselves. It isn’t enough to hope things will work ber upgrade.
out or believe in some hokey religion—they have to Increase Range Upgrade: Increases the maxi
take luck into their own hands if they want to keep mum range at which willing allies
flying, much less make a credit or two. can be affected by a number of
range bands equal to the num- a
BASE ABILITY ber of Increase Range upgrades
Once per game session, as an incidental, the charac­
ter may spend 2 Destiny Points to change the face Shared Luck: Unmatched
of one positive die in the character’s dice pool to Fortune can also be used on
another face adjacent to it. An “adjacent” face is any the dice pool of a willing
die face sharing an edge—not a point—with the rolled ally within short range. All
face. Unmatched Fortune cannot be used on a O . upgrades the acting char­
acter has in Unmatched
UPGRADES Fortune can
be applied to
Unmatched Fortune has several upgrades. Any the character
upgrades that appear in Unmatched Fortune’s tree receiving heb.
multiple times have their effects stack.
Destiny Upgrade: To activate Unmatched Fortune,
the character only needs to spend 1 Destiny Point
instead of the normal 2.
Frequency Upgrade: Unmatched Fortune can be
used an additional time per game session equal to
ranks in Frequency upgrade.
Technician: Cyber Tech Ta lent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Computers, Coordination, Discipline, Knowledge !Outer Rimi, Mechanics, Perception,
Piloting IPlanetaryl
Cyber Tech Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Mechanics, Medicine, Vigilance


Remove • per rank of Cy-
bemet1cist from checks to Cain the ability to use
build, repair, and install cy- emergency repair patch-
bernetic Implants. Cyber- es Lo heal. Additionally.
netics cost 50% less can be healed with Me-
chanics checks.


After makmg a Mechanics or Remove • per rank of Cy·
Computers check. may suf- May suffer I strain to use bemet.Jcist from checks to
fer strain up to ranks in Eye the ~nergy Transfer maneu- build. repair. and install cy-
for Detail to convert that ver to power up an unpow- bernetic implants. Cyber-
many Y:f Lo t). ered device or replenish ex- netics cost 50% less.
hausted ammunition for an
energy weapon .


Once per encounter, may When making a Medicine
use the Overcha~e action. check to help a character
Make a Hard (+• +i Me-
chanics check. On success.
heal wounds. the target
heals 1 additional wound
one installed cybernetic per rank or Surgeon.
provides additional benefits.
On @. overcharged cyber·
nelic shorts out.


Spend I Destiny Point to When making a Medicine
May spend t> t> or@ from perform a Utility Belt inci- che<:k to help a character
Overcharge action to imme- dental; produce a previously heal wounds. the target
diately take another action. undocumented item or heals I additional wound
weapon (with restrictions) per rank of Surgeon.
from a tool belt or a satchel.


May perform the Over-
charge action on any num-
ber of Inst.ailed cybernetics.
On @. one overcharged
cybernetic shorts out.


Technician: Droid Tech Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Computers, Coordination, Discipline, Knowledge !Outer Rim), Mechanics, Perception,
Piloting IPlanelaryl
Droid Tech Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Mechanics, leadership


When making a Meehan Gain hidden storage in ve-
ics check to help a char· hicles or equipment that
acter heal wounds. the holds items with total en·
target heals I additional cumbrance equal to ranks
wound per rank ot Ma in I lidden Storage.
chine Mender.


Remove • per rank of After making a Mechanics or When directing NPC droids.
Deft Maker from checks Computers check. may suf. may grant them O per rank
to repair. modify. con fer strain up to ranks in Eye of Speaks Binary on ct".ecks.
struct or program dro1ds. for Detail to convert that
Reduce cne material cost many ~ to t>.
to craft droids by 50%


Cain hidden storage in ve-
Once per encounter, may When directing NPC droids. hicles or equipment that
perform the Speaks Binary those droids grant addi· holds items with total en·
maneuver. A number of tional O in addition to oth cumbrance equal to ranks
NPC droids up to ranks in er benefits. in Hidden Storage.
Speaks Binary may use the
character's ranks for l skill
or character's choice.


When making a Mechan- Remove • per rank of
Once per session may ics check to help a char· Deft Maker from checks
take a Redundant Systems acter heal wounds. the to repair, modify, con-
action: make an Ea sy C +l target heals l additional struct. or program droids.
Mechanics check to har- wound per rank of Ma· Reduce the material cost
vest components from a chine Mender. to craft droids by 50%.
functioning device to re
pair a broken one without
breaking the first device.


After making a Mechanics or Cain + I to a single charac When making a Meehan
Computers check. may suf· Once per encounter; may tenstic. This cannot bring a ics check to help a char-
fer strain up lo ranks in Eye take a Reroute Processors characteristic above 6. acter heal wounds, the
for Detail to convert that action: make a1• Average target heals I additional
many ~ to t>. 1++1Computers check to wound per rank of Ma·
reduce one or a droid's chine Mender.
characteristics by I and in·
crease another of its
characteristics by l.

Technician: Mechanic Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Computers, Coordination, Discipline, Knowledge !Outer Rim), Mechanics, Perception,
Piloting !Planetary)
Mechanic Bonus Career Skills: Brawl, Mechanics, Piloting ISpace), Skulduggery


Remove • per rank of When reducing the amount The character repairs + 1
Cearhead from Mechan­ of system strain a starship hull trauma per rank of Sol­
ics checks. Halve the or vehicle suffers, reduce 1 id Repairs whenever he re­
credit cost to add mods additional strain per rank of pairs a starship or vehicle.
to attachments . Fine Tuning.


The character repairs + 1 Remove • per rank of
Once per session, may hull trauma per rank of Sol­ Cearhead from Mechan­
take a Redundant Systems id Repairs whenever he re­ ics checks. Halve the
Easy [.)
action; make an pairs a starship or vehicle. credit cost to add mods
Mechanics check to har­ to attachments.
vest components from a
functioning device to re­
pair a broken one without
breaking the first device.


The character repairs + 1 Once per session, may take

hull trauma per rank of Sol­ a Bad Motivator action;
id Repairs whenever he re­ make a Hard (•••) Me­
pairs a starship or vehicle. chanics check to cause
one targeted device to
spontaneously fail.


Once per session, take The character repairs + 1 When reducing the amount When staggered or disori­
Contraption action; make a hull trauma per rank of Sol­ of system strain a starship ented, perform the Hard
Hard (•••) Mechanics id Repairs whenever he re­ or vehicle suffers, reduce 1 Headed action; make a
check to fashion a device to pairs a starship or vehicle. additional strain per rank of Daunting(••••) Dis­
solve a current problem us­ Fine Tuning. cipline check to remove
ing just the tools and parts status. Difficulty reduces
on hand. per rank of Hard Headed .


Spend 1 Destiny Point to
perform a Hold Together in­ When incapacitated due
cidental immediately after to strain exceeding thresh­
vehicle or starship takes old, may take a more dif­
damage to turn it into sys­ ficult Hard Headed action
tem strain. to reduce strain to 1 be­
low threshold.

Permission granted to print and photocopy this page for personal

Technician: Madder Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Computers, Coordination, Discipline, Knowledge !Outer Rimi , Mechanics, Perception,
Piloting !Planetary! • PASSIVE
Madder Bonus Career Skills: Gunnery, Mechanics, Piloting (Space!, Streetwise


May add I additional hard When a character involun- Once per session. when at·
point to a number of items tarily suffers strain. he sur- tempting purchase a legally Choose one starship or vehi·
equal to ranks 1n Tinkerer. fers l less strain per rank of available item. reduce its cle as Si@iature Vehicle. Up-
Each item may only be Resolve. to a minimum of I . ranty by l per rank of grade all Mechanics Checks
modified once. Know Somebody. made on that vehicle once.


Remove • per rank of May add I additional hard Upgrade all Charm. De
Gearhead from Mechan- point to a number of items ception, and Negotiation
ics checks. Halve the equal to ranl\s in Tinkerer checks made m tile pres-
credit cost to add mods Each item may only be ence of Signature Vehicle
to attachments. modified once. once.


When a character tll\'Olun-
May perform the Resource- tarily suffers strain. he suf
ful Refit action. make an fers I less stra:n per rank of
Average (+ t l Meehan· Resolve. to a minimum of l .
ics check to scavenge an
old attachment to con-
struct a new one. reducing
its price by that of the dis-
mantled attachment


Choose I weapon. armor. Gain hidden storage in ve- May add I additional hard Remove • per rank of
or other item and give it a hicles or equipment that point to a number of items Gearhead from Mechan-
permanent improvement holds items with total en- equal to ranks in Tinkerer. ics checks. Halve the
while it remains in use. cumbrance equal to ranks Each item may only be credit cost to add mods
in Hidden Storage. modified once. to attachments.


Choose I weapon. armor.
or other item and give it a
permanent improvement
while it remains in use.


; . .t
t �·
' _.-....
Technician: Outlaw Tech T�lent Tree·
Career Skills: Astrogation, Computers, Coordination, Discipline, KnQwledge !Outer Rim!, Mechanics, Perception,
Piloting !Planetary! • PASSIVE
Outlaw Tech Bonus Career Skills: Knowledge !Education!, Knowledge !Underworld!, Mechanics, Streetwise


May add I additional hard Remove • per rank of May add I additional hard
point to a number of items Utinnil from checks to point to a number of items
equal to ranks in Tinkerer. And or scavenge items or equal to ranks in Tinkerer.
Each item may only be gear Such checks take Each item may only be
modined once. half the time. modined once.


The character repairs + I Remove • per rank of

hull trauma per rank of Sol­ Utinnil from checks to
id Repairs whenever he re­ And or scavenge items or
pairs a starship or vehicle. gear Such checks take
half the time.


Spend I Destiny Point to Once per round. may per­ Perform the Brace ma­ Once per round . may per­
perform a Utility Belt inci­ form Side Step maneuver neuver to remove • per form Defensive Stance ma­
dental; produce a previously and suffer a number of strain rank of Brace from next neuver and suffer a num­
undocumented item or to upgrade difficulty of all Action. This may only re­ ber of strain to upgrade
weapon [with restrictions) incoming ranged attacks by move • added by envi­ difficulty of all incoming
from a tool belt or a satchel. an equal number for the ronmental circumstances. melee attacks by an equal
next round. Strain suffered number for the next round.
this way cannot exceed Strain suffered this way
ranks in Side Step. cannot exceed ranks in De­
fensive Stance.


Choose I weapon. armor. When constructing new Choose I weapon, armor.

or other item and give it a items or modifying attach­ or other item and give it a
permanent improvement ments, add D or remove • permanent improvement
while it remains in use. per rank of Inventor while it remains in use.


When constructing new Perform the Brace ma­
items or modifying attach­ Once per session, may per­ neuver to remove • per
ments. add D or remove • form the Known Schematic rank of Brace from next
per rank of Inventor. maneuver; make a Hard Action. This may only re­
!+++J Knowledge (Edu· move • added by envi­
cation) check. Success ronmental circumstances.
grants familiarity with a
building or ship's design.

· ge for personal use.© LFL 2013.


Technician: Slicer Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Computers, Coordination, Discipline, Knowledge lOoter Riml, Mechanics, Perception,
Piloting !Planetary) • PASSIVE
Slicer Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Knowledge !Education), Knowledge !Underworld!, Stealth


Remove • per rank in Co­ Remove • per rank of
debreaker from checks to Bypass Security from
break codes or decrypt checks made to disable a
communications. Decrease security device or open a
difficulty of checks to locked door.
break codes or decrypt
communications by 1


When defending comput­ Remove • per rank of
er systems, add • per Bypass Security from
rank of Defensive Slicing checks made to disable a
to opponents' checks. security device or open a
locked door


Remove • per rank of When defending comput­
Bypass Security from er systems. add • per
checks made to disable a rank of Defensive Slicing
to opponents' checks .


When defending comput­ Remove • per rank in Co­ When a character involun­
er systems, add • per Defensive Slicing now up­ debreaker from checks to tarily suffers strain. he suf­
rank of Defensive Slicing grades opponents' diffi­ break codes or decrypt fers 1 less strain per rank of
to opponents' checks. culty once per rank of communications. Decrease Resolve, to a minimum of 1
Defensive Slicing; this re­ difficulty of checks to
places the usual benefits. break codes or decrypt
communications by 1.


When making a Computers Once per round, may take Spend 1 Destiny Point to
check may spend � to a Master Slicer incidental to ignore effects of Critical
make further Computers suffer 2 strain and decrease Injuries on Intellect or
checks within this system difficulty of Computers or Cunning checks until end
other slicing checks by 1 , to of encounter.
a minimum of Easy [.).

Permission granted to print and photocopy this page for personal JlS
Technician Signature Ability Tree: Inventive Creation


Once per game session, as an action. the characler may spend 2 Destiny Points and make a Daunting (++ ++l Mechanics check If he succeeds.
Lhe character immediately uses available parts to build a device that functions as an item of his choice with a rarity of 5 or lower. The item functions
until the end or the encounter. at which poin t it falls apart, shorts out. or otherwise ceases to function permanently. The exact nature of the device the
character is trying to construct. as well as the end results, must be approved by the CM (see Narrative Abilities on page 38) .


Remove • from skill check to
activate Inventive Creation.


Increase the ranty of the
Reduce the difficulty of the device the character can
skill check to activate In- build by I.
ventive Creation to Hard
( ).

When the character makes the skill check to acti-

SIGNATURE ABILITY: vate Inventive Creation, the GM should add 0 or •
INVENTIVE CREATION ror situational effects that would cause the check to
be easier or more difficult.
On the fringes of the galaxy, technical self-reliance
often means the difference between life and death. UPGRADES
While Technicians in the Core Worlds might not need
to be able to whip up functional devices ouL of frag- Inventive Creation has several upgrades. Any upgrades
mented scraps and frayed wires. someone in the Outer that appear in Inventive Crealion's tre e multiple times
Rim rarely has the luxury of pristine tools, sufficient have their effects stack.
equipment. or even basic supplies. But necessity, they
say, is the mother of invention. Outer Rim Technicians Change Scale Upgrade: If there are sufficient sup-
often display incredible resourcefulness, scrapping plies to accommodate such a project, the device that
together complex devices from mundane materials. the character constructs with Inventive Creation may be
a vehicle of silhouette 2 or smaller of the character's
BASE ABILITY choice. Inventive Creation's restrictions to the rarity and
longevity of the device still apply as normal.
Once per game session. as an action. the character Destiny Upgrade: To activate Inventive Creation.
may spend 2 Destiny Points and make a Daunting the character only needs to spend 1 Destiny Point
(+ + + t l M echanics Check. If he succeeds. the instead of the normal 2.
character immediately uses available parts in the sur-
rounding environment to build a device that functions Increase Rarity Upgrade: When using Inventive Cre-
as a weapon. suit of armor. or other piece of personal ation. the character may create an item with a rarity
equipment of his choice with a rarity of 5 or lower. up to 1 higher per Increase Rarity upgrade.
The item functions until Lhe end of the encounter. at Reduce Difficulty Upgrade: The skill check diffi-
which point it falls apart, shorts out, or otherwise per- cully to activate Inventive Creation is Hard C
t t tl
manenlly ceases to funclion. instead of Daunting (++ + t l.
The GM may still
The exact nature of the device the character is try- add Dor • as the situation warrants.
ing to construct, as well as the end results. must be Reduce Setback Upgrade: When making the skill
approved by the GM based on common sense and the check to activate Inventive Creation. the character
ongoing story (see Narrative Abilities on page 38). removes • per Reduce Setback upgrade.


A C E : B e a s t Rider
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Gunnery, Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Light)
Beast Rider Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Knowledge (Xenology), Perception, Surviual

Remove up to • • from Cain + 2 wound threshold.

I —
Remove • per rank of Add • per rank of Beast
skill checks to find food, I Outdoorsman from checks Wrangler to checks to tame
water, or shelter. Survival to move through terrain or or wrangle creatures,
checks to forage take half manage environmental ef- s.
the time. fects. Decrease overland
travel times by half.

I I.IM.I.I..."!^ — »
Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of Ex- Cain + 2 wound threshold. Remove • per rank of Ex-
Outdoorsman from checks pert Tracker from checks to pert Handler from Survival
to move through terrain or find tracks or track targets. checks made to ride beasts.
manage environmental ef- Decrease time to track a
fects. Decrease overland target by half.
travel times by half.

— *
Remove • per rank of Ex- Add • per rank of Beast Once per round, may Cain + I strain threshold.
pert Tracker from checks to Wrangler to checks to tame mount or dismount a ve-
find tracks or track targets. or wrangle creatures. hicle or beast, or enter a
Decrease time to track a cockpit or weapon station
target by half. on a vehicle, as an inci-

Suffer 1 strain to attempt Take a Spur action; make Remove • per rank of Ex-
Spur as a maneuver and a Hard + Survival Once per session, may re- pert Handler from Survival
decrease its difficulty to check to increase a roll any 1 Resilience or Sur- checks made to ride beasts.
Average beast's top speed by 1. vival check.
The beast suffers 2 strain
every round it stays

• GRIT i B u i
When activating and main- Cain +1 to a single charac- Take a Soothing Tone action;
taining Spur, the beast teristic. This cannot bring a make an Average 4)
only suffers 1 strain characteristic above 6. Knowledge (Xenology)
instead of 2. check to allow a beast to
recover strain equal to &
Ace: Driver Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Gunnery, Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Planetary], Piloting (Space), Ranged (Light)
Driver Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Gunnery, Mechanics, Piloting (Planetary)

Take a Full Throttle action; When repairing system Remove • per rank of
make a H a r d ( • • • ) Pi- Do not suffer usual penal- strain on a starship or ve- Gearhead from Mechan-
l o t i n g check to increase a ties for driving through dif- hicle, repair 1 additional ics checks. Halve the
vehicle's top speed by 1 ficult terrain when using Pi- system strain per rank of credit cost to a d d mods
for a number of rounds loting (Planetary). Fine Tuning. to attachments.
equal to Cunning.

Remove • per rank of

im a y
Suffer a number of strain to Gain + 1 strain threshold.
Skilled Jockey from Pilot- add an equal number of #
ing (Planetary) and Piloting to Initiative checks. Strain
(Space) checks. suffered cannot exceed
ranks in Rapid Reaction.

Count vehicle or starship When repairing system Gain + 2 wound threshold.

Suffer I strain to attempt piloted as having a silhou- strain on a starship or ve-
Full Throttle as a maneu- ette 1 lower when being hicle, repair 1 additional
ver and decrease its diffi- attacked. system strain per rank of
culty to Average Fine Tuning.

Remove • per rank of Once per session, may re- Remove • per rank of
Increase defense of vehicle Skilled Jockey from Pilot- roll any 1 Piloting (Plane- Gearhead from Mechan-
or starship being piloted ing (Planetary) and Piloting tary) or Gunnery check. ics checks. Halve the
by 1 per rank of Defensive (Space) checks. credit cost t o a d d mods
Driving. to attachments.

P When piloting a ship or ve- Once per round when driv-

Gain + 1 to a single charac-
hicle, take a Full Stop ma- ing a vehicle, may suffer 2 teristic. This cannot bring a
When performing Full neuver to reduce speed to strain to perform any action characteristic above 6.
Throttle, t o p speed in- zero and suffer system as a maneuver.
creases by 2 instead of 1. strain equal t o the speed


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. E LFL. 0 FFG.

Ace: Gunner Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Gunnery, Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Light)
Gunner Bonus Career Skills: Discipline, Gunnery, Ranged (Heavy), Resilience

May reduce any Critical Inju- Cain + 1 strain threshold,

ry suffered by 10 per rank of h Upon unsuccessful attack Upon successful attack with
Durable to a minimum of 1. with a starship or vehicle a starship or vehicle weap-
weapon, may spend O O on, may spend O O to re-
per rank of Overwhelm De- duce the maximum speed
fenses. Reduce the defense of the target by 1 until the
in the targeted zone by 1 end of the next round.
for every f > 4*> spent.

Cain + 2 wound threshold. Perform the Brace ma- Cannot run out of ammo
neuver to remove • per due to ^ . Items with Limit- Once per round, may per-
rank of Brace from next ed A m m o quality run out of form a True Aim maneuver
action. This may only re- ammo as normal. to gain benefits of aiming
move • added by envi- and upgrade combat check
ronmental circumstances. once per rank of True Aim.

May reduce any Critical Inju- Gain + 1 soak value. Choose 1 weapon, armor,
ry suffered by 10 per rank of or other item and give it a Upon unsuccessful attack
Durable to a minimum of 1. permanent improvement with a starship or vehicle
while it remains in use. weapon, may spend O O
per rank of Overwhelm De-
fenses. Reduce the defense
in the targeted zone by 1
for every t > O spent.

Gain + 2 wound threshold. Gain + 1 soak value. Perform the Brace ma-
neuver to remove • per
Before attacking a starship
rank of Brace from next
action. This may only re- or vehicle, the character
move • added by envi- may spend 1 Destiny Point
ronmental circumstances. to ignore the effects of the
Massive rule for the attack.

May spend 1 Destiny Point

P P Once per round, may per-
to ignore effects of Critical Choose 1 weapon, armor, Gain + 1 to a single charac- form a True Aim maneuver
Injuries on Brawn or Agility or other item and give it a teristic. This cannot bring a to gain benefits of aiming
checks until the end of the permanent improvement characteristic above 6. and upgrade combat check
encounter. while it remains in use. once per rank of True Aim.



Permission granted to photocopy For personal use only. El LFL. 13 FFG.

