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Short exercises 5 a

1 Wyrazy 1–6 połącz z wyrazami a–f tak, aby powstały poprawne wyrażenia i wpisz odpowiedzi do

1 cough a throat
2 ear b ache
3 stomach c nose
4 runny d syrup
5 food e infection
6 sore f poisoning

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki.

mint temperature painkiller vitamins toothache drops

1 If you need vitamins , eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

2 Alan is at the dentist’s because he has got _______________.
3 I need a _______________ because I have got a terrible headache.
4 Try drinking some _______________ tea when you have a problem with your stomach.
5 These eye _______________ can help you with your eye infection.
6 Amanda’s head is hot. I think she has got a _______________.

3 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 formami przeszłymi was lub were.

1 I was very tired last Monday.
2 The pizza ________ delicious.
3 ________ you in hospital last month?
4 My mum ________ not at work last week.
5 We ________ in Greece last year.
6 ________ Susan late for school?

Short exercises 5 b
1 Przetłumacz podane wyrażenia na j.polski.
twisted ankle.......................................

bruised elbow.....................................

grazed knee.......................................

broken arm........................................

burnt hand.........................................

cut finger...........................................

2 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 wyrażeniami: There was, There wasn’t, There were, There weren’t.
1 There were a lot of people at the concert yesterday. ( ✓)
2 ________ many students in the school canteen during the lunch break. ( ✗)
3 ________ a very big earthquake in California last year. ( ✓)
4 ________ any rain last week. (✗)
5 ________ a lot of incredible animals at the zoo. (✓)
6 ________ any cars in the garage. (✗)

3 Z podanych wyrazów ułóż poprawne pytania.

1 you / one hour ago / were / where Where were you one hour ago?
2 was / hot / last summer / and sunny _______________________________________
3 tired / the football players / were / after the match _______________________________________
4 Tom / why / was / late for school _______________________________________
5 you / before / were / the test / worried _______________________________________
6 a shopping centre / there / was / in your town in 2010 _______________________________________

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