A C E : Hotshot
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Gunnery, Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Light)
Hotshot Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Coordination, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space)

I mi.i^u p I I!IM!I1J;J1'II«
During a chase, add • per When a starship or vehicle Remove • per rank of Cain + 1 strain threshold.
rank in Shortcut to any being piloted would suffer Skilled Jockey from Pilot-
checks made to catch or system strain, may suffer ing (Planetary) and Piloting
escape an opponent. stain up to ranks in High-G (Space) checks.
Training to prevent an equal
amount of system strain.

m a n y
i b p When a starship or vehicle
Once per encounter, Cain + 1 strain threshold. During a chase, add • per
choose a number of posi- rank in Shortcut to any being piloted would suffer
tive dice equal to ranks in checks made to catch or system strain, may suffer
Second Chances and re- escape an opponent. stain up to ranks in High-G
roll them. Training to prevent an equal
amount of system strain.

i msmm
Spend I Destiny Point to When a starship or vehicle Gain + I strain threshold. Spend 1 Destiny Point to
add additional damage being piloted would suffer recover strain equal to Pres-
equal to half Agility (round- system strain, may suffer ence rating.
ed up) to one hit of success- stain up to ranks in High-G
ful attack made with ship or Training to prevent an equal
vehicle-mounted weaponry. amount of system strain.

I l^.l'l.l.'H'I.A 1
E H S g » • GRIT

Once per encounter,

choose a number of posi-
— When an opponent has
gained the advantage on a
Take a Corellian Sendoff ac-
tive dice equal to ranks in tion targeting two ships or starship or vehicle being pi-
Second Chances and re- vehicles at Close range, loted, may perform a Koio-
roll them. make a Hard ( + + • ) gran Turn maneuver to re-
Cool check to cause the move the effects.
targets to suffer a minor

Cain +1 to a single charac- When making a check in a
Spend 1 Destiny Point to teristic. This cannot bring a starship or vehicle, may suf-
add additional damage When performing a Corel- characteristic above 6. fer 2 strain to gain on
equal to Agility (rounded lian Sendoff, the targets success or @ on failure.
up) to one hit of successful suffer a major collision
attack made with ship or instead.
vehicle-mounted weaponry.
Ace: Pilot Talent Tree
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Gunnery, Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Light)
Pilot Bonus Career Skills: Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space)

i riiiiTiTiiiiiw I ITil'iMiifilMiliy
Take a Full Throttle action; Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of Once per round, may
make a Hard ( 4 4 4 ) Pi- Skilled Jockey from Pilot- Galaxy Mapper from As- mount or dismount a ve-
loting check to increase a ing (Planetary) and Piloting trogation checks. Astro- hicle or beast, or enter a
vehicle's t o p speed by 1 (Space) checks gation checks take half cockpit or weapon station
for a number of rounds normal time. o n a vehicle, as an inci-
equal to Cunning. dental.

I r 1 1
r • 1 » i j a y I]J:l'l^
Remove • per rank of Spend 1 Destiny Point t o Remove • per rank o f When recovering strain af-
Skilled Jockey from Pilot- add additional damage Galaxy Mapper from As- ter an encounter, recover 1
ing (Planetary) and Piloting equal to half Agility (round- trogation checks. Astro- additional strain per rank
(Space) checks. ed up) to one hit of success- gation checks take half of Rapid Recovery.
ful attack made with ship or normal time.
vehicle-mounted weaponry.

^^^^J P
Gain + I strain threshold, Once per session, may re-
Suffer 1 strain t o a t t e m p t Spend 1 Destiny Point to v roll any 1 Piloting (Space)
Full Throttle as a maneu- add additional damage or Gunnery check.
ver and decrease its diffi- equal to Agility (rounded
culty to Average [4) 4))- up) to one hit of successful
attack made with ship or
vehicle-mounted weaponry.

Gain + I strain threshold. Count vehicle or starship
When performing Full piloted as having a silhou- Increase defense of vehicle
Throttle, top speed in- ette 1 lower when being or starship being piloted
creases by 2 instead of attacked. by 1 per rank of Defensive

Once per round when pilot- Gain + 1 to a single charac- Gain + 2 wound threshold.
ing a starship, may suffer 2 teristic. This cannot bring a Once per encounter may
strain to perform any action characteristic above 6. take Brilliant Evasion action.
as a maneuver. Select 1 opponent and
make an opposed Piloting
(Planetary) or (Space)
check t o stop opponent
from attacking character for
rounds equal to Agility.

Permission granted to photocopy For personal use only. © LFL. 0 FFG.
A C E : Rigger
Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Gunnery, Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Light)
Rigger Bonus Career Skills: Gunnery, Knowledge (Underworld), Mechanics, Resilience

i um p
Cain + 2 wound threshold. Remove • per rank of
I U g f l g p
Signature Vehicle can have
When purchasing illegal Cearhead from Mechan- a silhouette 1 larger per
goods, may reduce rarity ics checks. Halve the rank of Larger Project.
by 1 per rank of Black credit cost to add mods
Market Contacts, increas- to attachments.
ing cost by 50 percent of
base cost per reduction.

. P
Cain + 1 strain threshold. Upgrade all Charm, De- Signature Vehicle can have
ception, and Negotiation Choose one starship or vehi- a silhouette 1 larger per
checks made in the pres- cle as Signature Vehicle. Up- rank of Larger Project,
ence of Signature Vehicle grade all Mechanics checks i
once. made on that vehicle once.

When purchasing illegal Increase the value of the Increase the armor value of
goods, may reduce rarity Limited Ammo quality of Increase the handling of Signature Vehicle by t per
by 1 per rank of Black any weapons mounted on Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Bolstered Armor.
Market Contacts, increas- Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Tuned Maneuvering
ing cost by 50 percent of rank of Overstocked Thrusters.
base cost per reduction. Ammo.

P i mmm p
Cain + 2 wound threshold. Remove • per rank of
Increase the system strain Cearhead from Mechan- Increase the hull trauma
threshold of Signature Ve- ics checks. Halve the threshold of Signature Ve-
hicle by 2 per rank of Cus- credit cost to add mods hicle by 1 per rank of Forti-
tomized Cooling Unit. to attachments. fied Vacuum Seal.

Cain + 1 to a single charac- Once per session, spend

teristic. This cannot bring a a Destiny Point to save Signature Vehicle gains
characteristic above 6. Increase the handling of Signature Vehicle from Massive 1: when making
Signature Vehicle by 1 per destruction. an attack targeting the
rank of Tuned Maneuvering ship or vehicle, the Critical
Thrusters. rating of any weapon used
counts as 1 higher
Ace Signature Ability Tree: This O n e is Mine

Once per game session, when piloting a starship or vehicle, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to challenge another starship or vehicle in the battle with
equal silhouette. For 2 rounds, the two ships are locked in a duel. For the duration of the duel, the two dueling ships can only make attacks targeting each other,
and no other starships or characters can target the dueling ships with attacks.

This One is Mine lasts for 1 This One is Mine lasts for 1 Upgrade the difficulty of all
additional round. additional round. incoming attacks once while
V This One is Mine is active.

This One is Mine may be This One is Mine costs I Upgrade the difficulty of all
This One is Mine can target used twice per game session. Destiny Point instead of 2. incoming attacks once while
ships or vehicle with a silhou- This One is Mine is active.
ette 1 higher or lower.



THIS O N E IS M I N E This One is Mine has several upgrades that can

improve its effects and make it easier to use. Any
Amidst the pandemonium of battles involving hun- upgrades that appear in This One is Mine's tree mul-
dreds of starships and vehicles, pilots must ignore the tiple times have their effects stack.
chaos around them and focus on individual enemy
Change Silhouette Upgrade: This One is Mine can
targets to prioritize. Ace characters have become
target a starship or vehicle with a silhouette 1 higher
masters of this. When they focus on a target, all else
or lower per Change Silhouette Upgrade than the
seems to disappear around them as they stalk their
starship or vehicle the character is piloting.
prey. And in turn, as an Ace begins the attack, his tar-
get is forced to focus all its attention on staying alive. Destiny Upgrade: To activate This One is Mine, the
As the two combatants fight, they weave through the character only needs to spend 1 Destiny Point instead
ongoing battle, ignored by all others as they duel for of the normal 2.
their lives.
Duration Upgrade: This One is Mine lasts for 1 addi-
tional round per Duration Upgrade.
Evasion Upgrade: While This One is Mine is active,
Once per game session, when piloting a starship or the character upgrades the difficulty all incoming
vehicle, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to attacks once per Evasion Upgrade.
challenge another starship or vehicle with equal sil-
Frequency Upgrade: This One is Mine can be used
houette in the battle. For 2 rounds, the two ships are
twice per game session instead of once.
locked in a duel. For the duration of the duel, the two
dueling ships can only make attacks targeting each
other, and no other starships or characters can target
the dueling ships with attacks.


Ace S i g n a t u r e A b i l i t y T r e e : U n m a t c h e d Survivability

Once per game session, when piloting a starship or vehicle with a silhouette of 3 or less that is crippled (has hull trauma in excess of its hull trauma threshold), the
character may spend 2 Destiny Points as an incidental. The starship or vehicle operates as if it is not crippled for the next 3 rounds, acting as if its hull trauma is
equal to its hull trauma threshold.

EgBU p P P
Unmatched Survivability Reduce Critical Hits suffered Reduce Critical Hits suffered
Unmatched Survivability af- may be used twice per game by the ship or vehicle by 10 by the ship or vehicle by 10
fects ships or vehicles with 1 session. while Unmatched Survivabil- while Unmatched Survivabil-
greater silhouette. ity is active. ity is active.

Unmatched Survivability Unmatched Survivability The Critical rating of all

Unmatched Survivability af- costs 1 Destiny Point in- lasts until the end of the en- weapons targeting the ship
fects ships or vehicles with 1 stead of 2. counter. or vehicle counts as 1 high-
greater silhouette. er while Unmatched Sur-
vivability is active.


ABILITY: U N M A T C H E D Unmatched Survivability has several upgrades that

can improve its effects and make it easier to use. Any
upgrades that appear in Unmatched Survivability's
Flying speeders and fighters into combat is a danger- tree multiple times have their effects stack.
ous job. Amidst the chaos of a battle, one stray blast Change Silhouette Upgrade: Unmatched Surviv-
can knock an unsuspecting ship out of commission. ability affects starships and vehicles with 1 greater
Experienced Aces know this, and know every little silhouette per Change Silhouette Upgrade.
trick to keep their vehicle going as long as possible.
Destiny Upgrade: To activate Unmatched Survivabil-
BASE ABILITY ity, the character only needs to spend 1 Destiny Point
instead of the normal 2.
Once per game session, when piloting a starship or Durability Upgrade: While Unmatched Survivability
vehicle with a silhouette of 3 or less that is crippled is active, the character reduces Critical Hits the star-
(has hull trauma in excess of its hull trauma thresh- ship or vehicle suffers by 10 per Durability Upgrade,
old), the character may spend 2 Destiny Points as an to a minimum of 1.
incidental. The starship or vehicle operates as if it is
not crippled for the next 3 rounds, acting as if its hull Duration Upgrade: Unmatched Survivability lasts
trauma is equal to its hull trauma threshold. until the end of the encounter, instead of 3 rounds.
Frequency Upgrade: Unmatched Survivability can
be used twice per game session instead of once.
Reinforcement Upgrade: While Unmatched Surviv-
ability is active, when an opponent makes an attack

fl ny time one of the Ace Signature Abilities

presented here refers to a starship or vehi-
cle, it can also be applied to a riding beast. (In
targeting the starship or vehicle, the Critical rating of
any weapon they use counts as 1 higher.

the case of Unmatched Survivability, it affects

the beast's wound threshold and Critical Inju-
ries instead of hull trauma and Critical Hits.)

Commander: Commodore Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Warfare), Leadership, Perception, Ranged (Light), Vigilance
Commodore Bonus Career Skills: Astrogation, Computers, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Outer Rim)

I E H ?
When repairing hull trau- Add • per rank of Com- Suffer a number of strain to Remove • per rank of
ma on a starship o r vehi- mand when making Lead- add an equal number of & Galaxy Mapper from As-
cle, repair 1 additional ership checks. Affected tar- to Initiative checks. Strain trogation checks. Astro-
hull trauma per rank of gets add • to Discipline suffered cannot exceed gation checks take half
Solid Repairs. checks for next 24 hours. ranks in Rapid Reaction normal time.


Once per session, may per-
Once per session, may per- Remove • per rank of form a Familiar Suns maneu-
form the Known Schematic Commanding Presence ^^^^^^^ ver; make a Hard [4) 4) 4))
maneuver; make a Hard from Leadership and Cool Knowledge (Outer Rim) or
[4)4)4)) Knowledge (Edu- checks. (Core Worlds) check to re-
cation) check Success veal the current type of plan-
grants familiarity with a etary environment and oth-
building or ship's design. er useful information.

When repairing hull trau- Add • per rank of Com-

i m ySuffer a number of strain to Remove • per rank of
ma on a starship o r vehi- mand when making Lead- add an equal number of # Galaxy Mapper from As-
cle, repair I additional ership checks. Affected tar- to Initiative checks. Strain trogation checks. Astro-
hull trauma per rank of gets a d d • to Discipline suffered cannot exceed gation checks take half
Solid Repairs. checks for next 24 hours. ranks in Rapid Reaction. normal time.

I I 4 i ii, » COMMANDING
Spend 1 Destiny Point to Gain + 1 strain threshold.
perform a Hold Together in- Remove • per rank of \ Once per round, suffer 2
cidental immediately after Commanding Presence strain to decrease the diffi-
vehicle or starship takes from Leadership and Cool culty of next Astrogation
damage t o turn it into sys- checks. check by 1 to a minimum
tem strain. of Easy (4})

i uimum. P
When repairing hull trau- Take the Fire Control action; Remove • per rank of
ma on a starship or vehi- all combat checks made Gain + 1 to a single charac- Galaxy Mapper from As-
cle, repair 1 additional from current starship or ve- teristic. This cannot bring a trogation checks. Astro-
hull trauma per rank of hicle count their target's sil- characteristic above 6. gation checks take half
Solid Repairs. houette as one higher than normal time.
normal until beginning of
next turn. Does not stack. X


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. GD LFL. IS FFG.

COMMANDER: Figurehead Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (W arfare), Leadership, Perception, Ranged (Light), Vigilance
Figurehead Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Leadership, Negotiation, Knowledge (Core Worlds)

Gain + 1 strain threshold. When involuntarily suffer­ May decrease difficulty Add □ per rank of Com­
ing strain, suffer 1 less of Discipline checks to mand when making Lead­
strain per rank of Resolve, avoid fear by 1 per rank of ership checks. Affected tar­
to a minimum of 1. Confidence. gets add □ to Discipline
checks for next 24 hours.

Add □ per rank of Com­ Take the Inspiring Rhetoric May use ranks in Cool to Gain + 1 strain threshold.
mand when making Lead­ action; make an Average upgrade Mass Combat
ership checks. Affected tar­ ( ♦ ♦ ) Leadership check checks instead of ranks in
gets add □ to Discipline Each causes 1 ally in Leadership.
checks for next 24 hours. close range to recover 1
strain. Spend to cause 1
affected ally to recover 1
additional strain.

Gain + 1 strain threshold. Whenever any character’s

Remove ■ per rank of Each ally affected by Inspir­ Duty would increase, it in­
Commanding Presence ing Rhetoric gains □ on all creases by an additional 1
from Leadership and Cool skill checks for a number of per rank of Positive Spin.
checks. rounds equal to ranks in

When involuntarily suffer­ May decrease difficulty

ing strain, suffer 1 less of Discipline checks to May spend on fear Remove ■ per rank of
strain per rank of Resolve, avoid fear by 1 per rank of checks to give allies in short Commanding Presence
to a minimum of 1 Confidence. range additional & on the from Leadership and Cool
same fear check.

Spend 1 Destiny Point to Once per session, may re­ Gain + 1 to a single charac­
recover strain equal to Pres­ roll any 1 Cool or Leader­ teristic. This cannot bring a
ence rating. ship check. characteristic above 6. Once per session, may take
Commanding Presence ac­
tion; make an opposed
Cool vs. Discipline check
to force target to leave the
COMMANDER: Instructor Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (W arfare), Leadership, Perception, Ranged (Light), Vigilance
Instructor Bonus Career Skills: Discipline, Medicine, Ranged (Heauy), Knowledge (Education)

Remove ■ per rank of Con­ Add □ per rank of Physical Once per round, perform Gain +1 strain threshold.
ditioned from Athletics and Training to Athletics and Re­ the Body Guard maneuver
Coordination checks. Re­ silience checks. to guard an engaged charac­
duce the damage and strain ter. Suffer a number of strain
suffered from falling by 1 no greater than ranks of
per rank of Conditioned. Body Guard, then until the
beginning of the next turn
upgrade the difficulty of
combat checks targeting the
character by that number.

Gain + 2 wound threshold. Remove ■ per rank of Con­

After an engaged ally fails a ditioned from Athletics and Stimpacks heal 1 addition­
check, may suffer 1 strain Coordination checks. Re­ al wound per rank of Stim-
to assist that ally’s next duce the damage and strain pack Specialization.
check this encounter as an suffered from falling by 1
out of turn incidental. per rank of Conditioned.

Once per round, perform

Add □ per rank of Physical Once per round as an out the Body Guard maneuver Once per session, when an
Training to Athletics and Re­ of turn incidental, may suf­ to guard an engaged charac­ ally protected by the Body
silience checks. fer 2 strain to allow ally to ter. Suffer a number of strain Guard maneuver suffers a
use character’s ranks in Dis­ no greater than ranks of hit, suffer the hit instead.
cipline for next Discipline Body Guard, then until the
check an ally makes. beginning of the next turn
upgrade the difficulty of
combat checks targeting the
character by that number.

Take the Field Commander Gain + 1 strain threshold. Gain + 2 wound threshold.
action: make an Average Stimpacks heal 1 addition­
( ♦ ♦ ) Leadership check al wound per rank of Stim-
A number of allies equal to pack Specialization.
Presence may immediately
suffer 1 strain to perform 1
free maneuver.

Gain + 1 to a single charac­

Field Commander action Once per session, may re­ May suffer 1 strain on suc­ teristic. This cannot bring a
affects allies equal to dou­ roll one Discipline or Lead­ cessful skill check to add characteristic above 6.
ble Presence, and may ership check. to the same skill check made
spend to allow one ally by a number of allies equally
to suffer 1 strain and per­ to Willpower within short
form 1 free action instead. range during the next round.
Commander: Squadron Leader Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Warfare), Leadership, Perception, Ranged (Light), Uigilance
Squadron Leader Bonus Career Skills: Gunnery, Mechanics, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space)

Add • per rank of Quick Once per round, may
Strike to combat checks mount or dismount a ve- Increase defense of vehicle
against targets that have not hicle or beast, or enter a or starship being piloted
acted yet this encounter. cockpit or weapon station by 1 per rank of Defensive
A on a vehicle, as an inci- Driving.

Take the Field Commander May decrease difficulty Add • per rank of Quick
action; make an Average of Discipline checks to Strike to combat checks Allies within short range of
(4) 4)) Leadership check avoid fear by 1 per rank against targets that have not the vehicle add • to their
A number of allies equal to of Confidence. acted yet this encounter. Perception and Vigilance
Presence may immediate- checks. Allies within close
ly suffer 1 strain to perform range add • • instead.
1 free maneuver.

h i i i m . u p
Add • per rank of Com- Cain + 1 strain threshold. When piloting a ship or ve-
mand when making Lead- hicle, take a Full Stop ma- Increase defense of vehicle
ership checks. Affected tar- neuver to reduce speed to or starship being piloted
gets add • to Discipline zero and suffer system by I per rank of Defensive
checks for next 24 hours. strain equal to the speed Driving.

P j j g j j j a p

Add • per rank of Com- Allies equal to ranks in Count vehicle or starship
Field Commander action mand when making Lead- Leadership in close range piloted as having a silhou-
affects allies equal to d o u - ership checks. Affected tar- gain the benefits of the ette 1 lower when being
ble Presence, and may gets add • to Discipline Gain the Advantage action. attacked.
spend ($) to allow one ally checks for next 24 hours.
to suffer I strain and per-
form 1 free action instead.

— » P P

Once per round, suffer 2 May decrease difficulty Gain + 1 to a single charac-
strain to decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to teristic. This cannot bring a Once per encounter may
of next Leadership check avoid fear by 1 per rank characteristic above 6. take Brilliant Evasion action.
by one, to a minimum of of Confidence. Select 1 opponent and
Easy(+) make an o p p o s e d Piloting
(Planetary) or (Space)
check to stop opponent
from attacking character for
rounds equal to Agility.

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. IS LFL. 03 FFG.

COMMANDER: Strategist Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (W arfare), Leadership, Perception, Ranged (Light), Uigilance
Strategist Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Uigilance, Knowledge (W arfare)

Remove ■ per rank of Re­ Gain + 1 strain threshold. Gain + 1 strain threshold.
searcher from all Knowl­ Remove ■ per rank of
edge checks. Researching a Ready for Anything on
subject takes half the time. Mass Combat checks and
Cool or Vigilance checks to
determine Initiative order.

Gain + 1 strain threshold. Add □ per rank of Com­ Choose any 3 Knowledge
May use ranks in Knowl­ mand when making Lead­ skills. They permanently
edge (Warfare) to up­ ership checks. Affected tar­ become career skills.
grade Mass Combat gets add □ to Discipline
checks instead of ranks in checks for next 24 hours.

Remove ■ per rank of Re­

When acquired, choose 1 searcher from all Knowl­ Remove ■ per rank of Once per phase during a
Knowledge skill. When edge checks. Researching a Ready for Anything on mass combat, may suffer
making that skill check, subject takes half the time. Mass Combat checks and 2 strain to decrease diffi­
may spend result to Cool or Vigilance checks to culty of a Mass Combat
gain additional successes determine Initiative order. check once.
equal to ranks in Knowl­
edge Specialization.

Add □ per rank of Com­

On a successful Knowledge When acquired, choose 1 Take the Coordinated As­ mand when making Lead­
check, character and allies Knowledge skill. When sault maneuver; a number ership checks. Affected tar­
gain automatic O per rank making that skill check, of engaged allies equal to gets add □ to Discipline
of Researcher on checks to may spend result to Leadership ranks add O checks for next 24 hours.
act on those facts until the gain additional successes to combat checks until be­
end of his next turn. equal to ranks in Knowl­ ginning of next turn. Range
edge Specialization. increases per rank of Coor­
dinated Assault.

Once per session, may in­ Gain + 1 to a single charac­

Once per session, take a troduce a “fact” into the When making Cool or Vigi­ teristic. This cannot bring a
Thorough Assessment ac­ narrative as if a Destiny lance checks to determine characteristic above 6.
tion: make a Hard ( ♦ ♦ ♦ ) Point had been spent. Initiative order, may spend
Knowledge check to <J) to add # equal to ranks
gain Boost dice equal to in Ready for Anything.
# that can be distributed
during the encounter.
Commander: Tactician Talent Tree
Career Skills: Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Warfare), Leadership, Perception, Ranged (Light), Uigilance
Tactician Bonus Career Skills: Brawl, Discipline, Leadership, Ranged (Heauy)

Remove • per rank of Cain + 2 wound threshold. Once per round, may per-
Outdoorsman from checks Remove • per rank of form Side Step maneuver
to move through terrain or Commanding Presence and suffer a number of strain
manage environmental ef- from Leadership and Cool to upgrade difficulty of all
fects. Decrease overland checks. incoming ranged attacks by
travel times by half. an equal number for the
next round. Strain suffered
this way cannot exceed
ranks in Side Step.

Remove • per rank of May decrease difficulty Once per round, draw or Do not suffer usual penal-
Outdoorsman from checks of Discipline checks to holster a weapon or acces- ties for moving through
to move through terrain or avoid fear by 1 per rank sible item as an incidental. difficult terrain.
manage environmental ef- of Confidence.
fects. Decrease overland
travel times by half.

E m )
Gain + 2 wound threshold. Once per round, perform Once per round, perform
Once per session, may re- the Body Guard maneuver the Body Guard maneuver
roll any 1 Resilience or Sur- to guard an engaged charac- to guard an engaged charac-
vival check. ter. Suffer a number of strain ter. Suffer a number of strain
no greater than ranks of no greater than ranks of
Body Guard, then until the Body Guard, then until the
beginning of the next turn beginning of the next turn
upgrade the difficulty of upgrade the difficulty of
combat checks targeting the combat checks targeting the
character by that number. character by that number.
V i

May decrease difficulty Take the Field Commander Once per round, may per-
of Discipline checks to Remove • per rank of action; make an Average form Side Step maneuver
avoid fear by 1 per rank Commanding Presence [4)4}) Leadership check and suffer a number of strain
of Confidence. from Leadership and Cool A number of allies equal to to upgrade difficulty of all
checks. Presence may immediate- incoming ranged attacks by
ly suffer 1 strain to perform an equal number for the
1 free maneuver. next round. Strain suffered
this way cannot exceed
ranks in Side Step.

m a s m
Once per session, may re- Gam + I to a single charac-
Take the Coordinated As- roll any 1 Cool o r Leader- Field Commander action teristic. This cannot bring a
sault maneuver; a number ship check. affects allies equal to dou- characteristic above 6.
of engaged allies equal to ble Presence, and may
Leadership ranks add i > to spend <$) to allow one ally
combat checks until begin- to suffer 1 strain and per-
ning of next turn. Range in- form 1 free action instead.
creases per rank of Coordi-
nated Assault.


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. 0 LFL. © FFG.

Commander Signature A bility Tree: Rousing Oratory

Once per game session, the character may perform a Rousing Oratory action, spend 2 Destiny Points, and make a Hard ( ♦ ♦ ♦ ) Leadership check to inspire
a group to take action in a military situation about which members were previously hesistant.

May make a Discipline check Remove ■ from skill check to Friendly characters and May make a Cool check in­
instead of a Leadership check activate Rousing Oratory. NPCs targeted by Rousing stead of a Leadership check
to activate Rousing Oratory. Oratory recover a number to activate Rousing Oratory.
of strain equal to the char­
acter’s ranks in Leadership.

After triggering Rousing Reduce the difficulty of the During a mass combat, may Rousing Oratory costs
Oratory, add □ per Boost skill check to activate activate Rousing Oratory to Destiny Point instead of 2.
Allies upgrade to all Disci­ Rousing Oratory to Aver­ create a turning point or
pline and Cool checks that age ( ♦ ♦ ) boost allies already taking
other friendly characters part in one.
and NPCs make until the
end of the encounter.

BASE ABILITY Change Skill (Discipline): When activating Rousing

Oratory, the character may make a Discipline check
Once per game session, the character may perform a instead of a Leadership check.
Rousing Oratory action and spend 2 Destiny Points to
make a Hard ( < ^ ^ ^ ) Leadership check On a suc­ Destiny: To activate Rousing Oratory, the character
cess, the character inspires a group to take action in needs to spend only 1 Destiny Point instead of the
a military situation about which members were previ­ normal 2.
ously hesitant. This could include stirring the hearts of Recover Strain: Friendly characters and NPCs tar­
a beleaguered army, spurring an oppressed populace geted by Rousing Oratory recover a number of strain
to take up arms against their oppressors, or uniting equal to the character’s ranks in Leadership.
fractious groups against a common enemy. Rousing
Reduce Difficulty: The skill check to activate Rousing
Oratory can influence only those who can see or hear
Oratory is Average ( ^ ^ ) instead of Hard ( ♦ ♦ ♦ )
the character using it. The exact nature of what the
character is trying to accomplish, as well as the end Reduce Setback: Remove ■ from the skill check to
results, must be approved by the CM. activate Rousing Oratory.
Turning Point: During a mass combat, the character
UPGRADES may perform the Rousing Oratory action to immedi­
ately create a turning point (see page 75). The player
Boost Allies: After triggering Rousing Oratory, add
and the CM should work together to determine the
□ per Boost Allies upgrade to all Discipline and Cool
exact nature of the turning point, based on the circum­
checks the other friendly characters and NPCs make
stances of the mass combat. Alternatively, if the PCs
until the end of the encounter.
are already taking part in an ongoing turning point,
Change Skill (Cool): When activating Rousing Ora­ after triggering Rousing Oratory, add additional O
tory, the character may make a Cool check instead of to all skill checks that friendly characters and NPCs
a Leadership check. make until the end of the turning point.
Commander Signature A bility Tree: Unmatched Authority

Once per game session, as an action during an encounter in structured time, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to gain the following ability for the
remainder of the current round and two additional rounds: As an out of turn incidental, the character may suffer 2 strain to downgrade the difficulty of an
ally’s skill check once.

Unmatched Authority lasts Increase strain threshold by The character can spend
one additional round. 2 while Unmatched Authority strain to modify Mass Com­
is active. bat checks with Unmatched
Authority as though it was
an ally’s skill check.

Unmatched Authority costs Reduce the strain cost to May remove ■ from an al­ May reduce the difficulty of
Destiny Point instead of 2. modify an ally’s skill check ly’s skill check instead of an ally’s skill check instead of
with Unmatched Authority downgrading the difficulty. downgrading the difficulty.
by 1.

UPGRADES Increase Effect (Remove Setback): When spending

strain to modify an ally’s skill check with Unmatched
Destiny: To activate Unmatched Authority, the char­ Authority, the character may remove ■ from the
acter needs to spend only 1 Destiny Point instead of check instead of downgrading the difficulty.
the normal 2.
Increase Effect (Reduce Difficulty): When spending
Duration: Unmatched Authority lasts for 1 additional strain to modify an ally’s skill check with Unmatched
round per Duration upgrade. Authority, the character may reduce the difficulty of
Endurance: Reduce the strain cost to modify an ally’s the check instead of downgrading it.
skill check with Unmatched Authority by 1 (to a mini­ Mass Combat: The character can spend strain
mum of 1). to modify a Mass Combat check with Unmatched
Firm Resolve: While Unmatched Authority is active, Authority as though it were an ally’s skill check.
increase the character’s strain threshold by +2 per
Firm Resolve upgrade. (Note that if the character’s
strain exceeds his strain threshold when Unmatched
Authority ends, and his strain threshold resets to nor­
mal, he is incapacitated, as described on page 230 of
the A c e o f R e b e l l io n Core Rulebook.
DIPLOMAT: Advocate Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Care Worlds), Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim),
Knowledge (Xenology), Leadership, Negotiation
Advocate Bonus Career Skills: Coercion, Deception, Negotiation, Vigilance
Diplomat: Ambassador Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim),
Knowledge (Xenology), Leadership, Negotiation
Ambassador Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Discipline, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Negotiation

Upgrade difficulty of Upgrade difficulty of i n - May decrease difficulty

checks t o identify charac- Remove • per rank of Kill coming Charm, Coercion, of Discipline checks t o
ter once per rank of Indis- with Kindness from Charm and Deception checks once avoid fear by 1 per rank
tinguishable. and Leadership checks. per rank of Nobody's Fool. of Confidence.


Upgrade difficulty of Gain + 1 strain threshold. When targeted by combat

checks to identify charac- check, may perform a
ter once per rank of Indis- Dodge incidental to suffer a
tinguishable. number of strain no greater
than ranks of Dodge, then
upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that number.

i L, IJ'IJ3 3 .um
Spend 1 Destiny Point t o M a y decrease difficulty
Remove • per rank of Kill Take the Inspiring Rhetoric ignore effects of Critical of Discipline checks t o
with Kindness from Charm action; make an Average Injuries on Willpower and avoid fear by 1 per rank
and Leadership checks. {4)4)) Leadership check Presence checks until the of Confidence.
Each & causes 1 ally in end of the encounter.
close range t o recover 1
strain. Spend O t o cause
1 affected ally to recover 1
additional strain.

Spend 1 Destiny Point to When targeted by combat

Each ally affected by In- recover strain equal to Pres- Once per session, make check, may perform a
spiring Rhetoric g a i n s Q o n ence rating. one skill check using Pres- Dodge incidental to suffer a
all skill checks for a num- ence rather than the char- number of strain no greater
ber of rounds equal t o acteristic linked to that skill. than ranks of Dodge, then
ranks in Leadership. upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that number.

— P Gain + 1 to a single charac- Gain + I ranged defense.

Once per session, may re-
Suffer 1 strain to perform roll any 1 Charm or Decep- teristic. This cannot bring a
Inspiring Rhetoric as a tion check. characteristic above 6.
maneuver, instead of an

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. 0 LFL. E FFG.

DIPLOMAT : Analyst Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim),
Knowledge (Xenology), Leadership, Negotiation
Analyst Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Warfare), Perception
Diplomat: Agitator Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim),
Knowledge (Xenology), Leadership, Negotiation
Agitator Bonus Career Skills: Coercion, Deception, Knowledge (Underworld), Streetwise

Upgrade difficulty of in- Cain + 1 strain threshold May suffer a number of

Remove • per rank of coming Charm, Coercion, strain to downgrade diffi-
Plausible Deniability from and Deception checks once culty of Coercion checks, or
Coercion and Deception per rank of Nobody's Fool. upgrade difficulty when tar-
checks. geted by Coercion checks,
by an equal number. Strain
suffered this way cannot ex-
ceed ranks in Intimidating.

Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of

May suffer a number of
Street Smarts from Street- Street Smarts from Street- Remove • per rank of strain to downgrade diffi-
wise and Knowledge (Un- wise and Knowledge (Un- Convincing Demeanor culty of Coercion checks, or
derworld) checks. derworld) checks. from Deception and Skul- upgrade difficulty when tar-
duggery checks. geted by Coercion checks,
by an equal number. Strain
suffered this way cannot ex-
ceed ranks in Intimidating.

milium iv-p
Take a Scathing Tirade ac- Gain + 1 strain threshold.
Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of tion; make an Average {4}
Convincing Demeanor Plausible Deniability from 4)) Coercion check Each
from Deception and Skul- Coercion and Deception # causes one enemy in
duggery checks. checks. short range to suffer 1
strain. Spend O to cause 1
affected enemy to suffer 1
additional strain.

Upgrade difficulty of in- May suffer a number of

Once per session, may re- coming Charm, Coercion, Each enemy affected by strain to downgrade diffi-
roll any I Coercion or and Deception checks once Scathing Tirade suffers • culty of Coercion checks, or
Streetwise check. per rank of Nobody's Fool. on all skill checks for a upgrade difficulty when tar-
number of rounds equal to geted by Coercion checks,
ranks in Coercion. by an equal number. Strain
suffered this way cannot ex-
ceed ranks in Intimidating.

I I -1^ 1 1

May suffer a number of Gain + 1 to a single charac- Once per session, may take
strain to downgrade diffi- teristic. This cannot bring a Suffer 1 strain to perform an Incite Rebellion action;
culty of Coercion checks, or characteristic above 6. Scathing Tirade as a ma- make a H a r d (4} 4/ 4)) Co-
upgrade difficulty when tar- neuver, instead of an action. ercion check to cause a
geted by Coercion checks, number of beings up to
by an equal number. Strain ranks in Coercion to become
suffered this way cannot ex- rebellious until the end of
ceed ranks in Intimidating. the encounter.


Permission granted to photocopy For personal use only. fD LFL. © FFG.

DIPLOMAT: Propagandist Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim),
Knowledge (Xenology), Leadership, Negotiation
Propagandist Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception

Cain + 1 strain threshold. Whenever any character's Remove ■ up to ranks in

Duty would increase, it in­ In the Know from checks Once per encounter, when
creases by an additional I to get information from making a Coercion skill
per rank of Positive Spin. people or disseminate check, the character may
news. Minion NPCs do not use Deception skill instead.
realize this character’s
allegiance in interviews.

Remove ■ up to ranks in Whenever any character’s Cain + 2 wound threshold

In the Know from checks Once per session, if no PC’s Duty would increase, it in­
to get information from Duty triggered, make a creases by an additional 1
people or disseminate Daunting (+ + + + ) per rank of Positive Spin.
news. Minion NPCs do not Charm check with the dif­
realize this character's ficulty decreased once per
allegiance in interviews. rank of Positive Spin to
have one PC’s Duty trigger.

Once per session, choose Choose any 2 skills. They Gain + 1 strain threshold. May decrease difficulty
an organization and make a permanently become ca­ of Discipline checks to
Hard ( ♦ ♦ ♦ ) Deception reer skills. avoid fear by 1 per rank
check. On success, organi­ of Confidence.
zation members have their
wound thresholds reduced
by 1, plus I per # &
until the end of the session.

Cain +2 wound threshold. May decrease difficulty When targeted by combat Once per session, may
of Discipline checks to check, may perform a reveal a contact who can
avoid fear by 1 per rank Dodge incidental to suffer a shed light on a chosen
of Confidence. number of strain no greater subject.
than ranks of Dodge, then
upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that number.

Whenever any character’s Cain + 1 to a single charac­ Remove ■ up to ranks in

Duty would increase, it in­ teristic. This cannot bring a Once per session, make an In the Know from checks
creases by an additional 1 characteristic above 6. opposed Deception vs to get information from
per rank of Positive Spin. Vigilance check with the people or disseminate
difficulty downgraded once news. Minion NPCs do not
per rank of In the Know to realize this character’s
have a target NPC believe allegiance in interviews.
specific false intelligence.
Diplomat: Quartermaster Talent Tree
Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim),
Knowledge (Xenology), Leadership, Negotiation

I mmmm
Quartermaster Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Negotiation, Skulduggery, Vigilance

«J.f'lllJ.ia • GRIT

Once per session, when When first acquired, choose When selling goods legally,
attempting to purchase a 1 skill: Charm, Coercion. gain 1 0 % more credits per
legally available item, re- Deception, or Negotiation. rank of Wheel and Deal.
duce its rarity by 1 per When making checks with
rank of Know Somebody. that skill, spend ($) to gain
S. . additional # equal to ranks
in Smooth Talker.

m a p
When first acquired, choose Before making a social When buying or selling Gain + 2 wound threshold.
1 skill: Charm. Coercion, check, may spend up to 5 0 goods, may suffer 2 strain
Deception, or Negotiation. credits per rank of Creased to sell for 2 5 % more or
When making checks with Palms to upgrade the ability buy for 2 5 % less.
that skill, spend ($) to gain of the check once for every
additional # equal to ranks 5 0 spent.
in Smooth Talker.

L E S k ^ k ^ k m ITIiffllflilTrW
Gain + 1 strain threshold. When selling goods legally, Instead of making a Knowl- Gain + 1 strain threshold.
gain 1 0 % more credits per edge check, may take a
rank of Wheel and Deal. Bought Info action; spend
credits equal to 50 times the
difficulty of the check to
pass with one

i m m
Once per session, when Perform an Intense Focus
a t t e m p t i n g to purchase a At the start of each ses- At the start of each ses- maneuver; suffer 1 strain
legally available item, re- sion, gain 100 credits for sion, gain 100 credits for and upgrade the ability of
duce its rarity by 1 per each rank of Sound In- each rank of Sound In- the next skill check once.
rank of Know Somebody. vestments. vestments.

Gain + 1 to a single charac- Gain + 2 wound threshold.
teristic. This cannot bring a Once per session, may re-
characteristic above 6. roll any 1 Cool or Negotia-
tion check.


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. IS LFL. El FFG.

Diplomat Signature A bility Tree: Diplomatic Solution

Once per game session, when a combat encounter against one or more sentient creatures is about to begin, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points and make
a Daunting ( ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ) Charm check to turn the encounter into a social encounter instead.

May make a Coercion check Remove ■ from skill check to Other friendly characters May make a Leadership
instead of a Charm check to activate Diplomatic Solution. gain □ on social checks un­ check instead of a Charm
activate Diplomatic Solution. til the end of the encounter check to activate Diplo­
per Boost Allies Upgrade. matic Solution.

May activate Diplomatic Diplomatic Solution costs Other friendly characters

Solution at the start of any Reduce the difficulty of the Destiny Point instead of 2. gain □ on social checks un­
combat turn instead of skill check to activate Dip­ til the end of the encounter
only at the start of combat. lomatic Solution to Hard per Boost Allies Upgrade.


iplomatic Solution gives Diplomat characters Other times, the GM should consider ways
D a great deal of narrative power, and lets them
shape entire scenes and even whole sessions.
that the Diplomat can use Diplomatic Solution
without depriving the other PCs of a fight. For
While this can be a lot of fun if used at appro­ instance, in a battle with Imperial troops, the
priate times, sometimes the Soldier just wants GM might let the Diplomat use this signature
to fire that heavy blaster rifle at some storm- ability to negotiate a cease-fire mid-battle to
troopers or the Ace is looking to dogfight with exchange prisoners or to evacuate civilians
a deadly foe. The GM should keep this in mind, from the area, but not end the battle entirely.
and consider ways in which the Diplomat and Alternatively, if the PCs are on a mission to
more martially minded characters can contrib­ negotiate for supplies or support, Diplomatic
ute at the same time, so that everyone has fun! Solution might let the Diplomat smooth over
Of course, when the Diplomat does use Diplo­ ruffled feathers after a situation turns hostile,
matic Solution, the GM should encourage the but not completely eliminate the need for com­
other PCs to participate in the ensuing encoun­ bat. Perhaps an offended party demands a duel
ter, even if diplomacy is not their strong suit. to see honor upheld, or maybe the aggrieved
After all, Soldiers, Commanders, and Aces can group demands that the PCs take care of some
offer insight into the realities of the battlefield dangerous task to make amends. This is where
that Diplomats might lack, while Spies and other characters can step in and shine!
Engineers often have information that nobody By using narrative techniques like these, the
else in the party would have reason to pos­ GM can let the Diplomat affect the story in a
sess. Many different skills can be used over the big way by defusing conflicts and still give the
course of a diplomatic encounter, and the GM other characters important jobs in the diplo­
should encourage the PCs to be creative! matic process.
Diplomat Signature A bility Tree: Unmatched Insight

Once per game session, during an encounter or scene involving one or more other sentient creatures, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points. The character
immediately becomes aware of the emotional states and basic histories of up to 3 chosen participants in the scene.

The character realizes the Increase the number of par­ Increase the number of par­ Unmatched Insight may be
motivations of each other ticipants affected by 2 per ticipants affected by 2 per used twice per game session.
participant in the scene. Increase Number upgrade. Increase Number upgrade.

Choose 1 character. Up­ Unmatched Insight costs Choose 1 character. Up­ Notice one important detail
grade the ability of all so­ Destiny Point instead of 2. grade the ability of all so­ that a chosen character
cial checks once per Lever­ cial checks once per Lever­ would prefer to conceal.
age Upgrade against that age Upgrade against that
character until the end of character until the end of
the encounter. the encounter.
Engineer: Mechanic Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Computers, Knowledge (Education), Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Space),
Ranged (Light), Uigilance
Mechanic Bonus Career Skills: Brawl, Mechanics, Piloting (Space), Skulduggery

pi I U.lll,Jl«
Remove • per rank of Gain + 2 wound threshold. When repairing system When repairing hull trau-
Gearhead from Mechan- strain on a starship or ve- ma on a starship or vehi-
ics checks. Halve the hicle, repair 1 additional cle, repair 1 additional
credit cost t o a d d mods system strain per rank of hull trauma per rank of
to attachments. Fine Tuning. Solid Repairs.

When repairing hull trau- Remove • per rank of Gain + 1 strain threshold.
Once per session, may ma on a starship o r vehi- Gearhead from Mechan-
take a Redundant Systems cle, repair 1 additional ics checks. Halve t h e
action; make an Easy {4}) hull trauma per rank of credit cost t o a d d mods
Mechanics check to har- Solid Repairs. to attachments.
vest components from a
functioning device t o re-
pair a broken one without
breaking the first device.

i i:H,iii,uiiw,ta> I TOUGHENED

When repairing hull trau- Gain + 1 soak value. Once per session, may take
ma on a starship or vehi- a Bad Motivator action;
cle, repair 1 additional make a Hard ( + 4/ 4})
hull trauma per rank of Mechanics check to cause
Solid Repairs. one targeted device t o
spontaneously fail.

Once per session, may take When repairing hull trau- When repairing system When staggered or disori-
Contraption action; make a ma o n a starship or vehi- strain on a starship o r ve- ented, perform the Hard
Hard 4/4/4/ Mechanics cle, repair 1 additional hicle, repair 1 additional Headed action; make a
check to fashion a device to hull trauma per rank of system strain per rank o f Daunting ( 4 4 4 4 ) Dis-
solve a current problem us- Solid Repairs. Fine Tuning. cipline check to remove
ing just the tools and parts status. Difficulty reduced I
on hand. per rank of Hard Headed.

i mggy
Spend 1 Destiny Point to Gain + 1 to a single charac-
Once per session, may re- perform a Hold Together in- teristic. This cannot bring a When incapacitated due
roll any 1 Mechanics check. cidental immediately after characteristic above 6. to strain exceeding thresh-
vehicle or starship takes o l d , may take a more dif-
damage to turn damage ficult Hard Headed action
into system strain. to reduce strain to 1 be-
low threshold.


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. 0 LFL. 0 FFG.

Engineer: Saboteur Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Computers, Knowledge (Education), Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Space),
Ranged (Light), Vigilance
Saboteur Bonus Career Skills: Coordination, Mechanics, Skulduggery, Stealth

I I:H.I1U,UJ*.
When involuntarily suffer- Once per encounter, may Gain + 1 strain threshold. When recovering strain af-
ing strain, suffer 1 less use Second Wind inciden- ter an encounter, recover 1
strain per rank of Resolve, tal to recover strain equal additional strain per rank
to a minimum of I. I to ranks in Second Wind. of Rapid Recovery.

I l.n , J ' 1»
Increase Blast damage Gain + 2 wound threshold. Once per encounter, may
dealt by explosives, ex- use Second Wind inciden-
plosive weapons, and gre- tal to recover strain equal
nades by I per rank of to ranks in Second Wind.
Powerful Blast.

i n a i f
May spend 1 Destiny Point When recovering strain af- When involuntarily suffer- When staggered or disori-
to perform a Move maneu- ter an encounter, recover 1 ing strain, suffer I less ented, perform the Hard
ver as an incidental to at- additional strain per rank strain per rank of Resolve, Headed action; make a
tempt to move into cover or of Rapid Recovery. to a minimum of 1. D a u n t i n g ( 4 4 4 4 ) Dis-
out of the Blast range of a cipline check to remove
weapon or explosion. status. Difficulty reduced 1
per rank of Hard Headed.

Increase Blast damage Gain + 2 wound threshold.

When activating Time to Go, dealt by explosives, ex- When using any weapon
allow 1 engaged ally to also with the Blast quality, spend
plosive weapons, and gre-
perform an out of turn Move nades by 1 per rank of i > to exclude 1 target that
maneuver as an incidental to Powerful Blast. would normally be affected
attempt to move into cover by the explosion. May not
or out of the Blast range of a exceed ranks in Selective
weapon or explosion. Detonation.

— j » ft
Gain + 1 to a single charac-

Decrease the cost to
teristic This cannot bring a activate the Blast quality When using any weapon When incapacitated due
characteristic above 6. on any weapon used by 1 with the Blast quality, spend to strain exceeding thresh-
to a minimum of I . \ > to exclude 1 target that old, may take a more dif-
would normally be affected ficult Hard Headed action
by the explosion. May not to reduce strain to 1 be-
exceed ranks in Selective low threshold.


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Engineer: Scientist Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Computers, Knowledge (Education), Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Space),
Ranged (Light), Ifigilance
Scientist Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Medicine

ft i iu"j:ii'H,m
Remove • per rank of Re- When directing NPC droids.
When acquired, choose 1 May downgrade difficulty searcher from Knowledge may grant them • per rank
Knowledge skill. When of checks t o interact with checks. Researching a sub- of Speaks Binary on checks.
making that skill check, institutes of learning by ject takes half the time.
may spend ($) result t o one per rank of Respect-
gain additional successes ed Scholar.
equal to ranks in Knowl-
edge Specialization.


Remove • per rank of Re- Cain hidden storage in ve- May add 1 additional hard
searcher from Knowledge When acquired, choose 1 hicle or equipment that point to a number of items
checks. Researching a sub- Knowledge skill. When holds items with total en- equal to ranks in Tinkerer.
ject takes half the time. making that skill check, cumbrance equal t o ranks Each item may only be
may spend <$) result to in Hidden Storage. modified once.
gain additional successes
equal to ranks in Knowl-
edge Specialization.

Spend 1 Destiny Point t o When directing NPC droids, When constructing new
May downgrade difficulty ignore effects of Critical may grant them • per rank items or modifying attach-
of checks t o interact with Injuries on Intellect a n d of Speaks Binary on checks. ments, add • or remove •
institutes of learning by Cunning checks until e n d per rank of Inventor.
one per rank of Respect- of encounter.
ed Scholar.

I — »
Once per session, may re- Once per session, make When constructing new May add I additional hard
roll any 1 Knowledge skill one skill check using Intel- items or modifying attach- point to a number of items
check. lect rather than the charac- ments, add • or remove • equal to ranks in Tinkerer.
teristic linked to that skill. per rank of Inventor. Each item may only be
modified once.

Perform an Intense Focus Cain + 1 to a single charac- Spend 1 Destiny Point to

maneuver; suffer 1 strain Once per session, may intro- teristic. This cannot bring a perform a Utility Belt inci-
and upgrade the ability of duce a "fact" into the narra- characteristic above 6. dental; produce a previously
the next skill check once. tive as if a Destiny Point had undocumented item or
been spent. weapon (with restrictions)
from a tool belt or a satchel.

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. E LFL. 0 FFG.

Soldier: Commando Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Knowledge (Warfare), Medicine, Melee, Ranged (Light),
Ranged (Heavy), Survival
Commando Bonus Career Skills: Brawl, Melee, Resilience, Survival
• • • • ^ \

Cain + 1 strain threshold Cain + 2 wound threshold. Add 1 damage per rank of
Add • per rank of Physical k Point Blank to damage of
Training to Athletics and Re- one hit of successful attack
silience checks. using Ranged (Heavy) or
Ranged (Light) skills at
short range or engaged.

Cain + 2 wound threshold. May reduce any Critical Inju- w Treat thrown weapons as if
ry suffered by 10 per rank of Add • per rank of Physical they had 1 greater range.
Durable, to a minimum of 1. Training to Athletics and Re-
silience checks.

Add • per rank of Blooded When wearing armor, in- Add 1 damage per rank of
to all checks to resist or re- crease total soak value by 1. Once per session, may re- Feral Strength to one hit of
cover from poisons, ven- roll any 1 Resilience or Sur- successful attack made using
oms, or toxins. Reduce d u - vival check. Brawl or Melee skill.
ration of ongoing poisons by
1 round per rank of Blood-
ed, to a minimum of 1.

I —
Cain + 2 wound threshold. May spend 1 Destiny Point May reduce any Critical Inju- After hitting with a melee
to ignore effects of Critical ry suffered by 10 per rank of attack, may spend <$) to
Injuries on Brawn or Agility Durable, to a minimum of 1. knock the target prone.
checks until the end of the l k

B U B r
Gain + 1 to a single charac- If a Critical Injury roll is 1 Add 1 damage per rank of
When wearing armor with a teristic. This cannot bring a or reduced t o 1. d o n o t Feral Strength to one hit of
soak value of 2 or higher, in- characteristic above 6. receive the critical injury. successful attack made using
crease defense by I . Brawl or Melee skill..


Permission granted to photocopy For personal use only. £1 LFL. 0 FFG.

Soldier: Medic Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Knowledge (Warfare), Medicine, Melee, Ranged (Light),
Ranged (Heauy), Survival
Medic Bonus Career Skills: Knowledge (Xenology), Medicine, Resilience, Vigilance

I E ^
Remove up to • • from Cain + 1 strain threshold. When making a Medicine
skill checks t o find food, Stimpacks heal 1 a d d i - check t o help a character
water, o r shelter. Survival tional wound per rank of heal wounds, the target
checks to forage take half Stimpack Specialization. heals 1 additional wound
the time. per rank of Surgeon.

— — ^ ^ ^ ^

Gain + 2 wound threshold. When making a Medicine Patients heal 1 additional

check to help a character Stimpacks heal 1 a d d i - wound per rank of Bacta
heal wounds, the target tional wound per rank of Specialist when they heal
heals 1 additional wound Stimpack Specialization. wounds via bacta tanks or
per rank of Surgeon. V long-term care.
X. A

Choose any 2 skills. They Cain + 1 strain threshold.
• M Take the Stim Application
i I l,"-H- 1 ' II
Once per round, suffer 2
permanently become ca- Action; make an Average strain to decrease the dif-
reer skills. {4} 4}) M e d i c i n e check If ficulty of a Medicine check
successful, 1 engaged ally byl.
increases 1 characteristic
by 1 for the remainder of
the encounter and suffers
4 strain.

When targeted by combat Once per session, may re-
check, may perform a roll any 1 Medicine check. When performing Stim Ap- Stimpacks heal 1 addi-
Dodge incidental to suffer a plication Action, may in- tional wound per rank of
number of strain no greater crease difficulty of check to Stimpack Specialization.
than ranks of Dodge, then H a r d {4} 4} 4)), and target
upgrade the difficulty of the only suffers 1 strain.
check bv that number.

After a making a successful Gain + 1 to a single charac-
attack, may spend I Desti- teristic. This cannot bring a Once per session when an When performing the Stim
ny Point to add damage characteristic above 6. ally would suffer a Critical Application action, spend
equal to Intellect to one hit. Injury, may take an It's Not ($> t o increase an addi-
That Bad action; make a tional characteristic by 1.
Hard {4} 4} 4}) Medicine
check to stop the ally from
gaining the Critical Injury.


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © LFL. IS FFG.

Soldier: Sharpshooter Talent Tree
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Knowledge (Warfare), Medicine, Melee, Ranged (Light),
Ranged (Heavy), Survival
Sharpshooter Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Perception, Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy)

Remove • per rank of Ex- Before making a non- Perform the Brace ma- Cain + I strain threshold.
pert Tracker from checks to thrown ranged attack, may neuver t o remove • per
find tracks or track targets. perform a Sniper Shot ma- rank of Brace f r o m next
Decrease time to track a neuver to increase the action. This may only re-
target by half. weapon's range by 1 range move • added by envi-
band per rank in Sniper ronmental circumstances.
Shot. Upgrade the difficulty
of the attack by 1 per range
band increase.

I —
Cain + 1 strain threshold. Once per round, may per- When acquired, choose 1 Add + 1 0 per rank of Le-
form a True Aim maneuver combat skill. Add damage thal Blows to any Critical
to gain benefits of aiming equal to ranks in that skill to Injury results inflicted on
and upgrade combat check one hit of successful attack opponents.
once per rank of True Aim. made using that skill.

Perform the Brace ma- Add + 1 0 per rank of Le- Before making a non- Once per round, may per-
neuver to remove • per thal Blows to any Critical thrown ranged attack, may form a True Aim maneuver
rank of Brace from next Injury results inflicted on perform a Sniper Shot ma- to gain benefits of aiming
Action. This may only re- opponents. neuver to increase the and upgrade combat check
move • added by envi- weapon's range by 1 range once per rank of True Aim.
ronmental circumstances. band per rank in Sniper
Shot. Upgrade the difficulty
of the attack by 1 per range
band increase.

Remove • per rank of Ex- When acquired, choose 1 Gain + 2 wound threshold. Increase the difficulty of
pert Tracker from checks to combat skill. Add damage next combat check by 1. If
find tracks or track targets. equal to ranks in that skill to check deals damage, target
Decrease time to track a one hit of successful attack suffers 1 strain whenever
target bv half. made using that skill. he moves for the remainder
of the encounter.

Once per session, make Gain + 1 to a single charac- After making a successful
one skill check using Agility Once per session, may re- teristic. This cannot bring a attack, may spend 1 Desti-
rather than the characteris- roll any 1 Ranged (Light) characteristic above 6. ny Point to add damage
tic linked to that skill. or Ranged (Heavy) check. equal to Agility to one hit.
V .


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Spy: Infiltrator Talent Tree
Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception,
Skulduggery, Stealth
Infiltrator Bonus Career Skills: Deception, Melee, Skulduggery, Streetwise

I — »
Cain + 1 strain threshold. When targeted by combat When making a Melee or Once per round, may per-
v check, may perform a Brawl check, suffer a num- form Defensive Stance ma-
Dodge incidental to suffer a ber of strain to upgrade neuver and suffer a n u m -
number of strain no greater the attack an equal num- ber of strain to upgrade
than ranks of Dodge, then ber of times. The strain suf- difficulty of all incoming
upgrade the difficulty of the fered may not exceed melee attacks by an equal
check by that number. ranks in Frenzied Attack. number. Strain suffered
this way cannot exceed
ranks in Defensive Stance.


When making Melee After making a successful Once per round, may stand
checks, may inflict damage attack, may spend 1 Desti- from seated or prone as an
as strain instead of wounds. ny Point to add damage incidental.
This does not ignore soak. equal to Cunning to one hit.

After hitting with a melee When making a Melee or Cain + 1 strain threshold. When targeted by combat
attack, may spend ($) to Brawl check, suffer a num- check, may perform a
knock the target prone. ber of strain to upgrade Dodge incidental to suffer a
the attack an equal num- number of strain no greater
ber of times. The strain suf- than ranks of Dodge, then
fered may not exceed upgrade the difficulty of the
ranks in Frenzied Attack. check by that number.

Cain + 2 wound threshold. Once per round, may per-

Once per session, may re- When dealing strain dam- form Defensive Stance ma-
roll any 1 Brawl or Melee age with Melee o r Brawl neuver and suffer a num-
check. checks, may spend ($) to ber of strain to upgrade
stagger target for 1 round difficulty of all incoming
per ® melee attacks by an equal
number. Strain suffered
this way cannot exceed
ranks in Defensive Stance.

Gain + 1 to a single charac-

• H P
Once per session, make
i m HI.IUII*
teristic. This cannot bring a one skill check using Cun- Once per round, suffer 2 Once per session, may re-
characteristic above 6. ning rather than the charac- strain to decrease difficulty roll any 1 Skulduggery or
teristic linked to that skill. of next Stealth or Skuldug- Stealth check.
gery check by 1.


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Spy: Scout Talent Tree
Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception,
Skulduggery, Stealth
Scout Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Medicine, Piloting (Planetary), Suruiual

i —
When recovering strain af- Add • per rank of Stalker Gain + 1 strain threshold. During a chase, add • per
ter an encounter, recover 1 to Stealth and Coordina- rank in Shortcut to any
additional strain per rank tion checks. checks made to catch or
of Rapid Recovery. escape an opponent.

Remove up to • • from Add • per rank of Quick Once per round, may After hitting with combat
skill checks to find food, Strike to combat checks mount o r dismount a ve- check, may spend O O
water, or shelter. Survival against targets that have not hicle or beast, or enter a to disorient target for num-
checks to forage take half yet acted this encounter. cockpit or weapon station ber of rounds equal to
the time. on a vehicle, as an inci- ranks in Disorient.

I IJL ,1 „• J,],'l Once per session, may re- Once per session, may per- During a chase, add • per
roll any 1 Perception or form a Familiar Suns maneu- rank in Shortcut to any
When recovering strain af-
Vigilance check. ver; make a H a r d {4} 4) 4)) checks made to catch or
ter an encounter, recover 1
Knowledge (Outer Rim) or escape an opponent.
additional strain per rank
(Core Worlds) check to re
of Rapid Recovery.
veal the current type of plan-
etary environment and oth-
er useful information.

j g j g j j g j p
Gain + I strain threshold. Gain + 2 wound threshold. Add • per rank of Quick
Allies within close range Strike to combat checks
add • t o Perception or against targets that have not
Vigilance checks. Engaged yet acted this encounter.
allies add • •

••IJ.lWil.M p

Spend 1 Destiny Point to Gain + 1 to a single charac- A d d • per rank of Stalker After hitting with combat
perform a Utility Belt inci- teristic. This cannot bring a to Stealth and Coordina- check, may spend O O
dental; produce a previously characteristic above 6. tion checks. to disorient target for num-
undocumented item or ber of rounds equal to
weapon (with restrictions) ranks in Disorient.
from a tool belt or a satchel.


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Spy: Slicer Talent Tree
Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception,
Skulduggery, Stealth
Slicer Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Underworld), Stealth

Remove • per rank in Co- Gain + I strain threshold.

I —
Remove • per rank of
debreaker from checks to Reduce time needed to Bypass Security from
break codes or decrypt complete computer-relat- checks made to disable a
communications. Decrease ed tasks by 2 5 % per rank. security device o r open a
difficulty of checks to locked door.
break codes or decrypt
communications by 1.

I E H I I —
When defending comput- Gain + 1 strain threshold. Remove • per rank of
er systems, add • per Reduce time needed to Bypass Security from
rank of Defensive Slicing complete computer-relat- checks made to disable a
to opponents' checks. ed tasks by 2 5 % per rank. security device or open a
V locked door.

Remove • per rank of

When defending comput- Gain + I strain threshold.
Once per session, may re- Bypass Security from er systems, add • per
roll any 1 Computers or checks made to disable a rank of Defensive Slicing
Astrogation check. security device o r open a to opponents' checks.
locked door.

When defending c o m p u t - Remove • per rank in Co- When involuntarily suffer-
er systems, a d d • per Defensive Slicing now u p - debreaker from checks to ing strain, suffer I less
rank of Defensive Slicing grades opponents' diffi- break codes or decrypt strain per rank of Resolve,
to opponents' checks. culty once per rank of communications. Decrease to a minimum of 1.
Defensive Slicing; this re- difficulty of checks to
places the usual benefits. break codes or decrypt
communications by 1.

When making a Computers

Once per round, may take Spend 1 Destiny Point to Gain + 1 to a single charac-
check, may spend to a Master Slicer incidental to ignore effects of Critical teristic. This cannot bring a
make further Computers suffer 2 strain and decrease Injuries on Intellect o r characteristic above 6.
checks within this system difficulty of Computers or Cunning checks until end
as maneuvers. other slicing checks by 1, to of encounter.
a minimum of Easy [4)).


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Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (lore), leadership, Negotiation
Additional Career Skills: Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge lXenologyJ, Medicine FORCE TALENT


When making a Medicine Commit 0 For every full When l1eal1ng strain after When making a Med1c1ne
check 10 help a character encounter 0 remains com- an encounter. heal l addi· check to help a characte1
heal wounds. I he largel mitted. heal l wound per llonal strain per rank of heal wounds, L11e target
heals I add1tronal wound rank of Healing Trance. Rapid Recovery heals I adclil1onal strain
per rank of Surgeon. per rank or Pl1ys1c1an.


When making a Medicine When making a Med1c1ne Gain + l strain threshold. Commit O Fo1 every full
check to help a character check to help a character encounter 0 remains com
heal \\rounds. Lhe target heal ~vounds. the target milted. l1eal l 1vound per
heals l add1uonal strain heals l add1t1onal strain rank or Healing Trance
per rank or Physrc1an per rank of Phys1c1an


Commit 0 For every full Gain + 1 strain threshold When healing strain after
encounter O 1ema1ns com- When healing an ally. an encounter. heal I add1
mitted. l1eal I wound per spend I Destiny Point to tional strain per rank or
rank of Healing Trance heal add1t1onal ~vounds RaprcJ Recovery
equal lo ranks 1n Kno~vl·
edge (Xenology)

When making a Medrc1ne When an opponent targets Gain + ? ~vound threshold
check to l1elp a character When heallng wounds due character with a Force pow-
heal wounds. l11e target to Healing Trance. make a er. reduce()generated by l
l1eals 1 add1Lronal wound Resilience check to l1eal a
per rank of Sui geon Critical Injury. Dirliculty of
tile check equals severity of
the Critical Injury.


Gain + l to a single cllarac - Once per session. may re
tenst1c. This cannot bnng a roll any l Med1c1ne check. Spend a maneuver and
characterisuc above 6 suffer / strain to extend
Calming Aur<1'<; effects Lo
allies equal 10 Willpower at
sl1or1 range uni 11 sta1 t of
next lL11 n


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CONSULAR: Niman Disciple
Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (lore), leadership, Negotiation
Additional Career Skills: Discipline, leadership, lightsaber, Negotiation FORCE TALENT


When l1it by a melee at- May upgrade difficulty of \IVl1en hit by a ranged at· Gain + I strain threshold.
tack, suffer 3 strain LO re- incoming Charm. Coercion. tack. surfer 3 strain to re-
d11ce damage by 2 plus or Deception ct1ecks once duce damage by 2 plus
ranks in Parry. per rank of Nobody's Fool. ranks in Reflect.

When making a Lightsaber Gain + 2 wound threshold. When 111L by a melee at-
When wielding a Lighl· skill check, the character tack. suffer 3 sl rain to re-
saber. Melee. or Brawl may use Willpower instead duce damage by 2 plus
weapon. tl1e weapon gains of Bravvn. ranks 1n Parry.
I he Defensive quality 1-vith
a rating equal Lo ranks in
Defensive Training.

When hit by a melee at- Add D to all Charm. Coer- When hit by a ranged at-
tack. suffer 3 strain to re- cion. and Deception checks tack. suffer 3 strain to re· Wt1en wielding a Light·
duce damage l)y 2 plus unless the target is immune duce damage by 2 plus saber. Melee. or Brawl
ranks 1n Parry. to Force powers. ranks in Reflect. weapon. the weapon gains
the Defensive quality with
a rating equal to ranks in
Defensive Training.

May spend @ or t) t) When l1it by a ranged at· Perform Draw Closer action: Take a Center or Being ma-
with successful Ligl1tsabcr tack, suffer 3 strain to re- make a Lightsaber ('v\fillpow- neuver Until the beginning
check to disarm opponent duce damage by 2 plus er) combat check against of next turn. allacks against
ran ks in Reflect. one silhouette I target within the character increase their
medium range, adding 0 no crilical rating by 1 per rank
greater than Force rating to of Center of Being.
check. Spend () to move
target one range band closer
or to add :-P. to check.

Gain + I to a single charac- Spend @ or t> t> t> on a
1erislic. This cannot bring a missed Ugl1tsaber (Willpow- Suffer 1 strain to perform
cl1aracterist ic above 6. er) combat check to imme- Center of Being maneuver
diately perform Move Force as an 1nc1dental.
power aclion as maneuver.



Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. [Q LFL. [Q FFG.


Career Skills: Caal, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (lore) , leadership, Negotiation
Additional Career Skills: Astragatian, Charm, Cool, Knowledge (lore) FORCE TALENT


Gain + I slra1n threshold Ren1ove • per rank of Re- Gain + 1 strain t11resl1old
Remove • per rank of Kill searct1er from all Knowl-
w1l11 Kindness from all edge checks. Researching a
Charm and Leadership subjecl lakes half lhe Lime.


When first acquired. choose Remove • per rank of Re May decrease difficulty
I skill. Charm. Coercion. De- searcher from all Kno1'VI of D1sc1pline checks to When acquired. choose
ception. or Negot1at1on edge checks. Researching a avoid fear by I per rank Knowledge skill When
When making c11ecks w1lh subjecl Lakes half the ume of Confidence making that skill check.
that skill. spend to gain may spend @ result lo gain
additional ~ equal to ranks additional successes equal
1n Smooth Talker to ranks in l<no1ovledge Spe-


Once per encounte1. per- When first acquired. choose
form Valuable Facts acuon. I skill: Charm. Coercion. De- Wilen acquired, choose 1 Once per session. med1ta1e.
make an Average
Knowledge check If sue
(++l cepuon. or Negouat1on
When making checks with
Knowledge skill When
making that skill check,
then perform One w1L11 L11e
Universe action. make Aver-
cessful. add @ to one ally's
skill check dunng tile en
that skill. spend @ to gain
add1t1onal ~ equal to ranks
may spend @ result to gain
add1t1onal successes equal
age (+ +l Astrogation
check If successful. acid O
counter 1n Smooth Talker Lo ranks 1n l<no1vledge Spe- to all Force power cllecks 1n
c1allzat1on next encounter If successf111
1v1th {§~ . add 1nstead

Gain + I strain threshold.
May spend 1 Destiny Point \Nllen acquired. choose 1
lo disengage from engaged l<nowledge skill Wl1en
enemy as an oul-of-turn in- mal<1ng Ihat sl<1ll cl1ecl<.
cidental may spenc1 @ result Lo gain
adctiuonal successes equal
lo ranks 1n Kno1vledge Spe-

When tile character recov Gain + 1 Force raung

ers strain at the end of Lile Once per session. may suf- Once per session, may re-
encounter. lie may add 0 fer 2 strain to perform roll any I Cool or Negot1a-
per Force rating. He recov- Force power action as ma- t1on check.
ers add1t1onal SI rain equal neuver.


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © LFL © FFG.


Career Skills: Brawl, Cool, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance � FORCE TALENT
Additional Career Skills: Knowledge !Outer Rimi, Lightsaber, Mechanics, Resilience


Remove • per rank of When consttucLing new

Gearhead from Mechan­ items or modifying attach­
ics checks. Halve the ments, add O or remove•
credit cost to aad mods per rank of lnvemor.
to attachmen ts.


Perform Saber Throw ac· Remove • per rank of
non, make Lightsabcr com­ Gearhead from Meehan
bat check as ranged attack ics checks. Halve the
at target within medium credit cosl to add mods
range, adding Ono greater to attachments.
than Force rating. Must
spcnd()and succeed to hit
target; spend () to have
weapon return to hand.

When constructing new Always count as ha�ng
When wearing amior with a ilems or modifying attach· the right tools for the job
soak value of 2 or higher, in­ ments. add O or remove• when performing Mechan­
crease defense by 1 . per rank of Inventor. ics checks.

May add I additional hard
Ta�e Comprehend Technol­ point to a number of items Once per round. may suf­
Of:i action; make an Aver­ equal to ranks in Tinkerer. fer 3 strain to take the Ar·
age £+ +i Knowledge Each ,tern may only be mor Master incidental; re­
(Education) check to use modified once. duce the next Critical lnJury
rOCCe rating as ranks in skills suffered by IO per Point of
-� 1.1Se single item. soak. to a minimum or I .


Take the Imbue Item ma­ Take the Reinforce Item

neuver; suffer I strain and maneuver: commit O O
commit O to grant one to granl one weapon or
weapon. piece of armor. or piece of armor the Corto­

item an improvement while sis quality while O O re­
Oremains committed. Suf mains commilted. Suffer
fer I strain every round O 3 strain every round 00
remains committed. remain committed.


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GUARDIAN: Peacekeeper
Career Skills: Brawl, Cool, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Discipline, Leadership, Perception, Piloting (Planetary) FORCE TALENT


Add O per rank of Com· May decrease difficulty Once per encounter, may
mand when making Lead· of Disc1pl1ne checks lo use Second Wind incidental Re1nove • per rank ol
ership checks. Affected Lar· avoid fear by I per rank to recover strain .equal to Commanding Presence
gets add O to Discipline of Confidence. ranks in Second \/Vind. from Leaderst1ip and
checks for next 24 hours. Cool checks


Gain + 2 wound threshold Once per encounter, may May decrease d1fflcully
Remove • per rank of use Second Wind incidental of Discipline checks lo
Commanding Presence to recover strain equal Lo avoid fear by I per rank
from Leadersl1ip and ranks in Second Wind. of Confidence.
Cool checks.
COST 10 ~~


Gain + 2 wound threshold. When making a Leader- Add O per rank of Com· Take l11e Field Commi'inder
ship check. add 0 no mand wt1en making Lead· acuon: 1nake an Average
greater t11an Force rating.
Spend () to add :P. or t>
ership checks. Affected tar·
gets add 0 to Discipline
(++l Leadership check
A number or allies equal lo
lo the resu It. checks for next 24 hours. Presence may in1mcdialely
suffer 1 strain Lo perform 1
free maneuver.


Spend I Destiny Point to Once per encounter. may Gain + 2 wound threshold.
ignore effects of Critical ln- use Second Wind incidental Field Co1nmander action
1uries on Willpower or Pres- to recover strain equal to affects allies equal to dou-
ence checks unul Lhe end of ranks 111 Second Wind. ble Presence. and may
the encounter. spend @ LO allovv allies 10
suffer I strain and perform
I free aclion instead


If a missed combat check Gain + 1 to a single charac· Gain + 1 Force rating. Once per session. may re·
generates @ or O t> O . teristic. Tl1is cannot bring a roll any I Cool or Leader-
may spend to perform characteristic above 6. ship check.
Force power targeting allies
as a maneuver



Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © LFL © FFG.


GUARDIAN: Protector
Career Skills: Brawl, Cool, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Athletics, Medicine, Ranged (Light), Resilience FORCE TALENT


Gain +2 wound Lhreshold. Once per round. perform Gain + I strain Lhreshold. Gain -t 2 ~vound Lhresl1old
the Body Guard maneuver
to guard an engaged charac-
ter Suffer a number of strain
no greater Lhan ranks of
Body Guard. Lhen until the
beginning of Lhe next turn
upgrade the difficully of
combat checks targeting the
character by that number.

v\lhen l11t by a melee at- Wl1en making a Medicine Perform t11e Force Protec
tack. suffer 3 slra1n lo re- check to help a character Slimpacks heal 1 addiUon- lion maneuver: suffer I
duce damage by 2 plus heal wounds. Lhe target al wound per rank of St1m- slrain and commit O up Lo
ranks in Parry. heals 1 additional strain pack Spec1alizauon. ranks or Force Prolecllon
per rank of Physician. Increase soak by number of
0 comn1iLLed unul begin-
ning or next Lum. Suffer I
sLra1n every Lurn 0 remains

When l11L by a ranged al Take a Center of Being ma-

1ack. sufler 3 strain Lo re- St1mpacks 11eal I addilion- Allies within short range neuver. Unlll Lhe beginning
duce dan1age by 2 plus al wound per rank of Stim- add D to Percepuon or of next Lurn, attacks against
ranks 111 Reflect. pack Spec1al1zation. Vigilance checks. Engaged the character increase their
allies add OD. critical rating by I per rank
of Center of Being.


\IVhen an engaged ally suf- Perform the Force Protec- Gain + I strain threshold. Once per round, perform
lers a l11t. rnay use Parry or tion maneuver: suffer 1 the Body Guard maneuver
Reflect 1nc1denlal against strain and commit O up Lo to guard an rngaged charac-
U1e hit. ranks of Force Protecllon. ter. Suffer a number of strain
Increase soak by number of no greater than ranks of
0 commilted unlil beg1n- Body Guard. 1hen until U1e
n1ng of next turn. Suffer 1 beginning of the next tum
slrain every turn 0 re1nains upgrade Lhe difficulty or
commitLed. combat checks targeting lhe
character by Lhat number.

Take a Center or Being ma Gain + 1 to a single charac-
neuver. Uni ii the beginning teristic. This cannot bring a Once pe1 session. vvhen an
or next turn. attacks against characteristic above 6. ally protecled by the Body
l11e character increase their Guard maneuver suffers a
critical raung by 1 per rank hit, suffer Lhe h1L instead.
of Center of Being.


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © LFL. © FFG.


GUARDIAN: Soresu Defender
Career Skills: Brawl, Cool, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Discipline, Knowledge lloreJ, Lightsaber, Vigilance FORCE TALENT


When hil by a melee al· When hit by a melee at- Gain + 2 wound threshold. Once per round. may per
lack. suffer 3 st rain 10 re- Lack. suffer 3 strain to re- form Defensive Stance ma-
duce damage by 2 plus duce damage by 2 plus neuver and suffer a nun1ber
ranks 1n Parry ranks 1n Parry. of strain to upgrade diffi
culty of all inco1ning melee
attacks by an equal num-
ber for the next round
Strain suffered this way
cannol exceed ranks 111 De
fensive Stance

When hil by a ranged at- Gain + l strain L11reshold. Gain + I sl rain threshold.
When making a check using tack. suffer 3 strain to re-
L11e Lightsaber skill . the duce damage by 2 plus
character may use Intellect ranks in Reflect.
instead of Brawn .


May decrease d1fficully When parrying a hit that May take the Defensive When l11l by a melec al
of Discipline cl1ecks LO generaLed AW/ or ,_,
'o' ,_,
'o' ,_,
'o' . Circle action. making a tack, suffer 3 strain lo re-
avoid fear by I per rank may hit attacker once Hard (+++) Lightsaber
(Int ellect) check. The char-
duce damage by 2 pl11s
of Confidence. w1t11 Lightsaber. Brawl. or ranl<s in Parry.
Melee weapon (dealing acter. plus one ally within
base damage) after origi- short range per ~ . gains X
nal attack resolves. defense until the beginning
of next tum. X equals l .
plus I per O ti .


When hit by a melee at· When l1it by a ranged at· When hit by a ranged at· Once per round. may per-
tack. suffer 3 strain to re tack. suffer 3 strain to re- tack. suffer 3 strain to re- form Defensive Stance n1a
duce damage by 2 plus duce damage by 2 plus duce damage by 2 plus neuver and suffer a nun1bcr
ranks in Parry. ranks in Reflect. ranks in Reflect. of strain to upgrade diffi
culty of all incoming melee
attacks by an equal num-
ber for L11e next round.
Strain suffered lh1s way
cannol exceed ranl<s in De
fensive Stance.

If the user did not make a Gain + I to a single charac- May Lake lhe Strategic Form
combat check during l11s teristic. This cannot bring a When reflecting a hit that aclion. making a Hard (+
previous Lum. may suffer I
strain to use Parry.
characteristic above 6. generated @ or ~§> ~§> ~§> .
may hit one target in medi·
+ +) Lightsaber (Intel·
lect) check, rolling 0 no
um range with the same greater than Force raung. If
damage as the initial hit. af- successful. I target 1vil111n
ter original attack resolves. short range may only allacl<
characte1 for I round
Spend () to extend effects
for I target for I round.

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Career Skills: Brawl, Cool, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Brawl, Coercion, Discipline, Knowledge !Underworld)

� 'II �
May suffer a number of
strain to downgrade difficul­
ty of Coercion checks, or
upgrade difficulty when tar­
geted by Coercion checkS.
by an equal number. Strain
suffered this way cannot ex­
ceed ranks in Intimidating.

'II � �
When this character May decrease difficulty Take a Scathing T irade ac­ May spend t} t} from a
inflicts a Critical Injury of Discipline checks to tion: make an Average (+ Deception or Coercion
with a Brawl. Melee, or avoid f ear by 1 per rank +1 Coercion check. Each check to upgrade ability of a
lighcsa bcr weapon. may of Confidence. '# cause s one enemy in single ally's subsequent So­
suffer 1 strain to chan�e shore range to suffer 1 cial Interactioncheck against
the iresult to any Easy(•) strain. Spend tJ, to cause 1 the target a number of times
Crit cal Injury result. affected enemy to suffer 1 equal to rankS in Bad Cop.
additional strain.

May decrease difficulty

When an adversary be­
•tiiifiiH �
May spend t} t} from a
of Discipline checks to comes engaged with the Coercion check or t§> {§>
avoid fear by 1 per rank character, the character from a foe's Discipline
of Confidence. may force the adversary to check: that target cannot
make a fear check. with the perform a free maneuver
difficulcy equal to the char during his next turn.
acter's ranks in Fearsome.


When a combat check
i6i =
• h!friiMi#·�
When targeted by combat
May spend tJ, tJ, from a

made by an engaged foe check From within medi­ Deception or Coercion

generates@ or{§} ,§>{§>. um range, may spend a check to upgrade ability of a
may stagger attacker until Destiny Point to upgrade single ally's subsequent So­
the end of his next turn. the difficulty of the check cial Interaction check against
a number of times equal the target a number of times
to ranks in Coercion. equal to rankS in Bad Cop.

'II �
Once per round. may per­ When an adversary be
form the Grapple maneu­ comes engaged with the
ver. Until the beginning of character. the character
character's next turn. foes may force the adversary to
must spend 2 maneuvers make a fear check. with the
instead of 1 to move from difficulty equal to the char­
engaged to short range. acter's ranks in Fearsome.


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GUARDIAN: Warleader
Career Skills: Brawl, Cool, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: leadership, Perception, Ranged llightl, Survival

When tnis character or an Character and allies in
ally in short range takes short range may spend tJ
cover. he increases soak on railed combat checks
against ranged attacks by I once per round to inflicL I
per rank of Prime Positions strain per rank of Sup
until he leaves thal cover. pressing Fire on the target.

� �
Once per session, may intro­
duce a -racr into the narra­
tive as 1f a Destiny Point had
been spent.

Character and allies in
• GRIT :"!

Add O per rank of Un

'jl�c; ;;;;;;;�

short range may spend tJ canny Senses to all Per­

on failed combat checks ception checks
once per round to inflict 1
strain per rank of Sup­
pressing Fire on the target.

When this character or an
This character and allies
� ;f �
Perform the Forewarning
Take the Coordinated As ally in short range takes within short range add tJ action. All allies within me­
sault maneuver: a number cover. he increases soak to combat checks while dium range increase de
01 engaged allies equal to againsL ranged attacks b1• I benefiting from cover. tense by character's Force
Leadership ranks add tJ to per rank of Prime PoSttions rating until they act in the
combat checks until begin­ until he leaves that cover. encounter
••ing of next cum. Range in­
creases per rank of Coordi­
nated Assault.

Once per session. make

\o\fhtle benefiting from an

orie skill check using Cun­ Aim maneuver. @ from
ng rather than the char­ this character's Ranged
ac,enstic linked to that [Heavy) and Ranged (Light)
s .::!. checks cannot cause at­
tacks to hit allies engaged
with the target.


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Guardian Signature Ability Tree: Fated Duel


Once per game session. during a combat encoumer. the character may spend 2 Destiny Points and make a Hard (t ++1 Discipline check to challenge an­
other character. If he succeeds. the two characters are locked in a duel for 3 rounds. For the duration or the duel. the two dueling characters can only make attacks
rargeting each other and no other characters can target the dueling characters with attacks (or otherwise intervene) .


�educe the difficulty of the Add D to checks made by al­ Increase wound threshold
si<ill check to activate Fat­ lies while Fated Duel is active. by + 4 while Fated Duel is
<>d Duel to Average c++J active

:'II �
"'Crease wound threshold Whenever the character
- - 4 while Fated Duel is suffers a Critical Injury while
'"1ve. Fated Duel is active. flip one
Dark Side Destiny point to
a Light Side Destiny Point.

SIGNATURE ABILITY: foe while comrades clear out weaker enemies. or even to
stave off a single deadly combaLant while allies make their
FATED DUEL escape. Characters who have mastered this signature ability
can provide substantial boons to their allies while they fight J
\1any of the most iconic scenes in stories of heroism and the duel. giving them the best chance to complete import.ant
sacrifice begin with two combatants drawing (or igniting) tasks without interruption. Of course. any use of this signa­
Lheir blades Lo fight a duel to the death. This signature abil ture ability represents a considerable risk on the part of the
ty allows a Guardian to force a single foe into a duel. pre­ Guardian. for it means bearing the entire burden of fighting a
enting both participants from aLLacking others for several particular foe. if only for a short time. Such duels have been
-ounds. Guardians can use this signature ability to give al- the finest moments of many Guardians. but also their last.
es a chance to recover and regroup. to distract a powerful


S ignature abilities can pose a number of challenges

to the GM. first and foremost because they allow
one of the PCs to grab the spotlight. albeit briefly.
If. however. a PC uses Fated Duel during a battle aeainst
a single powerful foe intended for the whole party, it
might not be as obvious what everyone else should do
While the narrative influence they allow the players is while the duel plays out. Sometimes. other players mieht
a good thing in moderation (and indeed. the purpose not mind watching a friend play out a one-on-one battle.

of signature abilities). it does mean that the GM has especially if the duel is with a personal foe of that PC in
to account for the rest of the PCs during these scenes. particular. Usually, though, the GM should come up with
Sometimes. it is obvious what the other PCs should something to occupy the other PCs. This could be a par­
be doing while a character uses Fated Duel or a simi­ allel crisis to address. but it could also be an opportunity
lar narrative signature ability. If the PC who activated created by the duel. For instance. the other PCs might be
Fated Duel is holding off a Sith Lord while the rest able to use the distraction of a major NPC to accomplish
of the characters outrun stormtroopers. retake their goals they couldn't if the villain weren't busy-rescuing
�hip. and make an escape, then the other PCs will guarded prisoners. "liberating" relics from a vault, or slic­
have plenty of activities and checks to keep them busy. ing the enemy's computer for key information.
Guardian Signature Ability Tree: Unmatched Heroism


Ooce per game sess,on. as an ou1 of tum incidema:. ttlC characwr may spend 2 IX">tiny Po,nrs. ror the next? rounds. whenever an ally within short range IS ·
;e.ed by a successful comba: che(k. the character may suffer 2 S[(ain co move to eneaged range of that ally and become the target of tre combat check ,n�tead

matched Heroism lasts for Reduce thf; srra,n cos, tO
ac.dinonal round. become the target of an
attack w1tt> Unmatct:ed
Heroism by 1


Reduce the strain cost �

become the target of an
attatk wlth Unmatched
Heroism by 1


UNMATCHED HEROISM Unmatched Heroism has several upgrades that can improve
its effects and make it easier to use. Any upgrades that ap­
The act of sheltering allies is frequently a literal one for pear in Unmatched Heroism's tree multiple times have their
Guardians. This signature ability allows Guardians to in effects stack.
,ercept attacks meant for friends. tak•rig mighty strikes in
Destiny Upgrade: To activate Unmatched Heroism. the
their allies' place Since Guardians often have means of miti­
gating incoming attacks. from deft sword skills to resilient character only needs to spend I Dest.ny Point instead of
armor to Force-enhanced toughness. they can often resist the normal 1.
st11kes chat would incapacitate or even slay their comrades. Duration Upgrade: Unmatched Heroism lases for 1 add
Some Guardians can even capitalize on being hit. launcn1ng t1ona1 round per Duration Upgrade.
counterstrikes or otherwise smiting foes who strike al them. Endurance Upgrade: Reduce the strain cost to become ihe
Armed w1Lh this signature ability. a Guardian can safeguard a target of an attack with Unmatched Heroism by 1 (lo a min
,hole party against numerous foes for several rounds mum of 0) per Endurance Upgrade.
BASE ABILITY Frequency Upgrade: Unmatched Heroism can be used
twice per game session instead ot once.
Once per game session. as an out ot turn incidental. the Increase Range Upgrade: Increases the maximum range a
haracter may spend :;> Destiny Points. For the next 2 which allies can be affected to medium range.
01 nds. whenever an ally w,thin short range is targeted by a
successful combat check. the character may suffer 2 strain
as an out of turn incidental to move to engaged range of that
and become the target of the combat check instead

S':'All 'iG-. P<ro'."EC'"'O �



MYSTIC: Advisor
Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Perception, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Negotiation, Streetwise FOREE TALENT


Once per session. when Gain + 1 strain threshold.
Remove • per rank of attempting to purcl1ase a Remove • per rank of Kill
Plausible Dcniability from legally available item. re- wil11 1<1ndness from all
Coercion and Deception duce its rarity by 1 per Cl1arm and Leadership
checks. rank or Know So1nebody. checks.


Gain + 2 wound thresholcJ. Once per session. when May upgrade difficulty of
attempting to purchase a Once per session. when incoming Cl1arm. Coercion.
legally available item. re- making a check. count Force and Deception checks once
duce its rarity by I per rating as being equal to per rank of Nobody's Fool
rank of l<now Somebody. ranks in l<nowledge (Lore).


Gain + l strain thresl1old. When first acquired. When first acquired.
choose l skill: Charm. Co- choose l skill: Charm. Co- Remove • per rank of
ercion. Deception. or Nego- ercion. Deception. or Nego- Plausible Den1ability from
tiation When making tiation. When making all Coercion and Deception
checks with that skill. spend checks with that skill. spend checks.
@ to gain additional *- @ to gain additional *-
equal to ranks in Smooth equal to ranks 1n Smooth
Talker. Talker.


May upgrade difficulty of Once per session. may re- Add D to all Cl1arn1. Coer-
1ncom1ng Charm. Coercion. roll any l Charm or Decep- Spend l Destiny Point to cion. and Deception cl1ecks
and Deception checks once tion check. recover strain equal Lo Cun- unless l11e target 1s immune
per rank or Nobody's Fool. ning raling. Lo Force po1>Vers.


Gain + I to a single cl1arac- Spend I Destiny Point to Gain + l Force rating.
teristic. This cannot bring a ignore effects of Critical In- Once per session, may add
charactenst1c above 6. juries on Willpo~ver or Pres- • • to I NPC's skill cl1eck.
ence checks until the end of
the encounter.


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. IQ LFL IQ FFG.


MYSTIC: Makashi Duelist
Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Aim), Perception, Vigilance
Adlllitional Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Coordination, Lightsaber FORCE TALENT


Gain + I strain threshold Suffer 2 slra1n lo avoid be· Gain + I strain threshold When h1l by a melee at
1ng disarmed or have \veap· tack. suffer 3 strain to re
on damaged or destroyed. duce damage by 2 plus
ranks 1n Parry

Wt1cn hit by a melee al Spend @ or t> t> t> gen
Lack. suffer 3 strain Lo re· When rnak1ng a check using Add D to Melee and Light eratcd on a missed melee
cluce damage by 2 plus the L1ghlsaber skill. lhe saber checks when engaged attack to upgrade d1rf1culty
ran ks 111 Parry. character may use Pres- 1v1th only one opponent. or opponent's next attack
ence instead of Bra~vn targeling character by ranks
in Fe1nL


Wt1en l1it by a melee at Spend @ or O t} t} gen· When hit by a melee at- When hit by a melee at
tack. suffer 3 strain to re erated on a missed melee tack. suffer 3 strain to re· tack. suffer 3 strain to re
duce damage by 2 plus attack to upgrade difficulty duce damage by 2 plus duce damage by 2 plus
1finks 111 Parry of opponent's next attack ranks in Parry ranks in Parry
targeting character by ranks
Ill Fe1nl.


Spend I Dest 1ny Po1111 to \Nhen parrying a hit that Gain + I strain thresl1old.
recover strarn equal to generated @ or {§} '§} '§} , Wl1en w1eld1ng a Light·
Presence raung. may hit attacker once saber. Melee, or Brawl
w1Lh L1ghtsaber. Brawl. or ~veapon. L11c weapon gains
Melee vveapon (dealing the Dcrensive q11alil y wiLh
base damage) after origi- a rating equal to ranks 111
nal attack resolves. Defensive Trarn1ng

Gain 1- I to a single charac May spend @ or t} t> Take the Makashi Finish ac Once per encounter. per
I ensue Th rs cannot bnng a with successful Ugl1tsaber lion Perform a Lightsaber form Makash1 Flounsl1
cl1aracterisltc above 6. check Lo disarm opponent. (Presence) combat check aclion Make an Average
against engaged target. (+ +> Lightsaber (Pres-
adding 0 no greater than ence) check. I engaged
Force rating. Spend () to opponenl suffers strarn
add + I 0 to any resultrng equal lo ~ . and heal an
Critical Injury rolls. equal amount or strain
COST 25 ~·

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Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (lore), Knowledge (Outer Rimi, Perception, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Discipline, Knowledge (lore), Survival, Vigilance FORCE TALENT


Remove up Lo • • rrom Gain + 1 strain threshold. Remove • per rank of Ex·
skill checks to find food, wa- Add D per rank of Uncanny pert Tracker from checks to
ter. or shelter. Survival Reactions to all Vigilance find tracks or track targets.
checks to forage take half checks. Decrease time to track a
the time. target by half.


Suffer a number or strain to Remove • per rank of Gain + 2 1ivound thresl1old.
add an equal number or :P. Keen Eyed from Perception Add D per rank of Uncanny
to lnillallve checks. Strain and Vigilance checks. De- Reactions to all Vigilance
suffered cannot exceed crease time to search a spe- checks.
ranks 1n Rapid Reacuon. cific area by half.

Once per game. remove Gain + I strain threshold. Perform the Forewarning
• • from any I check. action. All allies within me- May spend I Destiny Point
dium range increase de· to disengage from engaged
fense by character's Force enemy as an out-of-turn in-
rating until they act 1n the cidental.

When targeted by combat
Once per session. may add Once per session. may suf- check. may perform a
• • to I NPC's skill check. fer 2 strain Lo perform Dodge incidental Lo suffer a
Force power action as ma- number of strain no greater
neuver. than ranks of Dodge. then
upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that nurnber.


Suffer a number of strain to Gain + 2 wound threshold. Once per session, may reroll Gain + I Force rating.
add an equal number or :P. any 1 Force po~ver check.
to ln1tiat1ve checks. Strain
suffered cannot exceed
ranks in Rapid Reaction.


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SEEKER: Ataru Striker
Career Skills: Knowledge lXenologyJ, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting lSpacel, Ranged lHeavyJ, Survival, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Lightsaber, Perception FDRC:E TALENT


Remove • per rank of Con- When hit by a melee at- Once per round. may stand Once per round. draw or
ditioned from Athletics and tack. suffer 3 strain to re- from seated or prone as an l1olster a weapon or acces-
Coordination checks. Re- duce damage by 2 plus incidental. sible item as an incidental.
duce t11e damage and strain ranks in Parry.
suffered rrom falling by I
per rank of Conditioned.


When targeted by coml)at When hit by a ranged at· When makinga check using Add D per rank of Quick
check, may perform a tack. suffer 3 strain to re- the Lightsaber skill. the Strike to combat cl1ecks
Dodge incidental to suffer a duce damage by 2 plus character may use Agility against targets that have not
number of strain no greater ranks in Reflect. instead of Brawn. acted yet this encounter.
than ranks of Dodge. then
upgrade the difficulty of the
check by that number.


Add D per rank of Quick When hit by a ranged at- When hit by a melee at- When parrying a hit that
Strike to combat checks tack. suffer 3 strain to re- tack. suffer 3 strain to re- genera l ed Aw or ,2,
,- , ,- , ,- ,
,2, .2, ,
against targets that have not duce damage by 2 plus duce damage by 2 plus may l1it attacker once
acted yet this encounter. ranks 1n Reflect. ranks in Parry. vVith Lightsaber. Bravvl. or
Melee weapon (dealing
base dan1ageJ after origi-
nal attack resolves.

When targeted by combat Take the Hawk Bat Swoop Perform the Saber Swarm Remove • per rank of Con-
check. may perform a action. Perform a Lightsaber maneuver; suffer I strain, ditioned from Athleucs and
Dodge incidental lo suffer a (Agility) combat check to make nexl Lightsaber Coordination cl1ecks. Re-
nun1ber of strain no greater against target witl11n short (Agility) combat check this duce tl1e damage and strain
than ranks of Dodge. then range. adding 0 no greater turn gain the Linked item suffered from falling by I
upgrade the difficulty of lhe than Force rating. Spend () quality equal to Force rat- per rank of Conditioned.
check by that number. to engage target and spend ing during check.
() to add tJ. to check .

When hit by a melee at· Gain + I to a single charac- Perform Saber Throw ac- When the character recov
tack. suffer 3 strain lo re- teristic This cannot bring a tion; make Lightsaber com- ers strain al the end of the
duce damage by 2 plus characteristic above 6 bat check as ranged attack encounter. he may add 0
ranks in Parry at target within medium per Force rating. He recov-
range. adding 0 no greater ers additional strain equal
than Force rating. Must to () generated.
spend ()and succeed to hit
target: spend () to have
weapon return to hand.

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SEEKER: Hunter
Career Skills: Knowledge (Xenology), Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Heavy), Survival, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Coordination, Ranged (Heavy), Stealth, Vigilance FORCE TALENT


When healing strain after Add D per rank of Hunter Remove • per rank of Ex- Gain + 2 wound threshold.
an encounLe1 . heal 1 addi- to all checks when interact- pert Tracker from checks to
uonal sLrain per rank of ing with beasts or animals find tracks or track targets.
Rapid Recovery. [including combat checks). Decrease time to track a
Add + I 0 to Critical Injury target by half.
results against beasts or
animals per rank of Hunter.


Gain + 2 wound threshold. Remove • per rank of Ex- Add D per rank of Hunter Add D per rank of Uncanny
pert Tracker from checks to lo all checks when inLeract- Senses to all Perception
find tracks or track targets. ing vv1Lh beasts or anunals checks.
Decrease Lime lo track a (including combat checks)
target by half. Add + I 0 to Critical Injury
results against beasts or
animals per rank of Hunter.


Once per round . n1ay per- Remove • per rank of Once per session. may re-
form Side Step nianeuver l\een Eyed from Perception roll any I Perception or Add D per rank of Uncanny
and suffer a number of and Vigilance checks. De· Vigilance check. Reactions to all Vigilance
strain lo 11pgrade difficulty crease time to search a spe- checks.
of all incoming ranged al cific area by half.
Lacks by an equal numbe1
for l111s round. Strain suf-
rerect l111s way cannoL ex-
ceed ranks in Side SLep .


Wl1en healing strain after After making a successful Gain + I ranged defense. When l1ealing strain after
an encounter. lleal I add1- attack. may spend 1 Desti- an encounter, heal I add1-
t 1onal strain per rank of ny Point to add damage t1onal strain per rank of
Rapid Recovery. equal to Cunning to one hit. Rapid Recovery.


Once per round. may per- Gain + I to a single charac- When making a Ranged Gain + I Force rating.
form Side Step maneuver teristic. Tl1is cannot bring a (Heavy) or Ranged (Light)
and suffer a number of charactenstic above 6. combat check. add 0 no
strain Lo upgrade difficulty greater than Force rating to
of all incoming ranged at- the check. May spend () to
tacks by an equal number add ~ or {'.}.
lor L111s round. SI rain suf-
fered this way cannot ex-
ceed ranl<s 111 Side Step.

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. IQ LFL. © FFG.


SEEKER: Pathfinder
Career Skills: Knowledge lXenologyJ, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Heavy), Survival, Vigilance
Additional Career Skills: Medicine, Ranged (Light), Resilience, Survival FORCE TALENT


Gain + I strain threshold Ren1ove • per rank of Remove up to • • from Does not suffer usual pen
Keen E~ed from Perception skill ct1ecks lo find food 1\a- allies for moving 1h1ough
and Vigilance checks De ter. or shelle1 Survival d1rr1cult Lena1n
crease lime lo search a spe- checks Lo forage take 11alf
cific area by hall the ume.


Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of Oul Gain + 2 wound U1reshold. Rcn1ove • per rank of Out
Keen Eyed from Perceplion doorsman from checks Lo doorsman fron1 cl1ccks 10
anct V1g1lance ct1ccks. De· move through terrain 01 1nove 1hrougl1 LCI rain 01
crease 11me 10 searcl1 a spc manage environmental er manage environn1cn1al cf
c1fic area by half fects. Decrease overland ff'cts Decrease ove1 land
travel Limes by half Iravel I11Ties by half

When 1nak1ng checks to Develop long-term bond Gain + I strain threshold. Add O Lo all Stealtt1 checks
handle or tame animals. 1v1Lh single animal or s1lhou unless Lile oppos1t1on 1s 1111
add 0 no greater than ene no greater Lhan half niune to Force po1\'e1s
Force rating to the check Force rating rounded do~\'n .
Spend () Lo add ~ or tJ
Lo Lhe check

May perform the Mental Gain + t Force raung. Suffer 2 strain to perform Gain + 2 1vound thrcsllolcl
Bond action Commit 0 Lhe Quick tvtovemenL inci-
While comm1LLed. may dental. add 0 no greater
communicate w1lh bone! than Force rating to next
ed animal al long range ct1eck May spend () () to
and see and hear Lhrougll perform one additional
its senses Move maneuver after action

May perform the Share Gain + I soak value. Gain + I Lo a single ct1arac
Pain 1nc1dental when bond- Once per session. may re- tensuc This cannot b11ng a
ed animal suffers vvounds • roll any I Resilience or Sur- charactensuc above 6
Reduce wounds suffered to vival check
half then character suffers
vvounds equal to nurnbcr


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Career Skills: Computers, Deception, Knowledge CCore Worlds), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth
Additional Career Skills: Astrogation, Computers, Knowledge (Education), Mechanics FORCE TALENT


Wl1en repairing hull trau- When repa iring system Always count as having
ma on a starship or vehi- strain on a starship or ve· the right tools for the job Reduce time neecled 10
cle. repair I add1Lional hicle. repair 1 additional vvhen performing Meehan complete Computers-relal ·
hull trauma per rank of system strain per rank of 1cs checks. ed tasks by 25°10 per rank.
Solid Repairs. Fine Tuning.


Gain + I strain t11reshold . When repairing hull trau - Wl1en repairing system Garn + I strain 111reshold
ma on a starship or vehi- strain on a starship or ve-
cle. repair l additional hicle. repair 1 addiltona l
hull trauma per rank of system strain per rank of
Solid Repairs. Fine Tuning.


When constructing new Take Lhe Imbue Item ma- When defending computer
items or modifying auach neuver. suffer I strain and Once per session. may re- systems. add • per rank of
men ts. add 0 or remove • commit 0 to grant one roll any 1 Mechanics check. Defensive Slicing Lo oppo-
per rank of Inventor. weapon. piece of armor. or nents· cl1ecl<s.
item an improvement vvhile
0 remains committed. Suf-
fer I strain eve1y round 0
remains commitled .


When repairing hull trau- When defending computer Spend 1 Destiny Point lo
ma on a starsl11p or vel11 systems. add • per rank of ignore effects or Cril 1cal
cle. repair 1 additional Defensive Slicing Lo oppo- Injuries on Intellect and
hull trauma per rank of nents' checks. Cunning checks until encl
Solid Repairs. of encounter


Once per round. may Lake Gain + I to a single charac-
the Master Artisan inciden- When making check to craft teristic. This cannot bring a Take Comprel1end Tecllnol-
tal: suffer 2 strain 10 de- or repair item. may add 0 characteristic above 6. ow action: make an Aver-
crease Lhe difficulty or next no greater than Force rating age (+ +J Knowledge
Mechanics check by I . Lo a to cl1eck. Spend ()() to in- (Education) check 10 use
minimum of Easy (+ ) crease hard points by I . to Force ratrng as ranks 111 skills
max of + 2. to use a single 1Lem



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C1r1er Skills: Computers, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth
Additional Career Skills: Knowledge (Underworld), Skulduggery, Stealth, Streetwise FOR(E TALENT


1\dd D Lo all Steallh checks Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of Co Upgrade d1fhc11lty of
unless the oppos1llon 1s 1m Street Smarts from Street- debreaker from checks lo cl1ecks Lo 1dent1fy characler
n1une to Force pol'vers. ~v1se and l<no1vledge (Un- break codes or decrypt once per 1ank of lnd1slln-
dervvorld) checks. commun1cauons. Decrease gu1shable.
difficulty or checks Lo break
codes or decrypt commun1-
calions by I .


Choose any 2 skills. Tl1ey Spend I Destiny Point to Gain + I strain thresl1old. Upgrade difficulty of
pe1 rnanenlly become ca ignore errects or Cnllcal cl1ecks 1.0 1dcntiry cl1aracter
recr skills. Injuries on lnlellect and once per rank of lndist1n-
Cunning checks unlll end gu1sl1able.
of encounle1

The character may spend I When targeted by combat Add D to all Stealth checks Gain + I slra1n ll1rcshold
Destiny Point Lo make him check. may perform a unless the oppos1t1on 1s 1m
sell undetectable via Force Dodge 1nc1dental to suffer a mune to Force po1vers
po1,ers and make his own number of strain no greater
po1vers go unnoticed for 111e than ranks of Dodge. then
remainder of Lhe encounler upgrade the difficulty of Lhe
check by that number

If under tl1e effects or a Remove • per rank of Co- Once per session. take Novv When targeted by coml)al
Force po1"1er perrorn1 l he debreaker from checks to You See Me action Make a check. may perform a
Slippery Minded acuon. break codes or decrypt Hard (+++) Deception Dodge 1nc1dcntal 10 surfer a
make a Hard (+++) De- comrnun1Calions. Decrease check to make a numbe1of number of st1a1n no greate1
ception check Lo 1mmed1 difficulty of checks to break NPCs equal to Cunning than ranks of Dodge. lhen
ately encl effects of po~ve1 codes or decrypt commun1- 1v1th1n medium range forget upgrade ll1e d1ff1culty of the
cauons by I about character. check by that number

Gain + I Force raung. Gain + I to a single charac-
After making a successful Once per round. suffer 2 teristic. This cannot bnng a
allack. may spend I Desti- strain to decrease difficulty characteristic above 6
ny Point to add damage or next Stealth or Skuldug
equal to Intellect to one hit. gery check by I .


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SENTINEL: Shien Expert
Career Skills: Computers, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth
Additional Career Skills: Athletics, lightsaber, Resilience, Skulduggery FORCE TALENT


Once pe1 round. rnay per Remove • pe1 rank or Con- Remove • per rank of When l11l by a ranged at
rorm Side Step maneuver ditioned from Athletics and Street Smarts rrom Street- tack, suffe1 3 strain to re
and suffe1 a nurnlJer or Coord1nauon checks. Re- wise and Knowledge (Un- duce damage by ? plus
strain Lo upgrade c.hrflcully duce t11e dan1age and strain denvorld) checks. ranks Ill Rerlect
or all 1ncom1ng 1angecl al suffered from falling by I
1.acks by an equal n11mber per rank of Conditioned
ror this round St rain sur
rered this way cannot ex
ceed ranks ill Side Step

Gain + 2 ~vound threshold When hit by a melee at· When making a check using When hit by a ranged at
tack. suffer 3 strain to re- the L1ghtsaber skill. the tack. sufler 3 s1rain to re
duce damage by 2 plus character may use Cunning duce damage by 2 plus
ranks 1n Parry instead of Bravvn. ranks 1n Reflect

When hit by a melee at- When an attack misses the Gain + I strain threshold.
tack, surfer 3 strain 10 re- character and generates @ When reflecung a hit 111at
duce damage by 2 plus or '§} {§~ . may upgrade next generated AW/ or ,_,
'o' 'o' 'o' '
,_, ,_,
ranks 1n Parry L1ghtsaber (Cunning) check may hit one i.argel 1n med1
against attacker dunng en- um range with tl1e san1e
counter once. damage as the 1n1L1al l11t ar
ter ong1nal attack 1esolves.

Once per round. may per Perform Saber TI1row ac- When hit by a rangecJ a1-
Arter using Reflect. may rorm Defensive Stance ma uon. make Lightsaber com- tack. sufrer 3 Sll a111 lo re
spend I Destiny Point to neuver and suffer a number bat check as ranged attack duce damage by 2 plus
perform Move 1nancuver as of strain to upgrade diffi al target vvith1n medium ranks 1n Reflect.
out-of turn 1nc1dcnlal to culty or all incoming n1clec range. adding 0 no greater
close distance w1l11 or en auacks by an equal num· l11an Force rating. Must
gage opponent be1 fo1 the next round spend() and succeed to hit
Strain suffered this way target; spend () to have
cannot exceed ranks 1n De- weapon return to hand.
fensive Stance.

Garn + I to a single charac-
Suffer 2 strain to add dam terisuc. This cannot bnng a Perform D1srupt1ve Strike If the user d1d not make a
age equal to Brawn to next characteristic above 6 acuon. make a Llghtsaber combat check dunng prcv1
L1ghtsabe1 combat check (Cunning) combat check. ous tum. may suffe1 I strain
made that turn adding 0 no greater than to use Reflect
Force raLing. Spend () to
add Y to the nexl combat
check tile target makes.

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © LFL © FFG.


WARRIOR: Aggressor
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Cool, Melee, Perception, Survival
Additional Career Skills: Coercion, Knowledge lUndervvorld), Ranged llight), Streetwise FORCE TALENT


May suffer a number of Gain + I strain threshold Gain + 2 wound threshold.
strain to downgrade difficul- Remove • per rank of
ty of Coercion checks. or Plausible Den1ability from
upgrade difficulty wl1en tar- all Coercion and Deception
geted by Coercion checks. checks.
by an equal number: Strain
suffered this way cannot ex-
ceed ranks 1n Intimidating.

When an adversary be- May suffer a number of
comes engaged with Lhe strain to downgrade difficul- Add + 1 damage to one Once per session. may add
character. the character ty of Coercion checks. or hit of successful combat • • to I NPC's skill cl1eck.
may force Lhe adversary to upgrade difficulty wl1en tar- checks against disorient-
1nake a fear check. with tl1e geted by Coercion checks. ed targets per rank of Prey
difficulty equal to Lhe char by an equal number. Strain on the Weak.
acter's ranks 1n Fearsome. suffered this way cannot ex-
ceed ranks 111 Intimidating.


When an adversary be- Take the Terrify action: Increase the difficulty of Gain + 2 wound threshold
comes engaged with the
character. Lhe character
make a Hard <+++)
ercion check. adding 0 no
Co- next combat check by I . If
check deals damage, target
may force the adversary to greater than Force rating. suffers 1 strain whenever
make a fear check. with Lhe Disorient one target within he moves for the ren1a1nder
difficulty equal to the char- medium range per * · of the encounter.
acter's ranks in Fearsome. Spend t> t> to extend du-
ration and spend () to in1-
mobilize affected target.


Gain + I strain tl1reshold. May spend I Desliny Point
Reduce Lhe difficulty of Add + 1 damage to one to ignore effects of Critical
Ternfy's check to Average hit of successful combat Injuries on Bral'.1n or Agility
c++) and may spend @ to checks against disorient- checks until Lile end of L11e
stagger an affected target ed targets per rank of Prey encounte1.
on the Weak .

When an adversary be- Gain + I to a single charac- When incapacitated. per-
comes engaged with the teristic. This cannot bring a form Against All Odds ac-
character. the character characteristic above 6. tion: making Hard (• • •)
may force the adversary to Resilience check with b
make a fear check, with the equal to Force rating. Heal
difficulty equal to the char- wounds equal to ':tf . spend
acter's ranks in Fearsome. () Lo add *


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WARRIOR: Shii-Cho Knight
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Cool, Melee, Perception, Survival
Additional Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Lightsaber, Melee FORCE TALENT


Wt1en h1L bv a melee at- Once per encounter. may Gain + 2 wound threshold. Wt1en llil by a melee at-
tack. sulfer 3 strain to re use Second Wind tack. suffer 3 sl rain to re-
duce damage by 2 plus to recover strain equal to duce damage by 2 plus
ranks 1n Parry ranks in Second Wind. ranks in Parry.


Once per encounter. may Remove • per rank of Con- May reduce any Cnllcal lnju-
use Second Wind incidental ditioned from Athletics and Add 0 to L1ghtsaber. Brawl. iy suffered by I 0 per rank of
Lo recover strain equal Lo Coordination checks. Re- and Melee checks vvhen en- Durable. to a minimum of I
ranks Ill Second Wind. duce the damage and strain gaged with multiple oppo·
suffered from falling by 1 nents.
per rank or Conditioned.


Once per round. draw or Gain + 1 strain threshold. When hit by a melee at-
l1olster a vveapon or acces tack. suffer 3 strain to re- When wielding a Light·
s1ble item as an incidental duce damage by 2 plus saber. Melee. or Brawl
ranks in Parry. weapon. the weapon gains
ll1e Defensive quality w1L11
a rating equal Lo ranks 1n
Defensive Training.

Increase difficulty of Light· When parrying a hit that May spend @ or ti ti
Once rer session. niay re- saber check by I to per- genera Led @ or {§~ {§~ {§~ . wit11 successful L1ghlsaber
roll any 1 L1gl1Lsaber or form Sarlacc Sweep action. may hit attacker once check to disarm opponent.
Melee check. May spend ti O to hit with L1ghtsaber. Brawl . or
additional engaged targets. Melee weapon (dealing
base damage) after ong1
nal attack resolves.


Take a Center or Being ma- May reduce any Critical Inju- Gain + I to a single charac- Wt1en hiL by a melee al
neuver. Until the beginning ry suffered by I 0 per rank of teristic. This cannot bring a Lack. suffe1 3 strain Lo re
of next tum. attacks against Durable. to a minimum of 1. characteristic above 6. duce damage by 2 plus
U1e character increase their ranks Ill Parry.
cril raling by I per rank of
Center of Being.


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WARRIOR: Starfighter Ace
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Cool, Melee, Perception, Survival
Additional Career Skills: Astrogation, Gunnery, Mechanics, Piloting (Space) FORCE TALENT


Gain + I strain threshold Remove • per rank of Suffer a number of strain to When repairing hull trau-
Skilled Jockey from aII Pi- add an equal number or "ti ma on a starship or vehi ~
loting [Planetary) and Pilot- to lnitialive checks. Strain cle. repair 1 add1llonal
ing (Space) checks Lhe char- suffered cannot exceed hull trauma per 1ank of
acter attempts ranks in Rapid Reaction. Solid Repairs


Perform the lntuiUve Evasion May decrease difficulty When repairing hull trau- Remove • per rank of Gal-
maneuver; suffer I strain of Discipline checks to 1na on a starship or vehi· axy Mapper frorn r\stroga-
and commit 0 up to ranks avoid fear by 1 per rank cle. repair 1 additional llon checks. Astrogallon
of lntuilive Evasion Upgrade of Confidence hull trauma per rank of cl1ecks take hair normal
difficulty of combat checks Solid Repairs. tune.
targeting starship or vet11cte
by equal amount. Suffer 1
strain every round 0 re-
ma 1ns committed.


Take a Full Throttle action: Suffer a number of strain to Before attacking a starship Gain + 1 strain t11reshold.
make a Hard 1++ t l Pi-
loting check to increase a
add an equal number of "ti or vehicle. may spend 1
to Initiative checks. Strain Destiny Point lo ignore the
vehicle·s top speed by 1 for suffered cannot exceed effects of the Massive rule
a number of rounds equal ranks in Rapid Reaction. for the attack.
to Cunning.


When making a combat Once per session. add DD Gain + 1 strain threshold. Remove • per rank of
check with a planetary to any one check. Skilled Jockey from all Pi-
scale weapon. add 0 no loting (Planeta1y) and Pilot
greater than Force rating ing (Space) checks tl1e char-
to the check Spend ()() acter attempts.
to add ~ or t) .


Gain + I Force rating. Count vehicle or starsl1ip Gain + 1 to a single charac- Perform the Intuitive Evasion
piloted as having a silhou- teristic. This cannot bring a maneuver: suffer I strain
ette I lower when being characteristic above 6. and commit 0 up to ranks
attacked. of lntuillve Evasion. Upgrade
difficulty of combat cl1ecks
targeting starship or vel1icle
by equal amount. Suffer I
strain every round O re-
mains comm1LLed.

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Universal: Recruit Talent Tree
Recruit Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Discipline, Surviual, Vigilance

11 liWIJJ.UWl k I l,IIU,l,l,l:l»
Once per encounter, may Remove • per rank of
Brawl and Ranged (Light) use Second Wind inciden- Outdoorsman from checks Melee and Ranged (Heavy)
become career skills. tal to recover strain equal to move through terrain or become career skills.
j to ranks in Second Wind. manage environmental ef-
fects. Decrease overland
travel times by half.


Once per encounter, may Knowledge (Core Worlds)

use Second Wind inciden- Gunnery and Piloting and Knowledge (Outer Rim)
tal to recover strain equal (Planetary) become ca- become career skills.
to ranks in Second Wind. reer skills.

Once per round, draw or Gain + 1 strain threshold. Gain + 2 wound threshold. Cannot run out of ammo
holster a weapon or acces- due to ® . Items with Limit-
sible item as an incidental. ed Ammo quality run out of
ammo as normal.

Once per encounter, may Once per round, may stand Gain + 1 strain threshold. Reduce the crit rating of
use Second Wind inciden- from seated or prone as an improvised weapons by 2
tal to recover strain equal incidental. (to a minimum of 1).
to ranks in Second Wind.

When making a ranged at- Gain + 1 to a single charac- Gain + 2 wound threshold. Gain + 1 soak value.
tack while engaged with an teristic. This cannot bring a
opponent, may suffer 2 characteristic above 6.
strain to reduce the ranged
modifier by 1.


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Universal: Force-Sensitive Emergent Talent Tree
Gain Force Rating 1 FORCE TALENT

Perception and Discipline Add • per rank of Un- Upgrade difficulty of Cain + 1 strain threshold.
become career skills. canny Senses to all Per- checks to identify charac-
ception checks. ter once per rank of Indis-

Cain + 2 wound threshold.

USB I r lH. » 1

Add • to all Stealth checks Add • to all Stealth checks

Add • per rank of Un- unless the opposition is im- unless the opposition is im-
canny Reactions to all mune to Force powers. mune to Force powers.
Vigilance checks.

Add • per rank of Un- Cain + 1 strain threshold. Upgrade difficulty of

canny Senses to all Per- A d d • per rank of Un- checks to identify charac-
ception checks. canny Reactions to all ter once per rank of Indis-
Vigilance checks. tinguishable.

Gain + 2 wound threshold. Once per session, remove Once per session, add When the character recov-
• • f r o m any 1 check. • • t o any 1 check. ers strain at the end of the
encounter, he may add O
per Force rating. He recov-
ers additional strain equal
to O generated.

L^r -

Once per encounter, may Once per session, make Gain + 1 Force rating. Gain + 1 to a single charac-
add O to a check using one skill check using Will- teristic. This cannot bring a
Brawn or Agility made by power rather than the char- characteristic above 6.
an ally in short range. O acteristic linked to that skill.
add & and # add ® .


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Universal: Force Sensitive Exile Talent Tree
Gain Force Rating 1


Remove up to •• from
skill checks to find food,
water, or shelter. Survival
checks to forage take half
the time.


Perform an Intense Focus
maneuver; suffer 1 strain
and upgrade the ability of
the next skill check once.

When the character heals

strain at the end of the en­
counter, he may add 0
per Force Rating. He re­
gains additional strain
equal to 0 generated.


Remove • per rank of Remove • per rank of

Street Smarts from Street­ Street Smarts from Street­
wise or Knowledge [Under­ wise or Knowledge [Under­
world) checks. world) checks.


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Force Power Tree: Battle Meditation • FORCE ABILITY
P~_llrequisites: Force Rating 2 +


The Force user directs allies in battle, making them more effective as a coordinated unit.
The user may spend () to add one automatic *- to all checks made by a number of engaged friendly targets up to his Presence before the end of his next
turn. If the user used any to generate (), reduce each target's Wi llpower by 1 (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the encounter.

Spend()to affect a number When making a Battle Meditation power check, the user may
of additional targets equal make an Easy r+l Leadersh ip check as part of the pool. If the user
to Presence per rank of is able to activate the power and succeeds on the check, he may
Magnitude purchased. send simple orders as part of the power.

Spend () to affect a number Spend ()() to add one additional automatic *- to affected characters'
of additional targets equal checks.
to Presence per rank of
Magnitude purchased.

Spend () to increase power's CommitOOO to sustain the ongoing effects of the power on each
range by a number of range affected target while it remains in range.
bands equal to Range up-
grades purchased.

/ /

If no were used to generate (), choose one skill. Whi le affected by the
power, each affected character counts as having the same number of ranks
in the chosen skill as the affected character with the most ranks in the skill.
If the user used any e to generate (), each affected character must make
an Easy r+l Discipline check if he wishes to resist obeying orders.

I /
The basic power has one way of spending Force points:
• The user may spend () to add one automatic :(f to
BATTLE MEDITATION all checks made by a number of engaged friendl y
Some Force users can telepathically guide allies around targets up to his Presence before the end of his next

/ them, helping them to coordinate and achieve amazing turn. If the user uses any e
to generate () on th is
feats. This guidance can easily become domination, check, reduce each target's Wi llpower by 1 (to a
'. minimum of 1] until the end of the encounter. The
/ howeve r, and Force users must strive to maintain a bal -
ance between gentle guidance and outright tyran ny. user may not activate this multiple times.
Meanwhile, individuals less concerned with trifling
matters like "morality" and "the basic dignity of all sen - UPGRADES
I tients" use Battle Meditation to guide the ir disposable
Control Upgrade: When making a Battle Meditation
pawns to ignoble ends for the ir own selfish betterment
\ power check, the user may make an Easy(+ ) Leader-
ship check as part of the pool. If he generates enough
Force points to activate the power and succeeds on tile
Battle Meditation's basic power allows the Force user check, he can telepathical ly transmit a simple order to
to influence and coordi nate large groups of allies, guid- each cha racter he affects with this power This order is
ing their actions to help_them work as a unified who le. not mandatory, but the rec ipient comprehends iteven /
if he does not understand the user's language. 9-
I _/ '

- /

Force Power Tree: Bind • FORCE ABILITY

P~equisites: Force Rating 2 +


The Force user restrains an enemy, preventing the target from acting.
The user may spend () to immobilize a target within short range until the end of the user's next turn. If the user used any e to generate (). the target also
suffers I wound per() spent on the check [ignoring soak)


Spend () to increase power's Spend ()() to affect I addi- Spend () to disorient the tar-
range by a number of range tional target within range per get For a number of rounds
bands equal to Range up- rank of Magnitude purchased. equal to Strength upgrades
grades purchased. purchased.

Spend ()() to affect I addi- Spend () to disorient the tar- Commit 0 0 0 to sustain
tional target within range per get for a number of rounds the ongoing effects of the
rank of Magnitude purchased. equal to Strength upgrades power on each affected
purchased. target.

Spend () to move the target Spend ()() to affect I addi- Spend() to disorient the target for a number of rounds equal to Strength
one range band closer or far- tional target within range per upgrades purchased.
ther away. rank of Magnitude purchased.

/ /

-/ /

When the user is making a Bind power check, if the check was not already opposed, the user may roll an opposed
Discipline vs. Discipline check against one target of the power. If no were used to generate()and the user succeeds
.I e
on the check. he may immediately stagger the target until the end of his next tum. If any were used to generate () ./
and the check succeeds, the target suffers a Critical Injury. adding+ I 0 to the roll per() spent on the check.

'/ / FORCE POWER: BIND soak) per () spent on the check. The user may not
) ac tivate t his mu ltip le times.
_/ Force users skil led in telekinetic powers can seize oth-
ers from afar, preventing them from moving or attack- UPGRADES
ing. When used with a calm heart, this power ca n be
Control Upgrade: Spend () to immediatel y move the
an extremel y useful defensive tool, letting t he Force
targe t one ra nge band toward or away from t he user.
user stop an enemy in his tracks wit hout hurting hi m.
/ The user may not activate th is multiple t imes.
O f course, once a foe is in t he Force user's grip, it can
be extreme ly tempting to si mp ly crush him. Control Upgrade: Spend (); whenever a target af- I
fected by Bind takes an action, he suffers strain equa l '
BASIC POWER to the user's Wi ll power. The use r may not activate this
mu lt iple times.
Bind's basic power all ows the Force user to restrain
t hose nearby, preventing them from harming oth-
Duration Upgrade: The power gains the ongoing effect:
\ ers and themse lves. The basic power has one way to
spend Force poi nts: ·
Co mmit 0 0 0 after successfu lly activating the basic
power. If a target was immobi lized or staggered by this
power, he rema ins immobi lized or staggered as long as
• The user may spend () to immob ilize a target 0 0 0 rema in committed and the targe t stays within
with in short range un ti l the end of the user's next range. If a target moves beyond the range of the power,
turn. If the user used any e
to genera te () on th is the effects end for him, but not for any other ta rgets of
check, the ta rget also suffers 1 wo und (ignoring the power. The user may not activa te this mul tiple times.
I ~

I /- r
Force Power Tree: Enhance • FORCE ABILITY
Pryrequisites: Force Rating 1 +


When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool.
The user may spend() to gain ':tf or 0 (user's choice) on the check.


Take a Force Leap action: Make an Enhance power check. The user may
spend () to jump horizontally to any location in short range.

When performing a Force Leap, the user can jump vertica lly in addition to
jumping horizontally.


/ / Ongoing effect: Commit 0 . The user increases his Brawn characte ristic Spend () to increase power's
by 1 (to a maximum of 6) range by a number of range
bands equal to Range up-
grades purchased.

Ongoing effect Commit 0 . The user increases his Agil ity cha racteristic I
by I (to a maximum of 6).

I ./

/ One of the most straightforwa rd ways in whi ch Force Enhance all ows Force users to perform ath letic fea ts
users utilize the power of the Force is to imbue their beyond the original scope of their natural abilities. The
own bodies with energy and strength Making leaps basic power has one way of spend in g Force points:
that might otherwise be deemed impossible, mov- • When making an Ath letics check, the user may
ing at high speeds, and harnessing physica l strength roll an En hance power check as part of the
/ well beyond the capacity of most sentient beings are pool. Th e user may spend () to ga in >:1- or tJ (hi s
all eq uall y viable. In thi s way, the Force becomes an choice) on the check. (Remember. th is coun ts as
almost li tera l fue l fo r feats of endura nce and power. a norma l Force power check in every way- it is
Most Force users fin d it a relatively simple thi ng to simp ly combined with th e ove rall skill check.)
use the Force in order to overcome their own physica l
li mitations and shrug off the effects of fatigue. Wi th UPGRADES
a little practice, most Force users are able to expand
the arenas in whic h they can use the Force beyond Upgrades to Enhance work in two distinct ways. Force
that of mere brute stre ngth. They are ab le to co ncen - users may choose to use the power to improve their
trate the Force into assisting them with acts of dexter- natural abili ties. enha ncin g existin g skill s and even
ity and acrobatics. im proving th eir bodies' physical charac teristics usin g

--' r-;


,/ -

Force Power Tree: Foresee • FORCE ABILITY

Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 +


The Force user can feel the Force flowing around everything, seeing what is and what will be.
The user may spend () to gain vague hints of events to come, up to a day into his own, personal fu ture.
,J __ .

When making a skill check to detenmine Initiative, the user may roll a Foresee power check as part of the pool. He
/ may spend() to gai n "R on the check.


Spend () to increase power's Spend() to increase power's Spend () to pick out specific
range by a number of range range by a number of range details equal to Strength up-
bands equal to Range up- bands equal to Range up- grades purchased.
grades purchased. grades purchased.

When performing a Foresee power check as part of an Initiative check. the user may spend () to allow all
affected targets to take one free maneuver before the First round of combat begins.


Force users often have precognitive flashes, expe ri - The most basic form of Foresee all ows the character
enci ng waking dreams or visions about peopl e and to look into the Force to see vague hin ts of his nea r
situations through thei r ab il ities. Th ese powers are future. These hin ts may be blu rry visua l images, brief
ra rely so cl ear an d obvious as to provide unequivoca l sa mples of sou nd, or simple emotions. The basic pow-
visions of the fu ture, but they are certai nly enough to er has one way of spend ing Force poin ts:
give Force users pause for th ought when they have a • Th e user may spend () to ga in vague hints of
"bad feel ing about somethi ng." even ts to come in the next day of his own, per-
The power of fo resight has been used in coun t- sona l future. The basic power ca nn ot see further
less different ways by co un tless di ffere nt Force users tha n one day.
thro ughou t histo ry. So me use it to gain vague images
\ far into the future. while others use it to pred ict the
movements of their foes or see an unexpected event
Foresee's upgrades wo rk in two distinct ma nners.

soon to happen.
The fi rs t set of upgrades serves to further enhance
the character's abi li ty to in tui t the actions of oth-

~ I
//,._ 1
fj --

Force Power Tree: Heal/Harm • FORCE ABILITY
...;.- Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 +

,..- j
The Force user bolsters his ally with renewed vigor or saps his foe of vital energy.
Heal (light side Force user only): Spend () to heal a number of wounds equal to Intellect from an engaged living creature [including user).
Harm: Spend () to inflict a number of wounds equal to Intellect [ignoring soak) on an engaged living ta rget. The user gains I Conflict.


Spend ()() to affect I addi- Spend ()() to affect I addi- Heal: If no e generated (),
tional target within range per tional target within range per target heals strain equal to
rank of Magnitude purchased. rank of Magnitude purchased. wounds healed.
Harm: lfany e were used to
r generate(), user heals strain
equal to wounds inflicted.



Spend() to increase power's Spend ()() to affect I addi- Heal: Spend () to increase Heal: Spend () to remove
range by a number of range tional target within range per
~/ bands equal to Range up- rank of Magnitude purchased.
wounds healed by I per
rank of Strength upgrades
one status effect from target.
grades purchased. Harm: The user may spend
/ purchased. () to heal wounds equal to
Harm: Spend () to increase wounds inflicted on target.
wounds inflicted by I per Healed character gains I
ra nk of Strength upgrades Conflict.
purchased .


Heal : Hea l additional Heal: May make a Heal Heal: Once per session, Heal: Spend () to increase /
wounds equ al to ran ks in power check combined with spend ()()()() to restore I wounds healed by I per
Med icine. a Hard (+ +tl Medicine
check. If check succeeds,
target who died after end of rank of Strength upgrades
Harm : Infl ict additional user's last tum to life. purchased.
tl one ta rget who heals wounds .J
wo unds equal to ra nks in Harm: Once per session, Harm: Spend () to increase

·~ Medici ne. also heals one Critical Injury. when this power kills a target. wou nds inflicted by I per
Harm: May make a Harm may restore one engaged rank of Strength upgrades
power check combined with character who died this en- pu rchased.
/) /
an opposed Medicine vs.
Resilience check. If check
succeeds. one ta rget who
counter to life. Each character
gains 7 Conflict f
suffers wounds also suffers
__./ I one Critical Injury [adding
+ 10 to the roll per tH.:n

/.' FORCE POWER: HEAUHARM injuries, while Harm lets him drain the life fro m his foes.
When a character purchases the basic power Heal/
) Thi s power refl ects a Force user's capa city to ma nipu- Harm. he gains access to both Heal and Harm. Each
l late the living energy in things aro und hi m. It is the ti me a character uses the basic power, he must choose
ind ividual's choice, however, whether to use this gi ft to whether he is using Heal or Harm, and he receives only
help others fl ourish, bind ing their inju ri es and making the effects associated with his choice. Each upgrade a
them whole. or to stea l their vital essence. ripping the character purc hases improves both Heal and Harm , but

\ li fe from them to watch as they wither and die. some improve each power in a different way.
The basic power for Hea l lets a character mend
Unlike many oth er Force powers, Heal/Harm has a basic wo unds with a simple touc h. Hea l can on ly be used by
power that ca n be used in two distinct ways (to heal or to light side Force-sensitive characters. The basic power
harm). Heal allows the F9rce user to treat his comrades' has one way to spend Force points:

Force Power Tree: Influence • FORCE ABILITY
Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 +


The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others.
Special Rule [Qte use): Wh en guiding and shaping though ts, only C) generated from e may be used to generate negative emoti ons suc h as rage, fea r,
and hatred. Only () generated from 0 may be used to genera te positive emotions such as peace, tran quili ty, and friendliness. Other emotions such as
con fusion ca n be created fro m () generated from either O or e.
The character may spend () to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicti ng I strain.


Spend () to increase power's Spend () to increase targets The Force user may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check
range by a number of range affected equal to Magnitude combined with an Influence power check. If the user spends() and suc-
bands equal to Range up- upgrades purchased. ceeds on the check, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state
grades purchased . or believe something untrue, lasting for I round or 5 minutes.

When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, or Negotiation check, the Force user may roll an Influence
power check as part of his dice pool. He may spend () to gain '!) or 0 [user's choice) on the check .


Spend() to increase power's Spend () to increase targets Spend () to increase dura-
range by a number of range affected equal to Magnitude tion by number of rounds [or
I bands equal to Range up- upgrades purchased. minutes) equal to Duration
/ grades purchased. upgrades purchased.

) Spend () to increase power's
range by a number of range
bands equal to Range up-
grades purchased.
// /

Influence's most basi c and arguab ly crudest ab ili ty
FORCE POWER: INFLUENCE all ows the user to inflict strain on a living target, stress-
The ability to influence the minds of others is not some- ing his mind un t il he passes out. However. upgrades
thing to be taken lightly. Misuse of the ability, col loq ui- allow th e Force use r who spec ial izes in Influe nce to
/ ally known as a "mind trick," is a su re step on the pa th perform much more subt le and im pressive fea ts.
to the dark side. A powerful Force user can manipu late
the minds of others to the point where he ca n convince BASIC POWER
them to believe thi ngs tha t are untrue, or ca lm an angry
The most basic form of Influence does not allow the
crowd . Conversely, he can l'ile the crowd into a murder-
Force user to guide or sha pe the th oughts of others. He
ous frenzy, or frighten a single so ul into gibbe ring mad-
ca n merely strain their mi nd, in fl icting stress and ex-
) ness. This is where th e danger of Influence lies.
haustion. The basic power has one effect that can be
However, Influ ence is not inh eren t ly evil. M any triggered mu lti ple times on t he sa me or di fferen t ta rgets:
Force users have used Influence to pro tec t the he lp-
• Th e user spends() to stress t he mind of one living
less or to dea l with a threat in a way that avoids vi o-
target he is engaged wi t h, infli cting 1 strain. The
len ce. It is much better to co nvi nce a guard to re t urn
use r may acti va te t his mul ti ple times, increasing
to his post than to have to kil l him.
the st rai n inflicted by one eac h t ime.

I _.1 I -

Force Power Tree: Misdirect • FORCE ABILITY
P~requisites: Force Rating 1 +


The Force user creates illusions to fool those around him.

The user may spend () to make a ta rget at up to short range unable to perceive a chosen person or object of silhouette 1 or smaller. Until the beginning of
.J -- the user's next turn, the target ca nnot see or sense the hidden person or object.

Spend () to increase power's Commit OO to susta in this Spend ()C) to increase the sil- The user may al ter the per-
range by a nurnber of range power wh ile the beguiled tar- houette of the object obscured ceived appearance of the
bands equal to Range up- get remains in ra nge. or illusion created by I per chosen person or object in-
grades purchased . Strength upgrade purchased. stead of hiding it.

Spend () to affect additional
targets equal to Presence per
rank of Magnitude purchased.

Spend () to increase power's Spend ()() to obscure addi-
range by a number of range tional objects or create illu-
bands equal to Range up- sions equal to Cunning plus
I grades purchased Decepoon.

// I

Spend() to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Spend ()() to increase the sil houette of the object obscured or il lusion
! Range upgrades purchased. created by 1 per Strength upgrade pu rchased.
/ . )
/ /
j/ FORCE POWER: MISDIRECT • The user may spend () to deceive the senses of

___/ Trickery is an impor.tant part of many Force users' ar-

a li ving target at short range or closer. The target
does not pe rce ive one object or being of silhou-
sena ls. letting them tip the scales of battle in their ette 1 or lower that is wi th in his line of sigh t until
favor or even avoid some conflicts entirely. Force us- the beginn ing of the Force user's next turn . Th e
ers versect in shrouding techniques often walk unseen user may not activate thi s multiple tim es.
am id st their foes-a parti cularl y useful abi lity for an y
/ Force-sensitive hiding from the Em pire. Especia lly UPGRADES
) skill ed crafters of illusions can even project vi sions
Control Upgrade: Instead of mere ly hiding an object
onto those around them . ba ffling pursuers or terrify-
ing enem ies wi th horrific phantasms. or person fro m the target wi th this power. the user
may alter the appearance of that object or person.
making it appear to be something or someone else
\ The Misdirect power allows the user to ma nipulate
the senses of others. beguiling his targets so that he
to the target.
Control Upgrade: Instead of hiding an object or per-
son from the ta rget with this power. the user may cause
can til ide people and objects in plain sight or impose the target to see a vi sion of an illusory object. person .
sensory illusions on those targets. The basic power or creature where none exists. This phantasm can be
mas. 0ne·way to spend Force points: silhouette 1 or sma ll er. To accomplish this, the Force

-:::p- )

0,. --

I ./-,
Force Power Tree: Move • FORCE ABILITY
Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 +


The Force user can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The user may spend () to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his max imum range. The default maximum range is short range .


Spend () to increase targets Spend () to increase power's
affected equal to Magni tude range by a number of range
upgrades purchased. bands equal to Range up-
/ grades purchased.


Spend () to increase targets Spend () to increase sil- The Force user ca n hurl objects to damage targets, by making a ranged
affected equal to Magnitude houette able to be target- combat check combined with a Move power check, dealing damage
upgrades purchased. ed equal to Strength up- equal to 10 times si lhouette.
gra des purchased .

Spend () to increase targets Spend () to increase power's
affec ted equal to Magnitude range by a number of range
upgrades purchased. bands equal to Range up-
grades purchased.
/ /
/ /

Spend () to increase sil -

houette able to be target-
•I ed equal to Strength up-
' ) grades purchased.

) ,/ FORCE POWER: MOVE • Th e user may spend () to move one object of sil hou -
ette 0 that is wi thin short range up to his maxim um
range. The defau lt maximum range is sho rt range.
-~/ Many Force use rs develop the abil ity to shift objects
witho ut physica lly hand ling them . moving matter with The user may not activate thi s mu ltiple times.
the power of the mind. Those with a modicum of training
in the ski ll ca n ca use sma ll objects to slowly and pa ins- UPGRADES
takingly rise, fal l, or travel in space. True masters of the
/ Move's upgrades inc lude the abil ity to move a large r·
Force are rumored to be able to hurl starsh ips about or
numbe r of objects at once, to move in creasin gly large
juggle heavy crates in the air. Other applications of the
objects. and to move objects over greate r distances.
power al low for Force users to manipulate control pa nels
Some upgrades give th e Force user di ffe rent wa ys to
or comp ute r keyboards at a distance. There is thought
use the power, though most are cumu lative improve -
to be no limit to what a Forc e user co uld move with the
me nts to the abil ities described by the basic power.
app lication of enough concentration.
Control Upgrade: The user gai ns t he abi lity to move
\ When movin g items, the de fau lt speed is slow and
de libera te. not fast enough to inflict inj ury or acc urate
objects fast enough so as to be both diffi cu lt to dodge
and capab le of inflic ting damage. Resul ting impacts
enough to allow for fine man ipulati on .
deal damage to both t he target and the object being
moved. The user ma kes a Force power check and rol ls a
ranged attack as part of the poo l. The attack's difficulty
At its most basic, Move all ows the Force user to move is equa l to the silhoue tte of t he object bei ng t hrown /

sma ll objects that are near him. It has one basic effect: instead of the normal d ifficu lty for raLl ged attacksa'iia
. I __..
! --' '

1 -/-
Force Power Tree: Protect/Unleash • FORCE ABILITY
Prerequisites: Force Rating 3 +


The Force user guides the flow of energy, protecting himself and others or unleashing blasts of power upon his foes.
Protect: The user makes a Protect power check and rolls an Average !ttl
Discipline check as part of the pool. Spend ()() to reduce damage from an en-
./ ergy-based weapon that hits himself or an engaged character by amount equal to Willpower plus 1 per 'tf . Dark side Force users may on ly protect themselves.
Unleash: The user makes an Unleash power check as ranged attack and rolls an Average It t J
Discipline check for difficulty. If check succeeds and
spends ()(), the attack hits. It has a range of short, a base damage equal to Willpower, and a critical rating of 4. The user gains 1 Conflict.

Spend () to decrease dam- Spend () to decrease dam-
age or add damage equal to age or add damage equal to
ranks of Strength purchased. ranks of Strength purchased .

Spend ()() to increase pow- Protect: Spend () to allow
er's range by a number of power to protect against all
range bands equal to Range types of attack.
upgrades purchased.


I Spend () to affect 1 addition- Spend () to decrease dam- Spend () to decrease dam- Protect: If no e generated()
/ al target within range per rank age or add damage equal to age or add damage equal to the power reduces damage of
of Magnitude purchased. ranks of Strength purchased. ranks of Strength purchased. all attacks hitting the target.
Unleash: Spend () to give
the attack Bum 2.


Protect: Light side Force users may spend 1 Destiny Point to use Protect Protect: Light side Force users may spend ()() to reflect all attacks they l
as an out-of-tum incidental once per session. reduce to 0 damage, dealing damage equal to initial attack to attacker
Unleash: Dark side Force users may spend I Destiny Point to use Unleash Unleash: Dark side Force users may spend () to reduce critical rating of
as a maneuver once per session. attacks to I .

Unleash gains access to both Protect and Unleash. Each

FORCE POWER: time a character uses the basic power. he must choose
/ PROTECT/UNLEASH whether to use Pro tect or Unleash and receives only
the effects associated with that choice. Each upgrade
Force users can harness the inna te abili ti es of the a character purchases improves both Protect and Un-
Force to protect themselves and others from harm . leash, but some improve each power in a different way.
However, that same power can be turned to terribl e
ends when th e user infuses him self with the dark side. PROTECT
Dark sid ers can shoot li ghtning from their fin gertips The basic power for Protect lets a Force user shi eld him-
or envelop the ir targets in withering, murderous cold. self or an ally against oncom ing energy attacks. A dark
side Force user cannot use Protect to defend allies (he
BASIC POWER can only use it to protect himseln. The basic power has
one way to spend Force points:
Unlike many other Force powers, Protect/Unleash has a
basic power that can be used in two very different. ways. • The user chooses himself or one ally he is currently
A character who purchases the basic power' Protect! engaged with and makes a Protect power c ~ck /

- ::-- j


Force Power Tree: Seek • FORCE ABILITY
' Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 +
..:-· r·--
The Force user allows the will of the Force to lead the way to something lost or forgotten.
The user may spend ()() to gain insight into the general location or direction of a person or object that he knows about, regardless of current distance.
./ The user may spend () and succeed at an Average ct t l Vigilance check [or opposed Vigilance vs. Discipline check] to see through illusions.

Ongoing effect: Commit 0 . Upgrade the ability of Vigilance and Percep-
tion checks once.

Spend () to gain one addi-
tional detail per Magnitude
upgrade purchased .



Spend () to eliminate I Force-based il lusion per Strength upgrade Spend () to gain one addi-
pu rchased donal detail per Magnitude
upgrade purcl1ased .

/ Commit O to continue track- Ongoing effect: Comm it OOO. The user's attacks gain Pierce with rat- Make Seek power check
ing target even when it ing equal to Cunning plus ranks in Perception. and spend ()()() to add~
to combat checks against
one target for remainder of
encounter. j

/ I
) / FORCE POWER: SEEK • Th e use r may spend ()() to gai n insight into t he
gene ral loca t io n or direc tion of a person or ob-
The Force user casts out wi th hi s mi nd's eye, search - ject tha t he knows abou t. rega rdless of its current
ing for somethi ng lost, conceal ed , or forgotten. Whi le d ista nce from hi m. Th e user may not activate th is
co untl ess di fferen t Force trad it ions ac ross tile ga laxy multiple times.
have attac hed d ifferen t practices and techniques to
t ll is power. from triba l cul tures t hat use it to hunt
• Tile user may make an Average (+t l
check wi th the power check to see through al l
prey-beasts to orde rs of assass ins who see k out any senso ry misd irections co nfronting him , whether
who de fy the ir orthodoxy, the basic ab ility remains th ese come from tech nology or more eso teric
the same: those who fo ll ow pathways of t he Force can sources. Thi s powe 1· wo rks against tricks such as
trac k down anyt hing or anyone, 1·egardless of th e dis- cloa king fie lds, holograms. Force ill usions. and
tance or eons tha t se parate th em from t heir qua rry. even physica l disguises. at the GM's discretion.
bu t has no direct effect on spo ken or wri tten lies.

\ BASIC POWER To success fully see past the decep t ion. t ile char-
acter must spend () to ac ti vate th e powe r and
Seek's basic powe r allows Force use rs to find faraway
things and to shatter sensory tricks th at migh t hide
mu st succeed on t he Average (+ t l
\ check [or opposed Vigilance versus Discipline
t heir q uarry. Th e bas ic power has two ways to spend
check if illus ions are being created by another
Force poin ts
Force user). If th e use r succeeds, llis supernatural

~ . )

/ I'

Force Power Tree: Sense • FIJR[E ABILITY

Pr_!!requisites: Force Rating 1 +


The Force user can sense the Force interacting with the world around him.
The user may spend C) to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings) .
../_ The user may spend () to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged .


Ongoing effect: Commit O . Once per round. when an attack targets the Effect: Spend () The Force user senses the current thoughts of one liv-
Force user. he upgrades the difficulty of the pool once. ing target with whom he is engaged.


Spend () to increase power's Spend C) to increase number
range by a number of range of targets affected by power
bands equal to Range up- equal to Magnitude up-
grades purchased. grades purchased .


When using Sense's ongoing effects. upgrade the pool twice, in- Spend () to increase power's Spend C) to increase number
stead of once. range by a number of range of targets affected by power
bands equal to Range up- equal to Magnitude up-
grades purchased. grades purchased.

I /
Ongoing effect: Commit O . Once per round, when the Force user makes Spend () to increase power's Spend C) to increase number
a combat check. he upgrades the ability of that check once.. range by a number of range of targets affected by power
bands equal to Range up- equal to Magnitude up- .J
I grades purchased. grades purchased.


Sense's basic power all ows the Force user to sense

_/ By opening his mind, a Force user can commune wit h
the living Force interac ting with the wo rld aro und him .
the world around him . He senses the end less movement
Thi s allows him to perceive life and read emotions.
of the Living Force. seeing beyond wha t his eyes al low
Th e basic power has two ways to spend Force po in ts :
The actions of those around him are la id bare. as if the
Force user had a bird's eye view of his surroundings, al- • The user may spend () to sense all living things
/ lowing him to anticipate attacks and better strike blows within short ra nge of himself (including anima ls and
of his own. or even spot ambushes and lurking foes. Al- sen tient beings). Th e user may not activate th is
ternatively, he ca n sense the thoughts of others. Even multiple times.
a Jedi cannot read someone's mind completely, but a
• The user may spend () to sense the current emo-
Force-sensitive being ca n detect his target's feeli ngs and
tional state of one living target with whom he is en-
emotions. and even sense surface thoughts.
gaged. The user may not activate this mu ltiple times.
Unlike many other Force po we rs. Sense has a basic
power that can be used in two very different ways. Us- UPGRADES
ers can re ly on Sen se to augment their defensive (and
eventual ly offe nsive) ab ili t ies. or they ca n invest in the Sense's upgrades are split into two groups: th ose that
ab ility to read the emo tions and feel ings of others. al low the Force user to protec t himself from danger
They can even re ad their surface thoughts. which ca n and augme nt his attacks. and t hose that all ow him to
be particul arly va luab le in a wide va riety of sit ua tions. detect the though ts of others.

/,' I'

Force Power Tree: Suppress • Force Ability

Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 +


The Force user can dampen llle effect of incoming Force powers, dramatically diminishing their effects on himself and his allies.

The user may spend()to add automatic Y to Force power checks made against him or any ally within short range until Lhe end of his next turn.

Spend()lo add additional automatic Y equal to Strengll1 ul)£rades pur· Ongoing effect: Commit O to Spend () to increase pow·
chased to hostile Force power checks. sustain ongoing effects of the er's range by a number of
power on each affec ted target range bands equal to Range
while wit�,in range. upgrades purchased.

Commit one or more O When an opponent targets the user with a Force power. after the opponent generates(). Spend () to increase pow·
reduce the total()generated by I perQ committed. to a minimum of 0. e(s ranee by a number or
range bands equal to Range
upgrades purchased .


}. Spend()to add additional automatic Y equal to Strength upgrades pur·

:�ased to hostile Force power checks.

--e user may make a Suppress power check along with an opposed Whenever a Force user tareets a character affected by Suppress with a
Discipline vs. Discipline check targeting another Force user within e
hostile Force power, if r.hat opponent used 10 generate()on the check.
orr range. ff the user spends()() and succeeds on the check. the he suffers strain equal to the user's ranks in D,sc,pline.
-·;et Force user immediately uncommits all O and ends all ongoing
ects of Force powers and Force talencs that required committed 0.

Control Upgrade: Whenever an enemy targets a character mediately uncommit all committed O and immediately end
affected by Suppress with a hostile Force power, if tt1at en­ all ongoing effects of Force powers. Force talents. and any
emy used any e to generate() on Lhe check, the enemy other effects that required committed 0. The user may not
suffers strain equal to the user's ranks of Discipline. activate this multiple times.
Duration Upgrade: The power gains the ongoing effect: Range Upgrade: Spend() to increase tt1e maximum range
Commit O after successfully activaling the basic power. This at which the Force user can affect targets with this power /

power remains in errect on each affected target as long as by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades pur­
J1e target slays within range of the power. If the target moves chased The user may activate this mulliple times. increasing
oeyond the range of the power. the effects end for him but the range by this number each time. )/
ot for any other targets affected by the power The user
Strength Upgrade: Spend() to add additional automatic
ay not activate this multiple times.
T equal to the number of Slrength upgrades purchased to
\.1astery Upgrade: The user may choose an enemy with­ hostile Force power checks targeting characters affected by
short range and attempt to disrupt that foe's use of the Suppress. The user may not activate this multiple times.
=orce. The user makes an a Suppress power check and rolls
-n opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check as part of the

)OI. If the user spends()() and succeeds on the opposed

),sc1pline check. the user causes the target Force user to im-

• I
Force Power Tree: Warde's Foresight
Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 +

Unlocked upon acquiring the

kyber crystal in Episode I

The Force user can feel the Force flowing around another specific individual to gain insight into what that Unlocked upon acquiring the
person might do. kyber crystal in Episode II
The user may spend 3 to gain hints about what another individual within short range is likely to do in
the near future. Unlocked upon acquiring the
kyber crystal in Episode III.

Spend 3 to increase power's When making a skill check to determine Initiative, the Force user may roll a Warde’s Foresight power check as part of
range by a number of range the pool. Fie may spend3 to add automatic Y? on his first check this encounter.
bands equal to Range up­
grades purchased.

S p e n d 3 3 to a d d L je q u a Once per encounter, use Spend 3 3 to have the Spend 3 3 to have the
to Strength upgrades pur the basic power as a ma­ bonuses the power grants bonuses the power grants
chased to user’s nex1 neuver. apply to all checks for apply to all checks for
check against the target. rounds equal to Duration rounds equal to Duration
upgrades purchased. upgrades purchased.

Spend 3 to increase pow­ Spend 3 3 to have the When performing a Warde’s When performing a Warde’s
er's range by a number of bonuses the power grants Foresight power check as Foresight power check as part
range bands equal to Range apply to all checks for part of an Initiative check, of an Initiative check, spend
upgrades purchased. rounds equal to Duration spend 3 to add Oon user’s 3 to add & or O to ally's
upgrades purchased. first check this encounter. first check this encounter.

S p e n d 3 3 to add □ equal When performing a Warde's Foresight power check as part of an Initiative check, if the user did not u s e # to generate
to Strength upgrades pur­ 3 each ally adds automatic & to the results of his Initiative check. If the user used # to generate3 the user may
chased to user's next immediately perform an action before the encounter begins, but each enemy in the encounter adds automatic Yf to
check against the target. the results of his Initiative check.


ft s Yoda says, “ Difficult to see. Always in motion, the One way to address this is to make sure that the charac­
future is.” In other words, it is im portant tha t the ter always learns something useful from using Warde’s
future not be immutable, because one of the underly­ Foresight. Even if a vision does not come to pass, per­
ing themes of Star Wars is that destiny is forged not haps it reveals a detail that is true—and useful—about
only through prophecy, but also through the choices the person it concerned. For example, even if a mysteri­
tha t individuals make when faced with predictions of ous Force sensitive does not choose to unleash blasts
their possible futures. of withering energy on the user of Warde’s Foresight
in response to an impertinent question, knowing that
On the other hand, the players would likely find it
the character has the capacity to do so is valuable in
frustrating if their new Force power wasn’t useful be­
and of itself. The vision might not come true, but it still
cause the future is too mercurial to predict at all, and
reveals truth. Warde’s Foresight can and should reveal
so the CM should strive to balance the effectiveness
things that don’t come to pass, but it generally should
of Warde’s Foresight with the idea that destiny is what
not show visions that are completely impossible.
one makes of it.

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